what is Constants for MD5Transform routine - md5

i`m trying to understand md5 algorithm
i found code written in c++ here "http://www.zedwood.com/article/cpp-md5-function"
And it is found all around the internet
and i could not understand what and from where they get these
numbers and why they Constants in every md5 algorithm
and could i use Different numbers
// Constants for MD5Transform routine.
#define S11 7
#define S12 12
#define S13 17
#define S14 22
#define S21 5
#define S22 9
#define S23 14
#define S24 20
#define S31 4
#define S32 11
#define S33 16
#define S34 23
#define S41 6
#define S42 10
#define S43 15
#define S44 21
and search over all the internet and could not find the
.. Excuse my English is not good

MD5 is is hashing function specify in this official document.
Hashing function are developed by very skilled mathematicians published in scientific papers tested for a very long time before they become industrial standard.
Those constant are arbitrary chosen, but have to meat some complex requirements, so hash functions introduces proper entropy to the result.
If you will modify it most probably you will break this properties make hash function cryptographic weak and you will not able to spot the issue.
Note that md5 nowadays is considered weak and home computer can find collision in reasonable time.
Basically do not overthink it, use only standard solutions (constants).

What about Wikipedia? ;)
Here you can find where such constants come from, and further details about the algorithm.
The reason, in few words, is that MD5 algorithm applies repeatedly some binary functions, using some constants that are part of the algorithm itself, and a non-linear function. Since this is a hashing function, small differences on the original value should generate big differences in the hashed result (the "avalanche effect"). The original algorithm (even if not so strong) respects this assumption, and the algorithm itself defines that, during the hashing, part of the hashed number has to be left-shifted in some (constant) ways, in order to obtain a non-linear function F used in each "round" of the algorithm (to... shuffle the bits even more). Obviously, you can change the "s" (shifting) constants, the K (initialisation) constants, but in this case your algorithm is not the MD5 one, even if you respect the non-linearity assumption regarding the F function (and/or you decide to use different initialisation constants).
I mean, the main point is that MD5 hashing function is made by a procedure that operates shifting numbers, using a non-linear function, and some initialisation values needed to let the procedure work. You can keep the algorithm itself, or change a "and" with a "not", or change the constant values used to hash the input value at each round, or change the number of rounds applied, doing your own version of MD5 algorithm with a different... avalanche size.


Why is infinity = 0x3f3f3f3f?

In some situations, one generally uses a large enough integer value to represent infinity. I usually use the largest representable positive/negative integer. That usually yields more code, since you need to check if one of the operands is infinity before virtually all arithmetic operations in order to avoid overflows. Sometimes it would be desirable to have saturated integer arithmetic. For that reason, some people use smaller values for infinity, that can be added or multiplied several times without overflow. What intrigues me is the fact that it's extremely common to see (specially in programming competitions):
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
Why is that number special? It's binary representation is:
I don't see any specially interesting property here. I see it's easy to type, but if that was the reason, almost anything would do (0x3e3e3e3e, 0x2f2f2f2f, etc). It can be added once without overflow, which allows for:
a = min(INF, b + c);
But all the other constants would do, then. Googling only shows me a lot of code snippets that use that constant, but no explanations or comments.
Can anyone spot it?
I found some evidence about this here (original content in Chinese); the basic idea is that 0x7fffffff is problematic since it's already "the top" of the range of 4-byte signed ints; so, adding anything to it results in negative numbers; 0x3f3f3f3f, instead:
is still quite big (same order of magnitude of 0x7fffffff);
has a lot of headroom; if you say that the valid range of integers is limited to numbers below it, you can add any "valid positive number" to it and still get an infinite (i.e. something >=INF). Even INF+INF doesn't overflow. This allows to keep it always "under control":
is a repetition of equal bytes, which means you can easily memset stuff to INF;
also, as #Jörg W Mittag noticed above, it has a nice ASCII representation, that allows both to spot it on the fly looking at memory dumps, and to write it directly in memory.
I may or may not be one of the earliest discoverers of 0x3f3f3f3f. I published a Romanian article about it in 2004 (http://www.infoarena.ro/12-ponturi-pentru-programatorii-cc #9), but I've been using this value since 2002 at least for programming competitions.
There are two reasons for it:
0x3f3f3f3f + 0x3f3f3f3f doesn't overflow int32. For this some use 100000000 (one billion).
one can set an array of ints to infinity by doing memset(array, 0x3f, sizeof(array))
0x3f3f3f3f is the ASCII representation of the string ????.
Krugle finds 48 instances of that constant in its entire database. 46 of those instances are in a Java project, where it is used as a bitmask for some graphics manipulation.
1 project is an operating system, where it is used to represent an unknown ACPI device.
1 project is again a bitmask for Java graphics.
So, in all of the projects indexed by Krugle, it is used 47 times because of its bitpattern, once because of its ASCII interpretation, and not a single time as a representation of infinity.

Calculating an 8-bit CRC with the C preprocessor?

I'm writing code for a tiny 8-bit microcontroller with only a few bytes of RAM. It has a simple job which is to transmit 7 16-bit words, then the CRC of those words. The values of the words are chosen at compile time. The CRC specifically is "remainder of division of
word 0 to word 6 as unsigned number divided by the polynomial x^8+x²+x+1 (initial value 0xFF)."
Is it possible to calculate the CRC of those bytes at compile time using the C preprocessor?
#define CALC_CRC(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) /* what goes here? */
#define W0 0x6301
#define W1 0x12AF
#define W2 0x7753
#define W3 0x0007
#define W4 0x0007
#define W5 0x5621
#define W6 0x5422
#define CRC CALC_CRC(W0, W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W6)
It is possible to design a macro which will perform a CRC calculation at compile time. Something like
// Choosing names to be short and hopefully unique.
#define cZX((n),b,v) (((n) & (1 << b)) ? v : 0)
#define cZY((n),b, w,x,y,z) (cZX((n),b,w)^CzX((n),b+1,x)^CzX((n),b+2,y)^cZX((n),b+3,z))
#define CRC(n) (cZY((n),0,cZ0,cZ1,cZ2,cZ3)^cZY((n),4,cZ4,cZ5,cZ6,cZ7))
should probably work, and will be very efficient if (n) can be evaluated as a compile-time constant; it will simply evaluate to a constant itself. On the other hand, if n is an expression, that expression will end up getting recomputed eight times. Even if n is a simple variable, the resulting code will likely be significantly larger than the fastest non-table-based way of writing it, and may be slower than the most compact way of writing it.
BTW, one thing I'd really like to see in the C and C++ standard would be a means of specifying overloads which would be used for functions declared inline only if particular parameters could be evaluated as compile-time constants. The semantics would be such that there would be no 'guarantee' that any such overload would be used in every case where a compiler might be able to determine a value, but there would be a guarantee that (1) no such overload would be used in any case where a "compile-time-const" parameter would have to be evaluated at runtime, and (2) any parameter which is considered a constant in one such overload will be considered a constant in any functions invoked from it. There are a lot of cases where a function could written to evaluate to a compile-time constant if its parameter is constant, but where run-time evaluation would be absolutely horrible. For example:
#define bit_reverse_byte(n) ( (((n) & 128)>>7)|(((n) & 64)>>5)|(((n) & 32)>>3)|(((n) & 16)>>1)|
(((n) & 8)<<1)|(((n) & 4)<<3)|(((n) & 2)<<5)|(((n) & 1)<<7) )
#define bit_reverse_word(n) (bit_reverse_byte((n) >> 8) | (bit_reverse_byte(n) << 8))
A simple rendering of a non-looped single-byte bit-reverse function in C on the PIC would be about 17-19 single-cycle instructions; a word bit-reverse would be 34, or about 10 plus a byte-reverse function (which would execute twice). Optimal assembly code would be about 15 single-cycle instructions for byte reverse or 17 for word-reverse. Computing bit_reverse_byte(b) for some byte variable b would take many dozens of instructions totalling many dozens of cycles. Computing bit_reverse_word(w) for some 16-bit wordw` would probably take hundreds of instructions taking hundreds or thousands of cycles to execute. It would be really nice if one could mark a function to be expanded inline using something like the above formulation in the scenario where it would expand to a total of four instructions (basically just loading the result) but use a function call in scenarios where inline expansion would be heinous.
The simplest checksum algorithm is the so-called longitudinal parity check, which breaks the data into "words" with a fixed number n of bits, and then computes the exclusive or of all those words. The result is appended to the message as an extra word.
To check the integrity of a message, the receiver computes the exclusive or of all its words, including the checksum; if the result is not a word with n zeros, the receiver knows that a transmission error occurred.
(souce: wiki)
In your example:
#define CALC_LRC(a,b,c,d,e,f) ((a)^(b)^(c)^(d)^(e)^(f))
Disclaimer: this is not really a direct answer, but rather a series of questions and suggestions that are too long for a comment.
First Question: Do you have control over both ends of the protocol, e.g. can you choose the checksum algorithm by means of either yourself or a coworker controlling the code on the other end?
If YES to question #1:
You need to evaluate why you need the checksum, what checksum is appropriate, and the consequences of receiving a corrupt message with a valid checksum (which factors into both the what & why).
What is your transmission medium, protocol, bitrate, etc? Are you expecting/observing bit errors? So for example, with SPI or I2C from one chip to another on the same board, if you have bit errors, it's probably the HW engineers fault or you need to slow the clock rate, or both. A checksum can't hurt, but shouldn't really be necessary. On the other hand, with an infrared signal in a noisy environment, and you'll have a much higher probability of error.
Consequences of a bad message is always the most important question here. So if you're writing the controller for digital room thermometer and sending a message to update the display 10x a second, one bad value ever 1000 messages has very little if any real harm. No checksum or a weak checksum should be fine.
If these 6 bytes fire a missile, set the position of a robotic scalpel, or cause the transfer of money, you better be damn sure you have the right checksum, and may even want to look into a cryptographic hash (which may require more RAM than you have).
For in-between stuff, with noticeable detriment to performance/satisfaction with the product, but no real harm, its your call. For example, a TV that occasionally changes the volume instead of the channel could annoy the hell out of customers--more so than simply dropping the command if a good CRC detects an error, but if you're in the business of making cheap/knock-off TVs that might be OK if it gets product to market faster.
So what checksum do you need?
If either or both ends have HW support for a checksum built into the peripheral (fairly common in SPI for example), that might be a wise choice. Then it becomes more or less free to calculate.
An LRC, as suggested by vulkanino's answer, is the simplest algorithm.
Wikipedia has some decent info on how/why to choose a polynomial if you really need a CRC:
If NO to question #1:
What CRC algorithm/polynomial does the other end require? That's what you're stuck with, but telling us might get you a better/more complete answer.
Thoughts on implementation:
Most of the algorithms are pretty light-weight in terms of RAM/registers, requiring only a couple extra bytes. In general, a function will result in better, cleaner, more readable, debugger-friendly code.
You should think of the macro solution as an optimization trick, and like all optimization tricks, jumping to them to early can be a waste of development time and a cause of more problems than it's worth.
Using a macro also has some strange implications you may not have considered yet:
You are aware that the preprocessor can only do the calculation if all the bytes in a message are fixed at compile time, right? If you have a variable in there, the compiler has to generate code. Without a function, that code will be inlined every time it's used (yes, that could mean lots of ROM usage). If all the bytes are variable, that code might be worse than just writing the function in C. Or with a good compiler, it might be better. Tough to say for certain. On the other hand, if a different number of bytes are variable depending on the message being sent, you might end up with several versions of the code, each optimized for that particular usage.

64-bit multiplicative hashing

I'm working on fast 64-bit hash. Many existing secure hash functions are too way slow, some non-cryptographic hash functions like FNV are just bad.
Well, I came up with a FNV-like hash:
UINT64 hash=0;
// for each input byte
Main question is about HASH_PRIME. Often, we may see a "golden ratio" term for multiplicative hashing.
For 64-bit hash, golden ratio is 0x9e3779b97f4a7c13.
I tested the 32-bit golden ratio for period in PRNG:
DWORD hash=0;
// loop
A good value here may produce the period of 0xFFFFFFFF - i.e. max possible. This golden ratio produces notably smaller period.
or just
DWORD hash=~0;
// loop
And again, a good enough multiplier can produce period of 0x3FFFFFFF bytes. Golden ratio here produces again much shorter period.
Never tested the 64-bit primes - too computationally expensive.
Is period important for my hash? And where to find a good 64-bit HASH_PRIMES and how to test such stuff?
Are you doing this is as an exercise? otherwise I would advise having a looking at well known hash functions as Bob Jenkin's lookup8 and lookup family (http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/ ) and Austin Appleby's murmur http://code.google.com/p/smhasher/ (a speed killer and my favorite). Good hash functions are hard to build... and if you are after a rolling type of hash, Rabin fingerprints are hard to beat.
And to make sure that your hashes are decent if you really want to roll your own, use either Appleby and Jenkins hash tests (torture and smhasher )
Not sure about the first two examples. But in the third to get a full period out of the code you need to add an odd number. Otherwise this will have a maximum period of 65537, It could be as low as 3. There may even be a fixed point.
Wherever you got the 0x3FFFFFFF for a good period is not correct. One of the Knuth volumes discusses this in excessive detail.
The multiplier must be of the form 4n+1 and there must be an odd addend

How high do I have to count before I hit an MD5 hash collision?

Never mind why I'm doing this -- this is mainly theoretical.
If I were MD5 hashing string representations of integers, how high would I have to count before two of the hashes collide?
This problem (in generic case) is known as Birthday Paradox
The probability of collision in generic case can be computed easily. However, in your particular case, you have to actually compute (and store!) each MD5.
EDIT #Scott : not really. The Pigeonhole principle (being just a particular case of Birthday problem) would say that having 2^128 possible MD5 values, we surely will have a collision after 1 + 2^128 tries. The birthday paradox says that the probability of collision will be grater than 0.5 for about 2^70 MD5 values.
With these estimates for storage requirements, it's up to you to decide if the problem worth it. By me it does not.
Apparently, one can base a thesis on this very thing (or similar problems, anyway). I haven't read it, but maybe something in Stevens' thesis will help you (it's apparently linked from the Wikipedia article).
In a perfect world, to 1 + 2^128. But I doubt md5 is perfect, I cant give you a number but is guaranteed to be <= 1+ 2^128
Here is a scientific way to find out an estimate of how high you would have to count.
Make MD5 hash that is cut down to say 4 bits. Calculate that (make sure you calculate until you reach say 100 collisions so you get a good average)
Then make the same thing at 8 bits (again, wait for many collisions so you can calculate an average).
Do it again and again until you have averages for 4, 8, 12, 16 bits and then see if you can find a trend. Follow that trend up to 128 bits
You may want to xor all 128 bits to come up with your shorter version. Taking the first or last part may not be the best test.

Will MD5 ever return the same output as its input? [duplicate]

Is there a fixed point in the MD5 transformation, i.e. does there exist x such that md5(x) == x?
Since an MD5 sum is 128 bits long, any fixed point would necessarily also have to be 128 bits long. Assuming that the MD5 sum of any string is uniformly distributed over all possible sums, then the probability that any given 128-bit string is a fixed point is 1/2128.
Thus, the probability that no 128-bit string is a fixed point is (1 − 1/2128)2128, so the probability that there is a fixed point is 1 − (1 − 1/2128)2128.
Since the limit as n goes to infinity of (1 − 1/n)n is 1/e, and 2128 is most certainly a very large number, this probability is almost exactly 1 − 1/e ≈ 63.21%.
Of course, there is no randomness actually involved – either there is a fixed point or there isn't. But, we can be 63.21% confident that there is a fixed point. (Also, notice that this number does not depend on the size of the keyspace – if MD5 sums were 32 bits or 1024 bits, the answer would be the same, so long as it's larger than about 4 or 5 bits).
My brute force attempt found a 12 prefix and 12 suffix match.
prefix 12:
54db1011d76dc70a0a9df3ff3e0b390f -> 54db1011d76d137956603122ad86d762
suffix 12:
df12c1434cec7850a7900ce027af4b78 -> b2f6053087022898fe920ce027af4b78
Blog post:
Since the hash is irreversible, this would be very hard to figure out. The only way to solve this, would be to calculate the hash on every possible output of the hash, and see if you came up with a match.
To elaborate, there are 16 bytes in an MD5 hash. That means there are 2^(16*8) = 3.4 * 10 ^ 38 combinations. If it took 1 millisecond to compute a hash on a 16 byte value, it would take 10790283070806014188970529154.99 years to calculate all those hashes.
While I don't have a yes/no answer, my guess is "yes" and furthermore that there are maybe 2^32 such fixed points (for the bit-string interpretation, not the character-string intepretation). I'm actively working on this because it seems like an awesome, concise puzzle that will require a lot of creativity (if you don't settle for brute force search right away).
My approach is the following: treat it as a math problem. We have 128 boolean variables, and 128 equations describing the outputs in terms of the inputs (which are supposed to match). By plugging in all of the constants from the tables in the algorithm and the padding bits, my hope is that the equations can be greatly simplified to yield an algorithm optimized to the 128-bit input case. These simplified equations can then be programmed in some nice language for efficient search, or treated abstractly again, assigning single bits at a time, watching out for contraditions. You only need to see a few bits of the output to know that it is not matching the input!
Probably, but finding it would take longer than we have or would involve compromising MD5.
There are two interpretations, and if one is allowed to pick either, the probability of finding a fixed point increases to 81.5%.
Interpretation 1: does the MD5 of a MD5 output in binary match its input?
Interpretation 2: does the MD5 of a MD5 output in hex match its input?
Strictly speaking, since the input of MD5 is 512 bits long and the output is 128 bits, I would say that's impossible by definition.
