Azure Application Proxy - Single Page Application - CORS issue - azure-active-directory

HTML, Bootstrap, AJAX Single Page Application (SPA) --> Deployed on-premise on tomcat 1
Azure Application Proxy 1 fronting SPA with pre-authentication as passthrough
REST API (API) --> Deployed on-premise on tomcat 2
Azure Application Proxy 2 fronting API with pre-authentication as Azure Active Directory
Microsoft MSAL Javascript library:
User accesses SPA using Application Proxy 1 external URL eg.
The SPA has a sign-in button, when clicked invokes the Microsoft js MSAL library.
The user is presented a pop-up and upon entering credentials, is authenticated against Azure AD and an OAuth token is fetched.
Once authenticated successfully, the user is allowed to perform search on the SPA.
When the user searches, the SPA invokes the REST API using the application proxy 2 url eg.
The REST call is blocked by browser due to CORS. It seems that Application Proxy/Azure AD is not allowing cross origin calls.
CORS has been enabled in the REST API code and SPA is able to invoke the REST API if Application Proxy 2 pre-authentication mode is set as passthrough.
I have gone through This workaround is possible if HTML application and REST service are deployed on the same application server.
Is there any option to enable/configure CORS on Application Proxy.

Currently there is no way to configure/enable the CORS on Application Proxy.
There a user voice request for CORS App Proxy. Please feel free to up vote this user voice request.


If possible, how to register front-end and back-end in a single application in Azure AD?

I have an application stack with a React SPA frontend and an core web-api backend. Both resources had been successfully registered in AzureAD each with its own app and the authentication and authorization processes are working fine. However, would it be possible to use the same registration for both the front and backend in AD?
When using the AD Application ID from the backend in React:
auth: {
clientId: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
authority: "<tenantId>",
redirectUri: "http://localhost:3000"
I get the following error:
ServerError: invalid_request: AADSTS90009: Application 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'(api://xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx) is requesting a token for itself. This scenario is supported only if resource is specified using the GUID based App Identifier.
I am using the MSAL library for the frontend.
Both the applications (front end and back end) need to be registered for sure in Azure AD.
As you are using client id of backend which is api to be secured , the Error is occurring.
Update client-id, tenant-id, redirect URI of front end application not backend api in configuration file based on application registration in Azure AD.
Then make sure to expose an API and grant admin consent to the API with required permissions.
Yes, this is possible. Your provider configuration looks correct, so check to make you app registration is setup properly. You will need the following things:
An SPA platform configuration with a redirect URI of http://localhost:3000
Add a scope (under 'Expose an API') and make sure your Application ID URI is created
Use the new scope in your MSAL authentication template

App services behind Applicaiton Gateway and applicaiton authentication using Azure SSO

I have an application which I am trying to migrate to the App services. The authentication was windows auth before migration so I moved it to Azure SSO.
Background -
The application is registered within Azure to leverage single sign on
and we have a reply URL configured within the application and
redirect URI configured in Azure SSO for URL -
The app is hosted within App services and the Azure endpoint URL of
the app services is
We have also setup a TXT record created within the custom Domain and
added this to App service to verify the ownership of the DNS.
The custom DNS is configured and
pointing to the application gateway.
The application gateway is configured to point to the App service.
When I try testing the application the SSO works as expected but the moment it tries redirecting to the application after Sign on it breaks because of the incorrect redirect URL as the app services has the URL –
After setting up a CNAME and pointing it to the App services the hosted site works, but we want to have the traffic flow from the Application gateway.

React SSO using SAML without web server

I have a web app developed using Create-react-app
I host it on IIS, the IIS only response to load the app, there is no server side logic on it (no Express or any other web server)
The app is using a RESTful API on the same IIS, it is out of my control (I cannot make change).
Now one of my client request to add SAML SSO to our app.
I would like to know:
in normal situation, which one is the Service Provider? My IIS Web server? or the API service?
For my case, I cannot implement SAML to API service, my web service only used to load my app without server side logic, how can I implement SAML?
Could any one give me some React implement SAML SSO tutorial or article for reference?
Thanks for any help, any information or suggestion are welcome!
in normal situation, which one is the Service Provider? My IIS Web server? or the API service?
I assume the client wants to authenticate the users using their internal IdP. So your application is the SP. But you will have to define different token service (details below).
With SPA (a single-page-applications) I see the problem, in SAML the user is redirected or posted away from the SAML request and SAML response.
I have a login page to enter id/pw, post them to API server Login endpoint to authenticate and get back a JWT token. After that we use that token in API calls for authentication
The API services are using a JWT token issued based on the provided username/password. I'd recommend to extend the token service (or use a different service) to issue a JWT token based on the provided SAML response - a token swap service. In many OAuth implementations it's called SAML grant type.
I cannot implement SAML to API service, my web service only used to load my app without server side logic, how can I implement SAML?
Usually after the authentication the user is redirected or posted to the SAML ACS endpoint URL, where the server can create sort of session (cookie, parameters, token, ..) and the user is redirected to a URL returned the web page with the session information.
If you are using an SPA, you could use a popup window or SAML with redirect (not with post), where the page could read the SAML response parameters (assertion, signature, ..) and use them in the token swap service mentioned above.
When processing the SAML response, try to use some mature, known, out-of-box libraries, it's a security service and not doing it properly may cause security weaknesses. But you need to do that on the server side, as at the end you need the JWT token consumed by the APIs.

Migrate from msal angular to azure webapp authentication

I'm working on a web application deployed on an azure webapp authenticated with Azure AD.
It is mostly based on the angular template for ASP.Net Core. The backend hosts the frontend in a ClientApp directory.
For the authentication, the frontend works with the msal-angular plugin which on access redirects to the Azure AD authentication page. After login, the login page redirects back to the frontend, which catch the token, and makes all the calls to the backend with the token in the authorization bearer header.
The .Net Core backend is configured with :
.AddAzureADBearer(options => Configuration.Bind("AzureActiveDirectory", options));
Finally, to make all these works, I have in the Azure AD app registration one entry for the backend and another for the frontend.
This works well, but we want to move away from that to use the Authentication directly on the webapp.
This way we could secure even more the application which would not even be downloaded if the user is not authenticated.
How do I manage to do that ?
Do I need to remove all authentication code from the backend and frontend ?
Do I still need 2 entries in the app registration on azure AD or one is now enough ?
How will I know which user is connected ? Actually I use the IHttpContextAccessor to get the UPN Claim.
Thanks for the help

How to use google authentication for an angular web app and a .net web api hosted on azure

I have an angular web app talking to a c# .net web api back end.
They are both hosted on azure app services.
Azure app services offers a suite of authentication services and I've chosen to use google auth.
I've got my google client id and secret setup in azure google auth and my web app correctly shows and prompts me for my google credentials.
My problem now, is that i need my web api back end to authenticate the web app google token. I couldn't find any articles or tutorials that demonstrates the following:
How to get and send the token to the web api? I've read that azure app service should automatically inject the necessary auth headers but any calls to my api do not include those headers. Should i manually call auth/me and add them to the request header?
How do i get my web api to authenticate the details from the request header with google auth? Do i need a separate client id for the web api or should i re-use the web app client id?
According to your description, I assumed that you are using the built-in Authentication / Authorization provided by Azure App Service.
AFAIK, App Service Authentication (Easy Auth) provides two flows: client-managed and server-managed flow. For the server-managed flow, the server code manages the sign-in process for you, and your backend would directly receive the token from the relevant identity provider (e.g. Google, AAD,etc.), then both generate a authenticationToken for browser-less apps and AppServiceAuthSession cookie for browser apps. Details you could follow Authentication flow.
For your angular web app, you could just use server-managed flow, after user successfully logged, you need to call https://<your-angular-app-name> to retrieve the google access_token, then send the following request against your web api endpoint for retrieving the authenticationToken as follows:
POST https://<your-webapi-app-name>
Body {"access_token":"<the-google-access-token>"}
After successfully retrieved the authenticationToken from your Web API endpoint, you could send the following subsequent requests for accessing your APIs:
GET https://<your-webapi-app-name>
Header x-zumo-auth:"<authenticationToken-generated-by-your-webapi>"
Moreover, you could also use client-managed flow in your angular web app, you may need to directly contact with your identity provider (Google) to retrieve the access_token in your client via Auth0 or google-signin or other third-party libraries. Then you may need to both send request to your angular web app and Web API web app for retrieving the authenticationToken as the above request sample.
Do i need a separate client id for the web api or should i re-use the web app client id?
Per my understanding, you must use the same google application. For AAD authentication, you could configure a AAD app with the access permissions to another AAD app.
