Salesforce Execute Composite Request Delete Records - salesforce

Not sure this should go to connectors or data-weave , but posting it here. This is related to salesforce-composite-request connector.
First I need to get a list of Ids and then delete them , is it possible using composite-request . Here is what I'm trying with dw:
%dw 2.0
output application/json
allOrNone: true,
compositeRequest: [
method: "GET",
referenceId: "GetOrderIds",
url: "/services/data/v48.0/query/?q=SELECT+Id++From+OrderItem+WHERE+Order.SAP_Sales_Document_Number__c+=+'70022247'"
method: "DELETE",
referenceId: "deleteOrderIds",
url: "/services/data/v48.0/sobjects/OrderItem/Id/" ++ "#{GetOrderIds.records.Id}"
With above the error is: Invalid reference specified. No value for GetOrderIds.records.Id found in GetOrderIds .
Its working when i use #{GetOrderIds.records[0].Id} but it's deleting only one record , i need to delete all the list.
Any Idea ?


Cloud Tasks App Engine target with relative URI throws Exception 400 : HttpRequest.url is required

I am trying to create a task using Google Cloud Tasks using the Python client google-cloud-tasks==2.1.0 but I am getting an exception that HttpRequest.url is required. I am setting relative url which is a URL handling the task in my app.
The queue exists and has been created using:
gcloud task create queue notifications
The code:
client = tasks_v2.CloudTasksClient()
parent = client.queue_path(project, location, queue)
task = {
'app_engine_http_request': {
'http_method': tasks_v2.HttpMethod.POST,
'relative_uri': notification_url,
'body': payload.encode('utf-8')
'http_request': {
'headers': {"Content-type": "application/json"}
response = client.create_task(parent=parent, task=task)
The exact error that I receive is:
google.api_core.exceptions.InvalidArgument: 400 HttpRequest.url is required
I am trying to create task in my App Engine Standard environment.
#Donald was right, but i think there is a typo in the google docs he linked. I set my headers within app_engine_http_request, not http_request.
I don't think you can provide both app_engine_http_request and http_request, you can only do one. So like this:
client = tasks_v2.CloudTasksClient()
parent = client.queue_path(project, location, queue)
task = {
'app_engine_http_request': {
'http_method': tasks_v2.HttpMethod.POST,
'relative_uri': notification_url,
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
'body': payload.encode('utf-8')
response = client.create_task(parent=parent, task=task)
Your task have two targets which is App Engine and HTTP. On HTTP, a URL is required as specified in creating HTTP target tasks.
The URL must start with 'http://' or 'https://'. To fix the problem, update your http_request:
'http_request': {
'headers': {"Content-type": "application/json"},
'url': "https://[SERVICE-URL]" + notification_url
Or, remove http_request and specify your header like this just after declaring your task:
task["http_request"]["headers"] = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
EDIT: When specifying App Engine headers, it is also possible to write it down this way:
task["app_engine_http_request"]["headers"] = {"Content-type": "application/json"}

Vuejs axios how to pass array with key?

I'm trying to post to my Laravel backend some data as 'offer' array:
That is how it looks in postman and works:
keys: offer[title], offer[description], offer[author_user_id]
now with axios I've tried something like:
offer: {
title: this.input.title,
description: this.input.description,
author_user_id: id,
tried also with:
[key=>val] and for example offer.title: value, but also failed.
How it should looks like?
EDIT:'http://api.wip/api/offer/store', {
offer: {
title: this.input.title,
description: this.input.description,
author_user_id: id,
category: 2
}, {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'X-Requested-With': 'application/json'
.then(function () {
.catch(function () {
In my console I can see it's sent as:
I recive 500 error from server with response from Laravel that it expects data to be array.
"message": "Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Builder::create() must be of the type array, null given, called in D:\\wamp64\\www\\apitest\\vendor\\laravel\\framework\\src\\Illuminate\\Support\\Traits\\ForwardsCalls.php on line 23",
As I said it works with postman, but can't make this works from axios
Laravel controller:
public function store(Request $request) {
$offer = Offer::create($request->input('offer'));
return response()->json($offer);
Boussadjra Brahim is right the issue is in the backend But its caused by sending null values from the frontend so we have to take a look at frontend.
first thing is using {} meaning u are creating object , [] is array and laravel create method accept array only
the input is an array itself as u are accessing it keys with (dot) so why not just set offer to the whole array and then separate them in the backend ? like this'http://api.wip/api/offer/store', {
author_user_id: id,
category: 2
in your backend u can access them like :
$title = $request->offer['title'];
one last thing, when u are using create method the keys must be the same name as the column name in database or it will throw error!
hope it helps

Spotify API Post Request Add Tracks To Playlist - ERROR 400 BAD REQUEST

Im having what seems to be a very common error when working on the Spotify API adding tracks to a users playlist. In a previous fetch method I have obtained the users playlistId and am now trying to post tracks onto that playlist with that playlistId. I have followed the documentation but am obviously missing something, here is code:
` //userUd, playlistId, currentUserAccessToken, trackURIs are all defined
fetch(`${userId}/playlists/${playlistId}/tracks`, {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + currentUserAccessToken
contentType: 'application/json',
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
"uris": `[${trackURIs}]`
}).then(success => {
return success;
}).catch(err => {
console.log('here is your error', err);
I did the GET request to authorize user - included scope for creating public playlist, in different code block which is working, here's that:
`let scopes = 'playlist-modify-public';
Thanks a ton!
The JSON array needs quotes around each element in it. So each track should be quoted, like so:
{"uris": ["spotify:track:4iV5W9uYEdYUVa79Axb7Rh", "spotify:track:1301WleyT98MSxVHPZCA6M"]}
I think you're supplying an object names uris with an invalid array.
And, note you can pass the playlist items as query params too (instead of in the body), without using json.

How to add additional request body values to Apollo GraphQL request?

I'm using Apollo with the service and for writing blobs to that service I need to be able to add additional options to the request body.
The full Scaphold example can be found here:
But it does something like this:
form.append("variables", JSON.stringify({
"input": {
"name": "Mark Zuck Profile Picture",
"userId": "VXNlcjoxMA==",
"blobFieldName": "myBlobField"
// The file's key matches the value of the field `blobFieldName` in the variables
form.append("myBlobField", fs.createReadStream('./mark-zuckerberg.jpg'));
fetch("", {
method: 'POST',
body: form
}).then(function(res) {
return res.text();
}).then(function(body) {
Where it adds a blobField to the request body.
Based on this, I need to pass into the variables a blobFieldName property, and then add to the request body the value passed to that property with the blob. However, using Apollo I can't add to the request body. I tried the following, but it's absent from the request body when I check in the network inspector:
export const withCreateCoverPhoto = graphql(CreateCoverPhoto, {
props: ({mutate}) => ({
createCoverPhoto: (name, file) => mutate({
variables: {
input: {
blobFieldName: name,
[name]: file
Please advise.
Thanks for the question. Currently the best way to upload files is by [appending it to FormData and sending it up to the server using fetch] ( Basically, you won't be able to have caching here for the file itself, but this is the best way to handle uploading files on Scaphold using a multipart request. and WCF services via JSON

I'm trying to make ExtJs work with backend running WCF RIA services with JSON endpoint enabled. The backend I have uses GetXXX for read data and CommitChanges for create/update/delete data. It also has not ExtJs standard message format, so I have store class defined like this:
function cloneObject(src, dst) {
for (var key in src)
dst[key] = src[key];
return dst;
Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
model: 'MyApp.model.Tax',
autoLoad: true,
autoSync: true,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
api: {
read: '/MyApp/MyAppWeb-Web-MyAppDomain.svc/JSON/GetItems',
update: '/MyApp/MyAppWeb-Web-MyAppDomain.svc/JSON/SubmitChanges',
create: '/MyApp/MyAppWeb-Web-MyAppDomain.svc/JSON/SubmitChanges',
destroy: '/MyApp/MyAppWeb-Web-MyAppDomain.svc/JSON/SubmitChanges'
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'GetItemsResult.RootResults',
successProperty: null,
totalProperty: 'GetItemsResult.TotalCount'
writer: {
type: 'json',
root: 'changeSet',
currentOperation: null,
getRecordData: function(record) {
var changeSet = [];
var entity = {
Id: 0,
Operation: 3,
Entity: {
__type: 'Items:#MyApp.Web'
OriginalEntity: {
__type: 'Items:#MyApp.Web'
cloneObject(, entity.Entity);
cloneObject(record.raw, entity.OriginalEntity);
return changeSet;
As you can in order to accomodate Microsoft JSON endpoint format I had to override getRecordData and create custom JSON object. I can probably replace cloneObject function with merge function, right? (I'm still kind of new to ExtJs, so may be I'm trying to "invent a bicycle" here.
It works more or less as expected for update, however for create and delete I need to create slightly different message format. Different Operation code and no need to send OriginalEntity. However inside getRecordData I don't have information about what kind of operation is being performed. So question #1
What is the best approach here? Override 'write' method as well or is there another way?
Question #2. After any update standard store class would call reader in order to parse response, but response for update is very different then response for GetItems and I have no idea how to handle that.
Any suggestions or links to walk-through on how to tie ExtJs and Domain Services?
I ended up re-writing Proxy class to add support for different parsing for read/write operations. Works pretty well. Let me know if somebody else faces same problems - I will post code samples.
