Elements not respecting fontSize - react-native-render-html

Concerning the use of react-native-render-html#4.2.1
Using a custom renderer for h1, I am setting the styles of a returned react native Text element. In the iOS inspector you can see that the styles are indeed there but the fontSize does not seem to be respected. Moreover, after testing more elements aside from the headers shown, none of them seem to adhere to the prescribed fontSize.
HTML passed is:
renderer for h1:
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
h1: {
fontSize: 300, // exaggerated for example
lineHeight: 34,
const renderers = {
h1: (html, children, styles, {key}) => <Text key={key} style={styles.h1}>{children}</Text>,
// consuming component
Inspection result:

I missed the tagStyles attribute for the HTML container. However, it would be interesting to know why I am seeing what I am seeing.

There is an issue in your code! The reason why you are not passing styles.h1 as you think is that styles is defined twice, line 1 and line 8. The second definition being in the function scope, it overrides the first definition.


How can i dynamically change images as Background in TailwindCSS?

I want to make a carousel, where the background is changing, i don't want to use the <img/> tag! I set the value as described in the documentation: https://tailwindcss.com/docs/background-image#arbitrary-values
My Code:
import React from 'react';
type CarouselProps = {
img: string;
const Carousel = ({ img }: CarouselProps) => {
return (
className={`col-span-full bg-[url(${img})] bg-cover grid grid-cols-12 gap-6`}
> ...
When i set the String i pass to the Component hardcoded it works but when i use curly Braces and $ it doesn't. In addition i don't want to define my Background-Images in the tailwind.conf.js
The Error:
ERROR in ./src/index.css (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[1].oneOf[5]
./node_modules/source-map-loader/dist/cjs.js!./src/index.css) 9:36-70
i don't want to define my Background-Images in the tailwind.conf.js
Well you have to. What you're trying to do isn't supported.
The way Tailwind scans your source code for classes is intentionally
very simple — we don’t actually parse or execute any of your code in
the language it’s written in, we just use regular expressions to
extract every string that could possibly be a class name.
so tailwind has no idea what your React code actually means. So it's simply not going to work.
Tailwind does not support dynamic class names:
Don't construct class names dynamically
<div class="text-{{ error ? 'red' : 'green' }}-600"></div>
you should customise your theme to include the image url:
You can add your own background images by editing the
theme.backgroundImage section of your tailwind.config.js file:
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
backgroundImage: {
'hero-pattern': "url('/img/hero-pattern.svg')",
'footer-texture': "url('/img/footer-texture.png')",
The solution is to use the style attribute. Thanks for helping :)
className="col-span-full bg- bg-cover grid grid-cols-12 gap-6"
backgroundImage: `url(${img})`,

How to get CSS Modules to work with Reactstrap cssModule propType?

I noticed most form elements in the Reactstrap documentation have a PropType of a cssModule. I would assume that means I could override the default Reactstrap styles and do something like this:
.formtext {
background-color: blue;
border: 2px solid black;
margin: 10px;
import styles from "./Formtext.module.css";
<FormText cssModule={styles.formtext}>
This is some placeholder help text...
However, this doesn't seem to work. Checking my react dev tools the cssModule prop evaluates to undefined.
I'm using Using Reactstrap 5.0 and create-react-app 1.1.5
Is there something I'm unaware of that I need to do?
Do I need to eject to be able to use css-modules?
Can someone point me to an example of how to use the Reactstrap's cssModule prop correctly?
For reference here is the proptypes definition from Reactstrap docs
FormText.propTypes = {
children: PropTypes.node,
inline: PropTypes.bool,
tag: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.string]), // default: 'small'
color: PropTypes.string, // default: 'muted'
className: PropTypes.string,
cssModule: PropTypes.object,
On cssModule
It looks like cssModules doesn't behave quite like you would think; the prop doesn't take a single, overriding class - it takes a rejected class and a replacement class.
Reactstrap uses mapToCssModules to get this done. See its documentation here. Take note of the usage example:
<Example tag="div" cssModule={{ 'w-100': 'w-75' }} />
So your case would look something like this:
<FormText cssModule={{ 'form-text' : styles.formtext }} />
This will completely surpress the 'form-text' class though (which in your case, only contributes display: block. If you'd like to override more selectively, see below.
Try this instead
In the FormText source code, it looks like you may be able to do your overrides in a different way:
If you want to omit the form-text class altogether, include inline as a prop,
If you want to omit any color-related bootstrap classes, set 'color' to false (or something falsy),
set the className prop to your CSS Module object (styles.formtext).
<FormText className={styles.formText} color='' inline>
Test formtext
The most important part here is actually the className prop. You can also further override styling by including a tag prop (again, check the FormText docs).
Hope this was helpful! Happy holidays! 🦃🎅
I did not really get the accepted answer, but I had the same problem recently and in my opinion, cssModule behaves exactly as one would expect.
You just pass an imported module object and then specify classes they will be referenced towards the module.
Here is my example (from create-react-app) how I did fix Navbar to get it's bootstrap styles from my bootstrap module (as I don't import bootstrap globally):
import cx from 'classnames';
import bootstrap from 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css';
import navbar from './navbar.css';
let styles = Object.assign({}, bootstrap, navbar);
public render() {
return (<Navbar cssModule={styles} className={cx(styles.navbarExpandSm, styles.navbarToggleableSm, styles.borderBottom, styles.boxShadow, styles.mb3)} light>[your menu here]</Navbar>);
This simply says the control to take the styles module and reference all the class names passed in classNames towards it. If you take a look at the mapToCssModules method, it is exactly what it does.
In my case, it allows the control to pick up the original bootstrap styles and I can override what I need in my own module.

what does this syntax in styled-components actually mean?

I've just started using styled-components and saw that they call what i presume is a function like so:
import styled from "styled-components"
const Button = sytled.button` <--- this
// css goes here
I've never seem that syntax before and wanted to know if someone could point me to some docs about what it actually is.
It's called tagged template literals. The "tag" is the function before the template literal, which is called with its parameters being the template and template's variables. The parameters are as follow:
An array with all the string parts between the ${variables}.
First ${variable} of the template.
Second ${variable} of the template.
For example, I have written a function named tag that does the same as the function template literals use to process when you don't specify any tag function (a.k.a its default function):
function tag(stringParts, ...values){
return stringParts.reduce((accum, part, index) => accum + values[index-1] + part);
Calling it this way
tag`Hello, ${name}! I found ${count} results.`
yields the same result as
`Hello, ${name}! I found ${count} results.`
and the params fed to the tag function are ['Hello, ', '! I found ', ' results.'], name and count.
That's how you set the CSS rules for the <button> element.
So then you can use it as such:
<Button>Hello world</Button>
and all the styles you wrote above would get applied to all <Button> elements
Styled-components is a library used for styling react components.
import styled from "styled-components"
const Button = sytled.button` <--- this
// css goes here
`` <-- these are template literals which was introduced in ES6.
styled is an object here and when you say styled.button it means that we are styling html tags. So you can style a div, container, h1 etc. You want to use standard css to style these html tags and styled-components create a random classname for the same.
let's say you want to style a div. You name it a Wrapper. The naming covention is first letter always capital.
const Wrapper = styled.div`
background: #c0c0aa; /* fallback for old browsers */
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to right, #1cefff, #c0c0aa); /* Chrome 10-25, Safari 5.1-6 */
background: linear-gradient(to right, #1cefff, #c0c0aa); /* W3C, IE 10+/ Edge, Firefox 16+, Chrome 26+, Opera 12+, Safari 7+ */
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
now you can wrap your content in render () of react.
//Your code in render of react class goes here
//thus instead of <div className = 'Wrapper'>
//you use the above code
//styled-components automatically generates random classnames solving major problems
</ Wrapper>
for more information see Max Stoiber's keynote at React Amsterdam.

Am unable to increase Height of Codemirror React Component

In my React application, I am using 'Editor.jsx component (which is just a wrapper around code-mirror, in case I need to provide frills around the actual CodeMirror-view).
The in which the rendered component from attached file is added to, has height of 100% and other components similar to CodeMirror do use that full height.
The CodeMirror component however only shows 15 lines (and i have to scroll to get to the ones below).
The code is very similar to the sample from github. The height property in getInitialState() also has no effect (neither does the containing ).
import React from 'react';
var CodeMirror = require('react-codemirror');
// fishing this 'require' out has caused severe headache and cost time.
// IF not included, default bootstrap style used. must override it with this.
// but for react-codemirror component we need this one!!!
// REF http://dorianpula.ca/2015/10/07/adding-a-code-editor-to-rookeries/
var DFLTS = {
javascript: 'var component = {\n\tname: "react-codemirror",\n\tauthor: "Jed Watson",\n\tforUseBy: "KB"}',
python: 'print "hello python world"'
export default React.createClass ({
localOnCodeChange(newCode) {
getInitialState() {
return {
code: DFLTS.javascript,
readOnly: false,
mode: 'javascript',
viewportMargin: "Infinity"
componentDidMount() {
CodeMirror.setSize("100%", 1000);
changeMode(e) {
// add python later.
// no-op
toggleRreadOnly() {
readOnly: !this.state.readOnly
}, () => this.refs.editor.focus());
interact(cm) {
render() {
var options = {
lineNumbers: true,
readOnly: this.state.readOnly,
mode: this.state.mode
return (
<CodeMirror ref="editor" value={this.props.code} onChange={this.props.onCodeChange} options={options} interact={this.interact}/>
Any pointers, greatly appreciated.
The .CodeMirror class in this library appears to have a hard-coded height: 300px in it and there's an unanswered question in their issues about being able to set the height. If you put .CodeMirror { min-height: 100% } in your CSS that might do the trick.
Alternatively pass a className to <CodeMirror> (it will get added to the classes) that sets a min height, or a height with !important, or just greater specificity.
(Tsk tsk to components that you have to fight with :))
if you need to dynamically change the height, or simply dont want to use css you can use ref
const codemirrorRef = React.useRef();
React.useEffect(() => {
const current = codemirrorRef.current.editor.display.wrapper.style.height = "1000px";
codemirrorRef.current.editor.display.wrapper contains the div element. From there you can do anything you would do if you did document.getElementById('#id')
I was able to get the height to override by adding an addition to the existing CodeMirror class in my CSS file as follows:
.CodeMirror {
height: 100% !important
it only applied the change after adding !important to force it to override the existing class which is hard coded to 300 pixels.

Is it possible to combine 'px' and 'vh' into the height of 1 component in react js

I have a few components and some of them are sized with px. The others I want to be variable size. However, the ones that are variable size are not a constant percentage of the page because of the components with a fixed px height. So I want a component to be about 80% of the screen height('80vh') minus the height of the other component. I was hoping to use something like
but that does not work.
I found this page which gets close but that my program does not recognize that calc function. Do I need to require it from some library maybe?
Any ideas on how to make this work?
I use syntax like this in my React.js components:
<div style={{height: 'calc(100vh - 400px)'}}></div>
it works for me.
Inside CSS code with LESS preprocessor I use the same syntax, but not equal:
.right_col {
height: calc(~"100vh - 400px");
In my experiments, I found that symbol "~" doesn't work in React.js components.
A way to solve it is by using style={} in your component.
const styles = {targetDiv: { height: 'calc(100vh - Xpx)'}}
<div style={styles.targetDiv}>
Note - you can get the window.innerHeight (see http://ryanve.com/lab/dimensions/ for height and width options in javascript) and just calculate this yourself in react and set the width or height in pixels.
If you do this with height, you'd need to recalculate if it changes
state = {
windowHeight: window.innerHeight
componentWillMount () {
window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize)
componentWillUnmount () {
window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize)
handleResize = () => {
this.setState({ windowHeight: window.innerHeight })
in your div
<div style={{height: this.state.windowHeight}} > ... </div>
You wouldn't want to do this everywhere, but it's very handy for some situations. For example - setting 100% height on Android mobile web, where 100vh does not work and device buttons cover up part of the screen.
