Getting an Error in my Manifest file on React App - reactjs

I am brand new to React, and am following a tutorial on Sololearn. When I created my own project, and opened it in VS code, I ran it with Live Server. It worked just fine for a while, then suddenly quit working and said that I had an error in my Manifest File and line 1Image of errors
I did not touch the manifest file, I hadn't even opened it yet. I tried creating a whole new project, and got the same error right off the bat. Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix?

There will be a reference to manifest.json in project,fle or resource itself does not exist.
and check whether you've any link tags with rel=manifest same of
<link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.webmanifest">
.webmanifest extension is specified in the Media type registration section of the specification, but browsers generally support manifests with other appropriate extensions like .json.
<link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json">
and remove it from the code to stop the error.


Why does the project initialized with Remix's Indie stack get the error Hydration failed in Devtools?

When I was learning Remix, I followed the tutorial to initialize a project, but when I opened Devtools, I saw several errors reported on the console.
Warning: Did not expect server HTML to contain a <div> in <html>.
Error: Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server.*n
The most ridiculous thing is that I opened the index page of Remix and its home page reported the same error, so I was especially curious about whether the hydration was successful and why this error happened
This is a well known React issue caused by browser extensions modifying the DOM.
It's more pronounced in Remix because it hydrates the entire <html />, not just a <div id="root" />.
You can confirm whether it's caused by a browser extension by testing with a browser profile which has no extensions installed (or incognito mode).
Kiliman has a workaround demonstrated here which involves rendering the head and the app separately.

How can I debug a newly cloned React Native app

I am starting to help someone with a new project. This project is React (React Native as is a mobile app).
The project is working fine on her laptop (in her browser), and when I scan the Expo QR code, the app works fine on my Android device.
However, trying to run it in my browser is throwing all these errors:
The 'Can't resolve' error doesn't make sense, because the correct react native files are there. Is this a cache problem? I have tried deleting the .expo/web/cache folder and starting over.
Also, why are there multiple errors in my console, but only one being shown in the information on the actual web page? Does this mean that the single error being shown is causing all the other errors, or it is the only one which needs fixing, or will it show the next error when I fix the one that is being shown?
Seems to have been a known problem re babel. See the links below:
how to solve this error You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type

How to include ext-js calendar in jsp?

I am new to EXT JS environment. I am working on a dynamic java project in eclipse indigo where i want to use ext-js calendar in one of my jsp.I saw the EXT_JS calendar demo from downloaded 'ext-4.1.1' sdk(index.html file in ext-4.1.1a\examples\calendar).
I want to create a .js file as like ext-js calendar page. So for that i followed the path given in to integrate ext-js in eclipse.
But now when i copy index.html to my webcontent folder then it is not working(Originally it is showing nothing). But when i copy the entire ext-js source code to my workspace web content then running the index.html file in example/calendar folder of ext-4.1.1a giving me required result.But I don't think this as a solution.
I could not find any way also how to start to do my task.
So Pls anybody help me here...
Regards :
When nothing shows up on the screen, it is commonly a case where the ExtJS library isn't loaded. Without seeing the code, it's hard to pinpoint the issue.
Using Chrome Dev tools or Firebug for Firefox, take a look at the console and/or network output.
The files you're looking for will be included in the <head> section of your index.html. There should be ext-all.js or possibly ext-all-debug.js at a minimum, plus the style sheets.
If this is your issue, then you need to include the proper paths to the ExtJS library. This can be the local installation, or you can use a CDN. For example:
<script src=""></script>

Unable to get css and image files in Themes webroot folder of cakephp

I have a small problem with croogo CMS application while accessing of css and image files in app/Views/Themed/mythemename/webroot folder
<?php echo $this->Html->css(array('style'));?>
this gives me a css reference link in view-source
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/croogo/theme/mythemename/css/style.css" />
but when i click on this link(/croogo/theme/mythemename/css/style.css) it gives me that the url i'm trying to access is not found on the server
This happened to me when I made a stupid mistake by misplacing the ending of a html tag.
Took ages to fix ;)
Check if your website is valid.
it was done by adding json file i.e.
app/View/Themed/MyThemeName/webroot/theme.json file. , please check
the documentation here

AppManifest.xml not getting updated by SL build

I'm starting an SL project in VS2010, and I'm finding that the AppManifest.xml file isn't being updated by the build. This causes the xap to fail to load in the browser, throwing an InitializationException. Doesn't VS maintain this file for you?
I noted that the Build Action listed for the AppManifest.xml file is currently "None", but I'm not sure what I should change that to, if anything.
The problem turned out to be that I didn't have any Application class in my project, nor the required App.xaml. (I had somehow deleted these files when attempting to customize the solution.) This caused the xap to fail to load, and the error message led me to believe that the root cause was the AppManifest.xml, which generates the AppManifest.xaml file.
This was a mistake. Fixing the Application class and the App.xaml solved the problem.
