How to get rid of SQL Server Invalid Object name error? - sql-server

I'm trying to insert some data into a table within SQL Server.
Below is the query that I use, but I get an error
'Invalid Object Name'
in SQL Server Management Studio.
The table does exist within the list of tables, and my database is set to 'BC-TEST' as well.
When I type the exact same query again, it works:
Done some research, and a lot of posts are referring to either caching or the database that is not set to the correct one. However none of these seems to be the case here.
Can someone help me out?

Both are two different queries, they are not the exact same.
The first query insert into [...$packaging processing], while the other one, the second query insert into [....$packing processing]
if the second query works perfectly, then the correct table must be [....$packing processing]


Unexplained 'Invalid Operation' error in Access query with SQL backend

I am trying to migrate the entire backend of an Access application onto SQL Server. The first part of my project involves moving all of the tables whilst making minimum changes after the migration (no SQL Views, Pass-through queries etc. yet).
I have two queries in particular that I am using here:
ProductionSystemUnAllocatedPurchases - Which executes and returns a resultset successfully.
This is the full formula (sorry its extremely complex) for QtyAvailableOnPurchase:
QtyAvailableOnPurchase: I believe this field could be the problem here?
IIf((IIf([Outstanding Qty]>([P-ORDER-T with Qty Balance]![QTY]-[SumOfQty]),
([P-ORDER-T with Qty Balance]![QTY]-[SumOfQty]),[Outstanding Qty]))>0,
(IIf([Outstanding Qty]>([P-ORDER-T with Qty Balance]![QTY]-[SumOfQty]),([P-
ORDER-T with Qty Balance]![QTY]-[SumOfQty]),[Outstanding Qty])),0)
ProductionSystemUnAllocatedPurchasesTotal - Which gives an 'Invalid Operation' error message
Now the strange thing for me is that the first query works perfectly fine, but the second which uses the first as a source table, gives me this error message when executing. This query works perfectly fine with an access backend, but fails with SQL Server tables.
Any Ideas?
Can QtyAvailableOnPurchase be NULL? That would explain why Sum fails. Use Nz(QtyAvailableOnPurchase,0) instead.
My approach is to decompose queries. Create two queries :
First query selects needed data
Second query applies group operations (e.g. Sum)
You'll get easy way to check every step.
I have managed to find a solution to this error.
It seems that the problem is not so much with the query but rather the data type on SQL Server. SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) automatically maps any Number (Double) fields to float on SQL Server. This mapping needed manually changing to Decimal.
Now according to this SO post, Decimal is the preferred for its precision up to 38 points (which is more than enough for my application), While float allows more than this, the data is stored in approximates.
Source: Difference between numeric, float and decimal in SQL Server

SSIS comma delimited string in where clause

I am trying to see if there is an easy answer for this. I have done something similar using multiple pick dropdown parameters in SSRS but this appears to be different.
My scenario is this, so maybe there is an even better answer.
I have a production server that I do not want to make any changes to including temp tables or functions. The production server has a table of clients with about 1600 records. I have set up an SSIS package that will allow transfer of data from production to dev based on a clientid. So my sources would have a query similar to Select Field From Table Where ClientId = ?
This works fine. Now I want to load more than one client, based an data in the clients table. It may be Select ClientId From Clients where Field = A and returns multiple ClientIds.
I am able to populate a comma delimited list from an execute sql task to a SSIS variable, so it maybe 1,4,8.
If I change my source query to use ClientId in (?) I get a conversion error.
I have looked at many posts that advocate a temp table or a function which I want to avoid. Select IN using varchar string with comma delimited values
I have contemplated building the entire sql statement into a variable but this don't seem like the right path as I have many tables to query and transfer where using ClientId = ? works well without having to build each individual SQL statement to a variable.
Is there an easy fix I am missing? I will turn my research now to try to find out how I did this in SSRS but I thought that I should try a post here to see if someone has accomplished this before.
I appreciate any info on this, thank you.
EDIT: Key note is that the column on clients is on the dev server, so I cannot just use a select in the where clause as the column does not exist on the production server.
EDIT: I did not mention that I am specifically looking at OLEDB sources mapping a parameter to ? in the sql statement.
EDIT: Narrowing down on this but having trouble relating SSRS and SSIS functionality. In SSRS its called a multi-value parameter in the following link the key line is
WHERE Production.ProductInventory.ProductID IN (#ProductID)
This one looks good as well
I will keep researching and thank you for the help so far.
I think this sums it up best
This functionality is limited to strictly using embedded SQL.
What SSRS does is transform your SQL column IN (#value) to column IN
(#selectedvalue1,#selectedvalue2) etc.
You need to forget anything you have about the other ways of passing
lists to SQL i.e. building strings etc. and make sure you declare the
data types are correct for the value of your parameter.
You do not need to use the Join(parameters!,",") trick UNLESS
you are passing the list to a stored procedure.
In which case you then need to use some function to turn the delimited
list into a rowset as you have done.
I hope that helps
The core question is if I can get the same functionality in SSIS as in SSRS. It reminds me of macro substitution..
If you dont want to create a function, you can use the following in your t-sql statement.
Declare #ClientIds nvarchar(50) = '123,456'; --<-- Comma delimited list of Client Ids
Select Field
From Table
Where ClientId IN (
SELECT CAST(RTRIM(LTRIM(Split.a.value('.', 'VARCHAR(100)'))) AS INT) ClientIDs
SELECT Cast ('<X>'
+ Replace(#ClientIds, ',', '</X><X>')
+ '</X>' AS XML) AS Data
) AS t CROSS APPLY Data.nodes ('/X') AS Split(a)

Crystal Reports parameter sending NULL instead of chosen value

I have a CR 2008 report reading from SQL Server 2008 R2 that used to contain 3 parameters and worked like a champ. The business requested the addition of a fourth parameter. I added the variable to the stored procedure, tested and got the results I was looking for. I then created the parameter as a static list of values as we do not need all values available. I went to the record select expert and lined up my parameter with the appropriate database field. Ran the report, got an error on an incorrect amount of parameters. Refreshed the database; the report ran but returned no results. Checked my parameter values against the stored procedure. Once again, the stored procedure returned results. Went back to Crystal and viewed the query. Lo and behold, the query is sending in NULL for the new parameter even though a specific value was chosen on the prompt. I even went so far as view a tutorial on adding parameters to be sure I did it correctly. Anyone have any thoughts on why the parameter isn't being read properly?
I think you need to right click on Database fields from Field Explorer > Database expert > see this picture
that will surely work coz sometimes crystal reports stored procedure need to be reset or refresh to reflect any changes on the SQl code

Combining MSSQL results with Oracle into CFSPREADSHEET

I have a report that generates an excel file daily with data extracted from a MS-SQL database. I now have to add additional columns to my spreadsheet from an Oracle database where the ID matches the ID in the MS-SQL query results.
My problem is that I have about 1200-1400+ unique IDs generated on this report from the first query. When I plug them into an IN list with the Oracle query and try to do a CFDUMP to see if the results will come out as it should, I receive a CF error saying that query cannot list more than 1000 results from the oracle query.
I basically set the values from the first query into a valuelist for the ID column and then put that into the IN clause for the Oracle query. I then do a cfdump on the Oracle where I receive that error. I've also tried wrapping cfloop query = "firstquery"> around the Oracle query and just placing #firstquery.columnIDname# but that does not work either.
So two questions I have here is ..
How do I handle the limit on Oracle with 1k limit and if I only have read only access to the Oracle database with ColdFusion?
After #1 is figured out, how could I combine the results from the Oracle Query with my MSSQL query or in other words, add the columns I'm pulling from the Oracle query to the spreadsheet for the matching ID.
For your quick, dirty, and sub-optimal approach, visit and look for a function called ListSplit(). It converts a long list to an array of short lists.
You then loop through this array and run a query each time. Make sure the query name changes with each loop iteration.
After the loop, do a query of queries union query. Then do whatever you have to do to combine that data with what you got from sql server.
Note that you will probably have to use array notation to access your dynamically named query objects.

SQL Server spatial and linked servers

I have a SQL Server instance that I've added a linked server to another SQL instance. The table I'm accessing on the linked server contains spatial types. When I try to query the table I receive an error:
Objects exposing columns with CLR types are not allowed in distributed
queries. Please use a pass-through query to access remote object.
If I use OPENQUERY with the same query I get another error:
A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any,
should be discarded.
Is there any way to query tables that contain spatial types via linked servers?
One way to work around this is to pass spatial data as NVARCHAR(MAX)
select go=geometry::STGeomFromText(go,0)
from openquery([other\instance],
'select go=convert(nvarchar(max),go) from tempdb.dbo.geom')
note: go is a column name, short for geometry-object
Or using the function instead of explicit cast
select go=geometry::STGeomFromText(go,0)
from openquery([other\instance],
'select go=go.STAsText() from tempdb.dbo.geom')
I came across the same problem, but accepted solution wasn't an option in my case, due to many applications that couldn't be changed to expect a totally different query.
Instead, I think I found a way to cheat the system. On local server run:
CREATE VIEW stage_table
Voila, you can now simply use
Which is probably what your applications expect.
Tried the above scenario with local server: SQLEXPRESS 2008 R2, and remote server SQL EXPRESS 2014.
I have another workaround. It doesn't apply to the OP's question since they were trying to select the spatial data. Even if you are not selecting the columns containing spatial data, you'll still get this error. So if you need to query such a table, and do not need to retrieve the spatial data, then you could create a view for the table (selecting only the columns you need, excluding the spatial data columns), then query against that view instead.
