I would like to display a description of a vocabulary term. I have terms like parent - child, and the problem comes when I'm trying to display child's description, it shows only parrent's description. So when I have term with ID 22 which is child of parrent with ID 5, It displays description of ID 5.
I am not able to reproduce this kind problem, when I match url taxonomy/term/22 my contextual filter has Taxanomy term from ID setup. So it should work fine.
Is there anything I miss?
I am currently a caretaker for a Drupal 7 website and I can't figure out how to group paragraph items in views. I have created a content type Products and one of the fields is called product variation which is field type paragraphs. I have created a paragraph bundle for that field.
Then I created a view to show the products on the front page. To display the paragraph fields I created a content relationship. When I open the relationship option and select delta to display one it only shows one and I can't get data from the others. If I select delta to display all it shows like in the image below (Current view displays like). The goal is shown on the same image. Could someone help me solve this:
My setup on the fields I want to display in the view are setup like this
`content-type: Products
product name - field type: Node module element
proudct image - field type: Image
product variation - field type: paragraph
paragraph bundle: product variations
color (Term reference)
Display: product name, product image,product variation
Relationship: Content: product variation (field_product_variation)
Hopefully, someone can help me solve this problem.
Facing an issue with getting views to generate a proper URL similar to the way taxonomy allows me to click on a child term with the path: domain/term/artwork/mirrors (path alias is configured)
Product sections
- Artwork
-- Hand Painted
-- Mirrors
- Novelty
-- Ceramic Mugs
-- Stickers
-- Books
- Wearables
-- Shirts
-- Shoes
-- Personalized Shoes
I currently have a taxonomy view with 2 contextual filters: Content: Has taxonomy term ID (with depth) AND Content: Has taxonomy term ID depth modifier
Content: Has taxonomy term ID (with depth) is configured with...
• Depth: 1
• Set the breadcrumb for the term parents
• Display contents of "No results found"
• Specify validation criteria - Taxonomy Term from 'Product Category' vocabulary.
• Filter Value Type: Term name converte to Term ID
• Check Transform dashes in URL to spaces in term name filter values
Page Path: /category/%
With my current setup, I can go to: domain/category/artwork and this displays all content which is categorized under artwork (hand painted and mirrors)
What i need is domain/category/artwork/hand-painted but it displays all artwork regardless if its hand painted or mirrors.
BUT this path, domain/category/hand-painted works correctly. How do i make the url respect the parent term. It seems like views cant interpret a parent - child relationship.
I plan on creating parent term pages outside of this view so the parent term path /category/artwork won't be handled here.
Last thing to note is the node path pattern:
• domain/category/artwork/hand-painted/fancy-painting
I solved my problem by adding the Taxonomy Views Integration module and specifying my existing view page.
Next I had to modify the contextual filter to only have 'Basic Validation' and also remove "%" from the page view path.
Now the URL's are exactly what core taxonomy builds but it outputs the view i created
Hope this helps someone else! :-)
i have created a taxonomy vocabulary and added few word with description. Now I'm displaying taxonomy term and its description through view module using grid format. I want to make description field to link to its original taxonomy term page. Please advice. Thanks.
Please do the following steps:
Add a field "Term ID" and do a "Exclude from Display" on it. Make sure this precedes the description field in the views.
Click on the description field in the view, and go to the section "Rewrite Results"
Check the checkbox "Output this field as a link". Check the replacement pattern for the term id. Usually it will be something like this [term-id].
In the Link Path, construct the url like this: taxonomy/term/[term-id]
Please let me know if you find any issues.
I have been banging my head against this problem all day. I'm using Drupal 7, and I'm trying to create a contextual filter that uses the pathauto string for a taxonomy term, not the taxonomy term ID.
So, I can make this work:
But not:
I have created a contextual filter of 'Content: has taxonomy term ID'. I have turned on the default taxonomy view and modified the path in it to try to create a URL that will work. I have gone into /admin/config/search/path/patterns and modified the taxonomy term path. As a result I can make the numeric ID appear in almost any URL with any prefacing text, but I can't get my view to use the pathauto-generated string for a taxonomy term instead of the taxonomy ID.
Any ideas? Am I missing something? All help is appreciated.
The default view "Taxonomy term," is using a contextual filter very similar to what you are trying to achieve, so possibly this could assist you in how to set something like this up. I would try creating a view of type taxonomy instead of content though.
I currently have a taxonomy setup like so using Drupal 7:
Something like a country state/province hierarchy.
What I would like to do is create a view for the different terms based on the parent id. So if a user clicks on root1 you would see child1 and child2. Now I've currently have this setup using a page view and using a Configure contextual filter: Taxonomy term: Parent term.
Here's my problem, how do I display the root terms? Basically I want to pass nothing in and maybe somehow setup a default value so that root1 and root2 are displayed on the page.
Current settings:
Specify validation criteria
Validation: Taxonomy Term
Filter value type: Term name converted to Term ID
I've also tried setting it up as a Term ID only and setting a default value of 0 hoping this would grab any terms with the parent ID of 0 but nothing displays.
This problem in D6 could be resolved easily using Hierchical Select. But the HS module is not fully ported yet.
The issue page about the hs_views submodule: