Why does arbitrary keyboard input change other memory in c, curses? - c

I am experimenting with Curses in C, and for some reason, when I enter a key when running my program the ball changes direction. I have no idea why; could this be a memory leak? I don't know what to try, since I am a beginner to C. Please provide any guidance that you have!
#include <curses.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct ball {
unsigned int x;
unsigned int y;
const char shape;
} Ball;
int main() {
keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
nodelay(stdscr, TRUE);
int maxY, maxX;
int pOneGoingRight = TRUE;
int pOneGoingDown = TRUE;
getmaxyx(stdscr, maxY, maxX);
char input;
Ball pOneBall = {0, 0, '*'};
// Ball *pOneBallPtr = &pOneBall;
while (1) {
if (input == 'q')
mvprintw(0, 0, "Max y and x: %d, %d", maxY, maxX);
mvprintw(1, 0, "Ball y and x: %d, %d", pOneBall.y, pOneBall.x);
if (pOneBall.y == 0) pOneGoingDown = TRUE;
else if (pOneBall.y == maxY) pOneGoingDown = FALSE;
if (pOneBall.x == 0) pOneGoingRight = TRUE;
else if (pOneBall.x == maxX) pOneGoingRight = FALSE;
if (pOneGoingRight) pOneBall.x++;
else pOneBall.x--;
if (pOneGoingDown) pOneBall.y++;
else pOneBall.y--;
mvprintw(pOneBall.y, pOneBall.x, &pOneBall.shape);
return 0;

Just looking at your code
char input;
Ball pOneBall = {0, 0, '*'};
Okay, so you have an input to hold the key, and then a struct to hold ball data.
Then you call
From the manual
The function getstr is equivalent to a series of calls to getch, until a newline or carriage return is received (the terminating character is not included in the returned string). The resulting value is placed in the area pointed to by the character pointer str.
That means that getstr is reading from the keyboard until newline or carriage return is read. There's nothing to stop it from reading 10 characters, or a hundred, and writing them right over the data that follows, being your ball position info.
Use getch if you want to read a single character, or some other method. Since there doesn't seem to be any way to limit how many characters getstr reads, just never use it. Ever.
try getnstr( &input, 1 ) maybe?
that will beep on excess characters, which you probably don't want. just change to use getch or something

Just change getstr(&input); by input=getch();


ncurses library prints weird characters on key pressed

I have a thread that catches a key pressed through getch and if the key pressed is arrowUp or arrowDown then it scrolls my terminal using ncurses functions (incrementing an integer variable used to show elements from a linked list). This works fine most of the times but sometimes (usually when i hold an arrow pressed) ncurses prints on terminal weird and unexpected characters like 9;32H (it seems like an uncatched input). Does anyone know how i can solve this?
Here an MCVE
#include <ncurses.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
void * listener(void* p){
int* shift = (int*) p;
int ch;
while (1)
ch = getch();
if(ch == KEY_UP){
*shift = MAX(0, *shift - 1);
else if(ch == KEY_DOWN){
*shift = *shift + 1;
int main(){
char* c = malloc(100);
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
c[i] = 'A' + (random() % 26);
int shift = 0;
pthread_t th;
keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
pthread_create(&th, NULL, listener, (void*) &shift);
for(int j = shift; j < shift+stdscr->_maxy; ++j){
mvaddch(j-shift, 0, c[j]);
return 0;
This snippet shows my issue if you hold arrow down
The issue seems to be related to getch() from different thread that modifies global variables of ncurses library. Does anyone know a thread-safe way to get a char input?
I actually solved my issue using getchar instead of getch since it seems not to be thread safe. I found out that getch modifies ncurses global variable and calls refresh() at the end, so if another thread is changing ncurses stuff (e.g. cursor position) your program may have an unexpected behavior (in my case printing escape characters representing set cursor position)

Moving the cursor to the end of a line of text in ncurses window?

I have a couple of ncurses windows and am trying to move the cursor, to the end of the current line of text.
In other words, I want to move to the first non-blank character from the end of the window.
If I have a line of text in a ncurses window
I need help! Please! !
I want to move the cursor last character
I need help! Please! !
My best attempt is this:
#include <ncurses.h>
int main()
WINDOW* w = newwin(100, 100, 0, 0);
wprintw(w, "I need help! Please! !");
wmove(w, 0, 3);
int maxX, maxY, x, y;
getmaxyx(w, maxY, maxX);
getyx(w, y, x);
wmove(w, y, maxX);
while (winch(w) == ' ') {
wmove(w, y, maxX-1);
return 0;
Which I think is logically sound, but is not working, and I am not sure why (the position of cursor isn't changing at all)
How do I do this? Is there an easy way I am missing? Why is my solution not working?
You never update your x position inside the loop, so you repeatedly move to one before the right edge of your window.
Assuming you do not use maxX elsewhere, simply pre-decrement it within the loop.
while((winch(w) & A_CHARTEXT) == ' ') {
wmove(w, y, --maxX);
Note that you should also use the A_CHARTEXT bit mask to extract the char from a chtype.
A very rough example of your method working, using stdscr:
#include <ncurses.h>
int main(void) {
while (1) {
mvprintw(10, 5, "Hello world");
move(0, 0);
int my,mx;
getmaxyx(stdscr, my, mx);
move(10, mx);
while ((inch() & A_CHARTEXT) == ' ')
move(10, --mx);

Basic Ncurses Menu

Im trying to do a basic menu in C. I'm supposed to do this with ncurses lib. I was working with this tutorial:
Video On YouTube
But mine version has some problems:
1)The menu will not print properly, it will reveal only while choosing menu items. Then the highlight won't go off
2)Option made on menu won't print on the top
Can you help me? Is that idea of Menu good or should i look for other tutorial (any help ?).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ncurses.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <menu.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int i, c;
char powitanie[]="SLOWNIK UNIWERSALNY";
int szer, dlug; //wartosci dlugosci i szerokosci terminalu
initscr(); //Inizjalizacja całości ncurses, kolory itp
keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
//init_pair(1, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK); //wybór kolorów
getmaxyx(stdscr, szer, dlug); //pobranie rozmiarów terminalu
move(szer/2, (dlug-strlen(powitanie))/2); //przesuwamy kursor na środek (tak aby się ładnie wydrukowało)
//attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); //Aktywujemy wybrane kolory
printw(powitanie); //Drukujemy powitanie
//attroff(COLOR_PAIR(1));//Dezaktywujemy kolory
refresh();//Odswiezamy (inaczej się nie wyswietli)
WINDOW * menuwin=newwin(6, dlug-12, szer-8, 6); //Definiujemy i tworzymy 'okno'
box(menuwin, 0, 0);
refresh();//ponownie odświeżamy aby okno się pojawiło
wrefresh(menuwin);//odświeżamy samo okno
keypad(menuwin, TRUE);//umozliwiamy dzialanie klawiatury w oknie
char *opcje[] = {
"Tlumacz z Polskiego na Angielski",
"Tlumacz z Angielskiego na Polski",
"Edystuj slownik",
"Wybierz slownik",
int wybor;
int zaznacz=0;
while(1)//cala ta petla sluzy ciaglemu tworzeniu menu z podswietleniem wybranego elementu
for(i=0; i<5; i++)
wattron(menuwin, A_REVERSE);
mvwprintw(menuwin, i+1, 1, opcje[i]);
wattroff(menuwin, A_REVERSE);
wybor = wgetch(menuwin);
case KEY_UP:
if(zaznacz==-1) zaznacz=0;//zabezpieczenie przed wyjsciem "poza" menu
case KEY_DOWN:
if(zaznacz==5) zaznacz=4;
if(wybor==10) break;
printw("Wybrano:%s", opcje[zaznacz]);
PS: Code comments are not in English but i hope the won't be necessary
There are quite a few problems here. I have included a modified version of your code that works, and I will attempt to describe the changes.
There were some unused variables, namely argc, argv, and c, so I cast these to void in order to silence compiler warnings. You can remove the c and change to int main(void), if you like, removing these variables altogether.
I have added the stdlib.h header file to your #includes for the exit() function. This is used in the new error function, fail(), that I added to your code. You should always check the return values of any function that you call when programming in C. Here it is particularly important to check, first if the terminal supports color with the has_colors() function, and then if the call to start_color() is successful. If either of these fail, the fail() function is called with an error message, and the program exits with the EXIT_FAILURE value. The function has_colors() returns a bool, and the start_color() function returns an int (OK if successful, otherwise ERR).
Now that colors have been initialized, I see that the lower border of your menu selection window is being overwritten by the menu text. To fix this, I changed the size of your window, making it one line taller:
WINDOW * menuwin=newwin(7, dlug-12, szer-9, 6);
The fundamental problem of improper printing that you reported was because of a misplaced brace in the for loop controlling the printing of the menu items. I took the opportunity to reorganize the loop a bit; now there is only one call to mvwprintw(). The A_REVERSE attribute is set before printing if the current item is also the selected item, and it is again unset after printing.
I also changed the limit tests in the switch statement from equalities to inequalites. It is better practice to use , e.g., if (zaznacz < 0) instead of if (zaznacz == -1) in such cases.
I added a newline character to the beginning of the format string in the final printw(), since some of the selections are too long to fit in the window at the end of the title. You can move this output wherever you like.
Finally, I added a refresh() after the final printw() statement, and a getch() to wait for the user to hit ENTER before exiting the program. It is very important to cleanup by calling endwin() before exiting an NCurses program. This function reverses changes made to your terminal by NCurses while your program was running, and failure to do this can lead to terminal unpleasantries.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ncurses.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <menu.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // added for exit() function
void fail(char *msg) {
int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* Commandline argument currently unused */
(void) argc;
(void) argv;
int i, c;
(void) c; // c is currently unused
char powitanie[]="SLOWNIK UNIWERSALNY";
int szer, dlug; //wartosci dlugosci i szerokosci terminalu
initscr(); //Inizjalizacja całości ncurses, kolory itp
keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
/* Test to see if terminal has colors */
if (has_colors() == false) {
fail("Colors unavailable\n");
if (start_color() != OK) {
fail("Unable to start colors\n");
//init_pair(1, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK); //wybór kolorów
getmaxyx(stdscr, szer, dlug); //pobranie rozmiarów terminalu
move(szer/2, (dlug-strlen(powitanie))/2); //przesuwamy kursor na środek (tak aby się ładnie wydrukowało)
//attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); //Aktywujemy wybrane kolory
printw(powitanie); //Drukujemy powitanie
//attroff(COLOR_PAIR(1));//Dezaktywujemy kolory
refresh();//Odswiezamy (inaczej się nie wyswietli)
WINDOW * menuwin=newwin(7, dlug-12, szer-9, 6); //Definiujemy i tworzymy 'okno'
box(menuwin, 0, 0);
refresh();//ponownie odświeżamy aby okno się pojawiło
wrefresh(menuwin);//odświeżamy samo okno
keypad(menuwin, TRUE);//umozliwiamy dzialanie klawiatury w oknie
char *opcje[] = {
"Tlumacz z Polskiego na Angielski",
"Tlumacz z Angielskiego na Polski",
"Edystuj slownik",
"Wybierz slownik",
int wybor;
int zaznacz=0;
while(1)//cala ta petla sluzy ciaglemu tworzeniu menu z podswietleniem wybranego elementu
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if(i == zaznacz)
wattron(menuwin, A_REVERSE);
mvwprintw(menuwin, i+1, 1, opcje[i]);
if (i == zaznacz)
wattroff(menuwin, A_REVERSE);
wybor = wgetch(menuwin);
case KEY_UP:
if(zaznacz < 0) zaznacz = 0;//zabezpieczenie przed wyjsciem "poza" menu
case KEY_DOWN:
if(zaznacz > 4) zaznacz = 4;
if(wybor==10) break;
printw("\nWybrano:%s", opcje[zaznacz]);
/* Wait for user to press enter to exit */
/* Need to cleanup before exit */
return 0;

Alternative to getch() in C ncurses program [duplicate]

I am getting major amounts of input lag when I run my application.
More details:
When I press 'w', 'a', 's', 'd' (My assigned input keys) the object moves however it continues to move for an extended period of time after the key has been released. The source code is below however small parts of the code have been cut out to shorten the questions however if the source code below does not compile I have all of the code up on github.
https://github.com/TreeStain/DodgeLinuxGame.git Thankyou for your time. -Tristan
#define ASPECT_RATIO_X 2
#define ASPECT_RATIO_Y 1
#include <ncurses.h>
#include "object.h"
#include "render.h"
int main()
nodelay(stdscr, 1);
object objs[1];
object colObj; colObj.x = 10; colObj.y = 6;
colObj.w = 2; colObj.h = 2;
colObj.sprite = '*';
colObj.ySpeed = 1;
colObj.xSpeed = 1;
objs[0] = colObj;
while (1)
char in = getch();
if (in == 'w')
objs[0].y -= objs[0].ySpeed * ASPECT_RATIO_Y;
if (in == 's')
objs[0].y += objs[0].ySpeed * ASPECT_RATIO_Y;
if (in == 'a')
objs[0].x -= objs[0].xSpeed * ASPECT_RATIO_X;
if (in == 'd')
objs[0].x += objs[0].xSpeed * ASPECT_RATIO_X;
render(objs, 1);
return 0;
void render(object obj[], int objectNum);
void render(object obj[], int objectNum) //Takes array of objects and prints them to screen
int x, y, i, scrWidth, scrHeight;
getmaxyx(stdscr, scrHeight, scrWidth); //Get terminal height and width
for (y = 0; y < scrHeight; y++)
for (x = 0; x < scrWidth; x++)
mvprintw(y, x, " ");
for (i = 0; i < objectNum; i++)
int xprint = 0, yprint = 0;
for (yprint = obj[i].y; yprint < obj[i].y + (obj[i].h * ASPECT_RATIO_Y); yprint++)
for (xprint = obj[i].x; xprint < obj[i].x + (obj[i].w * ASPECT_RATIO_X); xprint++)
mvprintw(yprint, xprint, "%c", obj[i].sprite);
typedef struct
int x, y, w, h, ySpeed, xSpeed;
char sprite;
P.S. please feel free to critique my methods and code as I am fairly new at programming and can take all the criticism I can get.
I believe the reason is because getch() will only release one input-character at a time (even if there are many queued up in the input stream) so if they queue up faster than you 'remove' them from the stream, the loop will continue until the queue is emptied even after you release the key. Also, you'll want to go (1000 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND) to get your desired delay-time in milliseconds (this creates 60 frames per second).
Try this in your while loop instead.
while (1)
char in;
/* We are ready for a new frame. Keep calling getch() until we hear a keypress */
while( (in = getch()) == ERR) {}
if (in == 'w')
objs[0].y -= objs[0].ySpeed * ASPECT_RATIO_Y;
if (in == 's')
objs[0].y += objs[0].ySpeed * ASPECT_RATIO_Y;
if (in == 'a')
objs[0].x -= objs[0].xSpeed * ASPECT_RATIO_X;
if (in == 'd')
objs[0].x += objs[0].xSpeed * ASPECT_RATIO_X;
render(objs, 1);
/* Clear out any other characters that have been buffered */
while(getch() != ERR) {}
napms(1000 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND);
From the top of your loop: while( (in = getch()) == ERR) {} will call getch() rapidly until a keypress is detected. If a keypress isn't detected, getch() will return ERR.
What while(getch() != ERR) {} does is keep calling getch() until all buffered input characters are removed from the queue, then getch() returns ERR and moves on. Then the loop should sleep ~17ms and repeat. These lines should force the loop to only 'count' one keypress every ~17ms, and no more often than that.
See: http://linux.die.net/man/3/getch
Ncurses does not detect key presses and key releases separately. You cannot move an object while a key is being held, and stop immediately after it is released.
The phenomenon you observe results from a ximbination of two factors: an auto-repeating keyboard, and a buffering keyboard driver. That is, the user holds a key, this generates a large amount of key events, and they are buffered by the driver and given to your application as it asks for key presses.
Neither the driver nor keyboard auto-repeat feature are under control of your application. The only thing you can hope to achieve is to process key events faster than they come out of the keyboard. If you want to do this, you have to get rid of napms in your main loop and process key presses as they come, between frame repaints. There are many ways to do that but the most straightforward is to use the timeout function.
timeout (timeToRefresh);
ch = getch();
if (ch == ERR) refresh();
else processKey(ch);
You need to calculate timeToRefresh each time using a real time clock.

move(y,x) in ncurses in GNU C on Linux

I have a the following piece of code using ncurses. I would like to know whether I can use a single move function to print a few lines.
For Example:
printw("Line 1\n");
printw("Line 2\n");
Line 1 prints at (25,25) location but Line 2 prints at (26,0) if I don't use move(26,25). Can I avoid the second move and still print Line 2 at (26,25)????
You can define a new window if what you want to print has to be aligned. Shortly :
#include <ncurses.h>
int main()
WINDOW* mywin;
keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
int height=15;
int width=30;
int starty=25;
int startx=25;
printw("F9 to exit");
mywin = newwin(height, width, starty, startx);
mvwprintw(mywin,0,0,"First line\n");
wprintw(mywin,"Second line");
while(getch() != KEY_F(9)) {}
return 0;
If this approach does not fit, then you'll have to move manually to next position you want to print.
