How can I authenticate against Azure AD from a browser in a non-interactive workflow? - azure-active-directory

I have a website hosted as Azure App Service with Azure Active Directory authentication enabled. Users can sign in from their browser using the interactive workflow.
The website must run as a dashboard on a big screen 24/7. There it is not possible to use the interactive workflow for authentication there, since there is no user to enter credentials.
How can I achieve this?
Is it possible to use a service principle with a client certificate? If so: How?

You can use the client credential flow to obtain a token to call the Web API hosted in your App Service on your behalf (not on behalf of the user). This solution is useful for non-interactive daemon applications that perform tasks without logged in users.
Since you have enabled Azure AD authentication in the app service, you only need to register the daemon app in the Azure portal. When you use the client credential flow to request the application hosted by the APP service, Just replace resource with the application ID URL hosted by APP service.
please see:here.


How to use Azure AD to secure an API that needs to be accessed by a 3rd party application?

We are running an API that is configured for and secured by Azure AD. This is working for us with an Angular app where users login interactively.
Now we have a need for a partner firm to use the API in a system to system way (no user login).
What needs to be configured for their application to get an OAuth token for our API from Azure AD?
I've examined the service to service call flow, but I'm wondering if it's best practice to create an application registration in our tenant for an application we don't own/manage. However this seems to be the fastest way to give them a client ID/Secret in order for them to interact with Azure AD.
Thanks in advance!
Azure active directory supports the OAuth 2.0 to authorize the
third-party apps too. It doesn’t actually matter where the web APIs
are hosted.You can even see Azure Active Directory
recommendation on third party apps. It actually adds up security
and different type of apps can be integrated .
But you will need to have your web app authenticate to Azure AD, and
provide the token to the web it requires app registration .
Scenario for external web app to call a web api, you can refer to
Your application can acquire a token to call a web API on behalf of
itself (not on behalf of a user) i.e; you can achieve scenario where
non-interactive app calls a web api
But if you meant app calling a partner api using another api .
The Azure AD V2.0 doesn't support the Partner API(See Restrictions on services and APIs) when you integrated the web API with third-party application using MSAL(Azure AD V2.0 endpoint) .
One way is using the on-behalf-flow. Here third-party application initially acquires the access token to call the web API. This web API acquire the token for Partner Center API and calls it using on-behalf-flow with that token. This solution uses the Azure AD endpoint instead of v2.0( register the app on Azure portal).
Other References: web api - Azure Active Directory Verify Access Token in Web
Api outside of Azure - Stack Overflow
Authentication vs. authorization

Log in user to AAD without App Registration

can I login a user to AAD without using an App Registration?
My problem is the following:
I am currently writing a python module that wraps the Power BI REST API.
Everything works fine if I register an app in AAD and authenticate via Client ID and Client Secret.
I would like to enable a user login, so that a user logs in with their credentials and can run the script with the privileges assigned to their account.
MSAL seems to support that with a PublicClientApplication and the acquire_token_interactive method. It still expects a Client ID, though.
My issue is that I would like to distribute my python module to other developers, without them having to register an app in AAD first.
After all, I can use the MicrosoftPowerBiMgmt PowerShell module without first registering an app.
How can I do that? Is there an authentication flow that does not need an App Registration?
It is not possible to authenticate user without App registration with OAUTH and OPENID connect, multi-tenant authentication means a template which will be deployed on multiple tenants with same client-id and secret

Desktop app opening a server-side Blazor page protected by AD auth

I have a server-side Blazor app running on Azure AppService protected by AAD auth. Authorized AD users (admins) are able to access and use the app.
What I'm want to achieve is to allow other users to access only a specific page of the Blazor app. Users would access the app from WPF app, themselves not necessarily being AD users, but AD application user (daemon app). WPF app gets the token (v2.0) and opens the page in a browser with the Authorization header (bearer token), however Blazor doesn't not interpret the auth header in request and threats the user as unauthenticated.
App registrations should have been setup properly as I'm able to access API when using this approach.
It this scenario possible? If so, any ideas what I could be doing wrong?
This scenario sounds like it is going quite a lot against general recommendations.
You really should not be doing "daemon app" authentication from a WPF app as it is not a confidential client application (and neither a daemon app). It runs on a user device, exposing the application's credential to any user.
Authentication flows that use secrets should never be used from a user device.
Secondly, a Blazor application is not generally one that can accept requests from an application.
Your WPF application should be calling an API, not a UI application.
What you should instead have is:
WPF app authenticates the user and acquires a token on their behalf to your API
WPF app calls the API with the access token
API validates the access token, authorizes access for the user and app, returns data
The Blazor app could be using this same API in its front-end code in a similar manner.
But I don't think you are going to be able to put it in the middle of your client app and the API.

knownClientApplications in Azure AD App doesn't work

I have a problem with consenting to my API. I have 2 apps in my tenant (Client, API). Client app is SPA and implicit flow is enabled and it calls API, so I added Client application's id into knownClientApplications in API application. For both applications multi-tenant is enabled.
But when I try to login in my SPA from different tenant I'm only asked for Client application consent and get an error that I don't have service principal for my API application.
What should be configured in order for this to consent implicitly to API application too?
I use MSAL.js library and Azure AD 2.0. Scope:
For the SPA application to prompt consent combined with your API consents, your scope should be
You can read about ./default scope here.
If you need a sample to clarify this concept, I would suggest this one

WCF secured with Azure AD

I have a WCF service hosted by Azure and secured by Azure AD. when I use the web to access the service I am prompted with the Azure login,after a successful login,I reach the data. I am trying to access the data form Winforms, I reach the OAuth2 login screen, I successfully login and get the token. I add the token to the context headers, but still receive this message:
InnerException = "You do not have permission to view this directory or page."
any help on how to access WCF secured with Azure AD, from Winforms ?
There could be multiple reasons for this error and it's hard to guess.
But here are few things to check.
Your client application (Winform) is registered with Azure AD and has
permission to access your web app. Make sure desktop/mobile apps have
to be registered wtih Azure AD as native app.
Your Audience is set correctly in Azure AD . I have seen many people
struggle if they don't have it set properly.
If your WCF is hosted in app services then turn on the real time logging. Go to app services and turn on the "Diagnostic logs".Under "Diagnostic logs" set the "application log" to verbose. After this go to "Log Stream" in app service to view the real time app logging. Now if you hit your web app with your client you should be able to see the why are you getting 401 unauthorized.
Hope that helps !
