Background image with JS React and Semantic-ui - reactjs

Trying to get my page to display an image that is behind the text and icons.
Here is what I have currently:
import React from 'react';
import SamplePicture from '../../images/sample-picture.jpg';
class Front extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="ui segment">
<img className="ui floated image" src={SamplePicture} />
This is a front page that will have an image in the background
<br />
export default Front;
It displays the image but the text gets rendered below.
Basicly I want to create text that gets rendered on top of the image.
First time asking a question here so maybe there is some information that I should have shared, but haven't. Anyway, be harsh, tell me what is wrong about the code, the question.

You can do something like this using flexbox:
<div className="ui segment">
<div className="ui medium image">
className="ui active center"
display: 'flex',
position: 'absolute',
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
justifyContent: 'center',
zIndex: 1,
<div className="content">Sampletext</div>
className="ui floated image"
This solution uses flexbox to center the text over the image.
I've used as an image source to make it easy to demo, but you can change it to your image's src.
If the text isn't exactly centered, either change your container to a smaller size (from medium to small for example) or choose a bigger (wider) image.


How to make an icon fit into a row element in react-bootstrap

I am having a small issue fitting an icon into a Row element.
right now the icon takes up the whole row ::
<LinkedInIcon />
I was able to make it not take up the whole row ::
<div style={{ background: "white", display: "inline-block" }}>
<LinkedInIcon />
now I have to add some text on the right side of the icon, but its not working out. I added my code to the sandbox::
<p className="text-center text-white">Bosky</p>
{/* this icon does not behave properly, it does not allow the text'Bosky' to show in the same row */}
<div style={{ background: "white", display: "inline-block" }}>
<LinkedInIcon />
Maybe like this? It's a lot of style inline, but seem to get the job done...

How to make a button float right in React?

I'm trying to get the Add Server button to move to the far right side of the screen. Since float:right does not exist in React, what's the best way to go about doing this?
I made a wrapper called serverNavButtonWrapper tried adding padding to the left but this seems a bit hacky. I also tried adding a wrapper around both h3 titles then did flex-grow: 1 but this didn't work and ending up squishing them into columns. I would appreciate your help!
<div className={classes.serverNav}>
<h3 className={classes.title}>Current Servers</h3>
<h3 className={classes.title}>All Servers</h3>
<div className={classes.serverNavButtonWrapper}>
<AddIcon /> Server
preview of current render
If you set the margin to auto on a flex item, it will grow to the maximum available space. So the following will do the trick:
.serverNav {
display: flex;
.serverNavButtonWrapper {
margin-left: auto;
Or, if you don't need the wrapper anymore:
.serverNav {
display: flex;
.serverNavButton {
margin-left: auto;
The float property is primary the CSS property.
You can pass the stylesheet to the React components via the style attribute, e.g.:
<p style={{fontSize: "12px"}}>Text</div>
Two curly brackets are there because the argument type of style is an object and you are initializing it there.
So your code should look like this:
<div className={classes.serverNav}>
<h3 className={classes.title}>Current Servers</h3>
<h3 className={classes.title}>All Servers</h3>
<div className={classes.serverNavButtonWrapper}>
style={{float: "right"}}
<AddIcon /> Server

React Slick, Slider disappears when arrows are false

I'm using react-slick in one of my projects and for some reason when I turn off arrows the entire slider disappears
The code is looking like this
<div className="container" style={{position: "relative", padding: 0}}>
<div className={styles.class_name}>
<Slider onSwipe={this.swipeHandler} arrows={false}>
I'm using customized Bootstrap with only responsive utilities and grid.
Any help, suggestion etc would be very appreciated!

React, display styled text (from a variable) inside div

I need to display styled text inside div.
When doing it hard coded it works, but when using the variable value the style tags are not taking affect.
I tried this way but it didn't help:
<div contentEditable={true} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: element.Display }}
style={{ width: '100%', backgroundColor: "lightgray" }}>
{/*numOf(from(SHOPDB.DB2ADMIN.CLIENT), SHOPDB.DB2ADMIN.CLIENT.<span style={{backgroundColor: '#FFFF00'}}>LAST_NAME</span> = SHOPDB.DB2ADMIN.CLIENT.LAST_NAME) = 1*/}
Display edited/styled text - react
Rendering raw html with reactjs

How do I make component not visible in UI even when it is in the DOM?

I have a function printDocument that onClick downloads the pdf that has the content of <ComponentViewToDownload/>. I do not want to show that component in the UI, just Download button. Is there a way to achieve this?
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.printDocument}>Download</button>
<div id="divToPrint" >
Found a solution:
position: "absolute",
top: "-9999px",
left: "-9999px"
Works well and doesn't mess up the main UI layout
