Not able to set list2 in Adobe Launch in custom code - analytics

I am trying to set list2 in my analytics call through custom code but it is not getting set.
This issue comes with only while with s.t() method, it is triggered correctly.
Below is the code :-
s.addEvent("event12", true);
s.linkTrackVars = "list2";
s.list2 = "Data", "d", "Download", s);
If I place logger just before beacon call, it shows the value. However, when I click the button and check for same, only "event12" get fired and not "list2".
Any help would be highly appreciated.

Just tested your code on lululemon:
You're overwriting either the listvar or the linkTrackVars somewhere else. As #Crayton Mentioned above, doPlugins would be a good spot for it.
But it actually can be overwritten anywhere. In any rule that fires prior, or the s code, or any DE affected.
Paste your code into the console. Execute. Do you see the listvar populated? If yes, then your problem is in rules, so check them. You're not supposed to reassign linktrackvars. Always use the s.apl() plugin.
If no, however, then your problem is definitely in doPlugins. Sometimes I have it when I have silent catches in s code. Pageviews would have all vars populated, but links would have mixed results. Check your error reporting in the catches in doPlugins. I suggest having all code in doPlugins in a try catch.


React seems to be mangling variable names and then complaining they don't exist

Over the weekend, this bug (see attached image) appears to have crept in, I'm thinkning it was a dependency update, since the variable it's complaining about "_onAssign" does not appear once in the entire code base and the actual variable "onAssign" is defined in every case I have tested.
Is this a known result from something could I have done? (I'm still quite new to javascript and front end development, so that is enitirely possible)
extra note, this is not new code, and was working up until Friday evening, now all our builds are failing with this exact error.
_onAssign is not used anywhere, in any of our files, so it is rightly undefined. I would like to call the function onAssign
You need to console log that function and comment the whole other code so you won't get any error then see what it logs in the console and from there you can find out what is causing the error .

Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on a null object reference

Within a Codename1 app, I'm getting a CrashReport: java.lang.NullPointException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void' on a null object reference. This seems to occur after I invoke a "show()" on the main form of my application.
Note that the code runs fine in the simulator, but consistently gets this error prior to doing the "show()" on Android.
Interestingly, if I put a Dialog like this:"Wait a sec", "Showing interrupt point", "OK", null);
before the .show(), and then click "OK", then everything runs well with no exceptions at all.
But a sleep(5000) instead of the Dialog does not help - still get the exception. So it at least seems like its not a race condition.
I have try-catches wrapped around all of the potentially offending code, and have NOT been able to isolate this. It always gets caught by the CrashReport, and only when running on the Android device.
Any ideas?
The symptoms to this one are pretty strange (i.e. workaround with a Dialog), and it would be interesting to have an explanation. However, since deprecated cn1 (Map) code has seemingly been implicated, I'm going to let this one go and replace this code with the latest Google native maps code. If it recurs, I will post another question then.

How do I find the context in which document.write operates. Can you solve the riddle

Basically i have these two lines of code written right after each other.:
console.log(typeof (noAdsCallback));
document.write('<sc' + 'ript type="text/javascript">console.log(typeof(noAdsCallback));</scr' + 'ipt>');
The first one logs function, the second logs undefined.
Of course it's a bit trickier than that. So here is the set-up in a nutshell:
I have a so called waterfall of ad-providers. That means, I try to load some Ads, by writing (using document.write) some special tags (given to me by my ad-provider).
If the provider doesn't find an ad for me, they send back a javascript-snippet which looks like this:
if (typeof(window.noAdsCallback) === "function") noAdsCallback();
This function essentially writes the tags of the next provider, which does the same as the first one until I reach the end of the list.
This system actually works fine, doing exactly what I want it to do. Both lines given in the beginning log function.
Except if I use Google as an ad-provider. There is one thing Google does differently, which seems to mess everything up.
In Google, I cannot define a fallback-JavaScript-snippet. All I can do is provide a fallback-url. So this fallback-url (since it's loaded inside an iframe inside an iframe inside...) sends a postMessage to the top, which then calls the same noAdsCallback() method. And this too, works just fine. The message is received and the right method executed. However, already the two lines already give different results, i.e. function and undefined respectively
The next provider then fails to find the noAdsCallback() Method, when it returns, because it uses document.write to try to execute it. Somehow, the context was lost.
First hint: It works fine (i.e. both lines log function) in Chrome, but it doesn't work in FF or IE.
Second hint: It works fine, as long as context never switches, but if communication runs at any point through messaging, it get's confused.
Third hint: Using the fantastic postscribe library as mentioned below, actually solves the problem, but introduces new ones somewhere else.
Fourth hint: Debugging the, before using document.write, gives the correct name, so I'm not in a random iFrame.
Finishing thoughts. I know, i know: DON'T USE DOCUMENT WRITE!! I know that. But since Adproviders use it all the time, I am forced to use it to, otherwise I get this:
Failed to execute 'write' on 'Document': It isn't possible to write into a document from an asynchronously-loaded external script unless it is explicitly opened.
In Fact, right now I'm using postscribe ( and it works like a charm, except for one lousey provider. And the workauround solution would be, to use document.write only for this lousy provider and postscribe for all the others. But i would really like to find out what the root of the problem is.
Any Ideas, much appreciated.
I think I understood it now. Long story short: DON'T USE DOCUMENT.WRITE :)
Try postscribe, if you have to.
So in hindsight it is quite obvious, because really, anywhere you read about document.write() it says, that write() clears the whole document. And I just didn't get it, because I never saw it happening and every ad is using it, like the whole time. Plus, it seemed to work fine on Chrome. So what's going on??
Well here is what happens. As long as the document is open, which basically means while it is being written, document.write() just appends to the stream, and doesn't clear the document. And as long as I used document.write(), to append foreign ad-scripts (which may and will contain document.write()), the page does not close, hence the document stays open.
This is the reason, why adding Google to my waterfall, posed a problem: Google puts everything in iframes. So the page containing the waterfall model just sees the iframe and says: "well as far as I'm concerned, I'm done" and closes the document, while in fact, Google is still at it.
Afterwards, Google didn't find an ad, sends a postMessage to the main page, causing the next provider to be used. Who then uses document.write() and clears everything.
Everything? Not everything. Remember, it still used to work when I used Chrome? The reason for that is, Chrome just clears the HTML but leaves the Javascript intact. So on Chrome, my Javascript-waterfall worked fine, because all the JS-objects where still in place. All other browsers cleared it.
So that's it. Probably noone's gonna read it, but if you do, USE POSTSCRIBE! Now that I finally really understood document.write() and and document.close() I'm a big fan.

Nothing happening when I click Post Comment button (ThinksterIO:Real Time Webapps tutorial)

I ran into another snag while going through the ThinksterIO Learn to Build Real Time Webapps tutorial around the 90% mark where one is shown how to add and delete comments:
Every time I click the Post Comment button absolutely nothing happen and I simply can't figure it out. I am expecting some kind of error to show up but nil. It's as if the button is not hooked up to the function. I was so frustrated that I eventually just copy and pasted the code from the tutorial to make sure I had it down right. Even after doing that it still didn't work.
I've created a Plunker with this app running over here
You can sign in with the email and 1234 password. You will then be able to try to comment on posts. Any ideas on what is going wrong here?
I took away the user and 1234 password since problem is now fixed.
Your add comment button is in showpost.html, which is rendered by PostViewCtrl. However, your addComment method is attached to the scope of PostsCtrl (it doesn't exist when you try to click it). The simplest answer here is just to move addComment() over to the other controller.
Regarding the lack of error messages, I don't think that you can get an error for this. I had a look at the docs for $log and tried to decide if you could add some debugging output, but it looks like it's already on (i.e. the lack of a method seems to fail silently).
About your only option here is to try something like {{addComment|json}} in the view to see if it exists, but you'd first have to suspect that it didn't.

AngularJS: is there a debug mode for typos in bindings?

I've just wasted half an hour hunting for what turned out to be...
<select.... data-ng-options="x as for x in customerController_clipped.options"
instead of
<select.... data-ng-options="x as for x in customerController_Clipped.options"
That is, a one-character typo - in this case, a 'clip...' instead 'Clip...'
Sure, it's easy to see it when it's isolated above - but think of this inside huge HTML content, and you now know why I ask:
Is there a way to ask AngularJS to report any failures in names of bindings, to ease our debugging? A simple console logging of this kind of failure would suffice, instead of a silent operation that leaves our components empty...
I can't see anything built in for doing this, though maybe you could raise with angular.js as a feature request, or try writing a pull request for putting an option in $parseProvider? If you want to do this the only way I can see right now is by altering the code in the $parse service which does the interpreting of any expressions.
I've plunked a quick test to see how easy it is. The original code is from angular 1.1.5. Search for ANDYMOD in the angular-1.1.5.js file to see the code I've edited. This basically adds a console.log for whenever the y and z parts of a 'x.y.z' expression are undefined or null, rather than ignoring it.
This is in no way a production-worthy solution, and doesn't work it you want to use ng-csp, but it shows something can be done at least. Maybe you can sub these few lines in if you ever need to test again...
