How to prevent unnecessary re-renders with React Hooks, function components and function depending on item list - reactjs

List of items to render
Given a list of items (coming from the server):
const itemsFromServer = {
"1": {
id: "1",
value: "test"
"2": {
id: "2",
value: "another row"
Function component for each item
We want to render each item, but only when necessary and something changes:
const Item = React.memo(function Item({ id, value, onChange, onSave }) {
console.log("render", id);
return (
onChange={event => onChange(id,}
<button onClick={() => onSave(id)}>Save</button>
ItemList function component with a handleSave function that needs to be memoized.
And there is a possibility to save each individual item:
function ItemList() {
const [items, setItems] = useState(itemsFromServer);
const handleChange = useCallback(
function handleChange(id, value) {
setItems(currentItems => {
return {
[id]: {
async function handleSave(id) {
const item = items[id];
if (item.value.length < 5) {
alert("Incorrect length.");
await save(item);
alert("Save done :)");
return (
{Object.values(items).map(item => (
How to prevent unnecessary re-renders of each Item when only one item changes?
Currently on each render a new handleSave function is created. When using useCallback the items object is included in the dependency list.
Possible solutions
Pass value as parameter to handleSave, thus removing the items object from the dependency list of handleSave. In this example that would be a decent solution, but for multiple reasons it's not preferred in the real life scenario (eg. lots more parameters etc.).
Use a separate component ItemWrapper where the handleSave function can be memoized.
function ItemWrapper({ item, onChange, onSave }) {
const memoizedOnSave = useCallback(onSave, [item]);
return (
With the useRef() hook, on each change to items write it to the ref and read items from the ref inside the handleSave function.
Keep a variable idToSave in the state. Set this on save. Then trigger the save function with useEffect(() => { /* save */ }, [idToSave]). "Reactively".
All of the solutions above seem not ideal to me. Are there any other ways to prevent creating a new handleSave function on each render for each Item, thus preventing unnecessary re-renders? If not, is there a preferred way to do this?

The first question I'd like to ask : is it really a problem to re-render ?
You are right that react will re-call every render for every function you have here, but your DOM should not change that much it might not be a big deal.
If you have heavy calculation while rendering Item, then you can memoize the heavy calculations.
If you really want to optimize this code, I see different solutions here:
Simplest solution : change the ItemList to a class component, this way handleSave will be an instance method.
Use an external form library that should work fine: you have powerfull form libraries in final-form, formik or react-hook-form
Another external library : you can try recoiljs that has been build for this specific use-case

Wow this was fun! Hooks are very different then classes. I got it to work by changing your Item component.
const Item = React.memo(
function Item({ id, value, onChange, onSave }) {
console.log("render", id);
return (
onChange={event => onChange(id,}
<button onClick={() => onSave(id)}>Save</button>
(prevProps, nextProps) => {
// console.log("PrevProps", prevProps);
// console.log("NextProps", nextProps);
return prevProps.value === nextProps.value;
By adding the second parameter to React.memo it only updates when the value prop changes. The docs here explain that this is the equivalent of shouldComponentUpdate in classes.
I am not an expert at Hooks so anyone who can confirm or deny my logic, please chime in and let me know but I think that the reason this needs to be done is because the two functions declared in the body of the ItemList component (handleChange and handleSave) are in fact changing on each render. So when the map is happening, it passes in new instances each time for handleChange and handleSave. The Item component detects them as changes and causes a render. By passing the second parameter you can control what the Item component is testing and only check for the value prop being different and ignore the onChange and onSave.
There might be a better Hooks way to do this but I am not sure how. I updated the code sample so you can see it working.

I've gained some new insights (thanks Dan), and I think I prefer something like this below. Sure it might look a bit complicated for such a simple hello world example, but for real world examples it might be a good fit.
Main changes:
Use a reducer + dispatch for keeping state. Not required, but to make it complete. Then we don't need useCallback for the onChange handler.
Pass down dispatch via context. Not required, but to make it complete. Otherwise just pass down dispatch.
Use an ItemWrapper (or Container) component. Adds an additional component to the tree, but provides value as the structure grows. It also reflects the situation we have: each item has a save functionality that requires the entire item. But the Item component itself does not. ItemWrapper might be seen as something like a save() provider in this scenario ItemWithSave.
To reflect a more real world scenario there is now also a "item is saving" state and the other id that's only used in the save() function.
The final code (also see:
Intial state, items from server
const itemsFromServer = {
"1": {
id: "1",
otherIdForSavingOnly: "1-1",
value: "test",
isSaving: false
"2": {
id: "2",
otherIdForSavingOnly: "2-2",
value: "another row",
isSaving: false
A reducer to manage state
function reducer(currentItems, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case "SET_VALUE":
return {
[]: {
value: action.value
case "START_SAVE":
return {
[]: {
isSaving: true
case "STOP_SAVE":
return {
[]: {
isSaving: false
throw new Error();
Our ItemList to render all items from the server
export default function ItemList() {
const [items, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, itemsFromServer);
return (
<ItemListDispatch.Provider value={dispatch}>
{Object.values(items).map(item => (
<ItemWrapper key={} item={item} />
The main solution ItemWrapper or ItemWithSave
function ItemWrapper({ item }) {
const dispatch = useContext(ItemListDispatch);
const handleSave = useCallback(
// Could be extracted entirely
async function save() {
if (item.value.length < 5) {
alert("Incorrect length.");
dispatch({ type: "START_SAVE", id: });
// Save to API
// eg. this will use otherId that's not necessary for the Item component
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
dispatch({ type: "STOP_SAVE", id: });
[item, dispatch]
return (
Our Item
const Item = React.memo(function Item({ id, value, isSaving, onSave }) {
const dispatch = useContext(ItemListDispatch);
console.log("render", id);
if (isSaving) {
return <li>Saving...</li>;
function onChange(event) {
dispatch({ type: "SET_VALUE", id, value: });
return (
<input value={value} onChange={onChange} />
<button onClick={onSave}>Save</button>


Set values of list of Material UI Autocompletes that fetch options dynamically

I have a Material UI Autocomplete combo-box child component class that fetches results as the user types:
fetchIngredients(query) {
this.sendAjax('/getOptions', {
data: {
q: query
}).then((options) => {
options: options
onChange={(e, val) => {
this.setState({value: val});
onInputChange={(event, newInputValue) => {
renderInput={(params) => {
// Hidden input so that FormData can find the value of this input.
return (<TextField {...params} label="Foo" required/>);
// Required for search as you type implementations:
filterOptions={(x) => x}
This child component is actually rendered as one of many in a list by its parent. Now, say I want the parent component to be able to set the value of each autocomplete programmatically (e.g., to auto-populate a form). How would I go about this?
I understand I could lift the value state up to the parent component and pass it as a prop, but what about the this.state.options? In order to set a default value of the combo-box, I'd actually need to also pass a single set of options such that value is valid. This would mean moving the ajax stuff up to the parent component so that it can pass options as a prop. This is starting to get really messy as now the parent has to manage multiple sets of ajax state for a list of its Autocomplete children.
Any good ideas here? What am I missing? Thanks in advance.
If these are children components making up a form, then I would argue that hoisting the value state up to the parent component makes more sense, even if it does require work refactoring. This makes doing something with the filled-in values much easier and more organized.
Then in your parent component, you have something like this:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
values: [],
options: []
const fetchIngredients = (query, id) => {
this.sendAjax('/getOptions', {
data: {
q: query
}).then((options) => {
this.setState(prevState => {
[id]: options
const setValue = (newValue, id) => {
this.setState(prevState => {
[id]: newValue
render() {
return (
{, id) => (

How to make child component reactive to state change in mobx using mobx-react-lite

I'm using mobx-state-tree and mobx-react-lite, can someone guide me to a better pattern,
wishlist.js - wishlist store
import { types } from 'mobx-state-tree'
export const WishListItem = types.model('WishListItem', {
name: types.string,
price: types.number,
image: "",
}).actions(self => ({
changeName(newName) { = newName
export const WishList = types.model('WishList', {
items: types.optional(types.array(WishListItem), []),
root.js - root store
export const RootStore = types.model('RootStore', {
counter: types.optional(Counter, { count: 0 }),
wishList: types.optional(WishList, {
items: [{ image: '', price: 10, name: 'Yoda' }]
I'm updating the store as
setInterval(() => store.wishList.items[0].changePrice(Math.random() * 100), 500)
In my Wishlist view
const WishListItem = ({ image, name, price }) => {
return useObserver(
() =>
<img src={image} />
const WishListView = ({ items }) => {
return useObserver(
() => <>
(item, key) => <WishListItem {...item} key={key} />
export default () => useObserver(() => (
<WishListView items={store.wishList.items} />
Here I have to use useObserver or Observer at every level of the component tree, to make it reactive, is there any way to pass a reactive reference to the child?
It works perfectly fine with primitive types like string or number, but with an array or an object, I have to either directly refer changing variables at the parent like store.wishList[0].price or use useObserver in the whole tree.
I want to pass the items array to children, and update children on the changes, just this at the root
export default () => useObserver(() => (
<WishListView items={store.wishList.items} />
and no more useObserver at it's childrens
A workaround I found was to destructure the array, now the changes are reactive since we are directly accessing the variables that are changing.
export default () => useObserver(() => {
const items = => ({ ...item }))
return <WishListView items={items} />
and no more useObserver at it's childrens
It is actually better to mark all components as observer if possible. For example, if you mark each Item as observer and one of the items change its name then only this component will rerender. If you dont make Item observer then your whole List will rerender which is quite bad if have lots of items or deep DOM tree. Also it does not make sense to rerender whole list when just one item changes.
Look here for explanation
So your workaround is a bad pratice and should be used only as last resort if you dont have control over children components and can't make them observer.

Refactoring class component to functional component with hooks, getting Uncaught TypeError: func.apply is not a function

This is my first attempt to refactor code from a class component to a functional component using React hooks. The reason we're refactoring is that the component currently uses the soon-to-be-defunct componentWillReceiveProps lifecylcle method, and we haven't been able to make the other lifecycle methods work the way we want. For background, the original component had the aforementioned cWRP lifecycle method, a handleChange function, was using connect and mapStateToProps, and is linking to a repository of tableau dashboards via the tableau API. I am also breaking the component, which had four distinct features, into their own components. The code I'm having issues with is this:
const Parameter = (props) => {
let viz = useSelector(state => state.fetchDashboard);
const parameterSelect = useSelector(state => state.fetchParameter)
const parameterCurrent = useSelector(state => state.currentParameter)
const dispatch = useDispatch();
let parameterSelections = parameterCurrent;
useEffect(() => {
let keys1 = Object.keys(parameterCurrent);
if (
keys1.length > 0 //if parameters are available for a dashboard
) {
return ({
parameterSelections: parameterCurrent
}, [props.parameterCurrent])
const handleParameterChange = (event, valKey, index, key) => {
parameterCurrent[key] =;
return (
prevState => ({
parameterSelections: parameterCurrent
() => {
.changeParameterValueAsync(key, valKey)
.then(function () {{
position: "center",
icon: "success",
JSON.stringify(key) + " set to " + JSON.stringify(valKey),
font: "1em",
showConfirmButton: false,
timer: 2500,
heightAuto: false,
height: "20px"
.otherwise(function (err) {
position: "top-end",
icon: "error",
title: err,
showConfirmButton: false,
timer: 1500,
width: "16rem",
height: "5rem"
const classes = useStyles();
return (
{Object.keys(parameterSelect).map((key, index) => {
return (
<FormControl component="fieldset">
<FormLabel className={classes.label} component="legend">
{parameterSelect[key].map((valKey, valIndex) => {
return (
onChange={(e) => dispatch(
handleParameterChange(e, valKey, index, key)
<RadioButtonUncheckedIcon fontSize="small" />
<Divider className={classes.divider} />
</div >
export default Parameter;
The classes const is defined separately, and all imports of reducers, etc. have been completed. parameterSelect in the code points to all available parameters, while parameterCurrent points to the default parameters chosen in the dashboard (i.e. what the viz initially loads with).
Two things are happening: 1. Everything loads fine on initial vizualization, and when I click on the Radio Button to change the parameter, I can see it update on the dashboard - however, it's not actually showing the radio button as being selected (it still shows whichever parameter the viz initialized with as being selected). 2. When I click outside of the Filterbar (where this component is imported to), I get Uncaught TypeError: func.apply is not a function. I refactored another component and didn't have this issue, and I can't seem to determine if I coded incorrectly in the useEffect hook, the handleParameterChange function, or somewhere in the return statement. Any help is greatly appreciated by this newbie!!!
This is a lot of code to take in without seeing the original class or having a code sandbox to load up. My initial thought is it might be your useEffect
In your refactored code, you tell your useEffect to only re-run when the props.parameterCurrent changes. However inside the useEffect you don't make use of props.parameterCurrent, you instead make use of parameterCurrent from the local lexical scope. General rule of thumb, any values used in the calculations inside a useEffect should be in the list of re-run dependencies.
useEffect(() => {
let keys1 = Object.keys(parameterCurrent);
if (
keys1.length > 0 //if parameters are available for a dashboard
) {
return ({
parameterSelections: parameterCurrent
}, [parameterCurrent])
However, this useEffect doesn't seem to do anything, so while its dependency list is incorrect, I don't think it'll solve the problem you are describing.
I would look at your dispatch and selector. Double check that the redux store is being updated as expected, and that the new value is making it from the change callback, to the store, and back down without being lost due to improper nesting, bad key names, etc...
I'd recommend posting a link or the original class for further help debugging.

Managing Button State and Resultant Processing with React Hooks

I've got some toggles that can be turned on/off. They get on/off state from a parent functional component. When a user toggles the state, I need to update the state in the parent and run a function.
That function uses the state of all the toggles to filter a list of items in state, which then changes the rendered drawing in a graph visualization component.
Currently, they toggle just fine, but the render gets out of sync with the state of the buttons, because the processing function ends up reading in old state.
I tried using useEffect(), but because the function has a lot of dependencies it causes a loop.
I tried coupling useRef() with useState() in a custom hook to read out the current state of at least the newest filter group that was set, but no luck there either.
Any suggestions on how I could restructure my code in a better way altogether, or a potential solution to this current problem?
Gross function that does the filtering:
function filterItems(threshold, items = {}) {
const { values } = kCoreResult;
const { coloredItems } = rgRef.current;
let itemsForUse;
let filteredItems;
if (Object.entries(items).length === 0 && items.constructor === Object) {
itemsForUse = baseItemsRef.current;
} else {
itemsForUse = items;
const isWithinThreshold = id => has(values, id) && values[id] >= threshold;
// filter for nodes meeting the kCoreValue criterion plus all links
filteredItems = pickBy(
(item, id) => !isNode(item) || isWithinThreshold(id)
filteredItems = pickBy(
item =>
!has(item, 'data.icon_type') || !filterRef.current[]
setRg(rg => {
rg.filteredItems = leftMerge(filteredItems, coloredItems);
return {
setMenuData(menuData => {
menuData.threshold = threshold;
return {
Function that calls it after button is pressed that also updates button state (button state is passed down from the filter object):
function changeCheckBox(id, checked) {
setFilter(filter => {
filter[id] = !checked;
return {
It seems calling your filterItems function in the handler is causing the stale state bug, the state update hasn't been reconciled yet. Separate out your functions that update state and "listen" for updates to state to run the filter function.
Here's a demo that should help see the pattern:
export default function App() {
const [filters, setFilters] = useState(filterOptions);
const onChangeHandler = e => {
setFilters({ ...filters, []: });
const filterItems = (threshold, items = {}) => {
console.log("Gross function that does the filtering");
console.log("threshold", threshold);
console.log("items", items);
useEffect(() => {
filterItems(42, filters);
}, [filters]);
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Hello CodeSandbox</h1>
<h2>Start editing to see some magic happen!</h2>
{Object.entries(filters).map(([filter, checked]) => {
return (
<Fragment key={filter}>
<label htmlFor={filter}>{filter}</label>
This works by de-coupling state updates from state side-effects. The handler updates the filters state by always returning a new object with next filter values, and the effect hook triggers on value changes to filters.

useLoopCallback -- useCallback hook for components created inside a loop

I'd like to start a discussion on the recommended approach for creating callbacks that take in a parameter from a component created inside a loop.
For example, if I'm populating a list of items that will have a "Delete" button, I want the "onDeleteItem" callback to know the index of the item to delete. So something like this:
const onDeleteItem = useCallback(index => () => {
setList(list.slice(0, index).concat(list.slice(index + 1)));
}, [list]);
return (
{, index) =>
<button type="button" onClick={onDeleteItem(index)}>Delete</button>
But the problem with this is that onDeleteItem will always return a new function to the onClick handler, causing the button to be re-rendered, even when the list hasn't changed. So it defeats the purpose of useCallback.
I came up with my own hook, which I called useLoopCallback, that solves the problem by memoizing the main callback along with a Map of loop params to their own callback:
import React, {useCallback, useMemo} from "react";
export function useLoopCallback(code, dependencies) {
const callback = useCallback(code, dependencies);
const loopCallbacks = useMemo(() => ({map: new Map(), callback}), [callback]);
return useCallback(loopParam => {
let loopCallback =;
if (!loopCallback) {
loopCallback = (...otherParams) => loopCallbacks.callback(loopParam, ...otherParams);, loopCallback);
return loopCallback;
}, [callback]);
So now the above handler looks like this:
const onDeleteItem = useLoopCallback(index => {
setList(list.slice(0, index).concat(list.slice(index + 1)));
}, [list]);
This works fine but now I'm wondering if this extra logic is really making things faster or just adding unnecessary overhead. Can anyone please provide some insight?
An alternative to the above is to wrap the list items inside their own component. So something like this:
function ListItem({key, item, onDeleteItem}) {
const onDelete = useCallback(() => {
}, [onDeleteItem, key]);
return (
<button type="button" onClick={onDelete}>Delete</button>
export default function List(...) {
const onDeleteItem = useCallback(index => {
setList(list.slice(0, index).concat(list.slice(index + 1)));
}, [list]);
return (
{, index) =>
<ListItem key={index} item={item} onDeleteItem={onDeleteItem} />
Performance optimizations always come with a cost. Sometimes this cost is lower than the operation to be optimized, sometimes is higher. useCallback it's a hook very similar to useMemo, actually you can think of it as a specialization of useMemo that can only be used in functions. For example, the bellow statements are equivalents
const callback = value => value * 2
const memoizedCb = useCallback(callback, [])
const memoizedWithUseMemo = useMemo(() => callback, [])
So for now on every assertion about useCallback can be applied to useMemo.
The gist of memoization is to keep copies of old values to return in the event we get the same dependencies, this can be great when you have something that is expensive to compute. Take a look at the following code
const Component = ({ items }) =>{
const array = => x*2)
Uppon every render the const array will be created as a result of a map performed in items. So you can feel tempted to do the following
const Component = ({ items }) =>{
const array = useMemo(() => => x*2), [items])
Now => x*2) will only be executed when items change, but is it worth? The short answer is no. The performance gained by doing this is trivial and sometimes will be more expensive to use memoization than just execute the function each render. Both hooks(useCallback and useMemo) are useful in two distinct use cases:
Referencial equality
When you need to ensure that a reference type will not trigger a re render just for failing a shallow comparison
Computationally expensive operations(only useMemo)
Something like this
const serializedValue = {item: => ({...x, override: x ? y : z}))}
Now you have a reason to memoized the operation and lazily retrieve the serializedValue everytime props.item changes:
const serializedValue = useMemo(() => ({item: => ({...x, override: x ? y : z}))}), [props.item])
Any other use case is almost always worth to just re compute all values again, React it's pretty efficient and aditional renders almost never cause performance issues. Keep in mind that sometimes your efforts to optimize your code can go the other way and generate a lot of extra/unecessary code, that won't generate so much benefits (sometimes will only cause more problems).
The List component manages it's own state (list) the delete functions depends on this list being available in it's closure. So when the list changes the delete function must change.
With redux this would not be a problem because deleting items would be accomplished by dispatching an action and will be changed by a reducer that is always the same function.
React happens to have a useReducer hook that you can use:
import React, { useMemo, useReducer, memo } from 'react';
const Item = props => {
//calling remove will dispatch {type:'REMOVE', payload:{id}}
//no arguments are needed
const { remove } = props;
console.log('component render', props);
return (
<button onClick={remove}>REMOVE</button>
//wrap in React.memo so when props don't change
// the ItemContainer will not re render (pure component)
const ItemContainer = memo(props => {
console.log('in the item container');
//dispatch passed by parent use it to dispatch an action
const { dispatch, id } = props;
const remove = () =>
type: 'REMOVE',
payload: { id },
return <Item {...props} remove={remove} />;
const initialState = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 }];
//Reducer is static it doesn't need list to be in it's
// scope through closure
const reducer = (state, action) => {
if (action.type === 'REMOVE') {
//remove the id from the list
return state.filter(
item => !==
return state;
export default () => {
//initialize state and reducer
const [list, dispatch] = useReducer(
console.log('parent render', list);
return (
{{ id }) => (
