Loop through range to find matching string google scripts - loops

I'm trying to loop through the top title row of my spreadsheet to find the index number of a column based on the title name so that if someone inserts a column my code won't break. Here's what I have so far:
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('RawData');
var values = sheet.getRange(1,1,sheet.getMaxRows(),sheet.getMaxColumns()).getValue(); //line that's breaking
range.setNote("inside function");
var i = 1;
while(values[1][i] != name) {
}return i;
The code appears to break on the line where I set 'values,' and I can't figure out how to access the array I created in order to check which one contains the same string as the 'name' parameter. The setNote line is just for testing purposes, you can ignore it.
Thanks in advance.
function getColumnByName() {
var name = "Ready For Testing?";
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('RawData');
var vA=ss.getRange(1,1,ss.getLastRow(),ss.getLastColumn()).getValues();
var hA=vA.shift();//returns header array vA still contains the data
var idx={};
var index = hA.forEach(function(name,i){idx[name]=i});//idx['header name'] returns index
return index;
I set name just for testing purposes, it will be passed as a parameter when I use the actual function

function getColumnByName() {
var name = "Ready For Testing?";
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('RawData');
var vA=ss.getDataRange().getValues();
var hA=vA.shift();//returns header array vA still contains the data
var idx= hA.indexOf(name);
if(idx === -1 ) throw new Error('Name ' + name + ' was not found');
return idx + 1; // Returns the name position
Instead of
var values = sheet.getRange(1,1,sheet.getMaxRows(),sheet.getMaxColumns()).getValue();
and instead of
var vA=ss.getRange(1,1,ss.getLastRow(),ss.getLastColumn()).getValues();
var values = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
getValue() only returns the value of top-left cell
using sheet.getMaxRows() / sheet.getMaxColumns() returns the sheet last row / column which could cause getting a lot of blank rows / columns.
compared with the second line code (getLastRow() / getLastColumn()) the proposed code line is "cheaper" (one call to the Spreadsheet Service instead of three (1. getRange, 2. getLastRow, 3 getLastColumn Vs. getDataRange) to get the data range and usually is faster too.
var index = hA.forEach(function(name,i){idx[name]=i});
forEach returns undefined ref. Array.prototype.forEach

Try this:
function myFunction() {
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive()
var sh=ss.getSheetByName('RawData');
var vA=sh.getRange(1,1,sh.getLastRow(),sh.getLastColumn()).getValues();
var hA=vA.shift();//returns header array vA still contains the data
var idx={};
hA.forEach(function(h,i){idx[h]=i});//idx['header name'] returns index
var end="is near";//set a break point here and run it down to here in the debugger and you can see hA and idx
hA is the header name array
idx is an object that returns the index for a given header name
idx is all you need just learn to put these three lines of code in your script in the future and you won't need to use an external function call to get the index.
var hA=vA.shift();//returns header array vA still contains the data
var idx={};
hA.forEach(function(h,i){idx[h]=i});//idx['header name'] returns index
vA still contains all of your data


set value on sidebar

I am having one google sheet having more than 100 rows with column of "NAME, PLACE, PHONE". I want to change /correct the phone number on specific person Ex.John in the side bar (Form.html) and the correct place & phone number to be edit in that specific row of my google sheet "Phonelist". The code.gs given below which is not working. Could you lease rectify the same?
function sidebar() {
var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile("Form").setTitle('Phone Details');
function result(form) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var ws = ss.getSheetByName("Phonelist");
var data = ws.getDataRange().getValues();
var name = form.name;
var place = form.place;
var phone = form.phone;
for (var i = 1; i < data.length; i++) {
if(data[i][1] == "John"){
var result = [name,place,phone];
It is difficult to understand what you exactly need. But there are some issues which are visible.
ws.getRange(data[i])is not valid. See docs. You need a row and a column at least, and in your case also the number of columns since your are inserting a range. Currently you only have a column. The solution is `
const startColumn = 1 // start at column A
const numberOfRows = 1 // update one row at a time
const numberOfColumns = result.length // this will be 3
ws.getRange(data[i], startColumn, numberOfRows, result.length)
.setValues(result) // setValues is correct, setValue is incorrect
The second issue is that you said that NAME is in the first column, but your test is testing against the second column. Array start at 0, i.e. the first item is actual accessed by [0]. therefore your test if(data[i][1] == "John") actually checks if the second column PLACE is equal to "John". To fix this, replace the [1] with [0], so:
if(data[i][0] == "John")
The third issue is handled in the first answer. You are using setValue() which is only to be used to set one cell. But since you are setting a number of cells at one time, you should use setValues() instead.

Google Apps Script: how to create an array of values for a given value by reading from a two column list?

I have a set of data in a Google spreadsheet in two columns. One column is a list of article titles and the other is the ID of a hotel that is in that article. Call it list1.
Example data
I would like returned a new list with article titles in one column, and an array of the hotel IDs in that article in the other column. Call it list2.
Example data
There are thousands of lines that this needs to be done for, and so my hope was to use Google Apps Script to help perform this task. My original thinking was to
Create column 1 of list2 which has the unique article titles (no script here, just the G-sheets =unique() formula.
Iterate through the titles in list2, looking for a match in first column of the list1
If there is a match:
retrieve its corresponding value in column 2
push it to an empty array in column two of list2
move onto next row in list1
if no longer a match, loop back to step 2.
I've written the following code. I am currently getting a type error (TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined (line 13, file "Code")), however, I wanted to ask whether this is even a valid approach to the problem?
function getHotelIds() {
var outputSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('list2');
var lastRow = outputSheet.getLastRow();
var data = outputSheet.getRange(2,1,lastRow,2).getValues();
var workingSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('list1');
var lastActiveRow = workingSheet.getLastRow();
var itemIDS = [];
for (var i=1; i<=data.length; i++) {
var currentArticle = data[i][0];
var lookupArticle = workingSheet[i][0];
if (currentArticle === lookupArticle) {
var tempValue = [workingSheet[i][1]];
Use a simple google sheets formula:
You can use a very simple formula to achieve your goal instead of using long and complicated scripts.
Use =unique(list1!A2:A) in cell A2 of list2 sheet to get the unique hotels.
and then use this formula to all the unique hotels by dragging it down in column B.
You got the idea right, but the logic needed some tweaking. The "undefined" error is caused by the workingSheet[i][0]. WorkingSheet is a Sheet object, not an array of data. Also, is not necessary to get the data from list2 (output), it is rather the opposite. You have to get the data from the list1 (source) sheet instead, and iterate over it.
I added a new variable, oldHotel, which will be used to compare each line with the current hotel. If it's different, it means we have reached a different Hotel and the data should be written in list2.
function getHotelIds() {
var outputSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('list2');
var outLastRow = outputSheet.getLastRow();
var workingSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('list1');
var lastActiveRow = workingSheet.getLastRow();
var sourceValues = workingSheet.getRange("A2:B" + lastActiveRow).getValues();
var itemIDS = [];
var oldHotel = sourceValues[0][0]; //first hotel of the list
for (var i = 0; i < sourceValues.length; i++) {
if (sourceValues[i][0] == oldHotel) {
/*When we reach the end of the list, the oldHotel variable will never be different. So the next if condition is needed. Otherwise it wouldn't write down the last Hotel.
if (i == sourceValues.length - 1) {
outputSheet.getRange(outLastRow + 1, 1, 1, 2).setValues([
[sourceValues[i][0], itemIDS.toString()]
} else {
outputSheet.getRange(outLastRow + 1, 1, 1, 2).setValues([
[sourceValues[i - 1][0], itemIDS.toString()]
oldHotel = sourceValues[i][0]; //new Hotel will be compared
outLastRow = outputSheet.getLastRow(); //lastrow has updated
itemIDS = []; //clears the array to include the next codes
I also converted the itemIDS array to a String each time, so it's written down in a single cell without issues.
Make sure each column of the Sheet is set to "Plain text" from Format > Number > Plain Text

How to extract an element of a spreadsheet as a string, not as an array element Google App Script

(Edited the problem description)
What I am trying to do: Using this Spreadsheet to collect the URLs row by row and paste each image in a new slide of a Google Slide named Output Document. I am using a function addImagetoSlide that takes in the imageUrl, the slide number and the name of the document to add images to each element of the slide.
Where I am stuck When I try to use dataRange (the array containing my spreadsheet element, it works well outside the while loop, but inside the while loop, it does not read the element [0][2] saying that "Cannot read Property 2 of line.. I do not understand why it works outside but not inside the while loop
function collateImages(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var targetDocument = SlidesApp.create("Output Document"); // Target file for the collation
var dataRange = sheet.getDataRange(); // Range of the entire database
var i = 0; // Iterator
while (i< dataRange.getLastRow()){
i = i + 1;
// Function to get file id from url
function getIdFromUrl(url) { return url.match(/[-\w]{25,}/); }
//Add Image with URl "ImageUrl" on slide number "index on a presentation named "deck"
function addImageToSlide(imageUrl, index,deck) {
var slide = deck.appendSlide(SlidesApp.PredefinedLayout.BLANK);
var imagefile = DriveApp.getFileById(getIdFromUrl(imageUrl));
var imageblob = imagefile.getBlob();
var image = slide.insertImage(imageblob);
The problem with the code you have used is that you are trying to access an index that doesn't exist. As you are incrementing the i value on the last loop, when calling the dataRange.getValues()[i][2], this will try to retrieve the element corresponding to the incremented i which falls out of the range, hence the error message you are receiving.
You can:
move the i increment after calling the dataRange.getValues()[i][2];
use a for loop;
Sheet Class Apps Script - getDataRange().

Google Apps Script Replace and update cell within a range

I have a Google spreadsheet that I'm trying to remove the word "woo" within a range of cells
So far I've managed to loop through the results and log the results, however I haven't figured how to update that information in the spreadsheet itself.
Any guidance would be welcomed
Thank you
function myFunction () {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('B:B')
var data = ss.getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var text = data[i].toString();
var finaltext = text.replace(/woo/g, "");
data[i] = finaltext;
Use setValues()
Usually ss is used as a shorthand for spreadsheet, as it's used on the code for a range it's better to use range as a variable name.
setValues() returns a 2D array, so data[i] returns an array of row values rather than a cell value. To get/set cell values, use data[i][0] notation.
Considering the above replace
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('B:B')
var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('B:B')
then add the following line after the for block.
Regarding text var declaration, replace
var text = data[i].toString();
var text = data[i][0].toString();
Using open ended references like B:B could lead to problems. To avoid them be sure to keep the sheet rows at minimum or better instead of using an open ended reference use something like B1:B10.

Apply Filter to Column with Numeric Values

I have a solution for filtering on this question.
This works perfectly with a column that has string values. When I try to filter a column with numeric values it will not work. I'm assuming it is because .setHiddenValues() will not accept numeric values. I could be wrong.
Let me explain my scenario:
The user inputs a value on an HTML interface, let's say 6634.
The HTML calls my function on .gs and passes the numeric value the user inputted.
google.script.run //Executes an Apps Script JS Function
.withSuccessHandler(updateStatus) //function to be called upon successfull completion of Apps Script function
.withUserObject(button) //To pass the event element object
.projectSearch2(projectID); //Apps Script JS Function
The function (on the linked question above) will take that value and bump it up against the values in a column deleting the value if it is found. What I am left with is an array of values that I do not want filtered.
function projectSearch2(projectID){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var monthlyDetailSht = ss.getSheetByName('Data Sheet');
var monLastCN = monthlyDetailSht.getLastColumn();
var monLastRN = monthlyDetailSht.getLastRow();
var data = monthlyDetailSht.getRange(1,1,1,monLastCN).getValues();//Get 2D array of all values in row one
var data = data[0];//Get the first and only inner array
var projectIDCN = data.indexOf('Project Id') + 1;
//Pull data from columns before filtering
var projectIDData = monthlyDetailSht.getRange(2,projectIDCN,monLastRN,1).getValues();
//Reset filters if filters exist
if(monthlyDetailSht.getFilter() != null){monthlyDetailSht.getFilter().remove();}
//Start Filtering
var projectIDExclCriteria = getHiddenValueArray(projectTypeData,projectID); //get values except for
var rang = monthlyDetailSht.getDataRange();
var projectIDFilter = SpreadsheetApp.newFilterCriteria().setHiddenValues(projectIDExclCriteria).build();//Create criteria with values you do not want included.
var filter = rang.getFilter() || rang.createFilter();// getFilter already available or create a new one
if(projectID != '' && projectID != null){
filter.setColumnFilterCriteria(projectIDCN, projectIDFilter);
function getHiddenValueArray(colValueArr,visibleValueArr){
var flatUniqArr = colValueArr.map(function(e){return e[0];})
.filter(function(e,i,a){return (a.indexOf(e.toString())==i && visibleValueArr.indexOf(e.toString()) ==-1); })
return flatUniqArr;
That array is used in .setHiddenValues() to filter on the column.
Nothing is filtered however. This works for all columns that contain string values, just not columns with numeric values. At this point I'm lost.
Attempted Solutions:
Convert user variable to string using input = input.toString(). Did not work.
manually inserted .setHiddenValues for projectIDExclCriteria. Like this: var projectIDFilter = SpreadsheetApp.newFilterCriteria().setHiddenValues([1041,1070,1071,1072]).build(); That succeeded so I know the issue is before that.
Step before was calling getHiddenValueArray. I manually inserted like so: var projectIDExclCriteria = getHiddenValueArray(projectIDData,[6634]); It is not working. Is the issue with that getHiddenValueArray function not handling the numbers properly?
Here is a solution. Changing the following:
.filter(function(e,i,a){return (a.indexOf(e.toString())==i && visibleValueArr.indexOf(e.toString()) ==-1); })
.filter(function(e,i,a){return (a.indexOf(e) == i && visibleValueArr.indexOf(e) == -1); })
That works! Thank you Tanaike. The next question is will this impact columns that are not numeric. I have tested that and it works as well.
How about this modification?
From :
.filter(function(e,i,a){return (a.indexOf(e.toString())==i && visibleValueArr.indexOf(e.toString()) ==-1); })
To :
.filter(function(e,i,a){return (a.indexOf(e) == i && visibleValueArr.indexOf(e) == -1); })
Note :
In this modification, the number and string can compared using each value.
If you want to use return (a.indexOf(e.toString())==i && visibleValueArr.indexOf(e.toString()) ==-1), you can achieve it by modifying from colValueArr.map(function(e){return e[0];}) to colValueArr.map(function(e){return e[0].toString();}).
In this modification, colValueArr.map(function(e){return e[0].toString();}) converts the number to string, so the number is used as a string.
Reference :
