Angular code working in Visual Studio but not in IIS - angularjs

I have created a project with MVC and Angular.js
My app works fine from visual studio.
But when I Publish it in IIS i get error messages in console saying there are some issues in angular.min.js file.
Console error is : Unknown provider: nProvider <- n
I have tried to publish code both in debug and release modes. Nothing is working.
It is working fine from the visual studio.

I faced a similar problem and found that when I try to access the angular.min.js directly in the browser file then it was giving an error,
HTTP Error 404.8 - Not Found
The "request filtering module" is a feature in IIS 7 and above. When IIS rejects a request based on this feature, the error code logged is 404.8. This feature allows you to define which segments are "Servable".
If this is the error you are facing then follow these steps to resolve it.
Open the IIS Manager on your Windows server.
Click the website on which you need to modify your settings.
Double click "Request Filtering" from the IIS section and go to the "Hidden Segments" tab.
Check whether the folder containing (node_modules) angular.min.js which you are trying to access is under the "Hidden Segments".
If it is present, right-click the particular folder and then remove it.


Websocket connection to 'wss:localhost:60001/w' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

I just started learning about React.js and I have been noticing in my developer window (F12) some spamming errors.
These were all the steps I did:
Open Visual Studio 2019
Create a project ASP.NET Core with React.js
Choose .Net Core 5.0
Left the option "Configure for HTTPS"
I pressed Play after the project finished loading
Clicked the F12 key and I noticed the errors popping up in the Console
I have gone through a lot of forums where people have posted about this issue but all of them have to do with people setting up their own "WebSocket Handlers". These people are actively working with web socket code. I haven't even learned web sockets yet. I found one website that remarked that I didn't have my script debugging enabled. So I did that but I still see the same error.
I notice in the error log that it points to WebSocketClient.js, line 16. But all that is located in ClientApp->node_modules and I have nothing to do with that directory or anything to do with those files.
My question is this: is the error happening because my visual studio project is not configured properly? If so, how do I fix my project in order to correct this issue? Many thanks in advance.
It's an issue with cra5 aka react-scripts v5:
To solve you need to add a .env file in the same folder where package.json is present.
In .env file put WDS_SOCKET_PORT=0, '0' means that it will dynamically pick whatever port on which local server is running.
Also need to add/uncomment the middleware UseReactDevelopmentServer in Startup.cs file. So it can be used as proxy to node dev server as v5 not using react-web-utils directly.
app.UseSpa(spa =>
spa.Options.SourcePath = "ClientApp";
if (env.IsDevelopment())
spa.UseReactDevelopmentServer(npmScript: "start");

UpgradeWizard.aspx error when upgrading from DNN 9.0.1 to DNN 9.0.2

I am currently trying to upgrade my DNN application from version 9.0.1 to version 9.0.2. I have downloaded the for version 9.0.2 from I then exported the content and copied it to my website folder. When I then go to my website (which only runs locally) I get a DNN error without any text or information. It says DNN Error only on a grey background in the browser. Using the developer tools I could see that the following error is displayed in the console:
GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) - UpgradeWizard.aspx:8
I have looked at the UpgradeWizard.aspx file. It refers to a default.css which is located in the folder /Resources/Shared/stylesheets/dnndefault/7.0.0/. I copied it and pasted it into the directory /Portals/_default/. The error in the console of the developer tools did not come with it any more, but with the call of the page DNN Error still shows without any information. In the console of the developer tools there are no more errors to see.
Try looking at the EventLog table in the database to see if you're getting a specific error
select top 15 * from eventlog order by logcreatedate desc
select * from exceptions
I think that's the query to use, see if that gets you any additional info that is helpful

Pantheon Drupal 7 setup issue with clean url

On my site under admin section node view (node/xxx) is working fine but when I am trying to edit a node (node/xxx/edit) give me following error
This issue is only on Pantheon when I do it on my local server it is working fine.
I already checked .htaccess and web.config file. The same configuration is working for me with another setup
Finally i got solution. Actually i installed ThemeKey module and the ThemeKey Debug creating redirection issue on Pantheon only i disabled it and site is working.

Ionic Visual Studio 2015 template get 'Angular is undefined' error when trying to start in debug for Windows

I am just starting to look at the Visual Studio tools for Cordova, and the Ionic template.
Build and debugging (F5) for Android and IOS (using the ripple emulator) seems to work fine, however, I cannot get this to work for Windows. I am using VS 2015, on a Windows 8.1 machine.
For Windows (any CPU and 64 bit) I get a problem with the MSVSMON.exe, but this I will ask in a separate post.
So, I try and run as x86, and I get the following errors (local device)
SCRIPT5009: Unhandled exception at line 8, column 1 in
0x800a1391 - JavaScript runtime error: 'angular' is undefined
app.js (8,1)
HTML1300: Navigation occurred.
APPHOST9601: Can't load <>. An application can't load remote web content in the
local context.
APPHOST9601: Can't load <>. An application can't load remote web content in the local context.
SCRIPT5009: Unhandled exception at line 1, column 1 in ms-appx://io.cordova.myappe2785d518e9f4f6ea03055878dd7a400/www/js/controllers.js
0x800a1391 - JavaScript runtime error: 'angular' is undefined
controllers.js (1,1)
Anybody have any ideas why this doesn't work?
Thanks in advance
First go to
Download the latest zip (currently ionic-1.1.1) ... extract it somewhere then copy the contents of the ionic-1.1.1\release folder to the www of the project.
Then in the index.html of the project replace ionic.css and ionic.bundle.min.js with the ones from the files you copied.
The last step is to download winstore-jscompat and add a refrence to the top of index.html
That's it (u may not need all the files from the \release of the zip)
Starting index.html
index.html after

unable to use JSP files in google app engine

Sample application works , unable to proceed with creating modifications to project
JDK included in build path (some posts say that lack of that might cause errors)
Error -> Error 403 in web page nothing else printed in console or web page
when I do localhost:8888/test.jsp I get a 404 error
This works ->
This FAILS ->
my project directory from eclipse
where am i going wrong or missing something
it looked under WAR but it was not under WAR . some internal problem in my eclipse . now fixed
