CakePHP 4 Admin Panel - cakephp

I am a bloody CakePHP beginner and I am wondering if there is an Admin template for CakePHP 4.x
The templates I found by Google haven't been updated sometimes for more than 7 years. This question
is more than 11 years old and most of the links don't work anymore.
According to the DRY principle I cannot imagine I have to reinvent the wheel and start from the scratch with an Admin design, e.g. left a sidebar with the different menus for the CRUD operations and so on...

I found this plugin and it's exactly what I was looking for. It's very nice and covers all my needs and runs under CakePHP 4.x


Ionic 1 AngularJs 1 vs Ionic 2 AngularJs 2?

I want to move from IOS to Ionic. But i don't have any idea that which version is best for starting, because i did't know nothing about AngularJs 1 and its update version AngularJs 2 features and differences. And also i did't find any related help from internet with difference of both versions. Can anyone please tell me pros and cons or difference between them. Or which one is best. And if Ionic 2 is best so from where i can watch video tutorials of this.
If I remember correctly the podcast episode of Adventures in Angular, John Papa recommended starting new projects with Angular 2.
Since Ionic is built on top of Angular 2 it will be lagging a bit behind. If you want to go into production now with an Ionic 2 app I suppose it's not recommended using it. Since Angular 2 is in RC we might expect that they will release in the near future, and with that Ionic 2 will be some time behind that. Therefore, I recommend using Ionic 2 if you don't plan to go into production in the nearest future.
When it comes to the differences, this article has a nice write up on the differences between Angular 1 and 2.
Edit: It's been a while since I wrote this post and I have followed the development of ionic 2. I would now recommend using ionic 2.
Right now is quite unfortunate time to choose between Ionic/Angular v1 and v2. If you can afford that I would advise you to wait 1 year and the just pick Ionic 2. Most of the problems you will face today when dealing with Ionic/Angular 2 will be already solved here in stackoverflow 12 months from now.
Currently I would say it does not matter that much if you pick Ionic 1 or Ionic 2. In the first case you will move fast now, but waste time later trying to upgrade your app from ionic 1 to ionic 2. If you choose Ionic 2 now, you will waste similar amount of time just trying to make it work and adopt newer versions of Angular 2.
if You beginner you can start ionic-1 and angular-1,because lots of resource available like angularJS essential , Inter mediator and advance video tutorial in youtube and many other training provider.
if you want to include oops concept and other important script like typescript,move on to ionic2.
If you are developing a mobile app, the question is ionic vs ionic 2 vs alternative frameworks. A lot of work has gone to making ionic 2 fast, and unless you already have a lot of apps in ionic there is no point learning it now.
Regarding Angular 2, the benefit of Ionic is that you don't have to learn it to get started. You can create real apps using just Ionic, and when you do need Angular (for http for example) then there are plenty of examples around.
You can find videos on most of the pay learning sites, but to really learn it take an existing app such as, which includes enough Angular 2 (Javascript and Typescript flavours) to see how a real app can be put together.
You can also play with the Ionic components with
The only reason for going Ionic 1 these days would be an edge case supporting an older version of Android, but if you need to go to a version earlier than 4.4 you will also find solutions that Ionic 2 can use.
================= UPDATE Jan 2017 ================
There is a great starter project which has a number of app features built in, such as app settings, api connection, registration and login, welcome tutorial which can be found here

New Project - Angular 1.4 or 2.0 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
New Project - Angular 1.4 or 2.0? [closed]
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
This is duplicate of
New Project - Angular 1.4 or 2.0? . However thats been asked 6 months back although Angular 2.0 is out now.
We are also about to start the new project with AngularJs with responsive web design to have it compatible with mobile browsers.
Which version ( 2.0 vs 1.4 ) would be recommended considering 2.0 is quite new and things may change or may not. Although I am quite keen to use 2.0 given its new features.
Your expert inputs would be appreciated.
A source for some indicators would be :)
So no.
On the other hand I've heard from companies clearly working with angular 2 already. Rather smaller ones.
I would compare my project timelines with the one from angular - and consider some delays as well. If your project runs more than 6 months: maybe. Depends on what features you implement and when you do that. UI related features: the later the better.
If that looks suiteable: why not.
But consider issues with the beta software. Some issues might not be easy to identify. For ex. I tried working with the new router and ran into issues with the components and controllers. If I needed that feature (a working routing) tomorrow then angular 2 would not be the best choice.
Beside angular 2 being released, some libraries and tools may need to adopt as well, which will require some time too.
And you can not realistically plan based on announcements. Sometimes features one waits for are just moved into the next release.
So it depends on how much space is for moving work around or delay some tasks. And of course how well your developers are trained to track down arising issues and identify the cause.
If you have a release date already I would not take the risk (speaking today 28th oct 2015). I would rather learn something about the business and then migrate (do a planned migration) once I understood more.
You may ask again tomorrow ;-D
Angular 1.5 is close to release (in Beta now). It will be production ready and have some great new features, like the "component" object.
Start with Angular 1.5, write in TypeScript, follow all the latest best practices and your code will be close to being ready for Angular 2 upgrade.

Learning Drupal 7 and trying to understand themes and templates

I'm new to learning Drupal and I'm hoping someone can explain something to me. I'm trying to figure out how to change certain pages to have different template designs, for example one page can have a two column layout and one page can have a three column layout or one page can be a gallery.
Similar to this template from template monster.
So far all I have seen in terms of tutorials is just installing and setting up a theme and arranging the blocks around the site but nothing about changing templates.
I'm use to the way Wordpress does everything where with just one click in the dashboard you can change the template design of the page. If someone can explain how they differ and how they are similar that would be great!
Also if their is a good book on Drupal 7 please let me know.
Congratulations on beginning your trek into learning Drupal. It is, in my opinion, the best of the CMS's available today.
Drupal templates are controlled when logged in as a user with site administration in the 'Appearance' section. There, you can add a new theme or switch between those themes already installed on your site.
As for site themes displaying different page layouts depending on the which page you browse, as a general rule Drupal treats your home page differently than internal pages. Using modules such as the Pages module, you can control the appearance, layout and functionality of specific pages of your site.
There are a number of excellent books on Drupal 7 that cover basic as well as intermediate topics. My favorite is Drupal 7 Manual by David Ipswich.
Best of luck!

What new features and improvements does Lithium provide over CakePHP?

I've used CakePHP on several projects in the past, and have more recently started using Ruby on Rails, but there's a new project I'm about to start that will require PHP. While refreshing myself on CakePHP I learned that there is a new framework called Lithium that is essentially what CakePHP 3 was going to be. It's being developed by a group of former core CakePHP devs.
I haven't found a whole lot of information about it since it's still under development status, but I was wondering if anyone knows (or has a link to) some information on what benefits it provides over CakePHP. Hopefully something a bit beyond the quick overview shown on the official site. I'm trying to decide whether to use CakePHP for my upcoming PHP project or to wait a bit for Lithium to release a non-development version and try that out.
Hope this answer doesn't come too late, (and as the lead developer of Lithium, I'm a little biased :-)), but I will say that this is a hard thing to sum up. Lithium is the culmination of over 4 years' experience building and working with CakePHP, and while it retains many of the same designs and conventions, it was built to correct CakePHP's many architectural flaws.
In brief:
Framework features are grouped into loosely-coupled "packages" that are easy to use independently.
Tangentially, everything in Lithium is a "library", including your application, and Lithium itself. Support for integrating 3rd-party libraries is vastly improved, and all classes are namespaced, so you can finally have a model called File.
It is very easy to swap out core classes with your own custom implementations.
Lithium has a unique "filter" system that allows you to hook into many methods in the framework, which allows you to design your applications in an aspect-oriented fashion. These features work together to make Lithium the most flexible PHP framework, bar none.
Everything is lazy-loaded, and the architecture has been designed for maximum performance.
Lithium supports the latest tech, especially new databases like CouchDB and MongoDB.
I could go on for a while, but that's the gist of it. If you have any more questions, feel free to drop by #li3 on Freenode, and someone will happily give you a tour.
There is very little documentation so far. Here are some brand-new slides from gwoo though, that might be a good overview:
See the Lithium about page in their wiki. It lists all the features it will provide.

Which is the easier CMS to integrate with CakePHP?

I was trying develop a website with Cakephp and Joomla... But lately I've been founding a lot of barriers that create difficulties implementing things that would have been a lot easier if I only developped using one of the components.
So, in your point of view (as someone with more experience than me), is it worth to integrate CakePhp with a CMS?
If yes, what do you think its the best and easier CMS to integrate with?
Or use Croogo (
A CakePHP CMS. I like Croogo's implementation more than Wildflower and the admin UI looks a bit similar to Wordpress.
From my point of view i wouldn't try. I think there would be a lot of crossover functionality and a lot of conflict. Either use Cake and write a CMS and the other elements you want or pick a CMS and develop the other elements you want as add-ins/plugins.
Joomla, Drupal, Xaraya, Expression-engine etc are all extensible so pick the one that is the best fit and has the ability to be extended or maybe already has plugins you require.
Another option would be to use Joomla as the CMS and Cake for the other element you want, keep them as separate entities but skin then identically and make the navigation seamless. In this case about the only thing you would need to integrate would be state.
There are some out there already that are on Cake from the ground up. Wildflower for example
I have a cakephp site that is running wordpress in it's public_html/blog folder and it is doing great.
They are basically two separate sites, with two separate backend but it is fairly easy to create a model for the wordpress database if you want to pull in any data (eg. posts, pages, comments) and use it in the cakephp site.
As far a integrating the two I don't think it is a good idea if it needs to be a seamless experience for the backend users, most frontend users won't notice the difference because you can use the same style sheet and images.
If you want any more about my experiences with the combination let me know!
Cakeui is a rip of Croogo. Infinitas CMS could be what you're looking for if you want a full blown application or check this site for a list of good CakePHP Cms
As the developer of Croogo, I will be biased and recommend you to check it out at It comes with a web based installer too and you should be up and running in minutes.
Another CakePHP based CMS is Infinitas which has more features (including shopping cart). Both are based on the latest version of the framework (1.3 at the moment) and are actively developed.
I wrote a lot of CMS type apps with Cake and was thinking along the same lines. I've tried Joomla, Drupal and Wordpress but still had a dirty feeling in my mouth that I was failing by using Cake just for the sake of it or vice versa.
The most important common denominator, in my experience, is the back-end. It is re-used most often, but gets the least input.
Now I have built my own CMS with CakePHP. The intention is to 'opensource' it, but it's not quite ready yet.
I don't think it is worth the headache trying to combine, then maintain Cake and a 3rd party CMS. Save your best modules and components and build your own. The blog tutorial will give you a good head start and you can cherrypick what you like from other sources, rewriting it to suit your ideals. The benefit is you will then know the CMS inside out and have it working just the way you want. You'll learn a lot along the way as well.
