Azure AD Authentication and Authorization React.js - reactjs

I have a requirement of using Azure AD for authentication in React.js. This can be done using NPM package but the react.js application is calling API to get/update data.
I want to allow API to only return data when user is authenticated means if someone has direct URI of API it should not return data instead show authentication error.
As react.js only works at front end , how to use that authentication for calling API?

If you are using React.Js or any other Javascript front end technology , Then to authenticate Azure Active Directory you can use Implicit Grand Flow and it isrecomended to use your app as a single page application as per documents.
The libreary which can help you is MSAL.js and you can find MSAL.js code sample here.


Allow OAuth2 Authentication into Existing AWS Amplify React Application

I have an existing React application that is using AWS Amplify for backend resources, namely Cognito for authentication. Users authenticate through Cognito to access application resources. I have a new use case where the application will be put into an iframe in another application and I need to accept OAuth2 authentication into my application along with the existing authentication. I have been reading up on OAuth2 and the documentation for Amplify Auth using OAuth2 and I'm a bit confused on how to go about doing this. I'm hoping somebody knows of better documentation or information that can point me in the right direction.

MSAL authentication and authorization from React to Web API

I have some trouble understanding the MSAL authentication and authorization. I have a single page app developed in React. I have setup the MSAL Azure SSO authentication by registering the web app on the Azure AD. Now, I have a Web API (in .Net Core) which is running on a separate app service. How do I integrate the authentication from my React app to the Web API?
Few questions coming to mind:
Do I have to register the Web API app as well similar to my React app?
Do I have to pass the auth token from my React App to the Web API?
Do I have to setup the authentication only on the Web API side (using MSAL.Net) and the React App will connect to it?
Please share your thoughts. Let me know if I can explain any better.
If you are the author of both react app and web API, you can register just one app and use ClientId for both.
Yes. If your react app is standalone app (not a part of app) you can use msal.js to login with AzureAD and then use openId token to login to your web API. Also you can use access token to access services secured by Azure (e.g. Microsoft Graph) directly from React.
If your React app is a part of app, you can setup Auth on server. If it's standalone app you need to use approach from 2.
If your React app is standalone app and if you are going to access "downstream" API (like Microsoft Graph) from Web API, you need to implement On-Behalf-Of mechanism on your Web API. In two words:
- user login with React app and access Web API with openId token;
- Web API acquires new access token based on token sent from client
- Web API access Microsoft Graph with this new access token.
You can find Server side example here.
Client side example from another answer works in this case, but you need to send row openId to Web API instead on access token.
P.S. You can use access token instead of idToken to access your WebAPI as well, but in this case you need to define separate scope for your WebAPI in Azure as well. After that you can use this scope to access your WebAPI and separate set of scopes to access MS Graph.
Here is a complete video tutorial and source code on how to use MSAL with React to call Microsoft Graph.
The only different in your case will be that instead of calling Microsoft Graph, you will call your own API.
Bottomline is - there is no direct integration package yet for react. Which can also be read from the official statement on the msal-js repo:
After our current libraries are up to standards, we will begin
balancing new feature requests, with new platforms such as react and
See Here. It allows you to call Graph API from client side.

authenticate front end with web apis

I have a .net core application that I'm trying to authenticate with azure ad.
I'm using C# web apis for for all backend.
The place where I'm getting stuck is how to force my user to login when coming to my app.
If I add Authorize to my api calls with they just fail and the page loads without getting the information from the api calls.
How do I tell my react app to go to the microsoft login page if they're not logged in? I'm thinking that I don't need tokens because I can just get the ms login link from my api call and login?
Is this something I can set in the startup page?

SAML with ADFS for angularjs+java+jetty webapp

I am working on a webapp, the Front-end is implemented in AngularJS which talks to back-end server by invoking REST API. The back-end is Java REST Server implemented using reslet framework deployed in Jetty.
Currently, when a user logs into a web app, a REST API is invoked which then goes to the Java REST server. The server then authenticates the user.
I want to implement SSO using SAML. So when a corporate user tries to login to the app, the user must be redirected to ADFS. If the user is successfully authenticated he must be allowed to login to the app.
I want to know how do I start? I have seen sam2-js library, however it seems to be for NodeJS based server. I am not quite sure if it can be used with AngularJS on frontend.
SSO with SAML involves browser redirects so the flow is between angular and ADFS.
There's no Java backend.
So Jetty is irrelevant.
SSO has nothing to do with REST. They are two different flows handled in two different ways.
SAML is not a suitable SSO protocol for angular. That's why you can't find any examples.
You need to use OpenID Connect with ADFS 4.0. ADAL is the way to go.

How to configure a WebApp & WebApi with different AAD App IDs?

I currently have two app services
Web App ( core 2 w/ front end in react)
Web Api ( core 2)
Note: Both are configured with different Azure active directory app id.
user signs into Web App and retrieves a token for it's own appId/ClientId/ClientSecret stored in tokencache.
from the WebApp, the user wants to talk to a WebAPI but needs to get a token since it's protected with AAD as well but it's a different app id/client id/client secret.
When I try to do a AcquireTokenSilentAsync() for the web api, I get an error throwing that I the token is not in the cache?
It also seems that with depending if your using AAD v2.0 or v1.0 will determine if the web app and web api can have different app ids. So it seems like i would have to use AAD v1.0. With core 2, it's not clear to me what OpenIdConnect is using or configured to use under the covers.
It's not clear to me why the acquire token silent async didn't work and failed. Does that only look for the token in the cache; otherwise it fails?
Is it possible to configure the token from web app to have permission to access web api resources. I notice that in the azure portal, you can selected resources like microsoft graph, but I don't know how you would associate a custom API. In my case, I want to get it running on my local machine before I move it all to azure.
If the web app token does not have permission to access the web api, do i need to do another login authentication with the user even thou both are within the same tenant?
Any Advice appreciated,
Yes, AcquireTokenSilentAsync will look into the cache, and see if it can find tokens. If it does, it will check to see if the access token is still valid and return that back. If the token is expired, it will use the refresh token to fetch a new access token and return that back. When this call fails, it's an indicator you need to perform an AcquireTokenAsync (which will likely show UI in the case silent already failed).
Yes, you can associate a web app to get tokens for your own custom web API. I'd recommend using Azure AD v1.0 (register the app in the Azure portal, ADAL library). You'll need to register the two apps (web app and the api), both will be type web app/api. In the API, you can register an App ID URI which will act as the resource identifier for this API. In your web app, you'll want to go into the Required Permissions, and add the Web API you have registered as a permission. Then in your web app, you'll need to use the ADAL library (alongside an OpenID OWIN middleware) to acquire a token for the resource as specified by the App ID URI field. Here's a code sample that implements the exact scenario you're describing (Web App/API in ASP.NET Core).
