Get-SqlErrorLog Email Backup Failure - sql-server

I have a PowerShell script where I want to have it email me when a backup for SQL Server fails. I am trying to use Get-SqlErrorLog. The Script works, but no email sent. Here is the script:
$event = Get-SQLErrorLog -ServerInstance $env:COMPUTERNAME -Since Yesterday | Where-Object { $_.Text -match 'failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE' }
if ($event.EntryType -eq "Error")
$EmailBody = $event | format-list -property * | out-string
$EmailFrom = "$PCName"
$EmailTo = ""
$EmailSubject = "SQL Server Backup failure for $env:COMPUTERNAME"
$SMTPServer = ""
Write-host "Sending Email"
Send-MailMessage -SMTPServer -To -From -Subject "SQL Server Backup Failure for $env:COMPUTERNAME" -Body $EmailBody
write-host "No error found"
write-host "Here is the log entry that was inspected:"


Powershell script to confirm an account from a CSV is disabled before deleting the account

Hi I hope someone can help me, I'm not great at scripting and my issue is...
I have a medium estate of around 15,000 users which is in a bit of a mess. There are around 3000 user accounts which are disabled. Some user accounts are disabled due to the user being on long term sick, maternity, or suspended, these 'known' accounts are not to be touched so I cannot do a broad "find accounts that are disabled and just delete them" script.
Currently I have a script which exports all disabled accounts to a csv, I then manually manipulate that data within the csv to tag known accounts that cannot be deleted. I then take that file and run this script...
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$list = Import-CSV C:\temp\deleteuser.csv
forEach ($item in $list) {
$samAccountName = $item.samAccountName
#Get DistinguishedName from SamAccountName
$DN = Get-ADuser -Identity $Samaccountname -Properties DistinguishedName |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty DistinguishedName
#Remove object using DN
Remove-ADObject -Identity $DN -Confirm:$false
"Remove successful for $SamAccountName" | Out-File 'C:\temp\Account Delete Success.txt' -Append }
"Remove failed for $SamAccountName" | Out-File 'C:\temp\Account Delete Failed.txt' -Append
While this is great, I'd love to be able to check the user account is still disabled before the Remove-ADObject command is run and for it to skip the account and output the name of the skipped account to a txt file. Is that possible or am I over complicating things?
simply test 'Enabled' property before deleting user like this :
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$list = Import-CSV C:\temp\deleteuser.csv
forEach ($item in $list) {
$samAccountName = $item.samAccountName
#Get DistinguishedName from SamAccountName
$DN = Get-ADuser -Identity $Samaccountname -Properties DistinguishedName, Enabled |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty DistinguishedName
#Remove object using DN
if (!$DN.Enabled){
Remove-ADObject -Identity $DN -Confirm:$false
"Remove successful for $SamAccountName" | Out-File 'C:\temp\Account Delete Success.txt' -Append }
else {
"Remove aborted for $SamAccountName" | Out-File 'C:\temp\Account Delete aborted.txt' -Append }
"Remove failed for $SamAccountName" | Out-File 'C:\temp\Account Delete Failed.txt' -Append

Silent installation of SQL Server service pack not working with parameters

iam installing service pack on SQL Server through silent installation.
code is working without parameters but with parameters ts not working
code without parameters
$SqlQuery = "SELECT * from dbo.BlockingInfoOutput;"
$SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$SqlConnection.ConnectionString = "Server = $Servername; Database = master; Integrated Security = SSPI;"
write-host $SqlConnection.ConnectionString
write-host $servername
write-host $instance
$arg1="/instancename=" + $instance
$arg2= "/quiet"
write-host $arg1
write-host $instance
# D:\sysdba\SQLServer2008R2SP2-KB2630458-x64-ENU.exe /instancename=SQLINST /quiet /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS=”TRUE” | Out-File d:\sysdba\test.txt
write-host $path1 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3
Write-Host "Success."
Write-Host -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor White "Fail"
$errText = $Error[0].ToString()
if ($errText.Contains("network-related"))
{Write-Host "Connection Error. Check server name, port, firewall."}
Write-Host $errText
code with parameters
& $path1 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3
this is i am using as concatenation but not working?
any help please
I didn't test the command with your exe and parametrs. But try this:
Start-Process -FilePath $PathToExe-ArgumentList "/quiet" -Wait

Powershell Script to Start Service if it is Stopped and wait for minute and send an email notification

I am very new to Powershell and in learning stage, I have tried to create an script to do automate below task. This script is not working as i am expected. Could you please review it and give me some help on it.
My task is,
I am trying to find out SQL Services (more than one SQL services in multiple servers) which are in stopped state and trying to start it, Waiting for an minute to complete the service start and verifying the service status again. If still it is stopped state i am trying to sending an email to setup of people for an action.
Could you please review the below code and correct the mistake, i tried to find it but unable to do
#Define servers & Services Variables
$Servers = GC "E:\Bhanu\SQLServer.txt"
$Services = GC "E:\Bhanu\SQLService.txt"
#Function Call
Function ServiceStatus ($Servers, $Services)
foreach ($Server in $Servers)
foreach ($Service in $Services)
$Servicestatus = get-service -ComputerName $Server -Name $Service
if ($Servicestatus.Status -eq "Stopped")
Start-service $Service
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
$ServiceStatus1 = Get-Service -ComputerName $Server -Name $Service
if ($Servicestatus1.Status -eq "Stopped")
FuncMail -To “” -From “” -Subject $Server + $Service "fails to Start, Take immediate Action to avoid Impact” -Body $ServiceName "Service fails to Start, Take immediate Action to avoid Impact” -smtpServer “servername”
function FuncMail
#param($strTo, $strFrom, $strSubject, $strBody, $smtpServer)
param($To, $From, $Subject, $Body, $smtpServer)
$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
$msg.From = $From
$msg.Subject = $Subject
$msg.IsBodyHtml = 1
$msg.Body = $Body
servicestatus $Servers $Services
Please let me know if you need anything here from my end
Hi this isn't the best approach and i'm doing it in quick way.
note %=foreach-object; ?=Where-Object.
You have to save your password on one file if your smtp-server require authentication otherwise don't run it using read-host -assecurestring | convertfrom-securestring | out-file "C:\Secure\Password.txt"
I'm also assuming you have your servers saved on one file.
My solution is to start all sql server service if you want to start specific just save the service name on one file on separate line.
The code to execute bellow.
#Loading Server and service details
$Services=Get-content C:\PS\Service.txt
$servidores=get-content C:\PS\Servers\Servers.txt
#Loading Mail credential
$password=cat $Mailpasswordpath |ConvertTo-Securestring
$Cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $Mailusername,$password
$servidores|Foreach-Object{Get-Service -ComputerName $_ -Name $Services }| #Get the services running on all servers
Where-Object{$_.Status -eq "Stopped"}| #Which status is equal stopped
$_.Start(); #try to start
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60; #wait one minute
$_.Refresh(); #refresh then service to update status
#validate is status still stopped
if($_.Status -eq "Stopped")
#LOADING Mail details
$subject="$($_.MachineName) $($_.Name) fails to Start, Take immediate Action to avoid Impact"
$body="$($_.Name) Service fails to Start, Take immediate Action to avoid Impact"
#Sending email to notify
Send-MailMessage -To $To -Subject $subject -From $From -SmtpServer $smtp -Body $body -Credential $Cred
P.S: It's not the best approach I only decide to solve this problem. if you want we can create a function together later just test it first.

How to capture DacSevices.Deploy output?

So I've managed to deploy our DACPAC schema via Octopus. I'm using a Deploy.ps1 script interacting with .Net objects just like the article describes.
I'd like to make the deployment process more transparent by including the "standard output" you get from sqlcmd in our Octopus logs. I'm looking for the the generated schema modification messages as well as any custom migration migration messages our developers have put into the pre/post scripts.
The only workaround I can think of is to first generate the script with the DACPAC services and then run it with sqlcmd.exe. Any ideas?
Found the solution, posting in case someone else runs across this. You simply need to subscribe to the your DacService's Message event.
C# sample:
var services = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacServices("data source=machinename;Database=ComicBookGuy;Trusted_connection=true");
var package = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacPackage.Load(#"C:\Database.dacpac");
var options = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacDeployOptions();
options.DropObjectsNotInSource = true;
options.SqlCommandVariableValues.Add("LoginName", "SomeFakeLogin");
options.SqlCommandVariableValues.Add("LoginPassword", "foobar!");
services.Message += (object sender, Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacMessageEventArgs eventArgs) => Console.WriteLine(eventArgs.Message.Message);
services.Deploy(package, "ComicBookGuy", true, options);
Powershell sample (executed by the Octopus Tentacle):
# This script is run by Octopus on the tentacle
$localDirectory = (Get-Location).Path
$tagetServer = $OctopusParameters["SQL.TargetServer"]
$databaseName = "ComicBookGuy"
Add-Type -path "$localDirectory\lib\Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.dll"
$dacServices = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacServices ("data source=" + $tagetServer + ";Database=" + $databaseName + "; Trusted_connection=true")
$dacpacFile = "$localDirectory\Content\Unity.Quotes.Database.dacpac"
$dacPackage = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacPackage]::Load($dacpacFile)
$options = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacDeployOptions
$options.SqlCommandVariableValues.Add("LoginName", $OctopusParameters["SQL.LoginName"])
$options.SqlCommandVariableValues.Add("LoginPassword", $OctopusParameters["SQL.LoginPassword"])
$options.DropObjectsNotInSource = $true
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $dacServices -EventName "Message" -Action { Write-Host $EventArgs.Message.Message } | out-null
$dacServices.Deploy($dacPackage, $databaseName, $true, $options)
In the powershell version I couldn't get the handy "Add_EventName" style of event notification working so I had to use the clunky cmdlet. Meh.
Use sqlpackage instead of sqlcmd to deploy dacpac.
Get Latest version here :
$sqlpackage = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\SQLDB\DAC\120\sqlpackage.exe"
It will automatically output errors on the console. We use TFS build definition and call powershell and it is able to display errors that happened during a deploy.
& $sqlpackage /Action:Publish /tsn:$dbServer /tdn:$database /sf:$mydacpac/pr:$dbProfile /variables:myVariable=1
This variation captures output but also allows you to capture and react to deploy failures by catching the exception
function Load-DacPacAssembly()
$assemblyName = "Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.dll"
$packageFolder = <some custom code to find our package folder>
$dacPacAssembly = "$packageFolder\lib\net46\$assemblyName"
Write-Host "Loading assembly $assemblyName"
Add-Type -Path "$dacPacAssembly"
function Publish-Dacpac($dacpac, $publishProfile){
Write-Host "Loading profile $publishProfile..."
$dacProfile = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacProfile]::Load($publishProfile)
$dacService = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.dac.dacservices ($dacProfile.TargetConnectionString)
Write-Host "Loading dacpac $dacpac"
$dacPackage = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacPackage]::Load($dacpac)
$event = Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $dacService -EventName "Message" -Action {
$message = $EventArgs.Message
$colour = "DarkGray"
if ($message -contains "Error SQL")
$colour = "Red"
Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor $colour
Write-Host "Publishing...."
try {
$dacService.deploy($dacPackage, $dacProfile.TargetDatabaseName, $true, $dacProfile.DeployOptions)
catch [Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.DacServicesException]
$message = $_.Exception.Message
Write-Host "SQL Publish failed - $message" -ForegroundColor Red # Customise here for your build system to detect the error
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $event.Name

How to find the client name who has logged in to machine?

We are trying to find from which machine a user has taken rdp .
Using "quser" utility we are able to get all the information about logged in user except client name.
Following is the command
function Get-LoggedOnUser
param([String[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME)
$ComputerName | ForEach-Object {
(quser /SERVER:$_) -replace '\s{2,}', ',' |
ConvertFrom-CSV |
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ComputerName -Value $_ -PassThru
It displays all the information which can be provided in Windows task manager except client Name .
How to get client Name using powershell?
I doubt if WMI has a way to do this. You can check the PSTerminal Services module and it has a Get-TSSession cmdlet which does the same job you are looking for.
This module uses binary Cassia namespace.
You can use this:
and look for the logged on user with a logon type of RemoteInteractive
You can read that information from the Security eventlog (look for logon type 10):
$username = '...'
$eventID = 4624 # 526 on Server 2003 and earlier
$date = (Get-Date).Date
$pattern = 'logon type:\s+10[\s\S]+source network address:\s+(\S+)'
Get-EventLog Security -InstanceId $eventID -EntryType SuccessAudit `
-After $date -Message '*$username*' `
| ? { $_.Message -match $pattern } `
| % { $matches[1] } `
| select -Unique
Note that on Server 2003 and earlier you need to check for event ID 528 instead of 4624.
