Do not call Hooks inside useEffect(...), useMemo(...), or other built-in Hooks (dynamic import) - reactjs

const usePage = ({ page }) => {
const prevPage = usePrevious(page)
const [p, setPage] = useState()
const loadData = async param => {
const data = await import(`${param}`)
useEffect(() => {
if (prevPage === page) return
}, [page, prevPage])
return {
const PageRoute = memo(({page}) => {
const { p } = usePage({ page })
const Page = p
return (
I don't really understand how do this issue related to my code . I don't call any hook inside useEffect. How can I fix it ? I want to call dynamic import in use effect in case when page parameter are not equal previous one.

The problem is that since you're probably exporting a React component as default from these dynamically imported modules, data.default is a function which gets passed to the setter returned by useState.
However, since the useState setter can also take in a function which does the state update, what's happening is that the setter calls the passed function which is a React component (data.default) which fires the hooks used in that component. So your call is actually equivalent to setPage(prev => data.default(prev)).
This can be fixed by explicitly passing your own state updater which just returns the data.default function:
const loadData = async param => {
const data = await import(`${param}`)
setPage(() => data.default) // <-------


React's new use() hook falls into infinite loop

I'm trying to load data for a client component. I can't use await/async as specified by React's RFC about use() hook. Thus I need to use use() hook.
However, it goes into infinite loop.
Here's my code:
import { use } from 'react'
const Component = () => {
const response = use(fetch('some_url'))
const data = use(response.json())
return <div>{data}</div>
Based on my intuition, I tried to use a callback inside the use() hook, as we do for useEffect():
const response = use(() => fetch('use_url'), [])
But it complained that an invalid parameter is passed into the use() hook.
I can't find anyting online. What should I do? What have I done wrong?
You need to "stabilize" the return of fetch. You could memoize it
const Component = () => {
const fetchPromise = React.useMemo(() => fetch('some_url').then(r => r.json()), [])
const data = use(fetchPromise);
return <div>{data}</div>;
I guess you just wanna memorized use result.
const response = useMemo(() => use(use(fetch('some_url')).json()), ['some_deps'])

React - set state doesn't change in callback function

I'm not able to read current state inside refreshWarehouseCallback function. Why?
My component:
export function Schedules({ tsmService, push, pubsub }: Props) {
const [myState, setMyState] = useState<any>(initialState);
useEffect(() => {
.then((warehouses) =>
getCurrentWarehouseData(warehouses) // inside of this function I can without problems set myState
.catch(() => catchError());
const pushToken = push.subscribe('public/ttt/#');
const pubSubToken = pubsub.subscribe(
refreshWarehouseCallback // HERE IS PROBLEM, when I try to read current state from this function I get old data, state changed in other functions cannot be read in thi function
return () => {
}, []);
function refreshWarehouseCallback(eventName: string, content: any) {
const {warehouseId} = myState; // undefined!!!
case pushEvents.ramp.updated: {
return (
I have to use useRef to store current state additionally to be able to rerender the whole component.
My question is - is there any other solution without useRef? Where is the problem? Calback function doesn't work with useState hook?
Your pub/sub pattern does not inherit React's states. Whenever subscribe is triggered, and your callback function is initialized, that callback will not get any new values from myState.
To be able to use React's states, you can wrap refreshWarehouseCallback into another function like below
//`my state` is passed into the first function (the function wrapper)
//the inner function is your original function
const refreshWarehouseCallback =
(myState) => (eventName: string, content: any) => {
const { warehouseId } = myState;
//your other logic
And then you can add another useEffect to update subscribe after state changes (in this case, myState updates)
//a new state to store the updated pub/sub after every clean-up
const [pubSubToken, setPubSubToken] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
//clean up when your state updates
if (pubSubToken) {
const updatedPubSubToken = pubsub.subscribe(
refreshWarehouseCallback(myState) //execute the function wrapper to pass `myState` down to your original callback function
//update new pub/sub token
return () => {
//add `myState` as a dependency
}, [myState]);
//you can combine this with your previous useEffect
useEffect(() => {
const pushToken = push.subscribe("public/ttt/#");
return () => {
}, []);

Why is useState value null inside function block?

I know there is a scoping issue here. I just can't find it. Why is 'items' null in the searchItems() block?
export const useStore = () => {
const [items, setItems] = useState(null)
const setItemsFromApi = () => {
//call api to get data, then
const searchItems = (query) => {
//use the local data and filter based on query
items.filter(() => {})
console.log(items) // 'items' HAS UPDATED VALUE AFTER setItemsFromApi() IN THIS SCOPE
return {setItemsFromApi, searchItems}
Use store like this. (NOTE: I left out the rendering of the items in the list because that part works fine. Just focusing on why the onClick doesn't use the already loaded items to filter with.)
export default function DataList(props) => {
const store = useStore();
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
const runSearch = (query) => {
return <button onClick={runSearch('searchTerm')}
I even tried passing it as a callback dependency, but it's still null
const searchItems = useCallback((query) => {
items.filter(() => {})
}, [items])
From the code you posted,
const store = useStore()
the issue may be because you are doing an async operation (calling the API), but the search is not waiting for the result of the fetch call. So, when you do the
, the store is null and only changes its value later.
In a nutshell, the state wasn't refreshing after triggering a search because I had a "debounce" useRef function running within the component when the onChange event was fired, even though this was a local data search. I guess this interrupted the re-render event. So I removed it.

Best practice for marking hooks as not to be reused in multiple places

It seems a lot of my custom React Hooks don't work well, or seem to cause a big performance overhead if they are reused in multiple places. For example:
A hook that is only called in the context provider and sets up some context state/setters for the rest of the app to use
A hook that should only be called in a root component of a Route to setup some default state for the page
A hook that checks if a resource is cached and if not, retrieves it from the backend
Is there any way to ensure that a hook is only referenced once in a stack? Eg. I would like to trigger a warning or error when I call this hook in multiple components in the same cycle.
Alternatively, is there a pattern that I should use that simply prevents it being a problem to reuse such hooks?
Example of hook that should not be reused (third example). If I would use this hook in multiple places, I would most likely end up making unnecessary API calls.
export function useFetchIfNotCached({id}) {
const {apiResources} = useContext(AppContext);
useEffect(() => {
if (!apiResources[id]) {
fetchApiResource(id); // sets result into apiResources
}, [apiResources]);
return apiResources[id];
Example of what I want to prevent (please don't point out that this is a contrived example, I know, it's just to illustrate the problem):
export function Parent({id}) {
const resource = useFetchIfNotCached({id});
return <Child id={id}>{resource.Name}</Child>
export function Child({id}) {
const resource = useFetchIfNotCached({id}); // <--- should not be allowed
return <div>Child: {resource.Name}</div>
You need to transform your custom hooks into singleton stores, and subscribe to them directly from any component.
See reusable library implementation.
const Comp1 = () => {
const something = useCounter(); // is a singleton
const Comp2 = () => {
const something = useCounter(); // same something, no reset
To ensure that a hook called only once, you only need to add a state for it.
const useCustomHook = () => {
const [isCalled, setIsCalled] = useState(false);
// Your hook logic
const [state, setState] = useState(null);
const onSetState = (value) => {
return { state, setState: onSetState, isCalled };
If you introduce a global variable in your custom hook you will get the expected result. Thats because global variables are not tied to component's lifecycle
let isCalledOnce = false;
const useCustomHook = () => {
// Your hook logic
const [state, setState] = useState(null);
const onSetState = (value) => {
if (!isCalledOnce) {
isCalledOnce = true;
return { state, setState: onSetState, isCalled };

How can I re-fetch an API using react hooks

I have decided to finally learn react hooks with what I thought would be a simple project. I can't quite figure out how I re-fetch an API using react hooks. Here is the code I have so far.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"
import useFetch from "./utils/getKanya"
const kanye = ""
const Index = () => {
let [kanyaQuote, setKanyeQuote] = useState(null)
let data = useFetch(kanye)
const getMore = () => {
return (
<h1>Welcome to Next.js!</h1>
<p>Here is a random Kanye West quote:</p>
{!data ? <div>Loading...</div> : <p>{!kanyaQuote ? data : kanyaQuote}</p>}
<button onClick={getMore}>Get new quote</button>
export default Index
I get the kanyeQuote state value to null
I fetch the initial data
I either show "Loading..." or the initial quote
I am trying to set up a button to re-fetch the API and store the data in kanyeQuote via getKanyeQuote (setState)
This is the error I get Error: Invalid hook call...
I would greatly appreciate any guidance you can provide on this.
The issue here is, that you can only use hooks directly inside the root of your component.
It's the number 1 'rule of hooks'. You can read more about that here
const getMore = () => {
setKanyeQuote(useFetch(kanye) /* This cannot work! */)
There are a few ways you could work around that. Without knowing the internal logic in your useFetch-hook I can only assume you are able to change it.
Change hook to handle its state internally
One way to work around that would be to change the logic of your custom useFetch hook to provide some form of function that fetches the data and updates the state internally. It could then look something like this:
const { data, doFetch } = useFetch(kanye);
useEffect(() => {
doFetch(); // initialFetch
}, []);
const getMore = () => {
// ...
You would then need to change the internal logic of your useFetch-hook to use useState internally and expose the getter of it. It would look something like this:
export const useFetch = (url) => {
const [data, setData] = useState(null);
const doFetch = () => {
// Do your fetch-Logic
return { data, doFetch };
Change hook not to handle any state at all.
If you only want to manage the state of the loaded data in the parent component, you could just provide the wrapped fetch function through the hook; Something like that:
const doFetch = useFetch(kanye);
const [data, setData] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
setData(doFetch()); // initialFetch
}, []);
const getMore = () => {
// ...
You would then need to change the internal logic of your useFetch-hook to not have any internal state and just expose the wrapped fetch. It would look something like this:
export const useFetch = (url) => {
const doFetch = () => {
// Do your fetch-Logic
return result;
return doFetch;
