Trying to understand the error in my code [closed] - c

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm creating a code where someone enters the amount of people eating a cut from and from there I can figure out how many pieces I can have in one pizza.I'm having trouble and don't know how to fix my error.
#include <stdio.h>
int Cuts(int n)
int max = n*2;
return m;
int main()
int m;
m = Cuts();
printf("P1:%d\n" , m);

Your CutYourPizza function is written to require one integer argument (called n), but when you invoked that function on the line max = CutYourPizza(); you did not supply any argument.
For example, if you wanted to supply the number 10 as an argument, then you could have written max = CutYourPizza(10); with the argument 10 inside the parentheses.


Codeforces's problem 151A I've wrote this program in C language , I think it has some problem. Help me out please [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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151A codeforces link
Here is my code written in C language. It has some problem
int main ()
int n,k,l,c,d,p,nl,np,mm,per,tl,to,sum;
mm = k*l;
per = mm/nl;
tl = c*d;
to = p/np;
return 0;
You have to find the minimum value among per, tl, and to and divide that with n instead of just calculating to/n, which you are currently calculating with sum=(per,tl,to)/n;. (per and tl are ignored according to the definition of the comma operator)

Can static variable be re-initialised [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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In the main() function,
i,a and b are decalred static. Ok, fair enough.
The function is called.
All i,a and b have some value. Ok, fair enough.
The function is called again.
Now as a static variable i , a and b must retain their value.
How is i again intialised to 0? (Shouldnt it contain its previous value?)
Snap shot of the problem.
P.s Answer is d btw.
i is not initialized again:
void printtab()
static int i, a = -3, b = -6;
i = 0;
It is assigned a new value when the function is entered.

wrong output C after successful attempts [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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So i'm trying to solve this codeforce problem
.Basically i input 4 integers(a[0]...a[3]) and an array of integers between 1 and 4 then i need to output the sum of the string values according to the 4 initial integers.(check the codeforce's exemples)
So my code did work on the 5 initial tests but i had a wrong output on the 6th test
enter image description here
Here's the code
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int test=1;
long s,result=0;
long a[3];
int i,x;
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
if (a[i]==0)
while (s!=0)
if (test==0)
return 0;
Your help would be much appreciated.
There have several problems with your code. But the most severe problem for which you are getting wrong output because you are using "%d" format specifier for long values, but its "%ld" actually. Using %ld will solve the problem.
Leaving rest of the problems for you to find out. Happy coding!

C Prime Number crashes at 64901 [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define size 20000000
int prim[size];
int i, zahl, zaehler, erg;
int sieve(int zahl, int prim[], int zaehler) {
if(zahl == 2000000)
return 1;
for(i=0; i<=zaehler; i++) {
erg = zahl%prim[i];
if(erg==0) {
return sieve(zahl, prim, zaehler);
printf("%d\n", prim[zaehler]);
return sieve(zahl, prim, zaehler);
int main(){
zaehler = 0;
zahl = 2;
sieve(zahl, prim, zaehler);
When trying to calculate prime numbers, when i run this code, it always crushes at the number 64901.
What might be the problem?
Ironically, this is literally a stack overflow due to recursion. You can make your stack large (which will only delay the issue), or change from a recursive solution to an iterative one.
(and for what it's worth, some debuggers won't be able to help you in this situation. And it's very difficult to beginners in C to understand what is going wrong until the first time they hit this problem. So congrats! You're leveling up in C)
A cheap way to verify it's indeed a stack overflow is to create extra memory on your stack in the recursive function and see if the number it crashes on changes from 64901. My guess is if you put like char dummy[2048] in there, it will crash much sooner.

Why is the result of this short C program "3 2"? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Here is the source codeļ¼š
#include <stdio.h>
enum coordinate_type{ RECTANGULAR = 1,POLAR };
int main(void)
printf("%d %d\n",RECTANGULAR,POLAR);
return 0;
Why is the result the following:
3 2
You are redefining what RECTANGULAR is in the main function. It gets initialized with a "random" value, in this case it is 3, but it could be anything else.
POLAR keps its value of 2 because of how the enum is defined.
Try redefining the RECTANGULAR variable in main to see different outputs.
