Infinite Loop in Reach Router - reactjs

I'm a bit new to React and it is my first time using reach-router (or any kind of router really). What I'm trying to do is have a nested component inside one of my router links. Basically, within my ItemShop component, I want to have two more links to components (both of which are defined within my ItemShop component), and I want to display whichever component is selected under the navbar. It seems similar to something they do in the tutorial, but for some reason I seem to get an infinite loop when I click on a link.
Here is my top-level router, in App.js:
function App() {
return (
<HomePage path="/" />
<ItemShop path="ItemShop" />
<Item path="ItemShop/:id" />
<Challenge path="Challenge" />
<Achievements path="Achievements" />
<BattlePass path="BattlePass" />
<Miscellaneous path="Miscellaneous" />
And this is my ItemShop component where I'm trying to render the links, ItemShop.js:
render() {
// ... assigning arrays here
let Current = () => ( //...);
let Upcoming = () => ( //...);
<div className="nav-container">
<Navbar />
<nav className="side-nav">
<Link to="/current">Current</Link>{" "}
<Link to="/upcoming">Upcoming</Link>
<Current path="current" />
<Upcoming path="upcoming" />
Again I am very new to Javascript/React as a whole, so it could just be a fundamental flaw. I have already sunk quite a few hours into this so I would really appreciate some guidance. Thank you for your time!

I tried using React-Router-Dom instead of reach-router. I made it so it renders both <Upcoming /> and <Current /> components inside of the <ItemShop /> component. You can check it out how I have done it below. I hope this helps.
// import React from "react";
// import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch, Link } from "react-router-dom";
export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Route exact path="/" component={HomePage} />
<Route path="/itemShop" component={ItemShop} />
<Route path="/itemShop/:id" component={Item} />
<Route path="/challenge" component={Challenge} />
<Route path="/achievements" component={Achievements} />
<Route path="/battlePass" component={BattlePass} />
<Route path="/miscellaneous" component={Miscellaneous} />
const HomePage = () => {
return <div>Home Page</div>;
const ItemShop = () => {
const Current = () => {
return <div>Current</div>;
const Upcoming = () => {
return <div>Upcoming</div>;
return (
<div>Item Shop</div>
<Link to="/itemShop/current">Current</Link>{" "}
<Link to="/itemShop/upcoming">Upcoming</Link>
<br />
<br />
render={() =>
window.location.pathname === `/itemShop/current` ? (
<Current />
) : (
<Upcoming />
const Item = () => {
return <div>Item</div>;
const Challenge = () => {
return <div>Challenge</div>;
const Achievements = () => {
return <div>Achievements</div>;
const BattlePass = () => {
return <div>BattlePass</div>;
const Miscellaneous = () => {
return <div>Miscellaneous</div>;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


React - display specific content based on URL using useLocation

Trying to teach myself react and stuck on one part... I can't seem to get page specific content to display based on URL using useLocation() -- HELP!
App.js - router displays page on click, yay!
<Route exact path="/" element={<Home />} />
<Route path="/project/projectOne" element={<Project />} />
<Route path="/project/projectTwo" element={<Project />} />
Project.js - Project template serves up the components as expected
const Project = () => {
return (
<div className='content-wrapper'>
<Scroll />
<ProjectIntro />
<ProjectContent />
<ProjectGrid />
<Contact />
); }; export default Project;
ProjectIntro.js - A component trying to serve up the content -- this is where I'm stuck, useLocation() see's the path, but I can't figure out how to show the "projectIntroDetails" based on that path.
const projectOne = () => {
<h1 className='project-intro-heading'>Title Here</h1>,
<figure className='project-intro-image'>
<img src={projectImage} alt='placeholder'/>
const projectTwo = () => {
<h1 className='project-intro-heading'>Title Here</h1>,
<figure className='project-intro-image'>
<img src={projectTwoImage} alt='placeholder' />
const projectIntroDetails = {
projectOne: {
component: <projectOne />
projectTwo: {
component: <projectTwo />
const ProjectIntro = () => {
const projectPath = useLocation();
// this is where I need help
// how do I turn the path into seeing details to render the correct content?
const projectIntroDetail = projectIntroDetails[projectPath.pathname.split("/project/")];
return (
<div className='project-intro'>
}; export default ProjectIntro;
You can use a component with a switch statement to determine which child component to render. This method allows you to pass any additional props to the child components.
If you don't need the <div className='project-intro'> element, you could also render the switch directly inside your ProjectIntro component.
const ProjectOne = () => {
<h1 className='project-intro-heading'>Title Here</h1>,
<figure className='project-intro-image'>
<img src={projectImage} alt='placeholder'/>
const ProjectTwo = () => {
<h1 className='project-intro-heading'>Title Here</h1>,
<figure className='project-intro-image'>
<img src={projectTwoImage} alt='placeholder' />
const ProjectIntros = ({ slug, ...props }) => {
switch(slug) {
case 'projectOne':
return <ProjectOne {...props} />;
case 'projectTwo':
return <ProjectTwo {...props} />;
return null;
const ProjectIntro = () => {
const projectPath = useLocation();
return (
<div className='project-intro'>
<ProjectIntros slug={projectPath.pathname.split("/")[2]} />
}; export default ProjectIntro;
You don't really need to use the useLocation hook or pathname value to handle any conditional rendering logic, that's what the routing components are for.
I would suggest either passing in the correct sub-project component as a prop to be rendered on the correctly matching route, or refactoring the routes to do this in a more "react router" way.
Passing component down as prop example:
<Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
element={<Project projectIntro={<ProjectOne />} />}
element={<Project projectIntro={<ProjectTwo />} />}
const Project = ({ projectIntro }) => {
return (
<div className='content-wrapper'>
<Scroll />
<div className='project-intro'>
<ProjectContent />
<ProjectGrid />
<Contact />
Using react-router-dom to your advantage.
Convert Project into a layout component and render the ProjectOne and ProjectTwo components on nested routes. Layout routes are intended to be used to share common UI elements and layout, and render routed content into an outlet.
import { Outlet } from 'react-router-dom';
const Project = () => {
return (
<div className='content-wrapper'>
<Scroll />
<div className='project-intro'>
<Outlet /> // <-- render nested routes here
<ProjectContent />
<ProjectGrid />
<Contact />
<Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
<Route path="/project" element={<Project />}>
<Route path="projectOne" element={<ProjectOne />} />
<Route path="projectTwo" element={<ProjectTwo />} />

Is it possible to use multiple outlets in a component in React-Router V6

I am using React Router v6 in an application. I have a layout page, which uses an outlet to then show the main content. I would also like to include a title section that changes based on which path has been matched, but I am unsure how to do this.
function MainContent() {
return (
<div><Outlet /></div>
function MainApp() {
return (
<Route path="/projects" element={<MainContent />} >
<Route index element={<ProjectList />} title="Projects" />
<Route path="create" element={<CreateProject />} title="Create Project" />
Is something like this possible? Ideally, I would like to have a few other props besides title that I can control in this way, so a good organization system for changes like this would be great.
The most straightforward way would be to move the title prop to the MainContent layout wrapper and wrap each route individually, but you'll lose the nested routing.
An alternative could be to create a React context to hold a title state and use a wrapper component to set the title.
const TitleContext = createContext({
title: "",
setTitle: () => {}
const useTitle = () => useContext(TitleContext);
const TitleProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [title, setTitle] = useState("");
return (
<TitleContext.Provider value={{ title, setTitle }}>
Wrap the app (or any ancestor component higher than the Routes component) with the provider.
<App />
Update MainContent to access the useTitle hook to get the current title value and render it.
function MainContent() {
const { title } = useTitle();
return (
<Outlet />
The TitleWrapper component.
const TitleWrapper = ({ children, title }) => {
const { setTitle } = useTitle();
useEffect(() => {
}, [setTitle, title]);
return children;
And update the routed components to be wrapped in a TitleWrapper component, passing the title prop here.
<Route path="/projects" element={<MainContent />}>
<TitleWrapper title="Projects">
<ProjectList />
<TitleWrapper title="Create Project">
<CreateProject />
In this way, MainContent can be thought of as UI common to a set of routes whereas TitleWrapper (you can choose a more fitting name) can be thought of as UI specific to a route.
I had forgotten about the Outlet component providing its own React Context. This becomes a little more trivial. Thanks #LIIT.
import { useOutletContext } from 'react-router-dom';
const useTitle = (title) => {
const { setTitle } = useOutletContext();
useEffect(() => {
}, [setTitle, title]);
function MainContent() {
const [title, setTitle] = useState("");
return (
<Outlet context={{ title, setTitle }} />
const CreateProject = ({ title }) => {
return ...;
<Route path="/projects" element={<MainContent />}>
<Route index element={<ProjectList title="Projects" />} />
element={<CreateProject title="Create Project" />}
I was facing the same issue for a left-right layout: changing sidebar content and main content, without repeating styling, banner, etc.
The simplest approach I found was to remove nested routing, and create a layout component in which I feed the changing content through properties.
Layout component (stripped for this post):
export function Layout(props) {
return (
<div class="left-sidebar">
<img id="logo" src={Logo} alt="My logo" />
<div className='right'>
<header className="App-header">
<h1>This is big text!</h1>
<NavLink to="/a">A</NavLink>
<NavLink to="/b">B</NavLink>
Usage in react router:
<Route path="myPath" element={
<Layout left={<p>I'm left</p>}
right={<p>I'm right</p>} />
} />
Another solution is to use the handle prop on the route as described in the useMatches documentation.
import { useMatches } from "react-router-dom";
function MainContent() {
const matches = useMatches()
const [title] = matches
.filter((match) => Boolean(match.handle?.title))
.map((match) => match.handle.title);
return (
<div><Outlet /></div>
function MainApp() {
return (
<Route path="/projects" element={<MainContent />} >
<Route index element={<ProjectList />} handle={{ title: "Projects" }} />
<Route path="create" element={<CreateProject />} handle={{ title: "Create Project" }} />

React nested routes not loading components

for some reason this simple setup doesnt seem to work, what am i forgetting ?
import React from "react";
import { Route, Link } from "react-router-dom";
const Account = () => {
return (
go back to <Link to="/menu">menu</Link>
const Book = () => {
return (
go back to <Link to="/menu">menu</Link>
const Menu = props => {
return (
<Route path="/menu" render={() => {
return (
<br /><Link to="menu/account">account</Link>
<br /><Link to="menu/book">book</Link>
}} />
<Route exact path="/menu/account" component={Account} />
<Route exact path="/menu/book" component={Book} />
export default Menu;
theres a second issue on top of this one, in my bigger project the nested routes work but only when the route is called from the "Link tag" element, and breaks when called from refresh or adress bar (CSS goes crazy)
thank you.

React does not render component to url's that uses dynamic routing

I'm trying to match the url path to perform dynamic routing, but the component is not being Rendered at the path. What am i doing wrong here?
btw the route to the CollectionsOverview component is working.
Shop Component.js :
onst ShopPage = ({ match }) => {
console.log(`Shop Component ${match.path}`);
return (
<div className='shop-page'>
<Route exact path={`/${match.path}`} component={CollectionsOverview} />
export default ShopPage;
Collection Component.js:
const CollectionPage = () => {
console.log(`Collection Page`);
return (
<div className='collection-page'>
Put /${match.path}/:collectionId path before /${match.path} and remove exact from route.
Here is working code:
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { BrowserRouter, Route, Switch, Link } from "react-router-dom";
const CollectionOverview = () => {
return (
<div>CollectionOverview</div> <br />
<Link to="/collection/1">To Collection 1</Link> <br />
<Link to="/collection/2">To Collection 2</Link> <br />
<Link to="/collection/3">To Collection 3</Link> <br />
<Link to="/collection/4">To Collection 4</Link> <br />
const CollectionPage = props => {
return <div>CollectionPage for ID: {}</div>;
const HomeComponent = () => {
return <div>Home Component</div>;
function App() {
return (
<Link to="/">To Home</Link>
<br />
<Link to="/collection">To Collection Overview</Link>
<br />
<Route path="/collection/:id" component={CollectionPage} />
<Route path="/collection" component={CollectionOverview} />
<Route path="/" component={HomeComponent} />
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);

Protected routes in React

I am trying to create some protected in routes in React, using Create React App 2 and React Router 4. I used Tyler McGinnis's Protected Routes article as an example. Here is the my basic app component.
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { loggedIn: false };
componentDidMount() {
console.log('did mount');
this.setState({ loggedIn: true });
render() {
return (
<Login />
<PrivateRoute path="/register" component={Register} />
<Chordsheets />
<Chordsheet />
export default App;
const PrivateRoute = ({ component: Component, }) => (
render={props => (
fakeAuth.isAuthenticated === true
? <Component {...props} />
: <Redirect to="/" />
const fakeAuth = {
isAuthenticated: false,
authenticate(state) {
this.isAuthenticated = state;
console.log('isAuthenticated', this.isAuthenticated);
const Login = () => (
<Route exact path="/" component={LoginForm} />
const Chordsheets = () => (
<Route path="/chordsheets" component={Header} />
<Route path="/chordsheets" component={AllChordSheets} />
const Chordsheet = () => (
<Route path="/chordsheet/:id" component={Header} />
<Route path="/chordsheet/:id" component={ChordSheet} />
const Header = () => {
return (
<nav className="links">
<Link to="/">Home</Link>
<Link to="/chordsheets/0">My Chordsheets</Link>
After the component mounts loggedIn is set to true. When going to a new route render is not called again, so I cannot get to the Register route.
Does anyone have any thoughts on how to structure this? Thanks!
I know that i'm late but i'm happy to help anyone he wants this functionality by taking a look to this protected-react-routes-generator
All you're going to do is to provide the routes as an array.
