GAE/J - Moving to Cloud SDK - DataNucleus V1 Support - google-app-engine

GAE/J team decided to retire App.cfg and asked everyone to move to Cloud SDK (based Maven or Gradle).
We have been using GAE/J for eight years, and we are using DataNucleus V1.
The reason that we still use DataNucleus V1 is that you can not upgrade to V2 or v3 without losing your information since they are not backward compatible (one to many relationships are not working after upgrade).
From some reason, we can not make DataNucleus V1 work with GAE/J Cloud SDK. Do you know if GAE/J stopped supporting this version? (and only support V2/V3?)
The Ant task enhance-classes is working well if I am using GAE tools jar from version, when pointing to the current GAE tools jar (version it fails enhacing classes.

Apparently GAE cloud sdk appengine-java version did not include the following libraries:
datanucleus\v1(few jars files)
datanucleus\v2(few jars files)
The enhancer is looking for these jars in these directory structure which is missing.
Once you add these files and directories it is working well.
I also reported Google cloud team
After a few days that the issue I opened was confirmed as a "bug" and was assigned, someone decided that the bug is actually "Won't Fix (Intended Behavior)". If someone feels like me that this is a critical issue, please update your thoughts via the issue tracker link.


What are the ways to restrict deployment on specific version of App Engine?

I have created a GCP Project and using App Engine standard environment for deployment purposes.
I have various developers working with me on the same project and deploying on App engine using various versions, however, we are using a default version to which all the traffic is allocated.
So are there any ways by which we can restrict the deployment on the default version. i.e we want specific people to be able to deploy on default version without removing deployment rights of other people on the same project.
And is there any alternative approach to this situation.
It depends on the runtime where you are deploying the application.
For example, in Python, if you are using the command gcloud app deploy (see the documentation), you can do the following:
gcloud app deploy --no-promote --version=<MY-VERSION-NAME>
The --no promote flag will avoid allocating all of the traffic to the version you are deploying, while the --version=<MY-VERSION-NAME> specifies the name of the version that you will create from the deployment, and replace an older one with the same name if it exists.
AFAIK there is no way to restrict deployment of a specific version. All access control method revolve around a certain identity being allowed access to deploy a certain GAE project or not. The version string used (i.e the version being deployed to in your approach) is irrelevant.
This falls into the "allows you to separate IAM roles" advantage mentioned in the accepted answer to Advantages of implementing CI/CD environments at GAE project/app level vs service/module level?.
As a note: you're attempting to implement environments at the service/module version level, which is IMHO worse than both methods compared in that post, see Continuous integration/deployment/delivery on Google App Engine, too risky?

Download an old version of Google App Engine SDK

Where can I find for download an old GAE SDK, say 1.9.15 ? I need to find out coverage and maybe use 3rd party API, which do not work well with the recent version.
It depends if the respective SDK is still officially supported or not. Both kinds are available in the appengine-sdks GCS bucket.
No longer supported SDKs (like the 1.9.15 one you're seeking) are available in the deprecated folder. Note that they may be under a subdirectory named as the version number without the dots, i.e. 1915 for 1.9.15).
Still supported SDK versions are available in the featured folder.

AppEngine/Go: Using a new version of Go with the SDK

The Go SDK currently ships with Go version is 1.6.2 but the most recent is 1.7.1 . I need some enhancements/bugfixes that were released since 1.6.2 . However, when I replace the goroot directory in the SDK directory that contains Go 1.6.2 with a symlink that points to 1.7.1, I get an error that has to do with not being able to find bin/goapp, which looks to be AppEngine-specific and not provided in the standard Go build.
Does anyone know a way to upgrade the Go available in the AppEngine SDK? Does this mean that the Go in production is also 1.6.2?
Unfortunately you're stuck with the Go version that comes bundled in the latest App Engine Go SDK.
Even if you "switch" it locally with Go 1.7.1 and somehow you manage to compile and run your app with Go 1.7.1 (by adding the missing files from the SDK's Go root), the production environment currently also uses Go 1.6.2, so your app and Go code will run into errors in the live environment when code that is missing from 1.6.2 is referenced. Most likely even the deployment would fail.
Also note that when you deploy your app to App Engine, only the source files are uploaded, and your app is compiled in the cloud. So you can't even "trick" it by compiling it locally and somehow "exclude" source files and upload only the binaries (binaries are not even uploaded).
You can't do anything else but wait for Go 1.7.1 (or a newer version) to make it to the SDK. Note that the Go version bundled in the SDK usually lags a few versions behind, because for it to become the "live" version, it usually needs modifications / altering for the sandboxed environment of App Engine (certain restrictions must be applied / implemented), and it needs further / additional testing / strengthening regarding security.
At this point you should be able to upgrade - App Engine has supported Go 1.8 since 2017 and recently announced early support for 1.9.
In general, though, you're pretty much stuck with the versions supported in production - there's no way to link in your own version of Go to the SDK, and I'd argue that it would be extremely ill-advised to do so even if you could.

GAE SDK for Python 2.5

I have an existing app that uses the deprecated Python 2.5 and the deprecated master/slave datastore. According to the docs, I must migrate the datastore to HRD before I can upgrade to Python 2.7. Before I can migrate my M/S datastore to HRD, I need to do some work on the app and test it using the dev server.
However, I upgraded to the most recent version of the SDK (1.8.6), and it does not support Python 2.5. Somebody else encountered this problem and learned that the latest SDK that supports Python 2.5 by default is Python SDK 1.7.5. From where can that be downloaded? Or, is there a way I can make the SDK 1.8.6 work with Python 2.5?
In the 1.8.6 SDK, there's an that works with Python 2.5. That'll help you along as you migrate.
Dave W. Smith gave me the answer but I didn't know how to implement it until I made a discovery that maybe most people already know, But in case it might be helpful to somebody, I will tell it here:
I do all my GAE/Python/Flex development work in Eclispe, except that I used the launcher for local testing and deploying. (I am command-line adverse.) I discovered that using the PyDev Eclipse plugin it is easy to set up a "run configuration" (under the PyDev "Run" menu) whereby you can set up command line parameters, etc. and run any python program from within Eclipse. I now use that facility for running (and when needed for my Python 2.5 app, I no longer have a need to use the launcher. I also set up a PyDev run configuation to deploy my app and performing various functions (vacuum indexes, etc.).

gwt sample project rpc call failure

When i try to run gwt sample project it gives "RPC call failure.An error occurred while attempting to contact the server. Please check your network connection and try again". It was running good before but after i update programs and libraries it gives that error. Which update causes this error or there is other things?
Appengine version:1.7.0
GWT version:2.4.0
Eclipse version:4.2(juno)
JDK version:1.7.0_05
This may not be the problem you are facing but it seems to be the most frequent problem.
Let me predict - you last tried GWT four years ago and you hoarded the sample project hoping to pull it out one day.
And yesterday, you did pull it out. It kinda worked and then you decided to upgrade to the latest 2.4.0. (Actually the latest is 2.5.0-rc1).
Ooops. The web-inf/lib of your project is still faithfully using pre-version 2.2 gwt-servlet jar.
Nope, you can't do that. GWT-RPC data transfer format is version-unstable. Not guaranteed to be compatible from one version to the next.
Simple solution - recreate a new GWT project using the new Google plugin.
Then copy the src and web.xml of your project into the new project.
Or replace the gwt-servlet.jar with the latest. And if you usegwt-servlet-deps.jar, you would need to upgrade that too (but I doubt so, because if you did use gwt-servlet.deps.jar you wouldn't be asking this question).
But why would you keep the gwt sample from an old project?
The samples have remained quite the same over the years. Why not use the samples from the new GWT 2.4.0 download. You don't have to keep the samples. You should try to construct the projects for the samples afresh.
The GWT directory is found under Eclipse's plugins directory, under a long name. Like
In which you will find the samples directory.
