OFbiz configuration on production site - http-status-code-404

I'm new to OFBiz and having trouble making it work on production. I'd appreciate it very much if you could help me to narrow down or even better solve the problem :-)
I was able to able to run OFbiz successfully at localhost and access data that came with the project (ex: https://localhost:8443/webtools/control/entitymaint)
I went through the steps setting up SSL for the project on production site on my Windows Server (I was able to access https://www.mywebsitedomain.com)
I created a folder called ROOT and put the OFBiz folder(same folder on my localhost) in the ROOT folder
I also have set up an SSL Certificate, then added the following to server.xml under Tomcat 9.
(Connector port="8443" maxThreads="150"
scheme="https" secure="true" SSLEnabled="true"
keystoreFile="C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\webapps\apache-ofbiz-17.12.03\keystore.jks" keystorePass="Password"
clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS")
When running https://www.mywebsitedomain/webtools/control/entitymaint(same URL except for localhost), I got the message.
"404 - File or directory not found.
The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable."
Edit: Add some additional information
I found the following information on the OFBiz Production SetUP page:
"Configure the ofbiz-containers.xml file to point to your new keystore and password:
If using Tomcat (Catalina), which is the default, find the "catalina-container" -> "https-connector" -> "keystoreFile" and "keystorePass" properties and set them."
I go to apache-ofbiz-17.12.03\framework\base\config\ofbiz-containers.xml
All the entries I have are below. I don't know where I can add "keystoreFile" and "keystorePass" properties
<ofbiz-containers xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<!-- load the ofbiz component container (always first) -->
<container name="component-container" loaders="main,rmi,load-data,test" class="org.apache.ofbiz.base.container.ComponentContainer"/>
Thanks in advance.

As you found, OFBiz uses an embedded Tomcat (9.0.31). So server.xml is of no help. This wiki page needed update, done. The file you are looking for is framework\catalina\ofbiz-component.xml.
But I'm not sure you are going the right way doing this. Most of the time, it's easier to use Apache HTTPD, even on Windows. You may refer to https://s.apache.org/vmemj. Also for certificates Let's encrypt is what we use for our demos. It's free and, apart the renewal every 3 months, it's great. With their cerbot that's even not a big deal.
By and large, you should better ask questions in the OFBiz user Mailing List.You need to subscribe, please see https://ofbiz.apache.org/mailing-lists.html

In point 4 you speak about the following, but I see nothing, do I miss something?

You could also ditch OFBiz and migrate to the awesome Scipio ERP (based on the same foundation): www.scipioerp.com
We have a documentation on exactly your question right here: https://www.scipioerp.com/community/developer/installation-configuration/clustering/webserver-configuration/


New to DNN.... inherited hacked site

I was just hired to maintain and redesign various site the company has running on an old version of DNN. The site has been hacked and someone uploaded some directories and web.config files that were redirecting users to stream suspicious streaming sites. Also, the attacker added some scripts that show Google Ads on all the blog articles. Needless to say its a mess.
Nevertheless, I was able to go in there, deleted a super admin account (that's how they got in I think) , delete a few directories that had over a thousand html files for streaming sites and also deleted the old FCK Editor.
I am completely new to DNN and need some help with the directory and structure to try and see if I can resolve this. So far, I cannot get rid of the Google Ads in the blog and for the life of me I cannot find where the blog articles live inside the root/directory. When I go in there and delete the ads through the DNN UI the ads come back in hours or a couple of days. The directories with the html files have not returned. Just the ads.
I know that we have to upgrade but if I remove the ads I will have more to to develop the new sites without feeling rushed because of the current issue.
If anyone can point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.
That sounds awful, as obviously someone (ore something) still manipulates your site from the outside (or inside?). There are a lot of issues on old DNN Versions, and the only thing I can really recommend is to find an upgrade path to the newest version. I don't know how big your site is, maybe it is easier to set it up from scratch with a new version (if the site is not too big).
The directory structure does not help you finding any content as everything is stored in a database. To be more specific I would need more information about the DNN version and the extensions (and versions of the extensions) in use, but disclosing this here in the public could be a security risk for you. You could write me a PM here if you wish to get in contact.
To find people (maybe in your area) who can help you could give these web sites a try: https://dnncommunity.org (Resources > Forums) and https://dodnn.work/.
It sounds like your site might have been impacted by a few different exploits, and most likely I would guess it is version 7.x or earlier and been upgraded from versions prior to that.
For the immediate need you are going to need to try and identify anything and everything that is out of the norm, this can be very daunting for those that are not familiar with the platform, but a few tips.
Look in the DB for data in the Header or Footer field of the TabModules table
Look for any rogue files that really should not be there, anything with an extension of (.php, .asp, etc.)
Look for rogue files in directories outside of the /Portals/* folder that don't match a DNN Install. (This takes a bit of personal experience.)
Look at your default.aspx file it should NOT have a recent modified date. If it does, compare it against the one that you get when you download the install package of that version of DNN
Now, once you have done this, be sure to do any mitigations that you can for known exploits. Including:
Delete /Install/Install.aspx
Delete /Install/InstallWizard.aspx
Disable any host account with a username of 'host' and create a new one if that was your only one
Feel free to email me directly as well if you need some help.

Preparing to go live with website - what to do or not?

I have finally my project ready to go live, is there a check list of things to go through before uploading the files to the webserver?
Are there any Files or Folders to be deleted before going live.
Version of cake: 2.3.8
I found out to set the debug level to 0.
Set the cookie in core.php
Do I need to remove the following folders?
Any other security advise please?
Thanks a lot.
Don't deploy anything to production that isn't needed. If your project doesn't require those folders to function, then don't deploy them.
Make sure to check out the short deployment guide from the cake docs.
Also here's a more general website launch checklist.
I recommend making sure your deployment process resets caches appropriately. This can differ depending on how you have things set up, but by default CakePHP uses a file cache. Regardless, it can really hose you to let the cache linger when things should be updated like model schema, etc. For example, see my answer to another StackOverflow question.

Wordpress URL Change on submit

I currently have a website i'm working on that I have taken over from another individual, I dumped his SQL file into my database and everything seems to be ok apart from one thing. Whenever I try to log in to the back end or if I try to go elsewhere, it will add an additional .co.uk to the address bar, making it like so:
From: www.domain.co.uk to www.domain.co.uk.co.uk
I've had a dig in the database but I really can't find anything and i've never faced this issue before, could anyone shed some light on this for me? Maybe just let me know where I could look within the database to identify the problem, many thanks.
Take a look at the .htaccess file in the root folder, which is hidden and may contain rewrite rules.
Also, I recommend you use this plugin for migrations:
I use it whenever I move from localhost to a live site and vice versa. It will also ensure your widgets are preserved, since doing a find replace will cause the object serialisation syntax WordPress uses to break.
After migrating, you need to visit Settings > Permalinks so the .htaccess file can be updated according to the new URL for rewrites.

CakePHP from localhost to remote server - blank page

i am trying to figure this out for a long time now, but so far no luck, maybe somebody can help me.
I have a 2.2.2 cakephp installed on my computer (localhost) and everything works perfectly. But now i want that same project to be online on remote server. I upload everything, set mysql path but i get a blank page when trying to access the site.
If i upload a fresh cakephp it works, but my project doesnt. The debug is set to default, think that should be 2? I also deleted files in cache/tmp, but still no errors or anything, just blank page.
Any info would be helpful, thank you.
I hate when that happens :). Usually it does if there is an error somewhere and you can't see it because the errors are turned off, so you should call phpinfo() and see if display_errors is on. Changing the debug mode doesn't work every time since display_errors is set from php.ini.
Unfortunately, if this is the problem and you don't have access to edit the php.ini file, you might need to ask the hosting provider to change it and restart the php service.
You can also try this: error_reporting(E_ALL)
I uploaded changes to my cakephp website and discovered that all actions for a particular controller returned a blank page. I discovered what the error was and was able to reproduce it with another controller.
The problem was that in the first line of my controller file I had a space before the opening php tag.
One space cost me hours.
Just uploading all files won't cut it. Make sure you work through this checklist:
First and foremost, check the error log file located under app/tmp/logs/error.log, this usually holds some very good pointers as to what is wrong.
Make sure you have uploaded the app/Config/database.php file with the proper details. Local installs usually have user root without password. Online servers (obviously) do not!
To that extent, also make sure you actually have a database with your hosting provider (either your host sent you the info or you need to create it yourself using their control panel).
Make sure you also uploaded all .htaccess files (the one under the root directory and /app and /app/webroot), some FTP programs don't show this "hidden" file by default.
If all else fails, contact your hosting provider for further support as they usually have access to more verbose server logs that can also hold clues.
The real problem was only the coding I used in notepad++. All my files were encoded with UTF-8, but they should have been UTF-8 without BOM. After I changed it to UTF-8 withot BOM, everything started to work perfectly.

how to transfer wordpress sql/database from local to live

So for backing up any/all my WordPress sites i use a tool called "BACKUP BUDDY" and its
a great tool and all but lately its been really buggy and today finally it went kaboom!
Usually my workflow is that i develop the site on my local machine using WAMP/MAMP.
when done and ready for testing i use the tool, move it to my personal test server to test and when happy and work is approved, i move to the real server.
Since my tool stopped working(uploads half the content) i decided to just do it manually by installing Wordpress first on the real webserver(done), Applying my theme(done),
then exporting the database sql from the local server(done), and thereafter importing it to the real server(done) and the 2xs that ive done it the site comes up blank.(outcome equals major fail!)
im assuming that something has to be changed/done in order for it to work but not sure what.
unlike a normal DB where i can talk to the info as normal, since WP is a CMS im assuming that it ties the info to the domain but again, i dont know how it 100% works...
Any ideas as to what im doing wrong? because as of now, if i cant do it like this, id have to manually create ALL the pages. Plus, if i was going to then move it from my real test server to final real destination then id have to manually redo it all again...
Thanks in advanced.
you aren't doing anything wrong. It sounds like your particular workflow could be as follows.
Upload the contents of the site via FTP
Create & Import the database via PHPMyAdmin, changing any info in wp-config.php
Define the site url, in wp-config.php [See below]
Use a tool to find & replace any hard-coded site-urls that wordpress loves to use. [See below]
Example code:
Define site urls
Find replace tool
That should be it. It's live!
You can export it using phpMyAdmin and then use bigdump to import it. download bigdump from here and make sure you read the first note about the exporting process, found here
here is a bash script you can use to automate this entire process for you: https://github.com/jplew/SyncDB
