Negation error in 16 bit 2's complement code - c

It's a code for finding 2's complement. When num is char, it works fine for 8 bit. But when it is unsigned int for 16-bits numbers. Code doesn't work.
Can you guide?
#define ISNEGATIVE(num) num & 0x80
#define TWO_COMP(num) (~num) + 1
int main()
unsigned int num;
num = 0xFFFF;
printf("1's = %d, 2's = %d", ~num, TWO_COMP(num));
return 0;
Output :
1's = -65536, 2's = -65535

An unsigned int is a 32-bit variable on most computers. If you want to use a 16-bit value use uint16_t by preference, or unsigned short. You also need to use the appropriate half-word specifiers in your printf call:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define ISNEGATIVE(num) num & 0x8000
#define TWO_COMP(num) (~num) + 1
int main()
/*unsigned short num;*/
uint16_t num;
num = 0xFFFF;
printf("1's = %hd, 2's = %hd", ~num, TWO_COMP(num));
return 0;
This outputs
1's = 0, 2's = 1

The 2 primary issues are:
the width of the mask needs to match the width of the number being looked at:
this algorithm should be limited to testing signed types,
Width of char AKA int8_t is 8 bits, so 0x80 works fine.
Width of short int AKA int16_t is 16 bits so requires 0x8000
Width of int AKA int32_t is 32 bits so would require 0x80000000
and so on...
Because num in your code is 16 bits wide, the line:
#define ISNEGATIVE(num) num & 0x80
Should be:
#define ISNEGATIVE(num) num & 0x8000
Just as important, because the value stored in the MSB of an unsigned type does not make the value negative, the algorithm should only be used to evaluate signed types.
unsigned int num;
Should be:
int num;


Convert signed int of variable bit size

I have a number of bits (the number of bits can change) in an unsigned int (uint32_t). For example (12 bits in the example):
uint32_t a = 0xF9C;
The bits represent a signed int of that length.
In this case the number in decimal should be -100.
I want to store the variable in a signed variable and gets is actual value.
If I just use:
int32_t b = (int32_t)a;
it will be just the value 3996, since it gets casted to (0x00000F9C) but it actually needs to be (0xFFFFFF9C)
I know one way to do it:
union test
signed temp :12;
union test x;
x.temp = a;
int32_t result = (int32_t) x.temp;
now i get the correct value -100
But is there a better way to do it?
My solution is not very flexbile, as I mentioned the number of bits can vary (anything between 1-64bits).
But is there a better way to do it?
Well, depends on what you mean by "better". The example below shows a more flexible way of doing it as the size of the bit field isn't fixed. If your use case requires different bit sizes, you could consider it a "better" way.
unsigned sign_extend(unsigned x, unsigned num_bits)
unsigned f = ~((1 << (num_bits-1)) - 1);
if (x & f) x = x | f;
return x;
int main(void)
int x = sign_extend(0xf9c, 12);
printf("%d\n", x);
int y = sign_extend(0x79c, 12);
printf("%d\n", y);
A branch free way to sign extend a bitfield (Henry S. Warren Jr., CACM v20 n6 June 1977) is this:
// value i of bit-length len is a bitfield to sign extend
// i is right aligned and zero-filled to the left
sext = 1 << (len - 1);
i = (i ^ sext) - sext;
UPDATE based on #Lundin's comment
Here's tested code (prints -100):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int32_t sign_extend (uint32_t x, int32_t len)
int32_t i = (x & ((1u << len) - 1)); // or just x if you know there are no extraneous bits
int32_t sext = 1 << (len - 1);
return (i ^ sext) - sext;
int main(void)
printf("%d\n", sign_extend(0xF9C, 12));
return 0;
This relies on the implementation defined behavior of sign extension when right-shifting signed negative integers. First you shift your unsigned integer all the way left until the sign bit is becoming MSB, then you cast it to signed integer and shift back:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define NUMBER_OF_BITS 12
int main(void) {
uint32_t x = 0xF9C;
int32_t y = (int32_t)(x << (32-NUMBER_OF_BITS)) >> (32-NUMBER_OF_BITS);
printf("%d\n", y);
return 0;
This is a solution to your problem:
int32_t sign_extend(uint32_t x, uint32_t bit_size)
// The expression (0xffffffff << bit_size) will fill the upper bits to sign extend the number.
// The expression (-(x >> (bit_size-1))) is a mask that will zero the previous expression in case the number was positive (to avoid having an if statemet).
return (0xffffffff << bit_size) & (-(x >> (bit_size-1))) | x;
int main()
printf("%d\n", sign_extend(0xf9c, 12)); // -100
printf("%d\n", sign_extend(0x7ff, 12)); // 2047
return 0;
The sane, portable and effective way to do this is simply to mask out the data part, then fill up everything else with 0xFF... to get proper 2's complement representation. You need to know is how many bits that are the data part.
We can mask out the data with (1u << data_length) - 1.
In this case with data_length = 8, the data mask becomes 0xFF. Lets call this data_mask.
Thus the data part of the number is a & data_mask.
The rest of the number needs to be filled with zeroes. That is, everything not part of the data mask. Simply do ~data_mask to achieve that.
C code: a = (a & data_mask) | ~data_mask. Now a is proper 32 bit 2's complement.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
int main(void)
const uint32_t data_length = 8;
const uint32_t data_mask = (1u << data_length) - 1;
uint32_t a = 0xF9C;
a = (a & data_mask) | ~data_mask;
printf("%"PRIX32 "\t%"PRIi32, a, (int32_t)a);
This relies on int being 32 bits 2's complement but is otherwise fully portable.

Bizarre right bitshift inconsistency

I've been working with bits in C (running on ubuntu). In using two different ways to right shift an integer, I got oddly different outputs:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int x = 0xfffffffe;
int a = x >> 16;
int b = 0xfffffffe >> 16;
printf("%X\n%X\n", a, b);
return 0;
I would think the output would be the same for each: FFFF, because the right four hex places (16 bits) are being rightshifted away. Instead, the output is:
What explains this behaviour?
When you say:
int x = 0xfffffffe;
That sets x to -2 because the maximum value an int can hold here is 0x7FFFFFFF and it wraps around during conversion. When you bit-shift the negative number it gets weird.
If you change those values to unsigned int it all works out.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
unsigned int x = 0xfffffffe;
unsigned int a = x >> 16;
unsigned int b = 0xfffffffe >> 16;
printf("%X\n%X\n", a, b);
return 0;
The behaviour you see here has to do with shifting on signed or unsigned integers which give different results.
Shifts on unsigned integers are logical. On the contrary, shift on signed integers are arithmetic. EDIT: In C, it's implementation defined but generally the case.
int x = 0xfffffffe;
int a = x >> 16;
this part performs an arithmetic shift because x is signed. And because x is actually negative (-2 in two's complement), x is sign extended, so '1's are appended which results in 0xFFFFFFFF.
On the contrary,
int b = 0xfffffffe >> 16;
0xfffffffe is a litteral interpreted as an unsigned integer. Therefore a logical shift of 16 results in 0x0000FFFF as expected.

C decimal to binary converter (16 bits)

I'm trying to convert a decimal number into binary (16 bits max). My function works perfectly for up to 8 bits but when I want to print numbers up to 16 bits, it stop printing characters.
I used "int" as my data type for 8 bits but since I want to store 16 bits I'm using an unsigned long int in every variable.
Here's the code:
/* Program to convert decimal to binary (16 bits) */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char *byte_to_binary_str(long unsigned int byte);
int main()
printf("%s",byte_to_binary_str(32768)); //1000000 0000000
return 0;
char *byte_to_binary_str(long unsigned int byte)
static char bit_string[17];
bit_string[0] = '\0';
long unsigned int mask;
for (mask = 2^15; mask > 0; mask >>= 1) {
/* Check if the mask bit is set */
strcat(bit_string, byte & mask ? "1" : "0");
return bit_string;
My output gives me:
Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 0.063 s
Press any key to continue.
Anyone know why is this happening? Thanks in advance.
mask = 2^15;
does not set the value of mask to what you are expecting 2^15 is no 2 raised to the power 15. It is bitwise XOR of 2 and 15.
You need something that is 1000 0000 0000 0000 in binary. That number will be 0x8000 in hex. Hence, use:
mask = 0x8000;
You can also use something that makes sense in your algorithm.
mask = 1u << 15;

Concatenate two 32bit numbers to get a 64bit result

I need to concatenate two hexadecimal numbers 32 bits each each, to get a final result of 64 bits.
I tried the following code but didn't get a good result:
unsigned long a,b;
unsigned long long c;
c = (unsigned long long) (a << 32 | b);
Can anybody help me please?
Use proper fixed size types and be careful about type promotion and operator precedence, e.g.
#include <stdint.h>
uint32_t a, b;
uint64_t c;
c = ((uint64_t)a << 32) | b;
You need to cast a to long long before shifting it:
unsigned long long c = ((unsigned long long)a << 32 | b);
Shortest form is:
c = a+0ULL<<32|b
The third line should be changed to
((unsigned long long)a) << 32 | ((unsigned long long) b)
What your current code is doing, is taking the 32-bit variable a and shifting it 32 bits to the left (making its value 0, because the bottom 32 bits are all empty), then or-ing it with the 32-bit variable b.
What the changed version does is to case the 32-bit variable a to 64 bits, shift it 32 bits to the left, cast the 32-bit variable b to 64 bits, then or the two 64-bit variables together. The result is naturally 64 bits.
I would imagine that this would do the trick:
typedef unsigned long U64 ; // your unsigned 64-bit int typedef here
typedef unsigned int U32 ; // your unsigned 32-bit int typedef here
U64 join( U32 a , U32 b )
U64 result = ((U64)a) << 32
| ((U64)b)
return result ;
I'll leave to you to divine the appropriate typedefs for U64 and U32.

bitwise shifiting question

if i have int temp=(1<<31)>>31. How come the temp becomes -1?
how do i get around this problem?
Ints are signed by default, which usually means that the high bit is reserved to indicate whether the integer is negative or not. Look up Two's complement for an explanation of how this works.
Here's the upshot:
[steven#sexy:~]% cat test.c
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv[]) {
uint32_t uint;
int32_t sint;
int64_t slong;
uint = (((uint32_t)1)<<31) >> 31;
sint = (1<<31) >> 31;
slong = (1L << 31) >> 31;
printf("signed 32 = %d, unsigned 32 = %u, signed 64 = %ld\n", sint, uint, slong);
[steven#sexy:~]% ./test
signed 32 = -1, unsigned 32 = 1, signed 64 = 1
Notice how you can avoid this problem either by using an "unsigned" int (allowing the use of all 32 bits), or by going to a larger type which you don't overflow.
In your case, the 1 in your expression is a signed type - so when you upshift it by 31, its sign changes. Then downshifting causes the sign bit to be duplicated, and you end up with a bit pattern of 0xffffffff.
You can fix it like this:
int temp = (1UL << 31) >> 31;
GCC warns about this kind of error if you have -Wall turned on.
int is signed.
what 'problem' - what are you trying to do ?
int i = (1<<31); // i = -2147483648
i>>31; // i = -1
unsigned int i = (1<<31); // i = 2147483648
i>>31; // i = 1
ps ch is a nice command line 'c' intepreter for windows that lets you try this sort of stuff without compiling, it also gives you a unix command shell. See
When you do (1<<31), the MSB which is the sign-bit is set(becomes 1). Then when you do the right shift, it is sign extended. Hence, you get -1. Solution: (1UL << 31) >> 31.
bit to indicate the sign is set when you do "such" left shift on a integer variable. Hence the result.
