app engine deployment through cloud shell hangs without error - google-app-engine

I am deploying a app engine application through cloud shell. I have deployed it a lot of times, but currently when ever I deploy it i gets hanged at the below position and nothing happens:
myname#cloudshell:~stackdriver-metrics-export/list_metrics (my-project)$ gcloud app deploy
Services to deploy:
descriptor: [/home/myname/stackdriver-metrics-export/list_metrics/app.yaml]
source: [/home/myname/stackdriver-metrics-export/list_metrics]
target project: [my-project]
target service: [list-metrics]
target version: [20200703t225313]
target url: []
Do you want to continue (Y/n)? Y
Beginning deployment of service [list-metrics]...
// it gets stuck here and nothing happens afterwards I even restarted cloudshell lot of times but the same result, there is no change in the cursor position also. No error is also thrown
Please help me as i am new to cloud shell and google cloud.

This is working now, I am not sure what is the reason, but after i try to download a project from cloudshell to my local machine, strangely I found the project in one of the cloud shell directories itself as duplicate, and I have cleaned all of that, so still not sure of the reason

Check if you have symbolic link or very large file in the same directory. That will cause the system to take along time packaging your deployment.


Google App Engine: connection interrupted while running gradle appengineDeploy and now application will not work (including firebase cloud messaging)

While I was deploying my google app engine project (Java) using gradle appengineDeploy my internet connection was interrupted.
I re-deployed the project. Although the console said BUILD SUCCESSFUL, the app engine instance no longer works. No matter how many times I re-deploy or update my application, the logs show nothing but errors:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/appengine/api/ThreadManager
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Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: at ( at
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Is there some way for me to clear out the partial build (or whatever there may be) in google app engine?
I tried deleting all versions and instances (you cannot delete them all, it won't let you delete the serving one).
I tried increasing the version number in appengine-web.xml.
I tried gradle clean.
I tried disabling and enabling the application in the google cloud console.
No luck.
One idea I have is maybe if I can somehow force all the files for the app to be uploaded again? Because with gradle appengineDeploy only the changed files get uploaded.
I managed to fix one part of this by upgrading classpath '' in my gradle to the latest version. (Felt kind of hackish to do that and not reliable in the future if this happens again.) Maybe this flushed whatever was in app engine or something by doing that. I still have one problem remaining:
I am using the firebase admin SDK to send firebase cloud messages (authenticated with a .json credentials file) like this:
When I do I am getting this error: Unexpected
HTTP response with status: 401; body: null
Which is strange because other parts of the firebase admin SDK are working (like writing/reading from firestore).
So there is still something weird going on and I think it has to do with the fact that as I was uploading my google app engine project the connection was interrupted.
Here is something interesting: When I deploy my application using gcloud app deploy appengine-web.xml the application again will not work. Deploying with gradle appengineDeploy does though. I also noticed that the size of the application is shown as much smaller in the GCP console when deploying with gcloud app deploy appengine-web.xml. So something is messed up here. I tried looking up some sort of gcloud command to clear cache? Or something like that but no luck.
Additional Info:
My app was already deployed and working before the failed attempt. I changed one small piece of code in a function and upon uploading the app, the connection was interrupted because the internet went out.
I am on app engine standard environment.
I am deploying my application from the macOS terminal and using android studio to develop.
I have tried the stopPreviousVersion promote and version configs in gradle (actually the first two are true by default and version gets auto-generated if you do not set it).
Running gcloud app deploy appengine-web.xml --verbosity=debug shows a lot of sensitive information but one thing I am seeing is all the files in WEB-INF are being skipped:
DEBUG: Skipping upload of [WEB-INF/....
INFO: Incremental upload skipped 100.0% of data
DEBUG: Uploading 0 files to Google Cloud Storage
DEBUG: Using [16] threads
So perhaps files are not all being uploaded? This SO post raises a similar problem but has no solution:
It's weird but when I do gcloud app deploy, the app won't work at all. There are run-time errors all over the place. Doing gradle appengineDeploy fixes that but I still am having the firebase-admin issue.
To actually answer your question, GAE uses a staging bucket to cache files.
You can delete this bucket, and it will get recreated next time you try to deploy.
The bucket is always named staging.[PROJECT-ID] It should show on the buckets overview page
Just to be clear, I'm not anywhere near sure that this will actually resolve your issue, but this will most definitely clear whatever files GAE cached
Here there was a discussion on a, more or less, similar issue on App Engine from last year.
You can use it as a source of inspiration to fix your current issue, because I think they are really similar as a concept. From there I think it may worth trying to put the appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.9.63.jar ( or whatever your version is ) file under WEB-INF/lib.
It the same post there were some guys who found out the there was a problem with gcloud v194 and switching to another version fixed the issue.
Here there is a similar issue which was resolved by upgrading the gcloud tool.
Anyhow, this behaviour is not normal and things should not work like this. You can try to find a workaround, but my recommendation is to report the issue and let an App Engine engineer taking a look over it. There are good chances to be something internal.

gcloud deploy does not upload new files

I just stumbled on the following issue in App Engine Standard with a Python 2.7 enviroment
So I deployed to my test environment yesterday and today I had the idea of updating one of my applications. I do my normal "gcloud deploy ... " and it says updating 3 files ... While I actually changed a bunch of files. Basically my deploy command says the files are not changed.
After some searching around I found that files are being uploaded to a staging area and checked with a hash. Is it safe to actually clear this staging area, or does the gcloud command have some secret force option to actually force the files to be renewed.
The gcloud command has not given any errors what so ever, nor was it aborted at some point of deployment or something. So I have no errors, but my files aren't uploaded at all. I also tried modifying alot of files, and nothing changed
I never use the promote option for these rare cases that a deploy might fail
So anyone encountered this before, or has a solution to this issue ?
I also was encountering this and the only solution I could find was to deploy to a new bucket. To do this:
go to and create a new bucket
redeploy using gcloud app deploy --bucket gs://your-new-bucket. (Change your-new-bucket to the actual bucket name)
This uploaded all the files again and created a new version in App Engine.
You can Go to and delete your application bucket, on the next deploy it will be recreated. Additionally you can use the parameter --verbosity=info to check which files are being uploaded.

Google App Engine: Build Timed Out during Deployment

Edit: Google Cloud at its finest. Made absolutely no changes but deployed fine this morning.
Error after ~10m of deployment (10+ deploy attempts).
I've changed the app to add a simply function with less than 10 lines of code. It has no affect on libraries and uses native python only and hence I'm not sure how it can affect the deployment.
I've tested the app and it runs fine locally.
Here is the error that I get:
ERROR: ( Cloud build failed. Check logs at Failure status: UNKNOWN:
Error Response: [4] DEADLINE_EXCEEDED
Previously to that, logs don't show any errors, in fact everything is going as expected.
Newest entries first:
9302e2430a0e: Pushed
4f56eb74b6bf: Pushed
21df82f90a72: Layer already exists
f0e2b3558b28: Layer already exists
99c71ba2c817: Layer already exists
2483da9621d1: Layer already exists
af09d2110abe: Layer already exists
d968669f4b42: Pushed
4b1e707066a6: Layer already exists
55530b72c8c8: Layer already exists
62c169a7d462: Layer already exists
According to this you can change the build timeout setting with:
gcloud config set app/cloud_build_timeout 1000
Setting it to 1000 seconds in this example.
I have this problem too when deploying my custom image to AppEngine flex. My image requires a few ML models and takes around 2 hours to build and GAE does not seem to like it.
To build your container images outside of Google Cloud Platform, you must first upload your images to a container image repository before you can deploy your images to App Engine with the gcloud app deploy command.
In short, push your image to Google Container Registry or container image repository of your choice, then deploy with this command
gcloud app deploy --image-url
More info here and here
For my case, I've found out the problem was that I have the same version for all gcloud app deploy command.
When there's traffic, the deployment will timeout.

Google App Engine Source Not Updating PHP

I cannot get my server code to update. I'm running a PHP instance on GAE and no matter what I do, the files won't update. In the source code view, I can see the files have updated, but when I attempt to access the updated file, I'm still viewing the old version. I've also attempted disconnecting my Bitbucket repo and using the update project-name command, but the files aren't refreshing when I attempt to access them. I'm not sure what to do to force the changes to take place.
My app.yaml contains the following code
- url: /(.+\.php)$
script: \1
secure: always
So the files should be getting read, right?
I was able to figure out what went wrong. I downloaded my code using download_app -A <your_app_id> -V <your_app_version> <output-dir> and noticed that I was downloading the old versions of the files (and wasn't downloading the new files). Turns out using source control within GAE will upload new code, but won't deploy it. I attempted to use update project-name one more time, but it didn't work. Turns out I didn't disconnect my Bitbucket account (could have sworn that I did...). Once disconnected, I was able to update the project using update project-name. While I was figuring this out, I reached out to Google support and received this message:
To use the feature of push to deploy you need to spin-up the Jenkins
Instance on GCE (Google Compute Engine) and then it will take the
updated code and execute it in the environment. Go through [1] for how
to enable the Jenkins instance and its configuration according to
different run time.
In your issue, you just mirrored the code from Bit Bucket to Cloud
Repository, as it is just doing the version control for the
application not executing the application. So basically you have have
the option of using Jenkins instance as I described above to test the
different version of the code or using the update command
from your local repository.
I haven't attempted to install and use Jenkins since I fixed it after disconnecting my Bitbucket account), but it may help others who have run into this problem.

Internal error on deployment to google appengine

I'm trying to get Vaadin7 app working on Google app-engine. I use app-engine sdk 1.8.5 with eclipse juno.
Deployment seems to work since I get:
------------ Deploying frontend ------------
Preparing to deploy:
Created staging directory at: '/tmp/appcfg4530509922106401908.tmp'
Scanning for jsp files.
Scanning files on local disk.
Initiating update.
Cloning 4 static files.
Cloning 8 application files.
Uploading 0 files.
Initializing precompilation...
Deploying new version.
Verifying availability:
Will check again in 1 seconds.
Will check again in 2 seconds.
Will check again in 4 seconds.
Will check again in 8 seconds.
Closing update: new version is ready to start serving.
Updating datastore:
Uploading index definitions.
Deployment completed successfully
However at the end of operation there is a pop-up saying:
An internal error occurred during: "Deploying <app-name> to Google".
Nothing is written to log file and I have no clue what kind of nullpointer is that. Accessing the application from web-browser gives HTTP 500.
Any tips on what can be the reason/possible solution?
Normally, after a successful deployment, the Google App Engine Eclipse plugin launches a browser tab pointing to If this fails, you can get a NullPointerException as you have described.
This is what happens to me, at least, with Eclipse 4.3 (Kepler) and app-engine sdk 1.8.6.
In this situation, your backend has indeed been deployed and it is safe to ignore this error. You will have to, however, launch or refresh your browswer tab manually.
