process identification with Modelica models and PID controller design - pid

I try to build a PID controller for a valve in my model, I plan to do some process identification, get the system response to a step pulse and the transfer function of the system, then I could design the PID controller. But I am not sure if there is a Modelica library for this kind of job, or I need to do this manually.
My question is :
Is there any good reference examples for me?

There is an example in the Dymola manual to tune a controller of an airplane. It is found in the design library, more precisely: Design.Optimization.Examples.ControllerDesign_F14. The documentation is found in the Dymola Manual 2, Chapter 3 up to Dymola 2020x.
Another option is the commercial library "Optimization" developed by DLR which has enhanced capabilities, but comes with some cost...

What you need to perform a step response is a controller which can be put in 'manual' mode. The free library gives you that.


Custom protocol support

I am not finding documentation for custom protocol support.
From what I understand, Gatling has core engine that does scheduling, thread management etc, and protocol support is designed as an Actor ?
I am trying to develop a custom protocol (thats basically a shell script that will talk to an external service). The latest reference documentation does not seem to have any reference to how to do this ? Any pointers will be greatly appreciated.
If you need to stress test something that is implemented in a shell script, then Gatling probably isn't the best fit. Gatling is designed for stress testing networking protocols. So unless you can duplicate what your shell script is doing in Gatling expressed in networking protocols, you then might want to use something else.
Secondly, if you did implement it, I would check with the core developers of Gatling if it's something that they would consider including (use a github issue to ask). Since the applications of this might not be widespread, they may choose to not include it in their project. If that's the case you would have to either run your own fork with the implementation or add some sort of plugin architecture to Gatling for 3rd part extensibility.
So my suggestions are:
Decompose your shell script into the specific network protocol parts you're interested in stress testing implementing in Gatling.
Use a different tool that's designed to running multiple shell scripts at once for stress testings. Something like GNU Parallel if you're on a Linux box.
Implement it yourself. There's no documentation on how to do this. However a good starting example would be the JMS Protocol Implementation to give you an idea of all that's involved.

What does bootstrap mean in an angular js tutorial?

The tutorial keeps referencing the term bootstrapping but when I search the term I see a link to a framework by twitter. Are they talking about something specific like this or something more general?
In a very simple term you can understand it as initializing, or starting, your Angular app.
The wiki says
In general parlance, bootstrapping usually refers to the starting of a
self-sustaining process that is supposed to proceed without external
input. In computer technology the term (usually shortened to booting)
usually refers to the process of loading the basic software into the
memory of a computer after power-on or general reset, especially the
operating system which will then take care of loading other software
as needed.
"A different use of the term bootstrapping is to use a compiler to
compile itself, by first writing a small part of a compiler of a new
programming language in an existing language to compile more programs
of the new compiler written in the new language."
The below image from the Bootstrap docs of AngularJS will make it clear.
It is a general term. This is a top definition see the following
A technique of loading a program into a computer by means of a few
initial instructions that enable the introduction of the rest of the
program from an input device.
In short its a way to start by loading the outline of a set of a program and it will then pull in the other dependencies to get you started with that program/framework (in your case an angularjs project).
And no i looked at the google documentation (unless your looking at codeschool and they dont seem to be referring to twitters bootstrap at all).
This question seems to discuss it in thorough detail the definition stems from "pulling one up by their bootstraps"

How to profile in the Linux kernel or use the perf_event*.[hc] framework?

I have noticed there are some profiling source code under arch/arm/kernel:
I can't understand the hierarchy of those files and how can I use them? can I assume they are always exists and use them in a kernel module? my kernel module runs on Cortex-A7 or Cortex-A15 cores.
There seems to be a lot of very useful things under /arch/arm/kernel/ directory but no documentation about the capabilities ? how comes ?
Perf_event does provide an API that can be used programmatically, but the documentation is sparse at best. Vince Weaver made the best resource for using the perf_event API here:
He also provides some example code for recording counters.
However your best bet is to use an API that wraps perf_event and makes it more accessible, like PAPI (
EDIT: Since you want to do this from a kernel module, PAPI will not be available. The perf_event API still is, however.
The functionality in the perf_* files is used by/provided for tools like oprofile and perf tools.
And no, they are not ALWAYS available, as there is a config option (CONFIG_PERF_EVENTS) to enable/disable performance measurements.
The functionality is not really meant to be used from another driver. I'm pretty sure that will "upset" any user of oprofile or perf.

threads calling other programs

I recently worked on two things : receiving data from the serial port (TinyOS and seriallisten) and capturing frames from a webcam (OpenCV). Now I want to use both together. I want to use modify the video quality according to the rssi received on the serial port.
I've been told that I can create a program which creates thread that would call the methods I previously used : camcapture.c and seriallisten.c, but I don't know how to do this.
Can someone explain it ?
You should look int Boost Threads. There are examples on the web on how to create a program and use Boost Threads to call either a class method or a non-class static method.
About using C++ library in C code, this stackoverflow post may be helpful. I guess using extern scope operator is the magic here. C++ cross-compiler is designed using C, so backward conversion is not impossible.
If you hit success in using C++ into C
Wikipedia listed these for Multithreading libraries for C++. I guess it is worth visiting those and see what is good. Boost is still the best IMPO.
P.S. You should checkout intel's Threading Building Block TBB too. They are quite good and simple. Open source projects such as OpenCV uses tbb for their multithreaded class ops. the link is here

Erlang source code guide

I am interested in delving into Erlang's C source code and try to understand what is going on under the hood. Where can I find info on the design and structure of the code?
First of all, you might want to have a look to Joe Armstrong's thesis, introducing Erlang at a high level. It will be useful to get an idea of what was the idea behind the language. Then, you could focus on the Erlang Run Time System (erts). The erlang.erl module could be a good start. Then, I would focus on the applications who constitutes the so-called minimal release, kernel and stdlib. Within the stdlib, have a look on how behaviours are implemented. May I suggest the gen_server.erl module as a start?
A Guide To The Erlang Source
The short answer is that there is no good guide. And the code is not very well documented.
I recommend finding someone in your neighbourhood that knows the code reasonably well, and buy them dinner in exchange for a little chat.
If you don't have the possibility to do that, then I recommend starting with the loader.
Some useful information can also be found by pretty printing the beam representation. I don't know whether there is any way to do so supplied by OTP, but the HiPE project has some cheats.
hipe:c(MODULE, [pp_beam]).
Should get you started.
(And I also recommend Joe's book.)
Pretty printer of beam can be done by 'erlc -S', which is equivalent with hipe:c(M, [pp_beam]) mentioned by Daniel.
I also use erts_debug:df(Module). to disassemble the loaded beam code, which are instructions actually been interpreted by the VM.
Sometimes I use a debugger. OTP delivers tools supporting gdb very well. See example usage at
A little late to the party here. If you just download the source from GitHub the internal documentation is really good. You have to generate some of it using make.
Get the documentation built and most of the relevant source is under /erts (Erlang Run Time System)
Edit: BEAM Wisdoms is also a really good guide but it may or may not be what you're after.
