Creating a nested navigation menu in in react with material-ui - reactjs

I'm trying to create a nested navigation menu with react and
material-ui by following an example I saw on css-tricks but I'm mainly getting stock on how to make the first menu render the second menu when I click one of the arrow links.
I have created a sandbox here with the code since it will be easier nested-navigation-menu
Here is the css-tricks article. Here the menu is one level deep, but I would like to make it two level deep.
Thanks in advance


How to add dropdown links in one of my links (my links are mapped) I use React and Tailwindcss

So, I'm making a navbar. And I render the links of my navbar by mapping them. But I want to customize 1 of my links to have arrow down and dropdown when clicked/hovered.
I want it to be something like this:
This is mine. I use ternary to customize the last link so it has border and different hover effect from the other links. But how to customize the first link to have arrow-down image and dropdown list? I'm thinking of using ternary(?) but I still dont know the algorithm of what to do. Is it possible to do? I'm looking up on google but they dont customize from mapped links.
This is my code. I use mapped links.

A Basic Nested Drawer with React Native

I've spent a lot of time searching this board and google in general looking for a basic understanding on nesting the Drawer component in react.
I am trying to figure out how to have a sub-drawer in my drawer menu.
If I open my drawer menu, lets say it contains the items 'Home', 'Menu', and 'Help' - if I click on 'Menu' i do not want the default behavior of routing to the component 'Menu' screen. I would like another drawer that contains another list of items to replace that main drawer view. I can override the default behavior of the Drawer with a custom Drawer, but I can not figure out how to nest a Drawer.
If a visual helps, this repo has a gif of exactly what I want to achieve:
I have no code to share because it's little more than what is in the docs under 'Nesting Navigators'. I feel what I am trying to achieve is super basic, yet, there must be something I am missing. I've come across #react-nested-nav, but looks like it is no longer maintained and broken, so the examples i've come across online that use it, are of no help; I could not get it to work, and it requires an older version of react. Thanks in advance for any help

React DND not working with Material UI Menu

I am using react-dnd to implement drag and drop functionality in my code. The problem I am facing is that if I wrap my draggable components inside a Menu component. the drop functionality doesn't work while the drag works, but if I replace the Menu with a div, it works as expected.
Here's a Sandbox where the issue is demonstrated.
I have created a Dummy component which is essentially the Knight component and passed it in a mui Menu in Board.tsx. On opening the menu, the component is draggable as expected but not droppable.
Checkout to without-mui-menu branch, where I have replaced the whole menu thing with a div and it works as expected.
I went through react-dnd docs, and I just need to ensure there's a dnd-provider wrapped at the top level for it work, which I have done.
Does anybody have an idea what could be the issue?

How to open two modals at the same time in react.js using MUi or tailwindcss

I want to implement the same functionality as the modals we see when we click on share some item on Google docs or Google the picture below please guide me on how can I implement that and point me out if there is an example on codepen or any other code sharing websites.
Basically, what Google Drive does, is wrap these "two modals" in the same element, and this element is THE modal.
So, there are no two modals, actually is just one, with two elements inside.
You can check this example, with two elements inside the modal wrap

how to use Parent-child transitions with Material-ui on desktop

I have a list in a drawer that is docked to the browser screen (desktop) and I want to expand the content of the list item to fill the entire drawer when I click on it just like explained in this demo:
I could find ways of doing it using Android but not using react material-ui V1.0.
Has anyone already done something like it?
