In cmd I want to assign the file path of a file say 'test.txt' to a variable name filePath, complete file location is not know, it is know only up to certain folder so I am using dir /b /a /s "test.txt". I am using below syntax :
set filePath=C:\Users\kadamr\AppData\Local\Test>dir /b /a /s "test.txt"
When I echo the value of filePath I get the syntax instead of filePath.
i.e : C:\Users\kadamr\AppData\Local\Test>dir /b /a /s "test.txt"
What I am missing ?
If this is always under the users's home directory, use the USERPROFILE variable as the base directory from which to search. Why did you use /a when no attribute is specified? Also, keep in mind that more than one test.txt file may exist somewhere under the base directory.
FOR /F "delims=" %%A IN ('DIR /S /B "%BASEDIR%\test.txt" 2^>NUL') DO (
ECHO COMMAND: CALL doit.exe "%%~A"
I have many folders in a directory which I need to rename with a fixed base name and a progressive number starting from 1 to infinite.
Path of folders have space and base folder is D:\Programmi Installati.
Example of folders to rename:
log_04-01-2019 15-15-11,51
log_01-01-2019 8-22-14,19
log_27-12-2018 14-23-18,28
log_02-01-2019 6-21-17,34
log_03-01-2019 21-18-16,22
Example of wanted folder names:
The numbers of folder to rename can be large, but the structure is the same.
I tryed more batch file but all fail when there are some folders with the wanted name (example log_5 or log_1)
The order is not important it is important that all the folders starting with "log" are renamed with an incrental number.
Code already tryed without success
:: 1 code
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set counter=
for /d %%a in ("D:\Programmi Installati\log_*") do (
set /a counter+=1
ren "%%~fa" "log_!counter!"
:: 2 code
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
set "Counter=1"
for /F "delims=" %%I in ('dir "D:\Programmi Installati\log*" /AD /B /ON 2^>nul') do ren "D:\Programmi Installati\%%I" "log_!Counter!" & set /A Counter+=1
:: 3 code
#setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Rem | Folder Path & CD To Location
Set "Folder=D:\Programmi Installati\"
CD %Folder%
Rem | Get Raw File Name
Set "Number=1"
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in ('dir "log*" /S /b /AD') do (
Rem | Rename Folder || Raw Name - %%~n1
rename "%%~nA" "log_!Number!"
Rem | Add One To Number
set /a "number+=1"
Goto :EOF
The codes over works only if there is no desired directory name in the directory otherwise do not rename folders.
This batch works differently, it
skips folders with the proper naming scheme (so they keep the number)
increments a counter and fills in possible gaps
:: Q:\Test\2019\01\11\SO_54149437.cmd
#Echo off
Pushd "D:\Programmi Installati\" || (Echo couldn't change dir&pause&goto :eof)
set Cnt=0
for /f "delims=" %%A in (
'dir /B /AD log_* ^| findstr /iV "^log_[0-9][0-9]*$" '
) Do Call :RenInc "%%A"
Goto :Eof
Set /A Cnt+=1
if Exist "log_%Cnt%" goto :RenInc
Ren "%~1" "log_%Cnt%"
The resulting names (there are only eleven, not twelve)
I need to search a directory with multiple folders and check for the latest file(.exe) and copy that to another location.
SET "src_root"
SET "tgt_path"
DIR "%src_root%" /B /AD /O-D /TC > "%TEMP%\dirlist.tmp"
< "%TEMP%\dirlist.tmp" SET /P last_dir=
XCOPY "%src_root%\%last_dir%\*.exe" "%tgt_path%"**
This code helps me copy the EXE file in the latest folder, but in case, there is no EXE in the latest folder, I need to copy it from the folder which contains the latest EXE, can anyone help me out?
SET "sourcedir=c:\sourcedir"
SET "filename="
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN (
'dir /s /b /a-d "%sourcedir%\neo.7z" '
) DO SET "filename=%%a"&set "dirname=%%~dpa"&goto found1
ECHO NOT found!
GOTO :eof
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN (
'dir /s /b /a-d "%sourcedir%\neo.7z" '
) DO IF /i "%dirname%" neq "%%~dpa" FOR /f %%s IN ('XCOPY /y /L /D "%filename%" "%%~dpa"') DO IF "%%s"=="0" SET "filename=%%a"&set "dirname=%%~dpa"&goto found1
ECHO latest file is "%filename%"
You would need to change the setting of sourcedir to suit your circumstances.
I used files named neo.7z for my testing - I believe that you should have a fixed filename in the situation you describe - the directories are no doubt not crammed with *.exe files.
It's very pedestrian, but will do the job.
Essentially, find any file with the required name in the required directory-tree and record the name in filename, directory in dirname.
Using that filename as a base, try xcopying it over every other matching filename. Use the /L flag to list-only, and the /y flag to remove user-intervention. If the return is 1 file(s) copied ,f which only the first token is selected into %%s, then the chosen file is later. 0 file(s) copied sets %%s to 0 and means that the chosen file is earlier, so select the newer file and directorynames and restart.
I'll leave it a a user-exercise to speed it up. (suggestions if interested : delayedexpansion, subroutine and retain-new-startpoint)
Revision [about 5 times faster]
SET "sourcedir=c:\sourcedir"
SET "filename="
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN (
'dir /s /b /a-d "%sourcedir%\neo.7z" '
) DO SET "candidate=%%a"&CALL :latest
ECHO latest file is "%filename%"
GOTO :eof
IF NOT DEFINED filename GOTO selectnew
FOR /f %%s IN ('XCOPY /y /L /D "%filename%" "%candidate%"') DO IF "%%s"=="1" goto :eof
SET "filename=%candidate%"
This revision avoids the repetitive directory-scan. For each matching filename, compare the newly-found file against the previously-found file using the xcopy /L method, and select the new candidate if the new one is later. continue untill all matching names have been tested.
In CMD I can search a file with the following command:
If the file is found the result will be:
I would like to get in the output just the directory without the file name C:\Users\Dev\Desktop\ to assign only the path to a variable.
Is there any way to do this at CMD?
Use a For loop like this:
For /F "Delims=" %A In ('Dir/B/S/A-D "Program.exe" 2^>Nul') Do #Echo=%~dpA
Double up the % in a batch file.
In a batch file, to set any matches as a variable use this structure:
#Echo Off
Set "i=0"
For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('Dir/B/S/A-D "Program.exe" 2^>Nul') Do (Set/A "i+=1"
Call Set "OnlyPath[%%i%%]=%%~dpA")
Set OnlyPath[
Timeout -1
Each match will be set as a different variable just to ensure that if more than one match is made you retrieve them all.
With a batch file, you can do someting like that :
#echo off
set "Working_Folder=%userprofile%\Desktop"
For /F "Delims=" %%F In ('Dir /B /S /A-D "%Working_Folder%\PROGRAM.exe" 2^>Nul') Do (
Set "MyFolder=%%~dpF"
Echo "%MyFolder%" & pause>nul
Is it possible to make a batch file that will rename a folder if does not have a specific name?
Parent Directory
- - - > info
- - - > randomfoldername
I have many folders that follow the above pattern. What I would like to do is make a batch file that will rename "randomfoldername" in this structure. There is always two folders in the Parent Directory, one is always "info" and the other changes for each case. Is there a method within a batch file that I could use to always rename the "randomfoldername" directory? I was thinking something along the lines of,
IF NOT == "info" THEN ren... ect.
Is this possible?
you can first check if folder exist then rename folder
if not exist c:\info ( call random.bat )
dir /A:D /b | findstr.exe /n /R "." > s:\sites\file-count.txt
FOR /F "tokens=1-10 delims=:" %%A IN ('type "s:\sites\file-count.txt"') do
FOR /L %%A IN (1,1,%number-of-files%) DO CALL RENAME.bat %%A
FOR /F "tokens=1-10 delims=:" %%A IN ('type "s:\sites\file-count.txt" ^|
findstr "%1:"') do ren %%B %RANDOM%%%B
also u can use free tool like Bulk Rename Utility
that app has cli for use in bat file here
also You can use powershell script like
$a = test-path c:\info
if ( $a -eq "True" ) { Write-Host nothing to do } Else { gic -directory path | %{$n="$pwd\$((get-random).tostring())$($";$_.moveto($N)} }
Next script starts with basic checks on command line parameter passed into.
FOR /F loop against the results of another command (dir) used. Next explanation stolen (see dbenham's original) :
FOR /R (as well as the simple FOR) begin iterating immediately, before
it has finished scanning the disk drive. It is possible for the loop
to reiterate the already named file! This would cause it to be renamed
twice, giving the wrong result. The solution is to use FOR /F with
command 'DIR /B', because FOR /F always processes the command to
completion before iterating.
SETLOCAL enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
set "ParentDirectory=%*"
if "%ParentDirectory%"=="" goto :usage1
if not exist "%ParentDirectory%\" goto :usage2
if not exist "%ParentDirectory%\info\" goto :usage3
set "SpecificName=Desired Name"
set /A "count=0"
for /F "delims=" %%G in ('dir /B /A:D "%ParentDirectory%\"') do set /A "count+=1"
if %count% neq 2 goto :usage4
for /F "delims=" %%G in ('dir /B /A:D "%ParentDirectory%\"') do (
if /I not "%%~G"=="info" (
if /I not "%%~G"=="%SpecificName%" (
echo renaming "%ParentDirectory%\%%~G" to "%SpecificName%"
rename "%ParentDirectory%\%%~G" "%SpecificName%"
) else (
echo renamed already: "%SpecificName%"
goto :eof
echo no paramater
goto :endlocal
echo "%ParentDirectory%" folder does not exist
goto :endlocal
echo "%ParentDirectory%\info" folder does not exist
goto :endlocal
echo "%ParentDirectory%" folder contains %count% subfolders
goto :endlocal
no paramater
==>29376745.bat x y
"x y" folder does not exist
==>29376745.bat d:\test
"d:\test\info" folder does not exist
==>md "d:\test\info"
==>29376745.bat d:\test
"d:\test" folder contains 6 subfolders
==>29376745.bat d:\test\29376745
renaming "d:\test\29376745\currentName" to "Desired Name"
==>29376745.bat d:\test\29376745
renamed already: "Desired Name"
Required reading (indexes only):
An A-Z Index of the Windows CMD command line
Windows CMD Shell Command Line Syntax
I am trying to write a script that will search a given directory, find files ending in a .ready_go extension, rar them (saving the rar as the file name.rar) and then move onto the next file with the same extensions and do the same.
I am not having luck assigning a variable "filename" to the name of the file found in the loop. this variable will be used to name the rar archive
so far this is what i have:
set dSource=C:\users\admin\desktop\one
set dTarget=\\filesrv1\archives
set fType=*.ready_go
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /a-d /b /s "%dSource%\%fType%"') do (
set filename=%%f
echo %filename%
echo %dsource%
its echo'ing the dsources variable fine, but will not echo the filename variable.
I also tried just "echo %%f" which also did not work.
some help would be appreciated. thanks.
You need to use delayedexpansion since you are setting the varable inside the loop.
try this:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set dSource=C:\users\admin\desktop\one
set dTarget=\\filesrv1\archives
set fType=*.ready_go
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /a-d /b /s "%dSource%\%fType%"') do (
set filename=%%f
echo !filename!
echo %dsource%