Connecting to SnowSQL Client using Snowflake Credentials - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

I have successfully installed SnowSQL Client version 1.2.5 and while trying to get log into my snowflake account, using account id, username and password, I am somehow unable to connect and get following error:
snowsql unable to log in

This appears to be networking issue. Have you tried to set that debug logging as directed?
To assist in situations like this, Snowflake has a tool which could help you determine if your client host is able to access all required network endpoints for your Snowflake account, it's called SnowCD, the documents are here and the installation is fairly straightforward:
I'd recommend trying SnowCD as your first step, the next step would be to review any required proxy settings your organization might have. I'd also double-check your "account name" argument, the URL looks OK to me but there is a nice writeup on the account name construction at this link:
I hope this helps...Rich

THANKS Rich for doing some R&D and sharing proposals. I got successfully logged into snowsql by providing my account id till ".aws". Hope it will help others struggling so far, like myself:
demo log in


Connecting GCP Snowflake to Airflow certificate issue

We are trying to connect to the snowflake instance using snowflake-sqlalchemy library (latest version).
Getting next error:
[2020-09-28 14:47:47,558] {{}} WARNING - Certificate did not match expected hostname: Certificate: {'subject': ((('commonName', '*'),),), 'subjectAltName': [('DNS', '*'), ('DNS', '*'), ('DNS', '*'), ('DNS', '*'), ('DNS', '*'), ('DNS', '*')]}
Seems like the certificates for the snowflake instance do not match the host.
Is there any way to resolve this issue?
This is on a trial account if that matters.
As noted by #Suzy Lockwood, the domain being generated is wrong. The reason it ends up pointing to * is because the target, lacking the gcp or azure ends up getting a redirect to us-west-2, where (of course) the certificate is wrong for what was expected.
The solution (for me) turned out to be that region needs the .azure suffix, not just the region. I'd given it that information under 'account' - I'm not sure if the presence of the region parameter got in the way, or if both are needed. But, it is working now, and I'm loathe to touch it more today. :)
I noticed europe-west4. Is that a GCP account? If so, I think your URL/hostname is supposed to look like this, but you can double-check in the UI:
The airflow snowflake objects are built for AWS, and not compatible for GCP so I will need to find GCP versions or create GCP compatible versions.
I think this is how you would solve the issue. The account name should also contain the gcp. as shown in the article above

Salesforce Java connection works for Sandbox but not for production

I built a Java application which connects to Salesforce to access data. However, this connection only works for the sandbox account and not when I pass the production accounts credentials.
I set up the connection in the following manner,
The error I get is as follows,
[LoginFault [ApiFault exceptionCode='INVALID_LOGIN'
exceptionMessage='Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out.'
Does anyone know how to solve this? Is there some sort of dependency I am forgetting?
This was an issue with the partner.jar that was used. This has the endpoint hardcoded as Therefore would never work in the production environment as the log in wouldn't even go to the correct URL.
Therefore, you should always remember to generate the partner.jar from the partner.wsdl provided by the production environment and add it. The endpoint here is hardcoded as

Cannot run VOLTTRON weather agent

Recently, we have been working on publishing and subscribing weather information for building load prediction. When we try to run the weather agent, there are errors as shown below:
We stick to every instruction in the VOLLTRON 3.0 user guide and it still doesn't work. How to fix that problem? Thank you!
This usually means that there is a problem with the key or a problem connecting with weatherunderground.
You can manually verify your key and connection with:
Replace with your own key
curl<your key>/conditions/q/37918.json

Having issues getting WordPress running under GAE + Cloud SQL

I tried to set up WordPress under Google App Engine earlier tonight (following the instructions here:
It runs fine locally, but when I push to remote I get a database error (visible at If we throw on a /wp_admin/install.php you get:
This either means that the username and password information in your
wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can't contact the database server
at :/cloudsql/frontiermediag:fmwp. This could mean your host's database
server is down.
Here's the relevant code in wp-config:
/** MySQL hostname */
if(isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],'Google App Engine') !== false) {
define('DB_HOST', ':/cloudsql/frontiermediag:fmwp');
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
frontiermediag:fmwp is showing "Status Runnable" in Developers Console > Cloud SQL.
I did this once before and it worked so I'm not sure what I'm missing here. I thought it might have been because I'm using WP 3.8.1. but rolled back to 3.5.1 and same thing's happening.
Any ideas? frontiermediag is listed as an authorized application on the :fmwp ACL.
This situation happened to me earlier.However, I edited my Cloud SQL instance , and set "Preferred Location" as "Follow App Engine App" from Google Developers Console. This database connection problem was solved in my case.
I tried the instructions with wordpress 3.5.1 and the instructions seem to work for me. The code snippet you have above seems right and I am not sure what could be wrong without looking at rest of your code. Can you try the instructions from the beginning one more time with 3.5.1?
I had this issue, because "Follow App Engine App" doesn't seem to be an option for second generation instances in my case, and so the instance connection name includes the region setting.
Look at the instance details, and under properties, find "Instance connection name". That is the text that should follow :cloudsql/.

Windows Live ID Error 1017

I have a web application that has been up and running for quite some time now using the Windows Live ID delegated authentication. It's been in production for a couple of months, and all of a sudden this morning, it failed with the following error:
There's a problem with the site you are trying to share your information with. Please try again later.
The url of the error page is
We require users consent to be able to see what e-mail address they used to log in. Has anybody run into this before? If so, what did you do to resolve it?
Thanks very much!
Still not sure what the error actually means, but the following forum posts give some more details. Basic problem: Microsoft changed the API and didn't tell anyone, Contact.View should be ContactsSync.FullSync when using the contacts API.
