npm run deploy ignore hooks - reactjs

I was getting below error while committing the changes.
Simply adding .pre-commit-config.yaml file or deleting .git\hooks folder was not resolving my problem. So I added --no-verify option while committing and it solved my problem.
Now, I am trying to deploy my react app to Github Pages. When I run npm run deploy I get the same error as shown in the below picture.
How I can add --no-verify option while npm run deploy? Simply adding .pre-commit-config.yaml file or deleting .git\hooks folder is not resolving the problem.
I don't want to try pre-commit uninstall command because the command might uninstall the pre-commit globally.
Is there any alternative to disable the hooks locally specific to the current repository?
I tried pre-commit uninstall as well. Still throws the same error when I do npm run deploy.

That message should come from c:\dev\react-apps\find-my-event\.git\hooks\pre-commit
For testing, you can rename pre-commit to pre-commit.old and see if the npm run deploy is still affected by the same error message.
That being said, if you are using the pre-commit/pre-commit python frmaework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks., then issues 457 cleary states:
You need one of those to tell pre-commit what hooks you want to run.
To see how to configure one, see
For instance, at a minimum:
Create a file named .pre-commit-config.yaml
you can generate a very basic configuration using pre-commit sample-config


Azure pipeline "npm install" but package doesn't exist anymore

When building my project in Azure pipeline, there is a step that does npm install.
However one of the package it requires doesn't seem to exist anymore on NPM. What are my options now?
8412 error code E404
8413 error 404 Not Found - GET
8414 error 404
8415 error 404 'angular-appinsights#0.0.4' is not in the npm registry.
8416 error 404 You should bug the author to publish it (or use the name yourself!)
Edit I have added this package privately to Azure Artifact feed, and all other NPM packages (not privately) as well, would this mean that if in the future someone removes there package from NPM I would still have the (artifact feed) as backup?
Caution: this might not be the best practice
I had a similar issue with some legacy app that was built upon the beta of Material UI. When putting the application on a CI/CD pipeline what we had to do was before launching npm install have a script move the node_modules folder to where the application was being built and then launch npm run build because in this case it was a React App (I'm guessing it is similar for Angular).
What I would suggest is that you have a copy of that package from the node_modules folder copied into a node_modules folder while deploying before running npm install because npm won't install packages it finds are already there.
Of course best practice would be to update that package but I'm guessing that is not up to you. If you could, I would suggest you ask the developers to review the dependencies or to tell you how they deploy that application locally because, from the little research I've done it seems to me that there other up-to-date packages available. They might have installed the newest package but forgotten to remove the old one and since they have never had to redeploy simply didn't stumble upon that error, other possibility is they're passing the node_modules folder around.

Fork pancakeswap frontend

Trying to fork pancakeswap from
Steps what I did,
Clone Repo
Run npm install command
Run npm start command
Solve some no-used props error by commenting that props. After that also 2 errors are still in application.
Error1: JSX props should not use functions react/jsx-no-bind
Error2: defaultProp "expanded" has no corresponding propTypes declaration react/default-props-match-prop-types
Help me to solve this. Stuck more than 5 days. Searched many pages but no use. Most of them are suggested to change jsx functions. Is there is any simple way to solve these errors?
I did the same yesterday and it worked. There are still some elements that I need to figure out, but to make it running on localhost wasn't hard.
Before running pancakeswap frontend we need to have nodejs installed. Should work with any version 16, my was v16.14.0. Second is to have installed yarn as they don't use npm. This we know because the project has yarn.lock file. Third is have nextjs installed globally like yarn. With this we should be able to install and run the app.
Next steps would be:
Clone repo or just download it, will work as well
Run yarn install command (or just yarn - works the same)
Run yarn build (this will call next build)
Run yarn start (this will call next start)
After last step the app should start on localhost:3000
This is what I did and it worked. Keep in mind that this is valid for the current version and could change in future.

Create-react-app 'Failed to compile.' due to css import

Appearing out of nowhere, this error has me stomped. It appears any time I try to import a css file, whether in full or as a module.
import "./index.css"
import styles from "./button.module.css"
It MAY have been due to the latest macOS beta at least it seems to have coincided with its release. I tried rolling back from it, but that didn't work.
Failed to compile
./src/index.css (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js?modules=true!./node_modules/style-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-4-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss!./src/index.css)
CssSyntax error: Unknown word (1:1)
> 1 | var api = require("!../node_modules/style-loader/dist/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js");
| ^
2 | var content = require("!!../node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-4-1!../node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js??postcss!./index.css");
3 |
This error occurred during the build time and cannot be dismissed.
I've tried manually adding web pack, checked everything for syntax errors, re-installed the whole repo, went back several commits and so on. Nothing seems to do anything. Happy to supply more context.
(I found one other person mentioning the same problem on SO 15 hours ago, but he hadn't supplied debugging information so the ticket was closed).
Note: The same codebase runs perfectly well on my MacBook, no problems!
It's seems like your npm project setup is broken. This type of problem famously called Failed to compile generally occurs when we are moving one branch to another branch more often and we sometimes forgot to do npm install and continue to work on another branch which has new packages without doing npm install and many more cases which is very hard to tell that in which cases your npm setup is broken.
There are couple of ways of solving this issue.
First way
Delete the node_modules directory and package-lock.json file.
Close the editor and open it again and in new terminal do npm i. Then check whether it is compiled or not.
If that didn't work then follow the second way.
Second way
Clear the npm cache forcefully of your project setup.
npm cache clear -f
Then restart the system for closing all the node service for this session. After restart do npm i and check again.
If that didn't work then follow the third way which I think that fail compilation issue will be easily solved.
Third way
Just clone your project again in another directory and do npm install.
Can you try this?
👉 Delete these folders: node_modules and package-lock.json.
(You can also delete a cache folder if there is)
🚧 Run this Commands:
With yarn: yarn
With npm: npm install
👋 You can also try to change your import method:
import * as styles from ...
This might help hopefully!
The code is right. There may not be a problem with code.
The steps mentioned below might help:
Delete node_modules folder.
run npm install
run npm cache clean -f (try without -f first)
*first 2 steps worked for me.

React/NPM dependecy error on create-react-app project

I am trying to create a new project and I am running into an npm security issue.
First I created a new react app using the command npx create-react-app {app-name} and then changed the directory into that folder. I tried to run npm install (to update all packages), and I get this error:
found 2 vulnerabilities (1 low, 1 high) in 1643 scanned packages
2 vulnerabilities require manual review. See the full report for details.
I ran npm audit as instructed and the generated security report shows the following:
at first I thought I had maybe done something incorrectly during the setup, however, I went to a previous project in which there were no dependency errors or errors at all for that matter. I ran npm install in the directory of the react app, and sure enough, I got the same issues. Obviously this is going to be a big deal if it is happening to everyone, but in the event that someone is not running into this issue, are the any tips I could get to overcome this error?

Error on running a project after installing a package

I was running my project finely, but I merge my code with other which contain a package called react-modal, after that my code doesn't work. I revert that code from my project, but it doesn't work, I can't even run my project. "cannot read properties of undefined" error is occuring. I upgrade all my packages like webpack, webpack cli etc, but it doesn't helps. What I need to do to run my project?
Well you can do two things here.
First to revert your code back to your latest code before merge.
Run the below command to delete Node_modules npm prune --production
and then run npm install and then build your project.
