How to create an Eigen::Ref to a fixed-sized matrix row? - eigen3

I would like to write something like foo4 similar to foo3 in the Eigen::Ref doc here :
#include <Eigen/Dense>
using namespace Eigen;
void foo3(Ref<VectorXf, 0, Eigen::InnerStride<> >){};
void foo4(Ref<Vector3f, 0, Eigen::InnerStride<> >){};
int main()
Eigen::Matrix3f fmat = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity();
Eigen::MatrixXf dmat = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity();
foo3(dmat.row(1)); // OK
foo3(fmat.row(1)); // Error : YOU_MIXED_MATRICES_OF_DIFFERENT_SIZES
foo4(fmat.row(1)); // Error : YOU_MIXED_MATRICES_OF_DIFFERENT_SIZES
I'm using Eigen version 3.3.7

You are getting size-mismatch errors, because you are trying to pass row-vectors where column vectors are expected.
There are two solutions:
Change the function to accept row-vectors:
void foo3(Ref<RowVectorXf, 0, Eigen::InnerStride<> >){};
void foo4(Ref<RowVector3f, 0, Eigen::InnerStride<> >){};
Explicitly transpose the vector you pass to the function:
Note that there are some cases where Eigen implicitly transposes row-vectors to column-vectors (like the following example). But generally, I would not rely on that and always explicitly transpose vectors to match the orientation:
Eigen::MatrixXd A(rows,cols);
Eigen::VectorXd v1 = A.row(0); // this works
Eigen::VectorXd v2 = A.row(0).transpose(); // more verbose, but what actually happens


Create EigenSolver from MatrixWrapper

How to construct an EigenSolver from a MaxtrixWrapper?
test (also at
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
using namespace Eigen;
template<typename D>
void f(const Eigen::DenseBase<D>& a) {
const Eigen::MatrixWrapper<const D> a2(a.derived());
Eigen::EigenSolver<typename Eigen::MatrixWrapper<const D>>
int main() {
ArrayXXf a(3, 3);
a = 1.0f;
1st Error:
<...>/eigen3/Eigen/src/Eigenvalues/EigenSolver.h:71:10: error:
‘Options’ is not a member of
const Eigen::Array<float, -1, -1>
>::MatrixType {
aka Eigen::MatrixWrapper<const Eigen::Array<float, -1, -1> >}’
enum {
You don't. The solvers all want a plain Matrix<...> (or a Ref<Matrix<...> >) as template parameter. You can get the correct Matrix type using:
template<typename D>
void f(const Eigen::DenseBase<D>& a) {
Eigen::EigenSolver<typename D::PlainMatrix> es(a.derived().matrix());
The .derived().matrix() is actually optional here, since ArrayXXf gets converted to MatrixXf implicitly. (godbolt times out on this -- the EigenSolver is quite heavy for the compiler).

Conduct AngleAxisToRotationMatirx on part of a double arrray in Ceres?

Nowadays I'm working with Ceres and Eigen. And I have a 6x3 = 18-d double array, let's call it xs, which is defined as:
double xs[6*3];
Basically xs contains the 6 rotations expressed in angle-axis format. And I need to turn each rotation of all 6 into rotation matrix format, then matrix multiplication will be conducted.
struct F1 {
template <typename T> bool operator()(const T* const xs,
T* residual) const {
Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<T,3,1> > m0(xs, 3);
T m[9], res[3];
ceres::AngleAxisToRotationMatrix(m0, m);
residual[0] = res[0];
residual[1] = res[1];
residual[2] = res[2];
Here in the example code I extract first 3 elements of xs via Eigen::Map, then I applied AngleAxisToRotationMatrix on it. But I keep receiving such errors:
error: no matching function for call to ‘AngleAxisToRotationMatrix(Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<ceres::Jet<double, 18>, 3, 1, 0, 3, 1>, 0, Eigen::Stride<0, 0> >&, ceres::Jet<double, 1> [9])’
Can somebody lend me a hand here? I'm pretty new to Ceres and Eigen, it really drove me almost to crazy.
ceres::AngleAxisToRotationMatrix expects raw pointers:
AngleAxisToRotationMatrix(xs, m);

making 3d array with arma::cube in Rcpp shows cube error

I am making a Rcpp code for Gibbs sampling. Inside the code, I first want to make a 3 dimensional array with row number= number of iteration (500), column number=number of parameter(4) and slice number= number of chain(3). I wrote it in this way:
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
#include <math.h>
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace std;
using namespace arma;
//Gibbs sampling code starts here
Rcpp::List mcmc(const int iter,const int chains, const NumericVector data){
arma::cube posteriorC = arma::zeros(iter, 5, chains);
\\ rest of the codes
List out(Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("posteriorC") =posteriorC));
return out;
. While compelling it does not show any error. But when I want to run the code with:
res<- mcmc(iter=500,chains=2,data)
it shows the error:
Error: Cube::operator(): index out of bounds
. I want to know if there any mistake while making the 3D array. Please note that I want to get estimates of 5 parameters of my model.
You need to specify the template for arma::zeros to correctly fill an arma::cube, c.f. arma::zeros<template>
Generate a vector, matrix or cube with the elements set to zero
vector_type v = zeros<vector_type>( n_elem )
matrix_type X = zeros<matrix_type>( n_rows, n_cols )
matrix_type Y = zeros<matrix_type>( size(X) )
cube_type Q = zeros<cube_type>( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices )
cube_type R = zeros<cube_type>( size(Q) )
Thus, in your case it would be:
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List mcmc(const int iter, const int chains,
const Rcpp::NumericVector data){
arma::cube posteriorC = arma::zeros<arma::cube>(iter, 5, chains);
// --------------------------------- ^^^^^^^^
// Not Shown
Rcpp::List out = Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("posteriorC") =posteriorC);
return out;
Two final notes:
You explicitly state that the code as it stands now will create 4 columns to store 4 variables. However, you explicitly mention that you needed to estimate 5 parameters. You may need to increase this to prevent an out of bounds when saving into the arma::cube slices.
The way the Rcpp::List out is being created isn't quite correct. In general, the best way to create the list is to do: Rcpp::List out = Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("Blah"), Blah);

a simpler way to get variables from structs within structs

It's been over a year since I last used C, so I'm pretty much back to basics.
I have this code as part of a larger file:
typedef struct
float ix;
float iy;
float iz;
} InitialPosition;
typedef struct
InitialPosition init;
} Particle;
void particle()
Particle p1 =
.init = { .ix = 10, .iy = 10, .iz = 10 },
//glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 );
It works/appears correctly with my particle being plotted onto an axis, but it seems like there must be a quicker way to feed the variables from the struct into the glVertex3f method.
On the off-chance it makes any difference I'm using openGL & glut.
Should I also be using pointers? (If so an example of use would be great.) Like I said it has been a while so any help appreciated.
Functions that take three separate parameters require that you break each value out. If you're going to be using these calls a lot, you have two ways to make it more convenient.
1) make a helper function:
void myglVertexParticle(Particle * apoint) { glVertex3f(init->ix, init->iy, init->iz) ; }
myglVertexParticle( & (p1.init)) ;
2) use an expansion macro:
#define PARTICLE3f(uuu) uuu.ix, uuu.iy, uuu.iz
glVertex3f( PARTICLE3f( p1.init)) ;
Most people are probably going to frown on the second choice from a style point of view, and a good optimizing compiler should make the first case run nearly as quickly as the second.

Value passed from one function to another changes... Can't figure out why?

I have a very weird problem that I can't understand.
This is C code:
//below are the values being passed
//long numTreePeriods = 80
//double length = 0.23013698630136986
TTimeLineInfo* tlInfo = GtoTimeLineInfoNew( (long)ceil(numTreePeriods/length), /*ppy*/
Now here's the signature of the GtoTimeLineInfoNew function called above:
__declspec(dllexport) TTimeLineInfo* GtoTimeLineInfoNew
(long minPPY, /* (I) Min # ppy before switchDate */
TDate switchDate, /* (I) If 0, ignore ppy2; only use minPPY*/
long minPPY2, /* (I) Min # ppy after switchDate */
TBoolean wholeDayTPs);
When I debug my code and step into the function with the values specified above I get:
minPPY = -1636178017
????? What could cause this type of behaviour?
Just to precise the C code is a dll I am wrapping up in C++/CLI. Nevertheless the problem seems independent from that....
I'm not certain; but my guess would be a difference between how parameters are passed to a C function vs. a C++ function. Try:
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) TTimeLineInfo* GtoTimeLineInfoNew ...
For some reason ceil(numTreePeriods/length) was giving something very weird. So I wrote a ceil function myself to solve this problem...
Like highlighted in comment by glglgl, the appropriate header was missing, hence ceil was interpreted to return an int which led to funny values...
