Getting the memory status of the linux OS to display on the web application - reactjs

I need to track the memory usage of my linux operating system through web application. In the application I want to display the memory utilization and the avilable free memory. Is there an any API that I can make use of that gives me the status. How this can be implemented?

You could create a Springboot Application and expose the Memory Usage data as a Rest Api.
There are though better solutions like Prometheus and Grafana. You could take a look at
MONITORING LINUX HOST METRICS WITH THE NODE EXPORTER which exposes an api as http://localhost:9100/metrics. And then you could consume it either through your React webapp or throug a Prometheus deployment. Grafana has really cool out of the box Dashboards that are worth taking in consideration.


Filesystem metrics from Heapster api is not available

I set up heapster+influxdb+grafana combination for my Minikube kubernetes cluster.In heapster metrics api documentation they mention about filesystem metrics along with cpu ,memory, network related apis. I can get CPU , memory related metrics by using hepster api. But I am not able to access filesystem metrics using api. Any help guys?

GAE: Is it possibility to execute external program from within gae queue?

I want to handle user data in queue with some external program. Is it possible? First of all i must upload and install this software somewhere... Then run it within queue environment. How i can do it?
If it is impossible on GAE, can you advice me another cloud platform with ability to run programs with queue interface, like for example OGE or something else..?
I guess you need both access to GAE Datastore (to load user data) and ability to execute external program (to analyse it)?
At the moment GAE does not allow executing arbitrary programs, so answer is no.
However, there is an upcoming feature called VM-based backends, which will allow you to start Compute Engine instances (with ability to run arbitrary programs) and have those instances access the GAE Datastore. This is at the moment a trusted-tester feature (a limited beta), I guess it'll be available in a couple of months.

Is there a framework for distributing browser automation testing over a cluster of EC2 instances?

I am aiming to simulate a large number of 'real users' hitting and realistically using our site at the same time, and ensuring they can all get through their use cases. I am looking for a framework that combines some EC2 grid management with a web automation tool (such as GEB/WATIR). Ideal 'pushbutton' operation would do all of this:
Start up a configurable number of EC2 instances (using a specified
AMI preconfigured with my browser automation framework and test
Start the web automation framework test(s) running on all of them,
in parallel. I guess they would have to be headless.
Wait for completion
Aggregate results
Shut down EC2 instances.
While not a framework per se, I've been really happy with
It has an API for your own custom integration, reporting and analytics for analysis.
PS. I'm not affiliated with them, just a happy customer.
However, in my experience, you need to do both load testing and actual client testing. Even will only hit your service from a handful of hosts. And, it skips a major part (the client-side performance from a number of different clients' browsers).
This video has more on that topic:
BrowserMob used to offer such service. Looks like they got acquired.

Alternatives to App Engine's native logging API?

Does anyone have any advice on making the logging in Google App Engine better? I am currently trying to use Splunk Storm, but they are finicky regarding input and go down often. Has anyone else encountered this and solved it in some capacity?
Currently I have a process that runs in a backend that reads from the LogService and pipes the logs into Splunk Storm via REST api. This often fails, or storm goes down, or the backend IP changes.
My issue is with the logging provided within App Engine, as the logs disappear when new versions are pushed and querying the logs with the provided dashboard is almost unusable. Splunk was a potential solution, but the cloud solution leaves a lot to be desired.
Anything that would provide a better interface into my logs would be appreciated.
You can export logs from GAE to BiqQuery which has quite capable query language. You can use Mache, an open-source project that already does this. You should write your own exporter, to expose (and make queryabe) fields (columns) you are interested in.
Since you've decided to use Splunk (or another external service) as permanent storage, it sounds like you need a location to buffer logs between the times when they're written to App Engine's log service and when Splunk is available to accept the logs. To avoid losing logs before version churn causes them to fall out of App Engine, this buffer needs to be fast and highly available.
One reasonable choice is the AE datastore. There's no unreliable hop to a 3rd party, it has an availability SLA, and it can be scaled arbitrarily by sharding writes. The downside would be the cost of R/W operations and the storage footprint of in-flight logs, but you'll incur a comparable cost for another backing store.
Whatever choice of service, have one batch process (e.g. backend or cronjob) write to the buffer from the logs reader API. As long as it runs more often than app updates, logs will always exist in durable storage. Then have another batch process wait for Splunk to be available then upload to it from the buffer and delete as you get receipt confirmation from Splunk.

Project suited for Google App Engine?

I'm currently developing a small hobby project (open sourced at which quite simply takes images from a Gmail account and puts them in albums on Picasa Web.
Since it's (currently) only dealing with Google-hosted data, I was thinking about hosting it on Google App Engine, but I'm not sure if it's well-suited for GAE:
Will the maximum execution time be a problem? It's currently 10 minutes according to, but I'd think the tasks (i.e. processing a single mail) would be easy to run in parallel. I'm also guessing that dealing with Google-hosted data would be quite efficient on GAE?
Will the fact that it's written in Clojure be an obstacle? I've researched a bit in getting Clojure to run on GAE, but I've never tried it. Any pin-pointers?
Thanks for any advice and thoughts on the project!
It seems like your application is doable on GAE. My points of concern would be:
Does your code ever store the images that it is processing to temporary files? If so it will need to be changed to do everything in memory, because GAE applications are sandboxed and not allowed to write to the filesystem (if you need temporary persistent storage, you might be able to work something out where you write your file data to a BLOB field in the GAE datastore).
How do you get the images into Picasa Web? If they provide a simple REST/HTTP API then all is well. If you need something more involved than that (like a raw TCP socket) then it won't work.
The 10-minute execution time limit only applies to background tasks. When actually servicing web requests the time limit is 30 seconds. So if you provide a web-based interface to your app, you need to structure things so that the interface is just scheduling jobs that run in the background (i.e. you can't fire off a job directly as part of servicing a web request).
If none of those sound like show-stoppers to you, then I think your app should work just fine on GAE.
Can't really say if Clojure will work though. I have, however, spent time in the past getting some third-party libraries to work on App-Engine. Generally all I had to do was remove/modify/disable any parts of the library that accessed features that are forbidden by the sandbox (for instance, I had to disable the automatic caching to disk to get commons-fileupload to work on GAE). Not sure if the same would apply to Clojure, or even what the scope would be on a task like that.
I have been dabbling with Clojure and App Engine for a while now and I have to recommend appengine-magic. It abstracts most of the Java stuff away and is very easy to use. As a plus the project seems to be very active.
