jupyter notebook cannot display properly in mobile browser - mobile

I am trying to use my mobile phone to browse jupyter notebook. However, the output display takes up only halve of the phone screen instead of using the entire width. But markdown contents are all ok. How could I fix this problem? Thanks.

did you try desktop site option in your smartphone's browser?
refer to this link: https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-open-ipynb-file-on-iOS-or-Android-devices
If it doesn't work, share the link of jupyter notebook so that it can be verified.


Why is my website's mobile version not working properly?

I have created a webpage using Dreamweaver and the mobile view is not showing properly on my website after uploading using Cpanel. This webpage is a practice site that my boss asked me to work on.
I have set the mobile view to trigger from 0 to 720px width. When I do live preview on my smartphone using the live preview of Dreamweaver all looks ok but when I upload the files on Cpanel and visit the actual site from my phone the mobile view does not trigger at all.
enter image description here
Here is how it looks in the actual website: http://www.simplifiednaturals.com/VivaslimSNC1/
Please help. I am very new to website development and only know basic stuff.

Launch to google play and iOS app store to download a different app

I have separate user and PRO app. If a user downloads the PRO app I would like to give them the option to download the user version with a simple button to take them to download the user version from the relevant store. I'm looking for some guidance on the best way to achieve this.
You can use CN.execute("uri of my app"). You can check the CN.getProperty("Platform", "android").equals("ios") to check if this is iOS and use the itunes URL. Otherwise you can use the Android URL.
On the desktop this will open the browser but on the device it will launch the appstore.
See this post: https://www.codenameone.com/blog/rating-widget.html

How to run a add-on function from a button on a sheet?

I made an addon (link, in the description - the full code) that works like this.
The spreadsheet editor fills the cells and selects the item to which the addon script is assigned in the user menu. The script inserts the current date on the sheet, collects the cell values, sends them to the owner, and removes the editor’s access to the spreadsheet.
Everything works great on the desktop, but does not work on mobiles. Now more than 50% of users visit the Internet from mobile devices. Mobile users cannot access menus, sidebars and buttons in the Google Sheets application. In addition, the mobile application must be additionally downloaded and installed. It is not comfortable.
In the mobile browser (for example, Chrome) they are available, but only if you select "Full version" in the settings.
In addition, in Chrome, the menu items are very small, you have to swiping to increase them. This is all uncomfortable.
It would be great if you could launch the addon from the button. The button can be made large. Then on mobile devices, using the spreadsheet directly in the browser will be more convenient.
Are there any ways that can solve this problem?
I would be grateful for the ideas.

Open instagram ad link in default mobile browser

We are creating Instagram ad for the product (from ads manager panel) . It contains the link to the webpage , where one of the steps is that you need to upload the picture.
Problem here is that ad is opened in some kind of "instagram" browser, not in like chrome or safari. And when user tries to upload the image, the process crashes.
Is it possible to force open this ad in default browser?
About thirty seconds after I initiated the bounty, I found the solution. So simple it was difficult...
Instead of, e.g.: https://www.instagram.com/p/LetTerS -- simply replace with https://m.instagram.com/p/LeTtErS/
When opened on desktop, Chrome (tested) quickly resolves back to "www." - the phone opens the link in a browser properly (tested on Nexus 5X, Samsung Something).

Issue in clicking on the browse button with selenium in IE

I am Clicking on the browse button in IE using Selenium Webdriver code in an upload file utility by reading the co-ordinates of the browse text. Whlie the code works fine in some machines in IE and firefox both, in yet another machine the same code is working for firefoxx but the browse button becomes unclickable in IE. We checked the settings in internet options, everything looks alike in both machines.
Please let us know if anyone faced any such issue and the resolution that could work.
If there is any other way to upload the file in your app by avoiding the "Browser" button method, then that is always preferred. Some people will use Apache HTTPComponents to do a POST upload to the servlet that the "Browse" button refers to. That is by far the preferred method rather than using WebDriver. The problem with the Browse button is that it opens native OS controls ( in some cases) and the only way you can control those is by using the Sikuli API to click on elements based on finding them with matching screenshots. Also, if you use Sikuli, you can't run multiple browser tests on the same machine since each test will block screen comparisons of another test and that will rule you out of using RemoteWebDriver.
