ReactJS: Group data by months in the same year - reactjs

I have data from api that looks like the following
commission_total: "4740.00"
country: "Kentop"
created_at: "Jun 30, 2020"
deposit: "0.00"
commission_total: "4760.00"
country: "Kentop2"
created_at: "Jul 1, 2020"
deposit: "0.00"
I am trying to group the data by month of the same year. How do i go about this? I am open to lodash, moment etc. Kindly assist

Try with teh following:-
let data= [{
commission_total: "4740.00"
country: "Kentop"
created_at: "Jun 30, 2020"
deposit: "0.00"
commission_total: "4760.00"
country: "Kentop2"
created_at: "Jul 1, 2020"
deposit: "0.00"
var grouped = _.mapValues(_.groupBy(data, 'created_at'),
datalist => => _.omit(item, 'created_at')));


MongoDB - How to retrieve only one specific document from a collection

I have created a database called "Cars" and a collection inside it as, "Cars_info". I have inserted 8 documents inside it as follows.
{ car_id: "c1", Company: "Toyota", Model: "Aqua", Year: 2020, Price_in_usd: 25000, Category: "High-end", Country: "Japan" },
{ car_id: "c2", Company: "Toyota", Model: "Premio", Year: 2019, Price_in_usd: 35000, Category: "High-end", Country: "Japan" },
{ car_id: "c3", Company: "Audi", Model: "A6", Year: 2020, Price_in_usd: 55000, Category: "High-end", Country: "Germany" },
{ car_id: "c4", Company: "Tata", Model: "Nano", Year: 2015, Price_in_usd: 10000, Category: "Low-end", Country: "India" },
{ car_id: "c5", Company: "Volkswagen", Model: "Taos", Year: 2022, Price_in_usd: 35000, Category: "High-end", Country: "Germany" },
{ car_id: "c6", Company: "Ford", Model: "Figo", Year: 2019, Price_in_usd: 26000, Category: "High-end", Country: "America" },
{ car_id: "c7", Company: "Mahindra", Model: "Thar", Year: 2018, Price_in_usd: 18000, Category: "Low-end", Country: "India" },
{ car_id: "c8", Company: "Honda", Model: "Vezel", Year: 2015, Price_in_usd: 33000, Category: "High-end", Country: "Japan" }
Here I want to retrieve only the third document from the collection. But without matching any field value. like,
Is there any way to do this?
You need .skip() and .limit().
Take the document by starting index: 2 and with only 1 document, which is the third document.
Update: Thanks and credit to #Wernfried for pointing out, you need .sort() to guarantee to get the nth of the document. For your scenario, you have to sort by car_id.
Sort Consistency
MongoDB does not store documents in a collection in a particular order. When sorting on a field that contains duplicate values, documents containing those values may be returned in any order.
.sort({ "car_id": 1 })

React - filter nested array and update the state

I have a state with an array of objects. Objects represent workers. Each worker has a name property and a nested object (projects2021). Inside the nested object there's an array of objects (projectsList):
name: 'John',
projects2021: {
hours: 15,
projectsAll: 10,
projectsNames: ['x', 'y', 'z'],
projectsList: [
month: 'january',
projectName: 'germany',
status: 'vodja',
hours: 50,
month: 'february',
projectName: 'germany',
status: 'vodja',
hours: 50,
name: 'David',
projects2021: {
hours: 15,
projectsAll: 10,
projectsNames: ['x', 'y', 'z'],
projectsList: [
month: 'january',
projectName: 'germany',
status: 'vodja',
hours: 50,
month: 'february',
projectName: 'germany',
status: 'vodja',
hours: 50,
const [workers, setWorkers] = useState(users);
I would like to map over the state and render the workers in a way where only the projects with a given month would be shown. For example, if I clicked "january", I would like react to display all the workers (their names), but only the projects with a "month" property of "january". In layman's terms: filtering the table by a given month. This is what I've done so far:
const filterByMonth = (month) => {
let mainArray = []; => {
const result = worker.projects2021.projectsList.filter(
(data) => data.month === month
With my approach I mutate the state directly (which is not ok) and thus loose certain parts of an object. I want to retain my object and only change the state of a nested array of objects (projectsList).
I was thinking of a way where I would spread the object first and then concat/push the nested array inside of an object.
I do apologize if my question isn't structured the way it should be, but this is my first time posting and I am a self-taught fella :).
Thank you
You can use spread to achieve it. Here's a sample:
const filterByMonth = (month) => {
const result = => {
return {...worker , projects2021: worker.projects2021.projectsList.filter(data => data.month === month)}
One way of accomplishing this is to have workers as constant and filtered workers as state.
const workers= [{
name: 'John',
projects2021: {
hours: 15,
projectsAll: 10,
projectsNames: ['x', 'y', 'z'],
projectsList: [
month: 'january',
projectName: 'germany',
status: 'vodja',
hours: 50,
const [filteredWorkers, setFilteredWorkers]=useState(workers)
Then apply filtering to the state
const filterByMonth = (month) => {
let newWorkers = workers.filter((worker)=> worker.projects2021.projectsList.month === month);
You actually can use this code:
const workers = [{
name: 'John',
projects2021: {
hours: 15,
projectsAll: 10,
projectsNames: ['x', 'y', 'z'],
projectsList: [
month: 'january',
projectName: 'germany',
status: 'vodja',
hours: 50,
month: 'february',
projectName: 'germany',
status: 'vodja',
hours: 50,
name: 'David',
projects2021: {
hours: 15,
projectsAll: 10,
projectsNames: ['x', 'y', 'z'],
projectsList: [
month: 'january',
projectName: 'germany',
status: 'vodja',
hours: 50
month: 'february',
projectName: 'germany',
status: 'vodja',
hours: 50
const updatedWorkers = => {
const updatedProjectsList = worker.projects2021.projectsList.filter(item =>
item.month === 'january'
return ({...worker, projects2021:{...worker.projects2021, projectsList: updatedProjectsList}});

How do I put an object inside another object based on the same key?

I am working with Reactjs and my data looks like this:
const this.state.singlePost = [{
name: 'Johnny',
age: 20,
birthPlace: 'Germany'
name: 'Samuel',
age: 22,
birthPlace: 'France'
let = [{
email: '',
number: 4567887654
email: '',
number: 0987655881
I want to make something like this:
let editedPost = [{
name: 'Johnny',
age: 20,
birthPlace: 'Germany',
email: '',
number: 4567887654
name: 'Samuel',
age: 22,
birthPlace: 'France',
email: '',
number: 0987655881
It might be a stupid question, but I got stuck for a few hours on this, Could somebody help me please? I have 5 items in this.state.singlePost and 10 items in How do I put the stuff in this.state.singlePost into just like the way I did in editedPost?
In theory, you would have a common key between the two objects that you would be able to merge on as without you will be relying on matching the index of objects.
let post = [
{email: '',
number: 4567887654},
{email: '',
number: 987655881}
let singlePost = [
{name: 'Johnny', age: 20, birthPlace: 'Germany'},
{name: 'Samuel', age: 22, birthPlace: 'France'}
let newList =, i) => ({...item, ...singlePost[i]}))
There is many ways to do this in Javascript. The way I chose prevents mutation of data, which may be something you are concerned with when using React.

how to display anchor in ng-grid column?

Trying to create a ng-grid with a link ie anchor in the first column. It is supposed to redirect to another page ie person passing in the Id for the person:
My controller looks like this:
$scope.gridOptions = {
data: 'myData',
enablePinning: true,
columnDefs: [
field: 'id',
displayName: 'PersonLink',
enableCellEdit: false,
cellTemplate: '<div class="ngCellText" ng-class="col.colIndex()">{{row.getProperty(name)}</div>'
{ field: "name", width: 120, pinned: true },
{ field: "age", width: 120 },
{ field: "birthday", width: 120 },
{ field: "salary", width: 120 }
$scope.myData = [
{ id:1,name: "Moroni", age: 50, birthday: "Oct 28, 1970", salary: "60,000" },
{ id:2,name: "Tiancum", age: 43, birthday: "Feb 12, 1985", salary: "70,000" },
{ id:3,name: "Jacob", age: 27, birthday: "Aug 23, 1983", salary: "50,000" },
{ id:4,name: "Nephi", age: 29, birthday: "May 31, 2010", salary: "40,000" },
{ id:5,name: "Enos", age: 34, birthday: "Aug 3, 2008", salary: "30,000" }
The link is not even displaying, can someone help out? thanks
Here is the plnkrlink:
I have tried to fix your fiddle. The updated fiddle is here
The thing that needed fix were you were missing ending }
Also pinned:true is not working maybe because you are doing it on second column. I moved it to first and it works.
Also the expression which refers a string should be fixed here

Displaying NULL in ng-grid for angularjs

ngGrid is converting my NULL cells to 0 or an empty string ("") based on the column type.
I need this displayed as 'NULL' instead. What is an efficient way to do this? There could be 10,000+ rows of data displayed in the Grid.
Simple Plunker displaying undesired behaviour:
(notice 0, "", or $0.00 instead of NULL).
->> Josh <<-
Create a custom filter that extends the original filter. Here is how you would do it for your date column:
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngGrid']);
app.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.gridOptions = {
data: 'myData',
columnDefs: [{ field: "name", width: 120 },
{ field: "age", width: 120, cellFilter: 'number' },
{ field: "birthday", width: 120, cellFilter: 'nullDateFilter' },
{ field: "salary", width: 120, cellFilter: 'currency' }]
$scope.myData = [{ name: "Moroni", age: 50, birthday: "Oct 28, 1970", salary: 60000 },
{ name: "Tiancum", age: 43, birthday: "Feb 12, 1985", salary: 70000 },
{ name: "Jacob", age: 27, birthday: "Aug 23, 1983", salary: 50000 },
{ name: null, age: null, birthday: null, salary: null },
{ name: "Enos", age: 34, birthday: "Aug 3, 2008", salary: 30000 }];
app.filter('nullDateFilter', function($filter) {
return function(input) {
var originalFilter = $filter('date');
return input == null ? 'null' : originalFilter(input);
