NextJS - Production Hot Reloading - reactjs

Are there any examples out there of injecting new ReactJS components at Runtime, e.g:
A build is deployed on production is stable and running.
We need to add a component or a new route without running through an entire deploy process.
An additional usecase : the application ships with all the components ( e.g: A CMS Module library) - Only certain components were enabled in layout at build time but need more to be added later via a config.
Approaches I have considered.
Using next getStaticPaths and then using a override in the front-end to inject client side components. This will most probably be seen at runtim
Use a more faster deploy system - This is more obvious but imagine lots of changes within a day and multiple deploys.
Any similar problems or approaches people would have tried would be great.
Update Nov 2022
If you are searching on the internet and this comes up, Zack Jackson's Module Federation supposedly achieves this and is called live code sharing via Module federation - There is a NextJS Paid plugin (supports only CSR currently)

I think you would lose out on a lot of built-in build optimizations from Next by trying to circumvent the standard build process, e.g. automatic code-splitting as described here.
However, you might find the fallback feature solves your problem entirely - the fallback feature was meant for large ecommerce sites like it sounds like you're working with. As stated at the fallback true docs:
useful if your app has a very large number of static pages that depend on data (think: a very large e-commerce site). You want to pre-render all product pages, but then your builds would take forever.


Static HTML with dynamic SEO friendly Reactjs/Nextjs and React Native / React Native Web on firebase?

I apologize in advance for how new I am to this all. I have a new business and there are some things I want to code for it myself as proof of concept till we have enough revenue to actually hire real coders.
Our ecosystem will have 4 major areas and I'm not sure if my approach is how to go about it or even possible.
The normal, static, info webpage that just talks about our business. (SEO and load times important)
A React JS / Next JS non-static section of that same website for blog and other dynamic content. (SEO and load times important)
A react JS employee backend for customer tracking and another tracking of customer data. (SEO and load times not as important here).
A customer portal where they can log in and see stats and stuff about their account (this will pull from data we enter in the employee backend and they can access to track progress) (I would eventually like android/ios apps as well as web portal for this so I was thinking using react-native / react-native web for this section to try and maximize code reuse. (SEO not important, but a smooth experience is)
I planed on using firebase to host it all. I'm curious if this seems it can work? Can you combine all of these different frameworks and strategies in one overall project like this without causing over bloat of download and such? Like for example, the employee backend will likely have a lot of packages and dependencies that the static front end would not require. And the static frontend would be in the same project as the dynamic blog but be built on different things (one static HTML, the other react with next.js? is that a bad idea?). Also, it's been hard to find info on exactly how goog react-native-web is so I'm just lost with this all and would love some guidance. Thank you so much in advance for any direction you can offer.
With firebase hosting you can host static sites, and redirect some paths, such as /api/* or /dynamic/* to firebase cloud functions.
On those cloud functions, you can do dynamic rendering, e.g. with or next.js.
If you use good cache-headers on those cloud functions, firebase hosting caches the results appropriately, making dynamic rendering of all pages feasible too.

How to build create-react-app SPAs so that minor changes can be made without rebuilding the entire application

I am using create-react-app to create Single Page Websites (SPAs). I often have websites with a lot of images and content that require a minor textual change or a minor update. Is there anyway to make these without rebuilding the entire application? If I rebuild it all the image names and everything changes and the whole enchilada has to be uploaded and built for minor changes in content to the website. How can one approach this?I dont want to go back to building in PHP or another platform where individual pages can be tweaked and uploaded without having to upload everything every time there is a minor change. How are you approaching this in building react based websites?
Rebuilding a CRA should not take very long or cost much, you can use a Continuous Integration solution like Netlify to update your site programmatically based on the changes.
Or you can just build an API and write a modular site using the APIs. That is how most CMS work. You should try headless CMSs if you don't want to write all APIs yourself.
if you want to just develop frontend code and don't worry about images, videos, texts and so on you should really try and headless cms that will provide contents via API and a nice editorial console for your users.
There are a lot of them, and for sure you will find one that suits your needs.
I work in ContentChef ( full disclaimer here!!!) which also provides a nice SDK in js or typescript so you can easly get started.
If you want to give it a try:

Reactjs wordpress prerender existing client side application for SEO

I am using React in my project and I have problem with client-side prerendering.
More specifically, it would be necessary to configure SEO
Which is the least painless way to prerender existing reactjs app wiht react-routes
Some examples I have researched:
Gatsby.js -
Next.js -
Netlify -
React-snap - -
Keen’s Server Side Rendered -
Razzle -
React Helmet -
Can anyone suggest what option I should choose that is the least painless.
I have headless wordpress as backend and reactjs client-side as frontend.
Or are there other faster options besides the prerendering?
IMO you really don't need to use a framework to achieve SSR if you want to keep control without turning your codebase into a blackbox and choose your own stack.
I created some boilerplate using Node Express. It supports:
SSR using StaticRouter on the server and BrowserRouter in the client
ES6 webpack transpilation + hot reloading both client and server and auto-updating browser
Redux, data preloading and client store hydration
Last time I ran it, I noticed that I hadn't saved the favIcon in the public folder and perhaps there are some minor bugs that I will fix soon (I've fixed them in my projects but didn't update this repo because nobody looks at it anyway (lol!)), but what happens here isn't all that difficult to understand.
I created some basic SSR websites with it in a matter of hours.
I enjoy redux-observable to initiate server ajax calls before rendering the content (using forkJoin), but this is not included in the boilerplate (I haven't actually supported it since I uploaded the first time).
But in terms of setup, I don't really see a point in using a framework for this necessarily, it really isn't that painful / difficult to do yourself.
The benefit that I particularly like is that you don't depend yourself on the scope and dependencies of the framework. You don't get into trouble with things like 'the framework will support this feature or fix that bug in one of the upcoming releases'.
Although ultimately, it comes down to personal choice. So it's not like I want to downgrade these frameworks.
Note: The way Redux achieves pre-rendering is simply by adding Redux store (state) objects to the window object in the html that is sent back to the client.
Then at the client, the it initializes the stores with these objects.
So very simply, this is something that is easy to achieve, even if you decide not to implement any other SSR features.
to create server side applicantion with painless integration you can use my cli to generate a default configuration like create react app cli from facebook,

How to use create-react-app to develop multiple pages?

When creating an app with create-react-app,there is only one index.html,does that means React can only handle one SPA at a time? What if I want to develop multiple pages? Should I create another SPA with create-react-app and then put them together after building each of them?
Parceljs can do that. here is docs.
You can use Parcel instead of Webpack (which being used in create-react-app) and it provide you zero config environment to develop web apps (using react or anything else).
Having multiple pages (instead of SPA) is not what most React environments had in mind [before - see update above].
You can have different page URL's using react-router or similar client side routing solutions.
If the concern is bundle size, there are solutions using webpack or parcel to lazy load each bundle whenever they needed or cache bundle (using service workers) and so on (Tree shaking, ...). (check Code Splitting in React Docs)
Other concern I might have in my brain is SEO, in this case you may find Isomorphic app (react server side rendering) useful which initialize first view of requested URL HTML and sends it to client, then client will load react and react will take control of UI. This will help Google (or other search engines) find your URLs fast and user experience in transitions between pages will remain seamless.

Angular App to AppGyver- Port to Mobile Solution

I'm beginner to appgyver steroids.
I have angular project. Now I need to make iOS application using AppGyver.
Instead of modify root view and point it to my angular app url ( can I add my angular app source / angular project build to AppGyver project make it iOS application.
Appreciate your comments
You can run steroids create yourApp. This will walk you through the generation of a multi page or single page application. You can then move the structure of your angular application into the /app folder. Check out the example that the steroids create method generates and see the structure there.
You may notice some differences at first. It may take some testing to see what is failing if anything once you port things over. If you used $rootScope for anything it is not as reliable in my experience in an iOS or Android application. There are other methods for passing data between views and broadcasting (publish/subscribe) to other controllers.
You will want to use the iOS simulator or http://localhost:4567/app/moduleName/oneOfYourViewsYouAreTesting.html in your favorite browser while steroids connect is running to debug.
The version of Angular that is coming with this now is AngularJS v1.3.15 installed via bower. You may want to verify things are compatible with your current Angular version.
Ionic is used and Supersonic so you may see conflict with existing CSS or even javascript depending on what you've implemented.
There will be some tricks to learn about preloading views in the file and load times / rootView / initialView. There is lots of support if you come across any issues.
This forum has been really helpful in figuring out any issues I've come across. The Appgyver team is usually pretty responsive to questions directly as well.
They are updating the platform in a few days, and they say big changes are coming. They are hiring a lot of developers right now to take care of GitHub issues as well as build out the rest of their incomplete components.
