CodeDeploy after CodeBuild - continuous-deployment

When I try to do CodeDeploy after CodeCommit, all files are sent to the server as normal. But when I use CodeBuild between them, only CodeDeploy gives an error.
The overall deployment failed because too many individual instances failed deployment, too few healthy instances are available for deployment, or some instances in your deployment group are experiencing problems.

This error generally occurs when your EC2 instance does not have CodeDeploy agent installed or running. AWS docs has a full troubleshooting section for this issue: 1


Is there any way to rectify Deployment Error while creating MVC application and trying to deploy the underlying database in Azure SQL Virtual Machine?

I created One MVC application where Repos and Service Layer are implemented. and I tried to deploy the underlying Database in azure SQL Virtual Machine(IAAS) and application in azure App service(Web app) as PAAS. When I deploy it in the cloud, I got a deployment error on action methods where the repo layer presents. I tried to remove the repo layer and run it, then it perfectly works.
In the azure Log stream, it says,
"This error means that there was a problem while processing the request. The request was received by the Web server, but during processing a fatal error occurred, causing the 500 error."
I don't know how to debug the issue. I tried many things using the repo layer, but it didn't work on a remote system. Though It works on localhost perfectly, it shows a deployment error in the remote system.
here you can see my code in the GitHub repository "".
I hope to get a possible solution here.

.Net 6 App-Service won't connect to SQL in production

I have several sites hosted on the same App Service Plan - an S1 instance. All are using the same set out Outbound IPs. I have a SQL server VM where all the databases live. I have a network security group with an inbound rule for the S1's outbound IPs.
All my other sites work perfectly and have access to the SQL VM and their respective databases.
The site in question works perfectly when hosted from my local dev machine, WITH the production database.
Yet I get an Access Denied error: "SqlException: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred...] when I promote it to production on Azure.
All the usual suspects (firewall, user doesn't exist, etc.) can be ruled out because ALL my other sites are using the same database server, credentials, and the only change in the connection string is the Initial Catalog. They are all on the same App Server and all have the same outbound IP so if one was getting blocked the others would be also. If it were a user problem, it wouldn't work when hosted locally.
The only difference between this and my other web apps is that this one is Blazor, built on .Net 6. The others are on .Net Core 3.1 (LTS). I don't think that has any bearing since the application in question, when hosted locally works with the production connection string. This IS the first time I've published a Blazor app and .Net 6 app, so...
I'm sure I'm missing something silly, but I can't figure out why this one site would act differently than the rest.
Could someone please offer up another avenue for me to pursue? Or, a way to get a more verbose error message from the failed connection? Anything to further my troubleshooting?
For anyone reading this, I found my issue and it's unique to my project.
The truth, I separated the DAL from the presentation of the site. In the end, I was editing the wrong appsettings.json file. For three hours. Face-palm
My apologies if I wasted anyone's time.

Why does the App engine (python3 - standard environment) generate aborted connections when connecting to a cloud sql -2nd Gen Mysql instance?

I'm currently developing a project with python 3.7, Django 2.1, Mysql as database.
I'm deploying it in google cloud app engine standard environment and for the database I'm using a cloud SQL - MySql 2nd gen instance.
The application works well, however when I analyze the logs I see these errors:
"aborted connection - Got an error reading communication packets"
In this case the connection is being closed by my app (django).If I configure my app to have persistent connections and I put wait_timeout (i.e 60) in the config of the cloud sql, the error is:
"aborted connection - Got timeout reading communication packets".
I just determined that it's not a problem with sql cloud, or with the configuration of my application, but that it's an app engine problem. I came to this conclusion in the following way:
if I connect to the sql cloud instance through Mysql workbench, no connection is aborted
Similarly if I run my application on a local server, but connecting to cloud sql (through the cloud_sql_proxy), no error is generated and everything works perfect.
So my conclusion is that it is a problem of how the app engine connects to the cloud sql instance.
Why does this happen? How could it be solved?
The "Aborted connection" messages you're seeing, are usually triggered when a connection is closed improperly or there is a networking anomaly between the server and the client.
Sometimes Cloud SQL instances and GAE have long-live idle connections. In order to address this issue, it is recommended to set "wait_timeout' flag below 600 seconds - as you've already attempted to do so.
Another possible solution, is to implement application-level keepalives. SQLAlchemy provides “pre-ping” for this. Otherwise, generate activity on all open connections by sending a simple SQL statement such as "SELECT 1;" regularly, at least once every 5 minutes. Also consider using statements in your code like “with db.connect() as conn:” to control the connection’s lifetime.
I believe this is because requests from App Engine applications to Cloud SQL are subject to the following time and connection limits:
For apps running in the App Engine standard environment, all database requests must finish within the HTTP request timer, around 60 seconds. For apps running in the flexible environment, all database requests must finish within 60 minutes.
Offline requests like cron tasks have a time limit of 10 minutes.
Requests to Cloud SQL have limitations based on the scaling type of the App Engine module and how long an instance can remain in memory (residence).
Each App Engine instance running in a standard environment cannot have more than 60 concurrent connections to a Cloud SQL instance. For applications written in Java 8 or Go 1.8, the limit is 100.
Connection Issues: If you see errors containing "Aborted connection nnnn to db:", it usually indicates that your application is not terminating connections properly. It could also be caused by network issues. This error does not mean that there are problems with your Cloud SQL instance.

SQL Project in VSTS Continuous Integration via WinRM

Here is my solution.
I have a DB project in it, which multiple publish profiles. When I run publish from Visual Studio Manually by loading any profile it works perfectly.
We have our IIS in Azure VM and SQL in another Azure VM
We have a Continuous builds setup on Visual Studio Team Services, which will deploy site to Azure VM.
To the same build definition, I added a WinRm - SQL Server DB Deployment
Here is my Buil defination for dacpac step
When I run my build I get the following error
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException: Deployment on one
or more machines failed. System.Exception: Invalid Publish Profile [
xxxxxxx ] provided
I don't really find any references on how to give profile information and why is it failing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
In order to resolve this as per #Jason Ye - MSFT suggestion, I copied my publish profile to Azure SQL VM and copied its full path and updated the profile path in build definition.
Then I got stuck with the following issue
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException: Deployment on one
or more machines failed. System.Exception: Publishing to database
'DbName' on server ''. * Could
not load package from '/*.dacpac'. Illegal characters in path.
Since dacpac will keep changing, I cannot copy it to server before. How to get the path.

AppEngine apps suddenly not able to connect to Cloud SQL instance

I had 2 GAE apps running wordpress and connecting to a single cloud SQL instance.
As of just a few minutes ago I'm guessing both apps can not longer connect.
My IP address is whitelisted and I'm able to connect to the SQL instance without an issue, it's just the App Engine instances that are having issues.
The error is the standard WordPress error "Error establishing a database connection"
We have not changed anything, maybe someone from Google can chime in?
So far I've tried rebooting the Cloud SQL instance which did not resolve the issue.
I resolved the problem. The issue was that the MySQL user has to have a 'wp_user'#'localhost' account. You can't just have a 'wp_user'#'%' which seems odd because % is a wildcard so you'd think it would match everything. But somehow with the way GAE authenticates with Cloud SQL it needs to have the localhost user.
And because of the caching configuration the cause of this issue must be a change I made with the MySQL users a number of days ago. And the error only surfaced today. Gotta love caching.
