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Closed 2 years ago.
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When creating new Form Recognizer project, getting this error:
I was working on this project last month and now cannot create new project or access existing proejct.
Error Message S-Shot
How to fix?
When you share an Azure blob storage path, you have to set an expiration date of such access. The error message indicates that such shared access has expired. You need to re-share the blob storage path. Please refer to the readme file of our FoTT tool for more details.
[MS Azure Form Recognizer Team]
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I need show reports (from PBI or GDS) to my more than 1000 customers, but with the azure active directory it its very expensive.
Is there something like azure active directory for google data suit?
Unfortunately no, thry need to register for new account with google account although they can keep using their email, gmail is not a requirement.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I need to create a postgreSQL database in meteor.js web app and then fetch data from CSV file and store in it.
I have no idea how to do that, kindly help me.
There is PostgreSQL driver, check this link
I recommend you to look into GraphQL, especially Apollo client.
Meteor internally uses MongoDb so I think you will not be able to use PostgreSQL with Meteor. It would be better if you use MongoDb with your meteor based app.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have created MVC web-app (AngularJS + Spring), as course work. Now I need to put it on the cloud server (aws amazon or something else). Please, help me to find good tutorial for it.
I wonder why you want to host your course work over cloud.I assume that you are well aware of "When to use cloud platform"
An abstract idea about AWS you can get here
You can do SO/google for specific case
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a website designed in my laptop, php and javascript have been used. Installed Xampp and database is built in mysql it is accessed through php in my website. So, inorder to access this website I have to switch on my laptop. Can I take this entire system online. If yes, are there any free online hosting of database. Database only consists of text, No media.
Thank you,
Amazon web services offer 12 months of free tire. Give it a try.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Do you know a simple online website builder that would allow me also to store and retrieve data. My application requires users to set up their profile and make the profile information searchable. What service online would allow me to do that? Thanks!
Either Joomla or Drupal should do you.
Dreamhost do good hosting packages with Drupal