Why aren't LIBs and DLLs interchangeable? - c

LIB files are static libraries that must be included at compile time, whereas DLL files can be "dynamically" accessed by a program during runtime. (DLLs must be linked, however, either implicitly before runtime with an import library (LIB) or explicitly via LoadLibrary).
My question is: why differentiate between these file types at all? Why can't LIB files be treated as DLLs and vice versa? It seems like an unnecessary distinction.
Some related questions:
DLL and LIB files - what and why?
Why are LIB files beasts of such a duplicitous nature?
DLL and LIB files
What exactly are DLL files, and how do they work?

You must differentiate between shareable objects and static libraries simply because they are really different objects.
A shareable object file, as a DLL or a SO, contains structures used by the loader to allow the dynamic link to and from other executable images (i.e. export tables).
A DLL is at all effects an executable image that, as an executable, can be loaded in memory and relocated (if not position independent code), but not only import symbols, as the executable do, but also expose exported symbols.
Exported symbols can be used by the loader to interlink different executable modules in memory.
A static library, on the other hand, is simply a collection of object modules to be linked in a single executable, or even a DLL.
An object module contains instruction bytecode and placeholder for external symbols which are referenced through the relocation table.
The linker collect object modules one by one each time they are referenced, i.e. a function call, and add the object to the linking code stream, than examine the relocation table of the object module, and replace the occurrence of each external symbol, with a displacement of the symbol inside the linked code. Eventually adding more object modules as new references are discovered. This is a recursive process that will end when no more undefined references remain.
At the end of linking process you have an image of your executable code in the memory. This image will be read and placed in memory by the loader, an OS component, that will fix some minor references and fills the import table with the addresses of symbols imported from DLL's.
Moreover if it is true that you can extract each single object module you need from an archive (library file), you can't extract single parts from a DLL because it is a merge of all modules without any reference for the start and the end of each.
It should be clear now that while an object module, the .obj file, or a collection of them, .lib file, is quite different from a DLL. Raw code the first, a fully linked and 'ready to run' piece of code the second.
The very reason for existence of shareable objects and static libraries is related to efficiency and resource rationalization.
When you statically link library modules you replicate same code for each executable you create using that static library, implying larger executable files that will take longer time to load wasting kernel execution time and memory space.
When you use shareable objects you load the code only the first time, then for all subsequent executables you need only to map the space where the DLL code lays in the new process memory space and create a new data segment (this must be unique for each process to avoid conflicts), effectively optimizing memory and system usage (for lighter loader workload).
So how we have to choose between the two?
Static linking is convenient when your code is used by a limited number of programs, in which case the effort to load a separate DLL module isn't worth.
Static linking also allows to easily reference to process defined global variables or other process local data. This is not possible, or not so easy, with a DLL because being a complete executable can't have undefined references so you must define any global inside the DLL, and this reference will be common for all processes accessing the DLL code.
Dynamic linking is convenient when the code is used by many programs making more efficient the loader work, and reducing the memory usage. Example of this are the system libraries, which are used by almost all programs, or compiler runtime.


Except linking object files of current code and other included header files, what other task linker do?

#include <stdio.h>
#include<a.h> // other file which have function "fun()" declaration
int main()
int a =100;
printf("print fun = %d", fun());
return 0;
Except linking object files of current code and other included header files, what other task linker do?
see below dummy code:
This answer applies to linked programs (e.g., C, C++) , as opposed to interpreted programs (e.g., shell scripts, most byte-code languages, interpreters). The shades of grey for byte-code languages are ignored here.
Linkers start by collecting the object modules (called .o files herein) and libraries the command line points it to, building a list of all provided and referenced global names therein. By this time the actual source code has been left behind. Ignoring debugging information, described later, effectively only the names of global variables and functions remain in .o files along with associated values.
The object code tracks what parts of .o files are variables and what parts are executable code along with the names and locations of external entries. Some languages (C++) track argument signatures though others (C) do not.
Keeping it simple, after including .o files on the command line in the build, the linker's major job is to look through those .o files to extract references to all externals and then hunt through the libraries to satisfy those externals. The whole lot is bundled up into your executable or, in the case of dynamic libraries loaded during execution, appropriate links to loadable modules are put in the executable.
The linking process assigns everything linkers put into executables a memory addresses to reside at. The linker puts all this into the executable along with additional metadata, such as file headings and optional debugging information, in a way loaders can nicely extract when the program runs. This is usually divided into program segments for executable code, data segments when the program's variables that have initial values associated with them live, and places for variables that have no specific values live that get the default value of binary zeros. These segments provide the run time layout of the executable.
A few basic things, like the names and locations of functions, are often kept in all builds, but this can be so minimal to be worthless in debugging most failures, which leads developers into using -g during development in most POSIX/Linus type compilers.
Debugging information for .o modules compiled under -g (or whatever) will be discarded if the linker is not told to keep it in the build. This information includes all of the external variable names, functions, their addresses, and more; all that stuff you can see with debuggers is included here, and adds considerable to the size of executables. This often includes associating locations of functions, and code therein, to the original source files.
Linkers also identify where the execution is to start at. A small but critical thing and is not the "main()" type functions that beginners tend to believe is the start of their code's run but some place deep with the language library that is automagically included into the build in perhaps obscure ways. This startup code assures all the stuff needed for successful execution happens, like getting ready to handle malloc(), use inherited open files, setting up environment variables, setting up the stack and heap, and the like. Once all this is done main()'s code is used to kick off the user's code. While the linker has nothing to do with this initialization code, nor the final completion code that runs when the program exits or the main returns, the linker does point assure this start up code is present, which also includes properly exit when user code is done.
Once built the linker is done, with the big exclusion of possibility handling dynamic modules that get loaded when called. How such are handled are heavily dependent on the OS and the nature of the link. Sometimes a linker can be involved and sometimes it is "just" loading a module file.
In my view the "loader" that reads in executables into the proper memory, zeros out some chunks of memory, and other start up handling, as a key partner with the linker. While a key partner it is definitely a separate program.
Basically, the linker links object files (the result of compiling your various source code files (not headers), the standard library, the math library, the ncurses library, the big integer library, ...) and adds management data to make a recognizable executable (ELF format, EXE format, PE format, ...).

what's the relationship between dlfcn.c, ld-linux.so and libdl.so?

I'm new to C and linker, sorry if my question sounds weird.
I check online and found dlfcn.c, ld-linux.so are both called dynamic linker, then comes the libdl.so which is dynamic linker library by its name, so what's the relationsip between them?
does dlfcn.c and other essentiaL .C files used to generate ld-linux.so? if yes then what's the difference between ld-linux.so and libdl.so?
... is what I call "the dynamic linker":
This file is loaded by the Linux kernel together with an ELF file when the ELF file requires dynamic libraries.
The file ld-linux.so contains the code that loads the dynamic libraries (for example libc.so) needed by the ELF file from the disk to memory.
This file is a dynamic library that contains functions like dlopen() or dlsym():
These functions allow a program to "dynamically" load dynamic libraries - this means the program can call a function to load a dynamic library.
One of many use-cases are plug-ins that the user may configure in some configuration dialog (so these plug-ins do not appear in the list of required files stored inside the executable file).
I'm not absolutely sure, but this file seems to be part of the source code of libdl.so.

How are shared libraries referenced by various programs?

I understand that shared libraries are loaded into memory and used by various programs.
How can a program know where in memory the library is?
When a shared library is used, there are two parts to the linkage process. At compile time, the linker program, ld in Linux, links against the shared library in order to learn which symbols are defined by it. However, none of the code or data initializers from the shared library are actually included in the ultimate a.out file. Instead, ld just records which dynamic libraries were linked against and the information is placed into an auxiliary section of the a.out file.
The second phase takes placed at execution time, before main gets invoked. The kernel loads a small helper program, ld.so, into the address space and this gets executed. Therefore, the start address of the program is not main or even _start (if you have heard of it). Rather, it is actually the start address of the dynamic library loader.
In Linux, the kernel maps the ld.so loader code into a convenient place in the precess address space and sets up the stack so that the list of required shared libraries (and other necessary info) is present. The dynamic loader finds each of the required libraries by looking at a sequence of directories which are often point in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. There is also a pre-defined list which is hard-coded into ld.so (and additional search places can be hard-coded into the a.out during link time). For each of the libraries, the dynamic loader reads its header and then uses mmap to create memory regions for the library.
Now for the fun part.
Since the actual libraries used at run-time to satisfy the requirements are not known at link-time, we need to figure out a way to access functions defined in the shared library and global variables that are exported by the shared library (this practice is deprecated since exporting global variables is not thread-safe, but it is still something we try to handle).
Global variables are assigned a statics address at link time and are then accessed by absolute memory address.
For functions exported by the library, the user of the library is going to emit a series of call assembly instructions, which reference an absolute memory address. But, the exact absolute memory address of the referenced function is not known at link time. How do we deal with this?
Well, the linker creates what is known as a Procedure Linkage Table, which is a series of jmp (assembly jump) instructions. The target of the jump is filled in at run time.
Now, when dealing with the dynamic portions of the code (i.e. the .o files that have been compiled with -fpic), there are no absolute memory references whatsoever. In order to access global variables which are also visible to the static portion of the code, another table called the Global Offset Table is used. This table is an array of pointers. At link time, since the absolute memory addresses of the global variables are known, the linker populates this table. Then, at run time, dynamic code is able to access the global variables by first finding the Global Offset Table, then loading the address of the correct variable from the appropriate slot in the table, and finally dereferencing the pointer.

Undefined reference to error when .so libraries are involved while building the executable

I have a .so library and while building it I didn't get any undefined reference errors.
But now I am building an executable using the .so file and I can see the undefined reference errors during the linking stage as shown below:
xy.so: undefined reference to `MICRO_TO_NANO_ULL'
I referred to this and this but couldn't really understand the dynamic linking.
Also reading from here lead to more confusion:
Dynamic linking is accomplished by placing the name of a sharable
library in the executable image. Actual linking with the library
routines does not occur until the image is run, when both the
executable and the library are placed in memory. An advantage of
dynamic linking is that multiple programs can share a single copy of
the library.
My questions are:
Doesn't dynamic linking means that when I start the executable using
./executable_name then if the linker not able to locate the .so
file on which executable depends it should crash?
What actually is dynamic linking if all external entity references are
resolved while building? Is it some sort of pre-check performed by dynamic linker? Else
dynamic linker can make use of
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to get additional libraries to resolve the undefined
Doesn't dynamic linking means that when I start the executable using ./executable_name then if the linker not able to locate the .so file on which executable depends it should crash?
No, linker will exit with "No such file or directory" message.
Imagine it like this:
Your executable stores somewhere a list of shared libraries it needs.
Linker, think of it as a normal program.
Linker opens your executable.
Linker reads this list. For each file.
It tries to find this file in linker paths.
If it finds the file, it "loads" it.
If it can't find the file, it get's errno with No Such file or directory from open() call. And then prints a message that it can't find the library and terminates your executable.
When running the executable, linker dynamically searches for a symbol in shared libraries.
When it can't find a symbol, it prints some message and the executable teerminates.
You can for example set LD_DEBUG=all to inspect what linker is doing. You can also inspect your executable under strace to see all the open calls.
What actually is dynamic linking if all external entity references are resolved while
Dynamic linking is when you run the executable then the linker loads each shared library.
When building, your compiler is kind enough to check for you, that all symbols that you use in your program exist in shared libraries. This is just for safety. You can for example disable this check with ex. --unresolved-symbols=ignore-in-shared-libs.
Is it some sort of pre-check performed by dynamic linker?
Else dynamic linker can make use of LD_LIBRARY_PATH to get additional libraries to resolve the undefined symbols.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is just a comma separated list of paths to search for the shared library. Paths in LD_LIBRARY_PATH are just processed before standard paths. That's all. It doesn't get "additional libraries", it gets additional paths to search for the libraries - libraries stay the same.
It looks like there is a #define missing when you compile your shared library. This error
xy.so: undefined reference to `MICRO_TO_NANO_ULL'
means, that something like
#define MICRO_TO_NANO_ULL(sec) ((unsigned long long)sec * 1000)
should be present, but is not.
The compiler assumes then, that it is an external function and creates an (undefined) symbol for it, while it should be resolved at compile time by a preprocessor macro.
If you include the correct file (grep for the macro name) or put an appropriate definition at the top of your source file, then the linker error should vanish.
Doesn't dynamic linking means that when I start the executable using ./executable_name then if the linker not able to locate the .so file on which executable depends it should crash?
Yes. If the .so file is not present at run-time.
What actually is dynamic linking if all external entity references are resolved while building? Is it some sort of pre-check performed by dynamic linker? Else dynamic linker can make use of LD_LIBRARY_PATH to get additional libraries to resolve the undefined symbols.
It allows for libraries to be upgraded and have applications still be able to use the library, and it reduces memory usage by loading one copy of the library instead of one in every application that uses it.
The linker just creates references to these symbols so that the underlying variables or functions can be used later. It does not link the variables and functions directly into the executable.
The dynamic linker does not pull in any libraries unless those libraries are specified in the executable (or by extension any library the executable depends on). If you provide an LD_LIBRARY_PATH directory with a .so file of an entirely different version than what the executable requires the executable can crash.
In your case, it seems as if a required macro definition has not been found and the compiler is using implicit declaration rules. You can easily fix this by compiling your code with -pedantic -pedantic-errors (assuming you're using GCC).
Doesn't dynamic linking means that when I start the executable using
./executable_name then if the linker not able to locate the .so file
on which executable depends it should crash?
It will crash. The time of crash does depend on the way you call a certain exported function from the .so file.
You might retrieve all exported functions via functions pointers by yourself by using dlopen dlysm and co. In this case the program will crash at first call in case it does not find the exported method.
In case of the executable just calling an exported method from a shared object (part of it's header) the dynamic linker uses the information of the method to be called in it's executable (see second answer) and crashes in case of not finding the lib or a mismatch in symbols.
What actually is dynamic linking if all external entity references are resolved while building? Is it some sort of pre-check performed by dynamic linker? Else dynamic linker can make use of LD_LIBRARY_PATH to get additional libraries to resolve the undefined symbols.
You need to differentiate between the actual linking and the dynamic linking. Starting off with the actual linking:
In case of linking a static library, the actual linking will copy all code from the method to be called inside the executable/library using it.
When linking a dynamic library you will not copy code but symbols. The symbols contain offsets or other information pointing to the acual code in the dynamic library. If the executable does invoke a method which is not exported by the dynamic library though, it will already fail at the actual linking part.
Now when starting your executable, the OS will at some point try to load the shared object into memory where the code actually resides in. If it does not find it or also if it is imcotable (i.e.: the executable was linked to a library using different exports), it might still fail at runtime.

Prototype Kernel and modules

Recently I've picked up one of my old projects and restarted it, pretty much from scratch.
I've been sick for awhile, so I've had time to crack down hard and implement tons of functionality. However one thing that I feel would be a good idea to implement is module loading. I want to do kernel mode dynamic loading of modules.
The word modules is a bit ambiguous, the correct term would just be to load libraries, such as a miniture implementation of the C library for kernel mode drivers or standard things like the PIT and keyboard which are on IRQ 0 & 1. The method I'm trying to achieve is a bit self-sustaining; in the aspect that the modules my kernel will load, will be used in the kernel itself to get into user mode.
As an example, my kernel uses very few functions from the C library, which I've implemented myself. These functions themselfs are used in the setup of my GDTs, IDTs, IRQs, ISRs etc, etc. I would like to abstract these functions to a library that the kernel can load and use. Which means the kernel itself will require module loading at the very first stage, before anything is setup.
Now, I've thought of a few ways to do this myself, such as adding a structure to this library with a table of function pointers that are assigned the address of the functions in the library itself. Compiling the library as an aout-kludge file, loading the library into the kernel as a void * ( which is okay since I have a working allocator ), and then figuring out the offset of the structure, stepping into the void pointer that much, and recreating the structure in the kernel. This does not sound like it would work, since the table of function pointers need to be assigned, which means there needs to be an initialize function in the library itself. How would that be called, even if I knew the address?
I'm clueless as to how I could implement such a loader, and is it even worth it? I want to abstract as much as I possibly can, my kernel has a modular design. I also do expect to load drivers and other things with this method, I'm just unsure how I would implement it. I tried various methods already, and they all failed. What should I do?
I would recommend you first write a dynamic loader in user space. The techniques needed are very similar, and you may be able to adapt much of the code to kernel space later. Also, don't use a.out and don't make up your own 'table of function pointers' - use a more modern format such as ELF. The compile-time tools already exist, so this will save you a lot of effort; you can just write an appropriate linker script and build straight from a Linux GCC.
As it happens, the Windows kernel does something very similar to what you say - the Windows kernel (ntoskrnl.exe) is a PE executable file linking in routines from various DLLs (PSHED.dll, HAL.dll, KDCOM.dll, CLFS.sys, and Cl.dll on my system). In this case, the NTLDR program loads all files required by ntoskrnl.exe into memory, and a boot stub in ntoskrnl.exe then performs dynamic linking. Later the same dynamic linker can be used to load other drivers as well.
Implementing kernel modules is not a trivial job. It is a little complicated and you will need to read to ELF documentation for coding. I will try to provide you some insight here -
In user-space, executable files required shared libraries to implement some of their functionality or code. So, the code in the executable will reference code in the shared library. This leads to the development of symbols. Symbols represent pointers to data/functions/other & have a name.
CHAR VariableName[20];
For example, in the above code a data symbol will be created with the name 'VariableName'. After the 'invention' of dynamic/shared libraries the symbol table (set of symbols in a binary) has to be loaded to resolve the references from executable file in the libraries. But a lot of debugging symbols & useless symbols are present in the symbol table.
Symbol: Main.c
For example, in the symbol table, even a symbol for the C source file will be present for debugging. But that is not required for resolving references at runtime. Here, the concept of dynamic symbols comes in the play.
Dynamic linking refers to the resolving of references between binaries. The dynamic linker will use the dynamic symbol table (which must be loaded & 'normal' symbol table doesn't have to) to resolve the references that the executable makes in the library.
Now, in the kernel core which is the executable file, there are no references in the shared libraries (kernel modules). But the shared libraries reference in the executable. So, the executable must contain dynamic symbols for resolving the references in the kernel modules. This is contrary to the case in user-space. Thus, if you are using ld,
-pie -T LinkerScript.ld
option should be used for create a dynamic symbol table in the kernel executable.
And you should create a LinkerScript.ld file -
/* File: LinkerScript.ld */
kernel PT_LOAD FILEHDR;/* This declares a segment in which your code/data is.*/
dynamic PT_DYNAMIC;/* Segment containing the dynamic table (not DST). */
/* text, data, bss sections must be implemented already */
.dynamic ALIGN(0x1000) : AT(ADDR(.dynamic) - KERNEL_OFFSET)
} :dynamic/* add :kernel to text, data, bss*/
with the above structure. Make sure, your .text, .data & .bss sections are already present & :kernel is added to the end of the section descriptor.
For more information, read the ELF documentation & LD manual (for linker script insight).
