How can I edit compressed JS files - reactjs

I have had a developer create a website or app in React. This is already on a webserver and does what it should do. Now I want to develop the frontend myself, which would be no problem if I knew how to edit the code.
On the server I have an index.html, some stuff like favicon and a folder. This folder contains the folders "css", "js" & "media" and I don't understand their content. In the folder "css" are for example the files "main.12345.chunk.css" and "" Both look very cryptic.
Now I found out after some research that this is probably a compressed representation. Possibly compressed with Webpack?
But how can I edit these files in a meaningful way and understand what was coded there in the first place? Normally I would just download the file to be changed with Filezilla and edit it with an editor or Visual Studio code, but in this case I have no idea.

Those "cryptic" files are probably minified. Minification is a process where the original code is minified using several approaches, making it much smaller in size and also sometimes better performing. This is done by Webpack with a build process.
Those files are not meant to be develop with (or even read for that matter). Their sole purpose is to be optimized and be run in a production environment. It's very hard or even impossible to understand those, you would basically have to reverse-engineer them to understand what's going on. Many websites actually use minification for this additional bonus of protection of their application logic, because minimization basically obfuscates client side code. For example, the WhatsApp web client written in React is heavily obfuscated, in order to not allow anyone to write a WhatsApp client (there are efforts for this particular example, but it takes lots of time).
TL;DR: You have to get the original source files in order to edit them.

But how can I edit these files in a meaningful way and understand what was coded there in the first place?
They really are not designed for editing.
Edit the original source code to the application, then run its build script and deploy the output from it.


What's a good way to navigate code base and find source for a webpage

I'm new to frontend development and thinking about what's a good way to find source code in our code base for a webpage. What I usually do is going to the element tab in chrome dev tool, finding a special class name, and searching that in code base to locate the file. I feel there should be better way for this task. I tried to use source tab in dev tool, but it shows tons of files and folders in navigation column. I also tried to use Components tab since we're using react, but component names are minified to single letters. So want to get suggestions from you folks. How do you usually do this? Thanks!
You have the right idea, the problem is that you are looking at the minified (presumably production) version of the website. In general, while developing a website, you run a development server, in which all of the code (mostly) appears as it is written in your IDE/editor. That way you can find component names and inspect the source code through the chrome dev tools.
You should talk to whoever is currently responsible for the code to help you get a development server running on your machine. Then, you find the component names and then do a "find in files" search through your IDE/editor to see what they are, and where they are used in the code base. There may be many results that you have to sift through. That's par for the course in large code bases until you become more familiar with what goes where. And even afterwards.
I will say; even things that appear simple can be fiendishly complex, so it would be useful for you if the owner of the code could give you a rough outline of how things are organised and why to make navigating the code base easier. But, it will always be a bit hard, and depending on how clean the code is, it might be nearly impenetrable. Good luck.
There are many ways to to find source code or debug Code
①You can use Chrome dev tool
②You can use debbuger in VS
③you can debug your code by puttin debugger in java script code
④browser has good functionality to find
code(For reference please check Image.)

Codename One Reverse Engineer Android Package

I have an android app on Google Play, from which I have lost the original files. I had everything on my computer, and usually I backup everything, but somehow I lost the project.
So, I have downloaded the APK from my Google Play Console, but the contents inside don't resemble in any way the structure of the original project. There is a Classes.dex file/ folder inside the package, which I can't seem to be able to open.
Is there a - relatively - easy way to reverse engineer the package and get the original projeckt back?
Many thanks in advance.
While there are tools to reverse engineer an Android project you won't have much to salvage. You can see some of that discussion here: decompiling DEX into Java sourcecode
But here are a few things about Codename One. I'll start with the good news: The res file will be intact.
If you didn't use CSS you can just take the res file "as is" and it should work just fine.
The bad news is that everything else is obfuscated by default. That means that all classes will be named with names such as a. So would all the methods etc. You might be able to salvage some code from that but not much.

The Babel-core module not working with Lingui

I am new to the concept of Localizing my react-application. After doing some research online, It seems as if jsLingui is the best library to use and implement translation on my React application. Following tutorials from , everything seems pretty straight forward. but when I run the command
$ lingui extract , I get the error :
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module 'babel-core'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:555:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:482:25) .....
I have tried re-installing the babel-core , and it shows installed. Even when I check on my file system, I see the folder as node_modules/babel-core .
I also checked my package.json and I see "babel-core": "^6.26.3" as part of my devDependencies. Please any ideas around this will be helpful.
Beside, the pressing question, I also have a few other questions;
1) In the documentation, I am not sure on where to keep .babelrc file created. I hope it is suppose to be inside my babel-core folder.
2) When I was reading on the jslingui library, I discover that, they are still working on something that will help separate translations to be done page by page. I do not know whether this task is completed or still under development because, I am really interested in this one since my application really big and loading the whole translation at all times might become a real issue.
3) What if I have text in one part of my application which is exactly the same as in another part of my application, is it possible to write it in one section and call the id in another part to give me back the information?? or it is out of scope of the library .
4) I am building a social platform therefore I have information coming from the DB, which I do not know the content therefore such information can not be translated using jslingui just as it is. I will like to introduce some translation to this information( similar to what is happening on Facebook). I know this task needs some serious Artificial intelligence in the areas of natural language processing and machine learning. Please, Any good library that I can use to help my application translate only the portions of data provided to it( definitely information coming from DB)??. I have tried googling on this but I got nothing concrete( NB: I do not want Google Translate because, It will help to translate the whole page + names etc) which will mess-up the user experience of my application
I have tried re-installing the babel-core , and it shows installed. Even when I check on my file system, I see the folder as node_modules/babel-core . I also checked my package.json and I see "babel-core": "^6.26.3" as part of my devDependencies. Please any ideas around this will be helpful.
If you've installed #lingui/cli globally, please remove it and reinstall locally. If you use Babel 7 (your plugins/preset start with #babel/), then you need to install babel-core#^7.0.0-bridge.0 and #babel/core. Both locally as devDependencies. What also helped in some cases is good old turn it off and on again: rm -rf node_modules and reinstall everything...
1) In the documentation, I am not sure on where to keep .babelrc file created. I hope it is suppose to be inside my babel-core folder.
You should keep it in the root of your repository (next to package.json) unless you have specific needs.
2) When I was reading on the jslingui library, I discover that, they are still working on something that will help separate translations to be done page by page. I do not know whether this task is completed or still under development
It's still under development. However, it's a bit different - it helps you create separate message files, but not automatically. That's something we need to solve in further versinons.
3) What if I have text in one part of my application which is exactly the same as in another part of my application, is it possible to write it in one section and call the id in another part to give me back the information?
You have two options. Either you're using generated message IDs:
// App.js
<Trans>Hello World</Trans>
// Component.js uses the same message
<Trans>Hello World</Trans>
In this case, you only need to translate Hello World once, because messages are grouped when collected from source files.
Other option is that you're using custom IDs:
// App.js - define message
<Trans id="msg.hello">Hello World</Trans>
// Component.js - use message
<Trans id="msg.hello" />
4) I am building a social platform therefore I have information coming from the DB, which I do not know the content therefore such information can not be translated using jslingui just as it is. ...
I can't recommend any approach here, but it seems you need to use a machine translation. Either Google Translate or a better one, if you manage to find it. My guess it'll be either low-quality or expensive because as you said, this isn't a trivial task.

Concatenate and Minify code, AngularJS

I am working on an AngularJS app.
According to a lot of articles in the Web, every file on the project can not have more than 100 / 150 lines of code.
Then, here is where my concern comes up: if I am concatenating/minifying my code, at the end all of the code will be in one very big single file.
So in that case, the rule(good practice) of the 100 / 150 lines of code still applies in this case ?
Kylek is right on about small files being for developers, and big files being for machines. More specifically, if you're interested, read about synchronous http calls and web loading speed. Basically, every separate external resource you have load on the page (a css file, or a javascript file) requires overhead on top of the actual content download, so for maximum speed, you want both a small number of files (accomplished by concatenation) and a small content size (accomplished by minification).
Of course, as a developer, you still don't want to have to worry about this while writing and maintaining code. Check out grunt, specifically uglify and cssmin, which can keep monolithic minified files up to date for you while you work on your source. Regarding angularjs in particular, make sure you're using dependency annotation or minification will break your code.
Keep files small is not a performance good practice but a way to keep things organized for developers and to find quickly what you are looking for, it's not for machines but for humans.
No human will have to develop minified files, so no coding rules apply to minified files. A contrario, minify and concat JS, CSS etc. make your pages load faster. It's a performance good practice.
By the way, do not follow a rule because some one tell you to. Be sure the rule match your case, your project, your team, etc.

How should spec files be organised in a javascript application using MVC

I would like to know your opinion about how you would organize the files/directores in a big web application using MVC (backbone for example).
I would make the following ( * ). Please tell me your opinion.
( * )
This is how I've traditionally organized my files. However, I've found that with larger applications it really becomes a pain to keep everything organized, named uniquely, etc. A 'new' way that I've been going about it is organizing my files by feature rather than type. So, for example:
But, oftentimes there are global "things" that you need, like the "user" or a collection of locations that the user has built. So:
This pattern was suggested to me because then you can work on feature sets, package and deploy them using requirejs with relatively little effort. It also reduces the possibility of dependencies occurring between feature sets, so if you want to remove a feature or update it with brand new code, you can just replace a folder of 'stuff' rather than hunting for every file. Also, in IDE's, it just makes the files you're working on easier to find.
My two cents.
Edit: What about the spec files?
A few thoughts - you'll just have to pick the one that seems most natural to you I think.
You could follow the same 'feature folder' pattern with the spec files. The upside being that all of the specs are in one place. The downside is that now, much like what you're currently doing, you have to places for one feature's files.
You could put the specs in a 'spec' folder of the feature folder. The upside is that you now have actual packages that can be wrapped up in a single zip file with no chance of clobbering other work. It's also easier to find directly related files for writing tests - they're all in the same parent folder. The downside is that now your production code and test code is in the same folder, publishing it (possibly) to the world. Granted you'll probably end up compiling the production javascript down to one file at some point.. so I'm not sure that's much of an issue.
My suggestion - if this is a large application and you figure you're going to have a few hands touching the files, leave something like a 'package.json/yml/xml' file in the folder. In there, list out the production, spec, and any data files you need for testing (you can most likely write a quick shell script to do this for you). Then write out a quick script to look through your source folder for 'package.whateverYouChose' files, get the test files and then build your unit testing page with it. So, let's say you add another package.. run 'updateSpecRunner' or whatever you name the script, and it'll generate you another SpecRunner.html file (or whatever you named the file your running the specs on). Then you can manually test it in a browser, or automate it using phantomjs/rhino.
Does that make sense?
You can find a good example how to organize your application to this link
Backbone Jasmine examples
It looks more or less like your implementation.
