Loading PIXI textures, handling failures - reactjs

I'm working on a map project under React, using react-leaflet, and leaflet-pixi-overlay. Markers are implemented using the PIXI overlay (React 16.13.1, pixi.js 5.3.0, leaflet 1.6.0, leaflet-pixi-overlay 1.8.1).
I am struggling a bit with the PIXI documentation. I would like to use this PIXI.Texture.fromURL method (http://pixijs.download/release/docs/PIXI.Texture.html#.fromURL)
However neither my VS Code environment, nor my compiled source can access this method.
I am using instead PIXI.Texture.from(imageUrl), as well as PIXI.Texture.fromLoader(imageUrl). Both seem to work, but I don't get the difference between the two? The docs don't show these as being promises, yet they seem to work well with an async await?
Then, when a load fails, I don't see how to tell that things went wrong. Actually what I don't see is how to tell that things went right!
If I do:
let failed = false;
let newTexture;
try {
newTexture = await PIXI.Texture.from(url);
} catch (err) {
console.log(`FAILED loading texture from ${url}, err=${err}`);
failed = true;
texture.valid is always false, even when the texture loaded and displays just fine
no error is ever thrown when the url points to nowhere
Any pointers, is there a site with good (recent as of 2020) PIXI references? Am I missing something basic? Thanks.
Edit 07/06/2020:
Issues were largely due to both my IDE and webpack not 'seeing' that I had update pixi.js to 5.3.0, restart of both gave me access to Texture.fromURL.
The Texture.from call is a synchronous one. My understanding is that by default, it will load a 'valid' texture of 1x1 px in case of failure. Texture.fromURL was added to provide an async solution, see https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/issues/6514
Looks to me like Texture.fromURL still needs a bit of work, as it doesn't seem to ever return on a failed fetch (at least for relative paths, which is what I use). I see the same thing when using the following approach:
const texture = PIXI.Texture.from(url, {
resourceOptions: { autoLoad: false }}
await texture.baseTexture.resource.load();
With a bad relative path, the load function never returns in my test environment.

Then, when a load fails, I don't see how to tell that things went wrong. Actually what I don't see is how to tell that things went right! If I do:
texture.valid is always false, even when the texture loaded and displays just fine
no error is ever thrown when the url points to nowhere
Ok, first thing: please use the newest version of PIXI which is now 5.3.0: https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/releases/tag/v5.3.0
Texture.fromUrl was added in this PR: https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/pull/6687/files . Please read description of this PR: https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/pull/6687 - user bigtimebuddy describes 3 ways to load Texture synchronously. From this you should understand why it didnt worked in your code.
Also see: https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/175313/determine-when-a-pixi-texture-is-loaded-to-clone-it
About error handling, catching errors and checking if Texture is "valid": please try running following example (modified version of yours) :
let failed = false;
let newTexture;
try {
newTexture = await PIXI.Texture.fromURL('https://loremflickr.com/100/100');
// to see how failure works comment above line and uncomment line below:
// newTexture = await PIXI.Texture.fromURL('http://not-existing-site-0986756.com/not_existing.jpg');
} catch (err) {
console.log(`FAILED loading texture`);
failed = true;
console.log('failed: ' + (failed ? 'yes' : 'no'));
console.log(`valid=${typeof newTexture !== 'undefined' ? newTexture.valid : 'variable newTexture is undefined'}`);
console.log(newTexture ? newTexture : 'n/a');
And lastly about method not found in IDE:
I would like to use this PIXI.Texture.fromURL method (http://pixijs.download/release/docs/PIXI.Texture.html#.fromURL)
However neither my VS Code environment, nor my compiled source can access this method.
I use PhpStorm (but other IntelliJ editor should be similar - for example: WebStorm) and it finds this method:
* Useful for loading textures via URLs. Use instead of `Texture.from` because
* it does a better job of handling failed URLs more effectively. This also ignores
* `PIXI.settings.STRICT_TEXTURE_CACHE`. Works for Videos, SVGs, Images.
* #param {string} url The remote URL to load.
* #param {object} [options] Optional options to include
* #return {Promise<PIXI.Texture>} A Promise that resolves to a Texture.
Texture.fromURL = function (url, options) {
var resourceOptions = Object.assign({ autoLoad: false }, options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.resourceOptions);
var texture = Texture.from(url, Object.assign({ resourceOptions: resourceOptions }, options), false);
var resource = texture.baseTexture.resource;
// The texture was already loaded
if (texture.baseTexture.valid) {
return Promise.resolve(texture);
// Manually load the texture, this should allow users to handle load errors
return resource.load().then(function () { return Promise.resolve(texture); });
Do you use the development build of Pixi, or production one? ( https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/releases ).
Update 2020-07-06:
Your comment:
One thing still not clear to me though: when using an approach based on PIXI.Loader, do the sprites using a given texture get automatically refreshed once the texture has been loaded, or is there a manual refresh process required?
If you use "PIXI.Loader" approach then you can set the "load" callback - in which you should have all resources / textures already loaded. See: https://pixijs.download/dev/docs/PIXI.Loader.html
First you define which resources need to be loaded:
// Chainable `add` to enqueue a resource
loader.add('bunny', 'data/bunny.png')
.add('spaceship', 'assets/spritesheet.json');
loader.add('scoreFont', 'assets/score.fnt');
and then you define the callback:
// The `load` method loads the queue of resources, and calls the passed in callback called once all
// resources have loaded.
loader.load((loader, resources) => {
// resources is an object where the key is the name of the resource loaded and the value is the resource object.
// They have a couple default properties:
// - `url`: The URL that the resource was loaded from
// - `error`: The error that happened when trying to load (if any)
// - `data`: The raw data that was loaded
// also may contain other properties based on the middleware that runs.
sprites.bunny = new PIXI.TilingSprite(resources.bunny.texture);
sprites.spaceship = new PIXI.TilingSprite(resources.spaceship.texture);
sprites.scoreFont = new PIXI.TilingSprite(resources.scoreFont.texture);
You can try this way and inside this callback you can observe that texture of each resource is valid - for example: resources.bunny.texture.valid - it should be true.
Also, as you see in that doc, you can use other more advanced features like middleware or other callbacks for error handling etc.


Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: viewer.loadExtensionAsync is not a function

checkout the code on this link
We are trying to get the heatmap on our revit model but we are unable to show the heatmap. Tried several ways like changing the extensions from getExtensions() to loadExtensions() still nothing is showing in the viewer.
There's no method called loadExtensionAsync in the viewer API. You can use the loadExtension method which is also asynchronous (so you can await it), or getExtension if the extension was already loaded before.
Also, please note that we have recently updated our DataViz demo, https://aps-iot-extensions-demo.autodesk.io, and you can find its source code here: https://github.com/autodesk-platform-services/aps-iot-extensions-demo.
According to the Viewer Documentation, viewer.loadExtensionAsync() does not exist. You must use viewer.loadExtension(extensionId).
As the return type is a promise, this function is async so you should await the result like that :
const dataVizExt = await viewer.loadExtension("Autodesk.DataVisualization");
Another way of doing this, is adding the "Autodesk.DataVisualization" extension in the options of the Viewer when creating the Viewer instance :
const config = {
extensions : [
let viewer = new Autodesk.Viewing.Viewer3D(document.getElementById('forgeviewer'), config);
Then you should be able to get the extension like that :
const dataVizExt = await viewer.getExtensionAsync("Autodesk.DataVisualization");
var dataVizExt;
viewer.getExtension("Autodesk.DataVisualization", (ext)=>{
dataVizExt = ext;

Pdf Tron error " Exception error: Pdf error not found" (React App)

I'm trying to embed Pdf tron to my React application. I'm receiving this error when I'm clicking on the tab I want to filter to find the relative pdf file.
const handleFilteredDocs = (id)=>{
const filteredDoc = props.location.documents && props.location.documents.filter(doc=>{
return doc.controlId === id
path: 'lib',
initialDoc: `lib/pdf/${pdfPath}`,
extension: "pdf"
).then((instance) => {
const { docViewer, Annotations } = instance;
const annotManager = docViewer.getAnnotationManager();
docViewer.on('documentLoaded', () => {
const rectangleAnnot = new Annotations.RectangleAnnotation();
rectangleAnnot.PageNumber = 1;
// values are in page coordinates with (0, 0) in the top left
rectangleAnnot.X = 100;
rectangleAnnot.Y = 150;
rectangleAnnot.Width = 200;
rectangleAnnot.Height = 50;
rectangleAnnot.Author = annotManager.getCurrentUser();
// need to draw the annotation otherwise it won't show up until the page is refreshed
I'm thinking is because the ref component didn't receive in time the pdfPath state and then throw the error. I've tried to place a separate button to load the pdf with the pdfPath correctly updated and in that case worked. What can i do make it render correctly there?
this is the error I get from the console:
UI version "7.3.0"
Core version "7.3.0"
Build "Mi8yMi8yMDIxfDZmZmNhOTdmMQ=="
WebViewer Server false
Full API false
CoreControls.js:189 Could not use incremental download for url /lib/pdf/. Reason: The file is not linearized.
{message: "The file is not linearized."}
CoreControls.js:189 There may be some degradation of performance. Your server has not been configured to serve .gz. and .br. files with the expected Content-Encoding. See http://www.pdftron.com/kb_content_encoding for instructions on how to resolve this.
CoreControls.js:189 There may be some degradation of performance. Your server has not been configured to serve .gz. and .br. files with the expected Content-Encoding. See http://www.pdftron.com/kb_content_encoding for instructions on how to resolve this.
CoreControls.js:189 There may be some degradation of performance. Your server has not been configured to serve .gz. and .br. files with the expected Content-Encoding. See http://www.pdftron.com/kb_content_encoding for instructions on how to resolve this.
81150ece-4c18-41b0-b551-b92f332bd17f:1 PDFNet is running in demo mode.
81150ece-4c18-41b0-b551-b92f332bd17f:1 Permission: read
CoreControls.js:922 Uncaught (in promise)
{message: "Exception: ↵ Message: PDF header not found. The f… Function : SkipHeader↵ Linenumber : 1139↵", type: "InvalidPDF"}
Thank you guys for any help I will get on this!
The value of "pdfPath" isn't set to "filteredDoc[0].filePath" yet after you call "setPdfPath" (it'll still be the initial state till the next render). One thing you can do is pass a callback function when using "setState" to call "WebViewer()" after "pdfPath" has been updated
Also there is a guide on how to add PDFtron to a React project in the following link
One thing to note, is it's does the following
useEffect(() => {
// will only run once
}, [])
By doing the above, "WebViewer" is only initialized once. It might be a good idea to do something similar and use "loadDocument" (https://www.pdftron.com/documentation/web/guides/best-practices/#loading-documents-with-loaddocument) when switching between documents instead of reinitializing WebViewer each time the state changes

Cortana ran into an issue

I have created a javascript application (aka UWA) in order to play with my Belkin wemo and then turn on or turn off the ligth with Cortana. The following function is well called but Cortana ends up with an issue. If I remove the call to the HTTP call, the program works fine. Who can tell me what's wrong with the following function because no more details are exposed unfortunately (of course in the real program is replaced with the right URL):
function setWemo(status) {
WinJS.xhr({ url: "<url>" }).then(function () {
var userMessage = new voiceCommands.VoiceCommandUserMessage();
userMessage.spokenMessage = "Light is now turned " + status;
var statusContentTiles = [];
var statusTile = new voiceCommands.VoiceCommandContentTile();
statusTile.contentTileType = voiceCommands.VoiceCommandContentTileType.titleOnly;
statusTile.title = "Light is set to: " + status;
var response = voiceCommands.VoiceCommandResponse.createResponse(userMessage, statusContentTiles);
return voiceServiceConnection.reportSuccessAsync(response);
Make sure that your background task has access to the WinJS namespace. For background tasks, since there isn't any default.html, base.js won't be getting imported automatically unless you explicitly do it.
I had to update winjs to version 4.2 from here (or the source repository on git), then add that to my project to update from the released version that comes with VS 2015. WinJS 4.0 has a bug where it complains about gamepad controls if you try to import it this way (see this MSDN forum post)
Then I added a line like
to the top of your script's starting code to import WinJS. Without this, you're probably getting an error like "WinJS is undefined" popping up in your debug console, but for some reason, whenever I hit that, I wasn't getting a debug break in visual studio. This was causing the Cortana session to just hang doing nothing, never sending a final response.
I'd also add that you should be handling errors and handling progress, so that you can periodically send progress reports to Cortana to ensure that it does not time you out (which is why it gives you the error, probably after around 5 seconds):
WinJS.xhr({ url: "http://urlhere/", responseType: "text" }).done(function completed(webResponse) {
... handle response here
function error(errorResponse) {
... error handling
function progress(requestProgress) {
... <some kind of check to see if it's been longer than a second or two here since the last progress report>
var userProgressMessage = new voiceCommands.VoiceCommandUserMessage();
userProgressMessage.DisplayMessage = "Still working on it!";
userProgressMessage.SpokenMessage = "Still working on it";
var response = voiceCommands.VoiceCommandResponse.createResponse(userProgressMessage);
return voiceServiceConnection.reportProgressAsync(response);

WMS GetFeatureInfo; multiple layers, different sources

I'm developing a web application using GeoExt, OpenLayers and having my own GeoServer to serve various maps. Still, I want to let the user add other WMS's if needed, to be able to play around with all desired layers.
Thus, my problem with the GetFeatureInfo request. Right now I have a toolbar button attached to geoext's map panel,
new GeoExt.Action({
iconCls: "feature",
map: map,
toggleGroup: "tools",
tooltip: "Feature",
control: featureControl
its control attribute being
var featureControl = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
queryVisible: true,
drillDown: true,
I've also defined an event listener to do what I really want once I receive the responses, but that is not relevant here. My problem is the following:
Considering the user clicks on a point where there are 2+ visible layers and at least one of them is from a different source, OpenLayers will have to do one AJAX request per different source and, from OpenLayers own documentation,
Triggered when a GetFeatureInfo response is received. The event
object has a text property with the body of the response (String), a
features property with an array of the parsed features, an xy property
with the position of the mouse click or hover event that triggered the
request, and a request property with the request itself. If drillDown
is set to true and multiple requests were issued to collect feature
info from all layers, text and request will only contain the response
body and request object of the last request.
so, yeah, it will obviously wont work like that right away. Having a look at the debugger I can clearly see that, giving two layers from different sources, it actually DOES the request, it's just that it doesn't wait for the first's response and jumps for the next one (obviously, being asynchronous). I've thought about doing the requests one-by-one, meaning doing the first one as stated above and once it's finished and the response saved, go for the next one. But I'm still getting used to the data structure GeoExt uses.
Is there any API (be it GeoExt or OpenLayers) option/method I'm missing? Any nice workarounds?
Thanks for reading :-)
PS: I'm sorry if I've not been clear enough, english is not my mother tongue. Let me know if something stated above was not clear enough :)
i Hope this help to someone else, I realized that: you're rigth this control make the request in asynchronous mode, but this is ok, no problem with that, the real problem is when the control handle the request and trigger the event "getfeatureinfo" so, i modified 2 methods for this control and it works!, so to do this i declare the control first, and then in the savage mode i modified the methods here is de code:
getInfo = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({ drillDown:true , queryVisible: true , maxFeatures:100 });
//then i declare a variable that help me to handle more than 1 request.....
getInfo.responses = [];
getInfo.handleResponse=function(xy, request) { var doc = request.responseXML;
if(!doc || !doc.documentElement) { doc = request.responseText; }
var features = this.format.read(doc);
if (this.drillDown === false) {
this.triggerGetFeatureInfo(request, xy, features);
} else {
this._features = (this._features || []).concat(features);
if( this._numRequests > 1){
//if the num of RQ, (I mean more than 1 resource ), i put the Request in array, this is for maybe in a future i could be need other properties or methods from RQ, i dont know.
this.responses = request;}
if (this._requestCount === this._numRequests) {
//here i change the code....
//this.triggerGetFeatureInfo(request, xy, this._features.concat());
this.triggerGetFeatureInfo(this.responses, xy, this._features.concat());
delete this._features;
delete this._requestCount;
delete this._numRequests;
// I Adding this when the all info is done 4 reboot
getInfo.triggerGetFeatureInfo= function( request , xy , features) {
//finally i added this code for get all request.responseText's
if( isArray( request ) ){
text_rq = '';
for(i in request ){
text_rq += request[i].responseText;
text_rq = request.responseText;
this.events.triggerEvent("getfeatureinfo", {
//text: request.responseText,
text : text_rq,
features: features,
request: request,
xy: xy
// Reset the cursor.
OpenLayers.Element.removeClass(this.map.viewPortDiv, "olCursorWait");}
Thanks, you bring me a way for discover my problem and here is the way i solved, i hope this can help to somebody else.
saheka's answer was almost perfect! Congratulations and thank you, I had the same problem, and with it I finally managed to solve it.
What I would change in your code:
isArray() does not work, change it like this: if(request instanceof Array) {...} at the first line of getInfo.triggerGetFeatureInfo()
to show the results in a popup this is the way:
My code:
getInfo.addPopup = function(map, text, xy) {
if(map.popups.length > 0) {
var popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud(
and in the getInfo.triggerGetFeatureInfo() function, after the last line, append:
this.addPopup(map, text_rq, xy);
A GetFeatureInfo request is send as a JavaScript Ajax call to the external server. So, the requests are likely blocked for security reasons. You'll have to send the requests to the external servers by a proxy on your own domain.
Then, configure this proxy in openlayers by setting OpenLayers.ProxyHost to the proper path. For example:
OpenLayers.ProxyHost = "/proxy_script";
See http://trac.osgeo.org/openlayers/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions#ProxyHost for more background information.

Detect store with proxy saving failure

How could I detect, that store saving is failed due to 500 response code?
I'm using direct proxy with php/json.
More broader question is: how could I know. which callbacks are available and what are conditions for triggering them. I looked at documentation of Store and looked through the Store's code, but with no success.
For example, success and callback do work for me, but error doesn't.
item.destroy({ // removing a model item
success: function() {
var bRef = this;
s.save({ // saving store
callback: function() {
To know what kind of callbacks are available look at the ExtJs docs. For example for Ext.data.Model.destroy() method it states:
options : Object Options to pass to the proxy. Config object for Ext.data.Operation.
If you look for Ext.data.Operation config section you will find the following:
action : String The action being performed by this Operation
batch : Ext.data.Batch The batch that this Operation is a part of.
How are you trying to detect 500 errors? Have you looked at Ext.Ajax events? I think it has global event requestexception where you can get all this information.
