In app.config does supportedRuntime sku define only the EARLIEST framework allowed - app-config

In app.config it is possible to define one (or more than one) supportedRuntime, for example:
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.1"/>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1"/>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.6"/>
Does the sku setting define only the earliest version allowed, while allowing for later versions?
I am trying to understand this documentation:
If ... the installed .NET Framework version is lower then [sic] the
specified supported version, the application fails to run and instead
displays a message asking to install the supported version. Otherwise,
the application attempts to run on any installed version, but it may
behave unexpectedly if it is not fully compatible with that version.
[my emphasis]
What does it mean, "the application attempts to run on any installed version"?
In the choice of which of several defined frameworks to use, is preference given to the latest or to the earliest? Or does the choice follow the physical order of the supportedRuntime list?
With respect to later versions: if the app.config is as it is set forth in my example above (4.7.1, 4.6.1, and 4.6) but Framework 4.7.1 is not installed, yet Frameworks 4.6.1 and 4.7.2 are both installed, would the app.config setting above prevent 4.7.2 from being used?


.NET: How to isolate an anti-debugging class library?

I built a .NET class library and used an obfuscator to obfuscate it with anti-debugging.
I built a testing project using my obfuscated class library. I would have hoped that anti-debugging forbids debugger to step into my class library. But it simply threw exception "Debugger detected" when my class library was invoked when I started the project in debugging mode (by pressing "F5" in Visual Studio).
What this means is that if a project uses my library then the developer simply cannot debug at all. They may have millions of lines of code that has nothing to do with my library. Not being able to debug at all in their project will only mean one thing: they will not use my library.
Is there anyway a developer can do to "isolate" my library, so that they can debug elsewhere?
Specially thanks to #Artem Razin for:
isolate sensitive code to a separate process that runs with the
enabled anti-debugging feature.
Its great and helpful. Also virtualization he specified is good approach. I will post you a good approach if you need exactly working with anti-debug envirnoment. Bceause you mention the exception: Debugger Detected
Am assume you use Eziriz .NET Reactor. When I speak with support. They said you can't provide two anti-debug version for specific HardwareID. Because HardwareID involved in the licensing system and it must not bypassed!
I can tell you a workaround for that by using .NET Reactor CLI and MSBuild targets.
What scenario it should be? (I will show what we need to do before write CLI...)
If you a have a developer team, or friend who need to use your obfuscated library. That's great. But he can't debug because its anti-debugged.
Then we must separate an assembly into two assemblies. One for developer its obfuscated but without anti-debug feature enabled. and other assembly into release folder for consumer or your audience.
So when you build your assembly. or need to create nuget package for it. you need to do a double obfuscation. Firstly you will obfuscate the anti-debug version for consumer into Consumer/AntiDebug folder. Secondly you will obfuscate the original DLL again but for developer without anti-debug feature!
So please use Directory.Build.targets for that. Here's code for obfuscation:
<Target Name="ObfuscateDLL" Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release' AND $(OutputType) == 'Library'"
<ObfuscatedFolder>$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\Anti Debug</ObfuscatedFolder>
<ObfuscatorPath>C:\Program Files (x86)\Eziriz\.NET Reactor\dotNET_Reactor.Console.exe</ObfuscatorPath>
<ObfuscatorParameters>-antitamp 1 -anti_debug 1 -hide_calls 1 -hide_calls_internals 1 -control_flow_obfuscation 1 -flow_level 9 -resourceencryption 1 -antistrong 1 -virtualization 1 -necrobit 1 -mapping_file 1 -mapping_file_overwrite 1 -mapping_filename "<ProtectedAssemblyLocation>\<AssemblyName>.nrmap" </ObfuscatorParameters>
<!-- Obfuscate with anti-debug to Obfuscated folder or \Release path when GenerateNuget enabled -->
<Exec Command=""$(ObfuscatorPath)" -file "$(TargetPath)" -targetfile "$(ObfuscatedFolder)\$(TargetFileName)" $(ObfuscatorParameters)"/>
<!-- Obfuscate without anti-debug to /Release path for Nuget package for Developers -->
<Exec Command=""$(ObfuscatorPath)" -file "$(TargetPath)" -targetfile "$(TargetPath)" $(ObfuscatorParameters.Replace('-anti_debug 1','').Replace('-mapping_file 1', ''))"/>
Please use above code! if you need it as simple as possible. But you need to manually create nuget package for you developer. via MSBuild or by the way you need.
But If you use .NET Framework and want to generate obfuscated debuggable nuget package (for developers). And also provide anti-debug version to your consumer. You can use following MSBuild targets.
It contains ability to create Nuget package with all dependencies automatically.
It obfuscate the consumer library to Anti Debug folder. then It will obfuscate nuget version and packacking it. then copy back Anti Debug version to Release folder.
You can manually turn on/off GenerateNuget property. If you will not generate nuget so anti-debug version only produced.
Change the code depending on your needs...
(See link XML content are large can't posted to StackOverflow)
Anti-debugging is a well-known feature since the times of exe packers. Unfortunately, it is a process-wide thing. Usually, .NET obfuscators check debugger-specific environment variables.
There is no way to prevent a debugger from stepping into your assembly.
I would say that anti-debugging is for those who want to protect their end-user products, not libraries.
You can virtualize your code (modern obfuscators like ArmDot provide this feature), so debugging it would have almost no sense.
Another idea is to isolate sensitive code to a separate process that runs with the enabled anti-debugging feature. On the client-side, you just provide a proxy that redirects all calls to the process.

Enable saml in Webshere Liberty

Is this command required to enable saml in Liberty server?
bin/installUtility install samlWeb-2.0
I have configured <feature>samlWeb-2.0</feature> in my server.xml and able to get metadata file using the url https://ip:port/ibm/saml20/defaultSP/samlmetadata
It's <feature>samlWeb-2.0</feature> that enables the feature, but you can't enable what you don't have, which is where bin/installUtility would come in (if necessary).
Liberty is available in several packages which dictate which set/sub-set of features are available immediately after installation (custom packages of Liberty can also be created to further customize the available set of features available to the runtime). Features that are not included in the package can be installed afterwards using bin/installUtility (bin/featureManager has been deprecated).
The command bin/installUtility install samlWeb-2.0 retrieves (from a repo) and installs the samlWeb-2.0 feature if it wasn't already installed in your Liberty runtime. For example, if the Liberty package was that of just the Liberty Kernel, than bin/installUtility install samlWeb-2.0 would download the samlWeb-2.0 feature along with all other pre-req features. However, if your Liberty package was that of the entire Base edition (wlp-base-all) than it would already include the samlWeb-2.0 feature and you would not need to run bin/installUtility prior to enabling it.

Silverlight: How Assembly version affects ApplicationSettengs

I am looking for information how IsolatedStorage.ApplicationSettings are affected by Assembly Version. Is there a way to specify version to get same ApplicationSettings for any version of same app?
According to Microsoft, the ApplicationSettings are per xap path, not assembly version:
Their scope is determined by the full path of the application .xap file
Checkout this MSDN article for more info.
Sounds like support for multiple browsers is known to be flaky.
You will also find that running your app in the Visual Studio dev server will have unexpected results if/when the port changes.

Is it possible to compile a .NET 2 WinForms application to run on .NET 4, if no .NET 2 is installed?

Recently I got a customer complaint, that a small .NET 2.0 application I wrote did not run on his Windows 7 computer.
After investigating, I found out that there was no folder c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 on his machine, just the folder for V4.0.
I was unaware that such a constellation is even possible.
My question:
Is it somehow possible to instruct my application to use the .NET 4 runtime, if no .NET 2 runtime is found on a client machine?
I think you're looking for the <supportedRuntime> element in app.config.
So for example, you can write an app.config file of:
<supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727"/>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0"/>

How to check JRE version prior to launch?

What's the best way to determine if the version of the JRE installed on a machine is high enough for the application which the user wants to run? Is there a way of doing it using java-only stuff? I'd like the solution to work on Windows/Linux/MacOSX - if the JRE version is too low a message should be displayed. Currently I'm getting an exception if i try to run it on Java 1.5 (the app is built for Java 1.6). If there's no universal solution, what's the best way to do it on Windows?
You could do this using reflection and two compilers. Compile a main class with the oldest java version you want to be able to run at all with. It checks the version using System.getProperty("java.version"), or whatever, and then uses reflection to load your real main class if that check passes, possibly even loading the jar directly. The JRE shouldn't load any classes that weren't referenced by your outer main class at compile time.
You might consider Java Webstart. Even if the name implies something like applets, it's about standalone-applications. Webstart is a launcher, that checks a JNLP-file (a simple XML-file, where you configure the download-location of your app, the needed Java-version and some other metadata) and starts your app with the correct JRE. It even updates the application, if a newer version is available. The downside is, you have to write a JNLP-file. Here is an example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
# #(#)draw.jnlp 1.6 02/09/11
# JNLP File for Draw Demo Application
<jnlp spec="0.2 1.0"
<title>Draw 4 App</title>
<vendor>Sun Microsystems, Inc.</vendor>
<homepage href=""/>
<description>A minimalist drawing application along the lines of Illustrator</description>
<description kind="short">Draw Demo Short Description</description>
<icon href="images/draw.jpg"/>
<j2se version="1.3+" href=""/>
<j2se version="1.3+"/>
<jar href="draw.jar" main="true" download="eager"/>
<application-desc main-class="Draw"/>
A second possibility is to use a launcher-program. An example is the Apache Commons Launcher. You can also write some launcher app yourself, but that's usually not worth the effort.
You might also consider using Commons-Launcher, which allows you to setup various environment settings, or perform pre-checks before calling your application.
Generally, we've approached this with a C or (when unix-only) shell wrapper. Not sure this will really work for you.
We also approach this by embedding the JRE in our product. Takes care of 99.9% of the cases (the other 0.1% of the time is a user explicitly changing our configuration to use a different JVM). Again, not sure that this is a reasonable solution for you.
In our case, there is significant amounts of native code (JNI and otherwise), so tailoring an installable image for each platform we support is required anyway. But if you're dealing with a pure-Java solution, you may simply have to document your minimum and tell people to get with the program (no pun intended) if they're to run your stuff. It's sorta like people complaining that my Mac won't run MSVC, or that my Linux box is having problems running World of Warcraft. That's just not the (virtual) machine the software is targeted for - you need to switch. At least in the Java world, we really can call this an upgrade, though, without hurting anyone's OS-religious feelings. (Try telling the Mac user to "upgrade" to Windows XP to run MSVC - there's a beat-down waiting to happen.)
You can require a Java version when running the Java command, e.g. java -version:1.6* Not sure if this works on all releases of Java, but it works OK on 1.6 anyway.
An application built for a higher-version JRE will not run on a lower-version JRE. So you wouldn't be able to just add code to your application to check the JRE version - if the JRE version was incompatible, your JRE-version-checking code would not run in the first place.
What you'd have to do is have some sort of launcher application that is built for a lower-version JRE (1.3?) that checks the version and then launches your app if necessary. This sounds kind of kludgy to me.
What about checking the version during installation? Are you installing the app in a way that allows you to check environment variables, or do any sort of scripting?
For the launcher - Check the version in there.
Inside the APP; as above use System.getProperties();
Properties sProp = java.lang.System.getProperties();
String sVersion = sProp.getProperty("java.version");
sVersion = sVersion.substring(0, 3);
Float f = Float.valueOf(sVersion);
if (f.floatValue() < (float) 1.4) {
System.out.println("Java version too low ....");
Have a launching class compiled for Java 1.2 which invokes the real main() in your 1.6 classes. If an unsupported class exception is thrown them catch it and display a nice error message.
Here is the code to get the JRE version installed in a system.
var list = deployJava.getJREs();
var result = "";
result = list[0];
for (var i=1; i<list.length; i++)
result += ", " + list[i];
document.write("jre version : "+result);
System.getProperties() gives you a listing of JVM properties including the different version ids of the JRE, JVM and specification. This implemented for all versions of Java so should work regardless of version compiled in and version run in, or the implementation.
If you write a basic class to test the version, you can call this first in your main() launching class. It must really be basic functionality though or you might risk breaking it.
Hmm .. call me a boring guy, but what's wrong with using Launch4J or any other native launcher, for instance.
Use a native launcher to check the JVM version before actually running your code. Java only solutions (in my book) only make sense when you deal with developers; once you hit end-users, you'll realize that they dont care about Java or its technical details at all. If you would have written your application in GW-Basic they would not care less as long as your application works.
If Java 1.6 is not installed, lauchner4j will point the user to the download page for JDK 1.6. Thats probably more suitable for your problem than doing magic in Java.
I find that WinRun4J works quite well for me (but then again I may be biased since I wrote it:-)). This lets you specify a minimum and/or maximum version of java allowed. It will pop up a message box to the user if a suitable JRE version is not found (and the message is customisable).
All those above is too damn complicated.
Just go:
Properties props = System.getProperties()
And you will see everything about your JVM, JRE, JDK and staff.
Or get a specific value by using:
//full list of possible props you can see if u run code above
String props = System.getProperty(prop)
