CN.setScreenSaverEnabled(false); and MediaPlayer - codenameone

Oddly when I play a video using MediaPlayer in a non-native way, after a few seconds (depending on the mobile phone settings) the power saving mode starts, which turns the screen off. This is an unwanted behavior, because when playing a video the screen must never turn off or dim. I don't understand if this is a Codename One bug or a feature, however it happens both on Android and iOS.
Apparently I fixed the problem using CN.setScreenSaverEnabled(false);. My problem, however, is that it doesn't work all the time. The following code sometimes makes the screen stay active, sometimes it doesn't. I don't understand why sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
To better understand the following code, videoUrl is an HLS stream.
private void playVideo(Form parent, String videoUrl) {
Form player = new Form(new BorderLayout());
player.getToolbar().setBackCommand("Back", Toolbar.BackCommandPolicy.ALWAYS, e -> {
if (mp != null) {
player.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, FlowLayout.encloseCenterMiddle(
new SpanLabel("Stream will start playing automatically when it is live")));
player.addShowListener(l -> {
while (!Util.downloadUrlToStorage(videoUrl, "temp.m3u8", false)) {
CN.invokeAndBlock(() -> Util.sleep(1000));
try {
// note that we cannot play the locally downloaded m3u8
Media video = MediaManager.createMedia(videoUrl, true, () -> {
// completion handler, it's invoked when the stream connection is lost
if (mp != null) {
if (mp != null) {
mp = new MediaPlayer(video);
player.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, mp);
} catch (Exception err) {
ToastBar.showErrorMessage("Error loading straming");


When videos are just loaded or paused, they are completely black (on Android)

This happens on Android only. Videos work properly on iOS and Simulator.
The problem is that when my videos are loaded into the MediaPlayer, the displayed frame is and remains completely black. After pressing play, the video displays correctly. By pressing pause, the frame on which the pause occurred is shown correctly. However, if the app switches to background and then back to foreground, the paused video goes back to completely black.
How can I fix this problem?
The relevant part of my code is more or less as follows:
Media video = MediaManager.createMedia(videoFilePath, true, () -> {
Runnable callback = runOnVideoCompletion.get();
if (callback != null) {;
MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(video) {
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
return new Dimension(size, size);
Container mediaPlayerCnt = new Container(new LayeredLayout(), "NoMarginNoPadding") {
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
return new Dimension(size, size);
UPDATE: please see the comment Reduce the impact of videos in memory to prevent crashes, since there is a better approach than the solution I proposed here.
While waiting for a proper solution, I came up with a workaround that seems to solve the problem perfectly on my Android phone.
This code is in a method invoked to create each video and is therefore executed before, so the UITimer runnable is invoked about half a second after the form is shown.
* Workaround for the issue:
* "video" is a Media instance returned by MediaManager.createMedia
* This workaround is for Android only and it assumes we don't use autoplay
if (form != null && DeviceUtilities.isAndroidNative()) {
UITimer.timer(500, false, form, () -> {
CN.invokeAndBlock(() -> {;
while (!video.isPlaying()) {
* When in a scrollable container there are many videos,
* play does not start immediately, but only when the
* video becomes visible, so we must wait.
Util.sleep(100); // extra wait to be sure that the waiting is not zero
form.addShowListener(l -> {
CN.invokeAndBlock(() -> {;
while (!video.isPlaying()) {
// same as above
Util.sleep(100); // as above

Restore all layered pane components in their positions and repaint them

This question is related to this: Keep Codename One components in invalid positions after app stop/resume
In the linked question, the solution proposed is to use a fake layout. I tried that, but it produces side effects when I try to restore the original layouts.
I tried a completely different approach, that works fine on Android. My question is why the following code works well in Android only (it doesn't work on iPhone, that seems to ignore that code) and if there are small changes that make that code working also on iPhone.
The code:
private Map<Component, Dimension> layeredPaneCmps = new HashMap<>();
public void start() {
if (current != null) {;
layeredPaneRestore(); // it works on Android, but not on iOS
public void stop() {
current = getCurrentForm();
if (current instanceof Dialog) {
((Dialog) current).dispose();
current = getCurrentForm();
* Save the position of all layered pane components in a recursive way: just
* invoke with null as cnt.
* #param cnt
private void layeredPaneSave(Container cnt) {
if (cnt == null) {
cnt = Display.getInstance().getCurrent().getLayeredPane(this.getClass(), true);
for (int i = 0; i < cnt.getComponentCount(); i++) {
layeredPaneCmps.put(cnt.getComponentAt(i), new Dimension(cnt.getComponentAt(i).getX(), cnt.getComponentAt(i).getY()));
if (cnt.getComponentAt(i) instanceof Container) {
layeredPaneSave((Container) cnt.getComponentAt(i));
* Restores all layered pane components in their position and repaints them.
private void layeredPaneRestore() {
Container layeredPane = Display.getInstance().getCurrent().getLayeredPane(this.getClass(), true);
for (Component cmp : layeredPaneCmps.keySet()) {
Android and iOS have very different suspend/resume behaviors where iOS tries to minimize repaints and back-grounding while Android constantly suspends/resumes. I would suggest logging in the stop()/start() method to make sure they aren't invoked multiple times.
Notice that you shouldn't invoke repaint() it would be invoked for you. Since a repaint() might trigger a layout this could be a problem. Also the repaint() of the parent component loops into painting the components so layeredPane would be enough and doesn't require also cmp.repaint();.

Application Won't 'new' when called

I am calling a new xaml application with some parameter inputs using the word new, but it does not seem to be working. I am also attempting to use onclosing to set it to null. When launching it for the first time it works (everything is new), but launching it after it finished, it seems to continue its previous state (brings to finished score board). Here is the snipplet of the code . . .
quizUI = new QuizzUI.MainWindow(App.User, true);
quizUI.Closed += (o, s) =>
quizUI = null;
this is hooked to a button event. does anyone know how i can absolutely new this object's state every time? the two paramters are user's info and second one is to shortcut without prompt screen/loading screen.
Here is the code for QuizzUI.MainWindow.LaunchQuizz:
public void LaunchQuiz(GameQuizzSet quiz)
quizz = new QuizzContainer()
QSet = quiz,
if (isShortCutted)
bool? diag = quizz.ShowDialog();
if (diag.HasValue)
the QuizzUI.MainWindow allows the user to select their profile and which quiz to execute.

Large method causing silverlight application to go into "Not responding" state

I am working on an application that plays videos through the silverlight MediaElement object.
I have a large method which is responsible for the following
Opens a FileInfo item on the local file path of the video and strips the file name to get the first portion of the filename which we use as part of the license acquisition process
Sets the LicenseAcquirer on the MediaElement
Sets the Source property of the MediaElement
When this method is called, it actually causes the application to go into a "Not reponding" state for a couple of seconds. How do I avoid this? I have tried putting this all into a background worker but I have to invoke the UI thread for almost all of the calls and this didnt help it seemed to actually make things slower.
I have a busy box that shows while this all happens but that actually stops reporting progress in those seconds where the application is not responding. I understand why this is happening - a lot of work happening on the main UI thread, but how do I avoid this?
This is the code that is causing the trouble:
private void SetupMediaElement(String mediaElementType)
Messenger.Default.Send("Loading video...", "SetNowWatchingVideoBusyBoxText");
Messenger.Default.Send(true, "SetNowWatchingVideoBusyBox");
if (_mainMediaElement != null)
VideoItem vi = CurrentSession.NowPlayingVideoItem;
if (vi != null)
CurrentVideoItem = vi;
MustShowImage = true;
if (vi.ID != string.Empty)
String mediaId = String.Empty;
if (vi.LocalFilePath != DEMOVIDEOPATH)
if (vi.LocalFilePath != String.Empty)
var fi =
new FileInfo(vi.LocalFilePath);
if (fi.Exists)
mediaId = fi.Name.Substring(fi.Name.LastIndexOf('-') + 1,
(fi.Name.LastIndexOf('.') -
(fi.Name.LastIndexOf('-') + 1)));
Debug.WriteLine("localFilePath is empty");
Debug.WriteLine("MediaId = " + mediaId +
", SessionId = " +
CurrentSession.LoggedOnUser.SessionId +
",Ticket = " +
string licenseURL = GetLicenseURL(mediaId, CurrentSession.LoggedOnUser.SessionId,
if (licenseURL != string.Empty)
var la = new LicenseAcquirer
new Uri(
la.AcquireLicenseCompleted += la_AcquireLicenseCompleted;
_mainMediaElement.LicenseAcquirer = la;
var fileInfo = new FileInfo(vi.LocalFilePath);
string playURL = #"file://" +
Path.Combine(CoreConfig.HOME_FULL_PATH, fileInfo.Name);
playURL = playURL.Replace("\\", #"/");
VideoURL = playURL;
VideoURL = vi.LocalFilePath;
Messenger.Default.Send(false, "SetNowWatchingVideoBusyBox");
_totalDurationSet = false;
TotalTime = FormatTextHoursMinutesSecond(_mainMediaElement.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan);
Messenger.Default.Send(false, "SetNowWatchingVideoBusyBox");
Messenger.Default.Send(false, "SetNowWatchingVideoBusyBox");
catch (Exception ex)
Messenger.Default.Send(false, "SetNowWatchingVideoBusyBox");
So it turns out that the method posted above is NOT the cause of the delay - that code executes in under a second. The problem comes in when the media element's source is set and it reads the file to the end - large files take time and this is the delay. Am opening a new question based on this.
You should do some diagnostics to determine which line(s) are truely costing all that time, its unlikely that amount of time is spread evenly across the whole function.
Place that line (or lines) in a background thread (hopefully that line doesn't need to be on the UI thread).
So it turns out that the method posted above is NOT the cause of the delay - that code executes in under a second. The problem comes in when the media element's source is set and it reads the file to the end - large files take time and this is the delay. Am opening a new question based on this.

NetConnect fails silently in Flash when called from SilverLight

This is a complex question, because there are a lot of moving parts. My apologies in advance.
I'm trying to write a Silverlight control that hosts a Flash camera and microphone (since Silverlight doesn't support these things natively, worse luck). I've written a short little Flex application ("WLocalWebCam.swf") which handles the camera, and exposes two external methods: connect(uri:String, streamName:String), and disconnect(). I can call these successfully through JavaScript as follows (simplified to remove error handling, etc.):
function connectWebCam(webCamID, rtmpUri, streamName) {
var flashCam = getWebCam(webCamID);
flashCam.Connect(rtmpUri, streamName);
function disconnectWebCam(webCamID) {
var flashCam = getWebCam(webCamID);
function getWebCam(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
When I call these functions from another JavaScript source (e.g., a button click handler), the web cam connects correctly up to the RTMP server (I'm using Wowza). However, when I call exactly these same functions on the same page from Silverlight, the Flash camera fails to connect to the RTMP server.
/// <summary>
/// Connect() invokes the connectWebCam() JavaScript function contained in the WebCam.js file on the website.
/// The connectWebCam() method in turn calls the Connect() method on the contained Flash web cam object.
/// </summary>
public void Connect()
ScriptObject connectWebCam = (ScriptObject)HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("connectWebCam");
connectWebCam.InvokeSelf(CameraID, RtmpUri.ToString(), CameraID);
However, it fails in an interesting fashion. The ActionScript connect() method gets called, it successfully calls getConnection(), but the handleNetStatus event handler method never gets called, and the Wowza server never sees an attempt to connect.
Here's the ActionScript code I'm using, this time with the debugging bits left in.
public function connect(uri:String, name:String):void
rtmpUri = uri;
streamName = name;
logMessage("Beginning attempt to open connection; rtmpUri=" + rtmpUri + "; streamName = " + streamName);
logMessage("Retrieving camera.");
cam = Camera.getCamera();
if( cam != null )
logMessage("Retrieved camera.");
cam.setMode( 320, 240, 20 );
cam.setQuality( 0,0 );
logMessage("Unable to retrieve camera instance.");
logMessage("Retrieving microphone.");
mic = new Microphone();
if (mic == null)
logMessage("Unable to retrieve microphone instance.");
logMessage("Retrieving NetConnection.");
chatNC = getConnection();
private function getConnection(): NetConnection
var nc: NetConnection = new NetConnection();
if (nc != null)
logMessage("Retrieved NetConnection().");
nc.client = this;
nc.objectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF0;
nc.addEventListener( NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, this.handleNetStatus );
logMessage("Connecting to " + rtmpUri);
nc.connect(rtmpUri); // <-- We get successfully to this point.
logMessage("Unable to retrieve new NetConnection()");
return nc;
private function handleNetStatus( event:NetStatusEvent ):void
logMessage("[SYSTEM MESSAGE] net status " + + " type " + event.type); // <-- We never get this far. This bit never gets called.
switch( )
case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
default:"Error connecting: " +, "Error Connecting");
This has got me seriously scratching my head.
Does anyone know why the exact same ActionScript would behave differently if called from Silverlight vs. being called from JavaScript? Any suggestions on troubleshooting it?
Sigh. Never mind. Turns out it makes a difference if you try to connect to http://localhost/videochat instead of rtmp://localhost/videochat. It all works as expected when you give it the right parameters. I must have looked at that code a hundred times before I spotted what I did wrong.
