Example 1
Here Q = 2
For P=9, character at 9th location is 'a'. Number of occurrences of 'a' before P i.e., 9 is three.
Similarly for P=3, 3rd character is 'a'. Number of occurrences of 'a' before P. i.e., 3 is one.
My answer is
int occ(int a,char *p){
int cnt=0;
for(int i=0;i<a;i++){
return cnt;
int main(){
int l,q;
char s[l];
int n;
int r=occ(n,s);
I am not a C expert, but I can give you an idea of how to improve your time complexity in here.
You can use some sort of memorization, first ask: Is there any useful information I can get from iterating the array only once so I can answer each query faster?
Right now your solution do not pre process anything, and your complexity is O(n) per query. Let's make it something better, let's preprocess data in O(n) and answer each query in O(1).
You would have a map of characters that would count how many times a character appears. Notice that for index i, you just take into account appearances of s[i] before, so index i doesn't care about other characters.
Follow this approach
Create a vector(int) v of size s.length.
Create a map(char to int) m for counting characters appearances.
For i = 0 until s.length do:
v[i] = m[s[i]]++
That way, you just calculated the answer for each index in one iteration.
Now, for each query q, just print v[q - 1].
Time complexity per query: O(1)
Extra space complexity: O(n)
Note: For better understanding of the whole answer, n is the length of the string (s.length)
Hope that helps :)
Current execution complexity is O(lq) while l is the length of the input array and q is the number of queries.
The complexity of each query is O(l).
With proper data structure, you can store the input data in such way that each query will be O(1). For example, you can create a table where each line will present the letter (from a to z, for this example let's assume we get only lower case letters). Each column will present the number of times, the given letter has occurred till (and including) the index of this column.
For instance if the input is aabz, the table will look like this:
| 0 1 2 3
a | 1 2 2 2
b | 0 0 1 1
. | . . . .
. | . . . .
y | 0 0 0 0
z | 0 0 0 1
In such case if you need to check number of occurrence of the letter at index 2 till (and including) this index, all you need to do is
Check the letter at index 2 in the input string ('b')
Check the value in the lookup table at ['b'][2] --> 1
The complexity to create such table is O(l). Here is an example for the code to build such table:
#define CHARS_SIZE ('z' - 'a' + 1)
// 'arr' - is the input array of chars
// 'len' - length of the input array
// 'lookup' - pointer to a zeroed (cleared) array of size: CHARS_SIZE * len * sizeof(*lookup)
void build_lookup(const char *arr, int len, int *lookup)
int char_val;
// normalize the letter to integer value between 0 (for 'a') and 25 (for 'z')
char_val = arr[0] - 'a';
lookup[char_val*len] = 1;
// 'i' indicates the column index in the table
for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i)
char_val = arr[i] - 'a';
// update the number of occurrences for each letter a..z at column 'i'
for (int char_iter = 0; char_iter < CHARS_SIZE; ++char_iter)
if (char_iter != char_val)
// same value as the previous one
lookup[char_iter*len + i] = lookup[char_iter*len + i - 1];
else {
// +1 to the value in the previous value
lookup[char_iter*len + i] = lookup[char_iter*len + i - 1] + 1;
The query, in such case, would be:
int occ(const char *arr, int len, const int *lookup, int idx){
// normalize the letter to integer value between 0 (for 'a') and 25 (for 'z')
int char_val = arr[idx] - 'a';
return lookup[char_val * len + idx];
Here is your code with few additions of what I explained above: https://godbolt.org/z/zaY4RL
Note that I haven't tested it so there probably a few bugs so use it as a reference and not as a full solution.
Given a string S with length N. Choose an integer K and two non-empty subsequences A and B of characters of this string, each with length K, such that:
A=B, i.e. for each valid i, the i-th character in A is the same as
the i-th character in B.
Let's denote the indices of characters used to construct A by
a1,a2,…,aK, i.e. A=(Sa1,Sa2,…,SaK). Similarly, let's denote the
indices of characters used to construct B by b1,b2,…,bK.
If we denote the number of common indices in the sequences a and b by
M, then M+1≤K.
What is the maximum value of K such that it is possible to find sequences A and B which satisfy the above conditions.
Please give the simplest solution of this problem.I'm not able to proceed on how to solve this.
Your ans will be look like this...
find the minimum distance between repeated character and the ans will be total string length - distance .
for example of "ababdbbdhfdksl"
minimum distance between repeated character = 1 ( 2 b's in the middle )
so ans = length ( 14 ) - 1 = 13
if all are distinct character answer will be 0 .
the question seems to find the duplicate subsequences of max length.
like if the string is "ababdb" then answer will be 4.
because abab can be generated two times and at least one index is different.
so approach is
1. generate all possible subsequences.
2. store and match with the previous one.
3. if any duplicate found we update the max .
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
vector<string> test;
vector<string>::iterator iter;
int max = 0;
void Sub(string input , string output)
if (input.length() == 0)
if (output.length() > max)// store only next greater max
iter = std::find(test.begin(), test.end(), output);
if (iter != test.end())
max = output.length();
Sub(input.substr(1), output);
Sub(input.substr(1), output + input[0]);
int main()
string input = "ababdb";
string output = "";
Sub(input, output);
cout << max;
return 0;
I have a string of numbers. I need to check if the numbers on the edges are symmetric, meaning they have the same remainder when modulo by 2.
I have written a code which works, but I have something troubling my mind about that, after some failures I've come up with this code:
int PaliPair(char* st, int n)
if(n<=1) return 1;
return (*st%2 == *(st+n-1)%2) && PaliPair(st +1, n-2);
The question is, why do I have to return n-2 and not n-1? I'm kinda confused of why it works. Any explanation would be highly appreciated. I think I'm missing something, perhaps the fact that the string ends with "\0" which I need to conclude from that something.
If you have a string for example like this
then you at first check the first and the last characters.
Then you need to check the characters in the middle that is
So the target string now has length 4 - 2 (the number of characters that were already checked)
So in each recursion you check 2 characters, In the next recursion you need to check 2 less characters.
As for the function itself I would write it like
int PaliPair( const char *s, size_t n )
return n < 2 || *s % 2 == *( s + n - 1 ) % 2 && PaliPair( s + 1, n - 2 );
Or even like
int PaliPair( const char *s, size_t n )
return n < 2 || ( *s - '0' ) % 2 == ( *( s + n - 1 ) - '0' ) % 2 && PaliPair( s + 1, n - 2 );
Suppose your string is 21312, at first step you will compare 2 and 2 from both ends. Then you go one step forward with st+1 you should consider 131, so you should not consider 2's from beginning and the end of your string, that's why you do n-2.
In this way you go one character forward from beginning of the string but you should also shift one character backward from the end of the string as well.
I hope you get my point.
I have the following problem:
The point (a) was easy, here is my solution:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_DIGITS 1000000
char conjugateDigit(char digit)
if(digit == '1')
return '2';
return '1';
void conjugateChunk(char* chunk, char* result, int size)
int i = 0;
for(; i < size; ++i)
result[i] = conjugateDigit(chunk[i]);
result[i] = '\0';
void displaySequence(int n)
// +1 for '\0'
char result[MAX_DIGITS + 1];
// In this variable I store temporally the conjugates at each iteration.
// Since every component of the sequence is 1/4 the size of the sequence
// the length of `tmp` will be MAX_DIGITS / 4 + the string terminator.
char tmp[(MAX_DIGITS / 4) + 1];
// There I assing the basic value to the sequence
strcpy(result, "1221");
// The initial value of k will be 4, since the base sequence has ethe length
// 4. We can see that at each step the size of the sequence 4 times bigger
// than the previous one.
for(int k = 4; k < n; k *= 4)
// We conjugate the first part of the sequence.
conjugateChunk(result, tmp, k);
// We will concatenate the conjugate 2 time to the original sequence
strcat(result, tmp);
strcat(result, tmp);
// Now we conjugate the conjugate in order to get the first part.
conjugateChunk(tmp, tmp, k);
strcat(result, tmp);
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
printf("%c", result[i]);
int main()
int n;
printf("Insert n: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("The result is: ");
return 0;
But for the point b I have to generate the n-th digit in logarithmic time. I have no idea how to do it. I have tried to find a mathematical property of that sequence, but I failed. Can you help me please? It is not the solution itself that really matters, but how do you tackle this kind of problems in a short amount of time.
This problem was given last year (in 2014) at the admission exam at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Bucharest.
Suppose you define d_ij as the value of the ith digit in s_j.
Note that for a fixed i, d_ij is defined only for large enough values of j (at first, s_j is not large enough).
Now you should be able to prove to yourself the two following things:
once d_ij is defined for some j, it will never change as j increases (hint: induction).
For a fixed i, d_ij is defined for j logarithmic in i (hint: how does the length of s_j increase as a function of j?).
Combining this with the first item, which you solved, should give you the result along with the complexity proof.
There is a simple programming solution, the key is to use recursion.
Firstly determine the minimal k that the length of s_k is more than n, so that n-th digit exists in s_k. According to a definition, s_k can be split into 4 equal-length parts. You can easily determine into which part the n-th symbol falls, and what is the number of this n-th symbol within that part --- say that n-th symbol in the whole string is n'-th within this part. This part is either s_{k-1}, either inv(s_{k-1}). In any case you recursively determine what is n'-th symbol within that s_{k-1}, and then, if needed, invert it.
The digits up to 4^k are used to determine the digts up to 4^(k+1). This suggests writing n in base 4.
Consider the binary expansion of n where we pair digits together, or equivalently the base 4 expansion where we write 0=(00), 1=(01), 2=(10), and 3=(11).
Let f(n) = +1 if the nth digit is 1, and -1 if the nth digit is 2, where the sequence starts at index 0 so f(0)=1, f(1)=-1, f(2)-1, f(3)=1. This index is one lower than the index starting from 1 used to compute the examples in the question. The 0-based nth digit is (3-f(n))/2. If you start the indices at 1, the nth digit is (3-f(n-1))/2.
f((00)n) = f(n).
f((01)n) = -f(n).
f((10)n) = -f(n).
f((11)n) = f(n).
You can use these to compute f recursively, but since it is a back-recursion you might as well compute f iteratively. f(n) is (-1)^(binary weight of n) = (-1)^(sum of the binary digits of n).
See the Thue-Morse sequence.
I'm tryring to solve this problem though using brute force I was able to solve it, but
the following optimised algo is giving me incorrect results for some of the testcases .I tried but couldn;t find the problem with the code can any body help me.
Problem :
Given a string S and and integer K, find the integer C which equals the number of pairs of substrings(S1,S2) such that S1 and S2 have equal length and Mismatch(S1, S2) <= K where the mismatch function is defined below.
The Mismatch Function
Mismatch(s1,s2) is the number of positions at which the characters in S1 and S2 differ. For example mismatch(bag,boy) = 2 (there is a mismatch in the second and third position), mismatch(cat,cow) = 2 (again, there is a mismatch in the second and third position), Mismatch(London,Mumbai) = 6 (since the character at every position is different in the two strings). The first character in London is ‘L’ whereas it is ‘M’ in Mumbai, the second character in London is ‘o’ whereas it is ‘u’ in Mumbai - and so on.
int main() {
int k;
char str[6000];
int len=strlen(str);
int i,j,x,l,m,mismatch,count,r;
{ mismatch=0;
{ ++mismatch;
return 0;
Sample test cases
Test case (passing for above code)
Test case (failing for above code)
**expected output**
**my output**
You have two errors. First,
should be
since otherwise,
would at some point begin comparing characters past the null-terminator (i.e. beyond the end of the string). The greatest r can be is the remaining number of characters from the jth index to the last character.
Second, writing
skips the comparison of the ith and jth characters since r is always at least 1. You should write
You have two basic errors. You are quitting when mismatches>=k instead of mismatches>k (mismatches==k is an acceptable number) and you are letting r get too large. These skew the final count in opposite directions but, as you see, the second error "wins".
The real inner loop should be:
for (r=0; r<len-j; ++r)
if (str[i+r] != str[j+r])
if (mismatch > k)
r is an index into the substring, and j+r MUST be less than len to be valid for the right substring. Since i<j, if str[j+r] is valid, then so it str[i+r], so there's no need to have i involved in the upper limit calculation.
Also, you want to break on mismatch>k, not on >=k, since k mismatches are allowed.
Next, if you test for too many mismatches after incrementing mismatch, you don't have to test it again before counting.
Finally, the upper limit of r<len-j (instead of <=) means that the trailing '\0' character won't be compared as part of the str[j+r] substring. You were comparing that and more when j+r >= len, but mismatches was less than k when that first happened.
Note: You asked about a faster method. There is one, but the coding is more involved. Make the outer loop on the difference delta between starting index values. (0<delta<len) Then, count all acceptable matches with something like:
count = 0;
for delta = 1 to len-1
set i=0; j=delta; mismatches=0; r=0;
while j < len
.. find k'th mismatch, or end of str:
while mismatches < k and j+r<len
if str[i+r] != str[j+r] then mismatches=mismatches+1
r = r+1
end while
.. extend r to cover any trailing matches:
while j+r<len and str[i+r]==str[j+r]
r + r+1
end while
.. arrive here with r being the longest string pair starting at str[i]
.. and str[j] with no more than k mismatches. This loop will add (r)
.. to the count and advance i,j one space to the right without recounting
.. the character mismatches inside. Rather, if a mismatch is dropped off
.. the front, then mismatches is decremented by 1.
count = count + r
if str[i] != str[j] then mismatches=mismatches-1
i = i+1, j = j+1, r = r-1
until mismatches < k
end if
end while
That's pseudocode, and also pseudocorrect. The general idea is to compare all substrings with starting indices differing by (delta) in one pass, starting and the left, and increasing the substring length r until the end of the source string is reached or k+1 mismatches have been seen. That is, str[j+r] is either the end of the string, or the camel's-back-breaking mismatch position in the right substring. That makes r substrings that had k or fewer mismatches starting at str[i] and str[j].
So count those r substrings and move to the next positions i=i+1,j=j+1 and new length r=r-1, reducing the mismatch count if unequal characters were dropped off the left side.
It should be pretty easy to see that on each loop either r increases by 1 or j increases by 1 and (j+r) stays the same. Both will j and (j+r) will reach len in O(n) time, so the whole thing is O(n^2).
Edit: I fixed the handing of r, so the above should be even more pseudocorrect. The improvement to O(n^2) runtime might help.
Re-edit: Fixed comment bugs.
Re-re-edit: More typos in algorithm, mostly mismatches misspelled and incremented by 2 instead of 1.
#Mike I have some modifications in your logic and here is the correct code for it...
using namespace std;
int main()
long long int k,c=0;
string s;
int len = s.length();
for(int gap = 1 ; gap < len; gap ++)
int i=0,j=gap,mm=0,tmp_len=0;
while (mm <=k && (j+tmp_len)<len)
if (s[i+tmp_len] != s[j+tmp_len])
// while (((j+tmp_len)<len) && (s[i+tmp_len]==s[j+tmp_len]))
// tmp_len++;
c = c + tmp_len ;
if (s[i] != s[j]) mm--;
while (mm <=k && (j+tmp_len)<len)
if (s[i+tmp_len] != s[j+tmp_len])
return 0;
given a string consists only of 0s and 1s say 10101
how to find the length of the longest non decreasing sub-sequence??
for example,
for the string,
the longest non decreasing sub sequences are
so you should output 3
for the string
the longest non decreasing sub sequence is
so you should output 4
how to find this??
how can this be done when we are provided with limits.sequence between the limit
for example
limits [3,6]
the longest non decreasing sub sequence is
so you should output 3
can this be achieved in o(strlen)
Can this be achieved in O(strlen)?
Yes. Observe that the non-decreasing subsequences would have one of these three forms:
0........0 // Only zeros
1........1 // Only ones
0...01...1 // Some zeros followed by some ones
The first two forms can be easily checked in O(1) by counting all zeros and by counting all ones.
The last one is a bit harder: you need to go through the string keeping the counter of zeros that you've seen so far, along with the length of the longest string of 0...01...1 form that you have discovered so far. At each step where you see 1 in the string, the length of the longest subsequence of the third form is the larger of the number of zeros plus one or the longest 0...01...1 sequence that you've seen so far plus one.
Here is the implementation of the above approach in C:
char *str = "10101001";
int longest0=0, longest1=0;
for (char *p = str ; *p ; p++) {
if (*p == '0') {
} else { // *p must be 1
longest1 = max(longest0, longest1)+1;
printf("%d\n", max(longest0, longest1));
max is defined as follows:
#define max( a, b ) ( ((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
Here is a link to a demo on ideone.
Use dynamic programming. Run through the string from left to right, and keep track of two variables:
zero: length of longest subsequence ending in 0
one: length of longest subsequence ending in 1
If we see a 0, we can append this to any prefix that ends in 0, so we increase zero. If we see a 1, we can either append it to the prefix that ends in 0, or in 1, so we set one the one which is longest. In C99:
int max(int a, int b) {
return a > b ? a : b;
int longest(char *string) {
int zero = 0;
int one = 0;
for (; *string; ++string) {
switch (*string) {
case '0':
case '1':
one = max(zero, one) + 1;
return max(zero, one);
do {
if (array[i] < prev) {
if (count > max)
max = count;
count = 0;
prev = array[i];
} while (++i < length);
Single pass. Will even work on any numbers, not just 1s and 0s.
For limits - set i to starting number, use ending instead of array length.