Is it possible to pipe the command output to the following batch file as its input?
I'd like to feed output from commands such as dir c:\temp |find "05" |find "new" to the following batch file. Because my command have many variations and I don't want to edit the batch file every time I need it, thus, I'm looking for a way to feed the command output directly to the batch file, instead of having the batch file generate its input using dir /b. Basically, what I'd like to achieve is to find from a list of files (generated using the dir command) the file whose name contains the highest number (achieved using the batch file.) Example:
With the dir command, I can filter off today or tomorrow, leaving only two files. Then, feed these two files to the batch file and have it select the one which has 456 in the file name. Of course, this is a simplified example. I may have more files and more groups than those in the example.
for /f %%a in ('dir /b ^|sort /r ^|findstr /r [0-9]') do (
set "filename=%%a"
goto done
echo the highest found is %filename%
exit /b 0
There are quite a number of ways. This is one of them:
#echo off & set filename=
if "%~5" == "" set "myfind=dir /b ^| find "%~2" ^| find "%~3" ^| find "%~4" ^|sort /r ^|findstr /r [0-9]"
if "%~4" == "" set "myfind=dir /b ^| find "%~2" ^| find "%~3" ^|sort /r ^|findstr /r [0-9]"
if "%~3" == "" set "myfind=dir /b ^| find "%~2" ^|sort /r ^|findstr /r [0-9]"
if "%~2" == "" set "myfind=dir /b ^|sort /r ^|findstr /r [0-9]"
pushd "%~1"
for /f %%a in ('%myfind%') do (
set "filename=%%a"
goto done
if not defined filename echo Not match found & exit /b 1
echo the highest found is %filename%
exit /b 0
Typically you would run it as:
batch-file-name.cmd "C:\path\to\search" "search1" "search2" "search3"
for instance, using your example:
batch-file-name.cmd "c:\temp" "05" "new"
or even extend the search:
batch-file-name.cmd "c:\temp" "05" "new" ".txt"
How it works:
We set the search string each time in the case an additional find command is required. for now we have up to three finds and one path, but it can be extended to more. You have to set them in descending order though.
I also added an additional statement if not defined filename to ensure you are alerted if a find is not matched.
The following gets the highest of a given group:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "search=today"
set "max=0"
for %%a in (%search%*.txt) do (
set "name=%%~na"
set "number=!name:%search%=!"
if !number! gtr !max! set /a max=number
echo max number for %search% is %max%
set "highest=%search%%max%.txt"
echo %highest%
Attention, there is no errorchecking at all, so it depends on the correct format of the file names. (errorchecking can be added when needed)
To get the search string as a parameter, simply replace set "search=today" with set "search=%~1"
Please forgive me if this is glaring obvious but I have the behaviour of this for loop, which loops through certain named directories (US_Site4 etc.) and reads a config file in each of them to run a command separately for each:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM The Root to start searching from
SET "InstallSets=D:\InstallSets"
REM Folders to not search with in
SET "ExcludeStr=findstr /I /v ^"\Master Files \Training \Software^""
SET "InstallSets=D:\InstallSets"
for /f "delims=*" %%F IN ('dir /s /b /on "!InstallSets!" ^| findstr /E /C:"Config.xml" ^| !ExcludeStr!') do (
(ECHO "%%F"| findstr /I "\US_Site4 \US_Site5" 1>NUL) && (
ECHO "%%F"...
And I would like to be able replicated in a more user configurable way for furure additions, i.e. settings a variable at the top of a batch file, e.g.:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM The Root to start searching from
SET "InstallSets=D:\InstallSets"
REM Folders to not search with in
SET "ExcludeStr=findstr /I /v ^"\Master Files \Training \Software^""
REM Folders to search in only
SET "DoOnlyStr=findstr /I ^"\US_Site4 \US_Site5^" 1>NUL"
for /f "delims=*" %%F IN ('dir /s /b /on "!InstallSets!" ^| findstr /E /C:"Config.xml" ^| !ExcludeStr!') do (
(ECHO "%%F"| %DoOnlyStr%) && (
ECHO "%%F"...
The first one brings back 2 results which are site4 and 5 as expected, however the second one brings back 4 (The 2 I wanted but duplicated). Why is this and how could get a "user friendly" configurable version like just setting the variable? I want to then later make a second file with findstr /I /V to do the opposite and do everything else BUT Site4 and 5.
Kind regards
It was the 1>NUL that was displaying only the 1 output and when that was in a variable it wasn't behaving as it should, so it was displaying 2 (as it seemed to when I removed it also), But is was a combination of the comment from #aschipfl with removing the " " on the set variables and how I structured it below. So my final solution that worked for me was:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM The Root to start searching from
SET "InstallSets=D:\InstallSets"
REM Folders to not search with in
SET ExcludeStr=findstr /I /v ^"\Master Files \Training \Software^"
REM Folders to search in only
SET DoOnlyStr=findstr /I ^"\US_Site4 \US_Site5^"
for /f "delims=*" %%F IN ('dir /s /b /on "!InstallSets!" ^| findstr /E /C:"Config.xml" ^| !ExcludeStr!') do (
(ECHO "%%F"| %DoOnlyStr% 1>NUL) && (
ECHO "%%F"...
Unsure why the !DoOnlyStr! didn't work though and it had to be %DoOnlyStr% as I have setlocal enabledelayedexpansion at the start
Trying to get this to work.
Getting this line from dir: 3 File(s) 7,332,731,128 bytes and trying to just get the number of files to use for addition.
#Echo ON
dir %1 /a:h | find "File(s)" > hidden.txt
dir %1 | find "File(s)" > reg.txt
set /p hidden=<hidden.txt
echo %hidden%
IF /I "%hidden%"=="File Not Found" (
Set hidden = 0
) Else (
Set hidden=%hidden~-29%)
echo %hidden%
Set /p reg=<reg.txt
IF /I "%hidden%"=="File Not Found" (
set reg = 0
) ELSE (
Set reg=%reg~-29%)
set /a total = %reg% + %hidden%
Echo The total number of files in the %1 directory is: %total%. This includes hidden files.
Echo The total number of non-hidden files in the %1 directory is: %reg%.
Echo The total number of hidden files in the %1 directory is: %hidden%
you don't need temp files which only will slow down your script:
if you want to count the hidden files try this
#echo off
set counter=0
for /f %%# in ('dir /a:h-d "%~1"') do (
set /a counter=counter+1
echo hidden files=%counter%
to count all files
#echo off
set counter=0
for /f %%# in ('dir /a:-d "%~1"') do (
set /a counter=counter+1
echo all files=%counter%
This is just another For loop option:
#For /F %%A In ('Dir/AH-D-L "%~1" 2^>Nul') Do #If Not "%%A"=="0" Set "fileCount=%%A"
#Echo %fileCount%
Remove -L, if you wish not to exclude junction points from your file count.
I've got the same result with just two FOR loops. Using sentences between single quotes inside the parentheses we can execute commands and store results.
I've left the same Result Text just to let you compare and see if this is what you're looking for:
#echo off
for /f %%A in ('dir "%~1" /a-h-d /b ^| find /V /C ""') do set "visCount=%%A"
for /f %%A in ('dir "%~1" /ah-d /b ^| find /V /C ""') do set "hidCount=%%A"
set /a totalCount = visCount + hidCount
echo The total number of files in the %1 directory is: %totalCount%. This includes hidden files.
echo The total number of non-hidden files in the %1 directory is: %visCount%.
echo The total number of hidden files in the %1 directory is: %hidCount%
With /B parameter of DIR command I only get one line per file and no more text, and with /A I can select Hidden or not files and no directories.
Then SET /A command let us use arithmetics operations.
I want to make a script which finds as quickly as possible first folder named Target starting from root location D:\ and return its absolute path.
Folder structure of root location (D:\) can be like this:
Output of the script should be: D:\Folder2\Subfolder2\SSubfolder2\TargetFolder
For now I tried 2 methods but it's not quick enough:
set TG=\TargetFolder
set root=D:\
cd %root%
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /s /a:d "%root%" ^|findstr /e /i "%TG%"') do set "folderpath=%%~a"
for /d /r "%root%" %%a in (*) do if /i "%%~nxa"=="%TG%" set "folderpath=%%a"
(1) is quicker than (2)
Question1: Is it possible to specify in command to search only for a maximum of 2 folders "down" from root (e.g. D:\Folder1\Subfolder1) ?
Question2: Is it possible to specify folders that should be automatically skipped (e.g. DontSearchHereFolder1&2)
This batch code is exactly for what you have asked for optimized for speed. It ignores the two specified directories on first level and it searches for the folders maximal two folder levels deep.
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "Root=D:"
set "TG=TargetFolder"
set "Ignore1=DontSearchHereFolder"
set "Ignore2=DontSearchHereFolder2"
for /D %%A in ("%Root%\*") do (
if "%%~nxA" == "%TG%" set "FolderPath=%%A" & goto Found
if not "%%~nxA" == "%Ignore1%" (
if not "%%~nxA" == "%Ignore2%" (
for /D %%B in ("%%A\*") do (
if "%%~nxB" == "%TG%" set "FolderPath=%%B" & goto Found
for /D %%C in ("%%B\*") do if "%%~nxC" == "%TG%" set "FolderPath=%%C" & goto Found
echo Could not find folder: "%TG%"
goto EndSearch
echo Found folder: "%FolderPath%"
The string comparisons are done case-sensitive for maximum speed.
No recursive subroutine calls are used as usually would be done for such tasks for maximum speed.
The comparisons for the directories to ignore in root folder are coded in batch script directly not using an array or a list of folder names for maximum speed.
Delayed expansion is not used for faster processing the command lines.
But much faster would be coding an executable in C/C++/C# for that task as processing the command lines of the batch file takes most likely the most time on searching for the folder.
Note: Command FOR ignores folders with hidden attribute set.
Well, I use for such tasks shareware tool Total Commander which supports searching only in selected folders for a specific folder not more than X levels deep extremely fast.
This should take into account all the limits indicated in the question, but unless a lot of folders are found inside the indicated exclusions, I don't think this should be faster, just give it a try
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
set "source=d:\"
set "target=TargetFolder"
set "maxLevels=2"
set excludeFolders= "DontSearchHereFolder" "DontSearchHereFolder2"
for %%s in ("%source%") do for /f "tokens=*" %%f in ('
robocopy "%%~fs." "%%~fs." /l /nfl /njh /njs /nc /ns /s
/xd %excludeFolders% /lev:%maxLevels%
^| findstr /e /i /l /c:"\\%target%\\"
^| cmd /v /q /c"set /p .= &&(echo(!.!)"
') do echo "%%~f"
I think this is the fastest possible way to do this:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if "%1" neq "" goto %1
set "root=D:\"
set "TG=TargetFolder"
set "exclude=/DontSearchHereFolder1/DontSearchHereFolder2/"
"%~F0" Input | "%~F0" Output > result.txt
set /P "folderpath=" < result.txt
del result.txt
echo First folder: %folderpath%
goto :EOF
cd "%root%"
for /D %%a in (*) do if "!exclude:/%%a/=!" equ "%exclude%" (
cd "%%a"
dir /B /S /A:D "%TG%" 2>NUL
cd ..
exit /B
set /P "folder="
echo "%folder%"
set "i=0"
for /F "tokens=2" %%a in ('tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq cmd.exe" /FO TABLE /NH') do (
set /A i+=1
if !i! equ 2 taskkill /PID %%a /F
exit /B
The folders to exclude are given in a slash-separated list; if this list is longer, the process run faster because more folders are skipped. The target folder is search in each one of the non-excluded folders via a dir /B /S /AD "%TG%" command, that is faster than any combination of other commands. The process ends as soon as the first folder name is received in the rigt side of the pipe; the remaining processing at left side of the pipe is cancelled via a taskkill command.
I'm in the process of making a script that selects 25 random tracks from a user specified folder and adds them into an .m3u playlist. The trouble I have is that my music folders include various other files as well (eg: .txt, .jpg, .png, .nfo, etc...)
So I'm looking for a way of excluding the extensions listed above, limiting the script to just work with audio files. Any help would be much appreciated!
Here is the code so far... It has been stitched together from various sources so accept my apologies if it is a little crude:
#echo off
title Multiple Choice Menu
echo Select a genre:
echo =============
echo 1) Jungle
echo 2) D'n'B
echo 3) Reggae
echo 4) Hip-Hop
echo 5) Exit
set /p genre=Type option:
if "%genre%"=="1" cd /D "D:\NL Safe 2.0\High Quality\Jungle"
if "%genre%"=="2" cd /D "D:\NL Safe 2.0\High Quality\DnB\Standard DnB"
if "%genre%"=="3" cd /D "D:\NL Safe 2.0\High Quality\Reggae
if "%genre%"=="4" cd /D "D:\NL Safe 2.0\High Quality\Hip-Hop"
if "%genre%"=="5" exit
:: Clear existing Playlist
#echo. > C:\Users\Brew\Desktop\random.m3u
:: Create numbered list of files in a temporary file
set "tempFile=%temp%\%~nx0_fileList_%time::=.%.txt"
dir /b /s /a-d %1 | findstr /n "^" >"%tempFile%"
:: Count the files
for /f %%N in ('type "%tempFile%" ^| find /c /v ""') do set cnt=%%N
:: Open 25 random files
for /l %%N in (1 1 25) do call :openRandomFile
:: Delete the temp file
del "%tempFile%"
set /a "randomNum=(%random% %% cnt) + 1"
for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%A in (
'findstr "^%randomNum%:" "%tempFile%"'
) do (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set tune=%%B
#echo !tune! >> C:\Users\Brew\Desktop\random.m3u
Assuming your song's folder is on %1.
The dir command supports wildcards in the idea that
dir *.txt *.xml
will only list .txt and .xml files.
So you can try doing this instead:
:: Create numbered list of files in a temporary file
set "tempFile=%temp%\%~nx0_fileList_%time::=.%.txt"
pushd %1
dir /b /s /a-d *.mp3 *.EXT1 *.EXT2 | findstr /n "^" >"%tempFile%"
Where EXT will be the extensions you want to match.
This will create your %tempFile% with only the files you want. Since the code that selects a file ramdomly works, as I see, over this file, it won't need to change at all.
I couldn't get dir to work with both target directory and wildcards.
Hope it helps.
This is why i used pushd and popd.
Thanks Daniel,
I had another go at it an finally got something working on my own. I used a series of If statements to put the random file through an extension validation check
This is the working script
#echo off
title Multiple Choice Menu
echo Select a task:
echo =============
echo 1) Jungle
echo 2) D'n'B
echo 3) Reggae
echo 4) Hip-Hop
echo 5) Exit
set /p genre=Type option:
if "%genre%"=="1" cd /D "D:\NL Safe 2.0\High Quality\Jungle"
if "%genre%"=="2" cd /D "D:\NL Safe 2.0\High Quality\DnB\Standard DnB"
if "%genre%"=="3" cd /D "D:\NL Safe 2.0\High Quality\Reggae
if "%genre%"=="4" cd /D "D:\NL Safe 2.0\High Quality\Hip-Hop"
if "%genre%"=="5" exit
:: Clear existing Playlist
#echo. > C:\Users\Brew\Desktop\random.m3u
:: Create numbered list of files in a temporary file
set "tempFile=%temp%\%~nx0_fileList_%time::=.%.txt"
dir /b /s /a-d %1 | findstr /n "^" >"%tempFile%"
:: Count the files
for /f %%N in ('type "%tempFile%" ^| find /c /v ""') do set cnt=%%N
echo opening random file.....
set /a "randomNum=(%random% %% cnt) + 1"
for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%A in (
'findstr "^%randomNum%:" "%tempFile%"'
) do (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set tune=%%B
FOR %%i IN ("!tune!") do call :CheckifMusic
echo checking now
FOR %%i IN ("!tune!") DO (
SET fileextension=%%~xi
IF !fileextension!==.aif goto ResultTrue
IF !fileextension!==.flac goto ResultTrue
IF !fileextension!==.m4a goto ResultTrue
IF !fileextension!==.mp3 goto ResultTrue
IF !fileextension!==.wav goto ResultTrue
IF !fileextension!==.wma goto ResultTrue
echo fail
echo !fileextension!
goto openRandomFile
echo pass
echo !fileextension!
#echo !tune! >> C:\Users\Brew\Desktop\random.m3u
IF !COUNTER!==25 (
echo finished
goto Done
) ELSE (
goto openRandomFile
:: Delete the temp file
del "%tempFile%"
Probably not the cleanest way to do it, but hey - It works!
dir /b /s /a-d %1 | findstr /n "^" >"%tempFile%"
dir /b /s /a-d %1 | findstr /n /L /E /I /c:".mp3" /c:".wav">"%tempFile%"
Where the /c:".mp3"... can be extended as many times as you desire to select your target filetypes.
dir /b /s /a-d %1 | findstr /n /V /L /E /I /c:".jpg" /c:".txt">"%tempFile%"
Again repeating the /c:".jpg"... as many times as you desire to select your target exclude-me filetypes.
The /i means "case-insensitive", /e means "at the end of the line" /L means "literal match, not regex" and /v means "output non-matching"
Using the following code I am able to create a list of folders in a directory -
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /p pattern=Enter Search Term:
dir /b /A:D %pattern%*
For example, if the user inputs con, the result may be
I would like to be able to attach a value to each item eg.
Am I correcting in thinking that I would have to output the initial list I created to a .txt and then read and attach a variable to every line?
The end result would be a user being able to select one of the items based on the number we attach to it, and then have further actions being taken on that item.
dir /b /A:D %pattern%*|find /n /v ""
would yield
dir /b /A:D %pattern%*|findstr /n /v ":"
would yield
You could then try
set /a max=0
for /f "delims=:" %%a in ('dir /b /A:D %pattern%*^|findstr /n /v ":" 2^>nul') do set /a max=%%a
which would set max to 0 if none found or the maximum number
The ^ tells batch that the pipe/> is part of the command to be executed
2>nul suppresses error messages in the case of no matches found
It's then a simple matter of
if %max%==0 echo none found&goto askagain
set /p "selection=Please choose [1..%max%] ? "
for /f "tokens=1*delims=:" %%a in ('dir /b /A:D "%pattern%*"^|findstr /n /v ":" 2^>nul') do if "%%a"=="%selection%" set "dirselected=%%b"&goto found
echo %selection% is invalid
goto askagain
echo %dirselected% selected.
to make a complete job.
This task is relatively simple to achieve if you use the right tools, like an array:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /P "pattern=Enter Search Term: "
rem Get the folders, store they in the array and show the menu
set "num=0"
for /D %%f in (%pattern%*) do (
set /A num+=1
set "folder[!num!]=%%f"
echo !num!- %%f
if %num% equ 0 echo No folders found & goto :EOF
set /P "num=Enter the desired folder: "
if not defined folder[%num%] goto selectFolder
set "item=!folder[%num%]!"
echo Folder selected: %item%
For further details on array management in Batch files, see this post.