In VS code I tried solving a problem using python,selenium, behave but I'm not getting the correct output. Can you tell me where the problem is? - python-behave

my folders are
In features_files_folder
Feature: Omniwyse
Scenario Outline: COMPANY
Given I load the website ""
When I click "About Us" page
Then verify about header element "About Us"
In steps folder
from behave import given, when, then
from step_impl_web_element_handling import webapp
#given(u'I load the website "{url}"')
def step_impl(context,url):
#when(u'I click "About Us" page')
def step_impl_goto_page(context):
#then(u'verify about header element "{component}"')
def step_impl_verify_component(context, component):
from selenium import webdriver
driverpath = "/Users/giris/Downloads/chromedriver"
class WebApp:
def __init__(self):
# self.driver.get("")
def load_website(self, url):
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path = driverpath)
def goto_page(self):
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path = driverpath)
driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a[normalize-space()='About Us']").click()
def verify_component_exists(self, component):
# Simple implementation
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path = driverpath)
assert component in driver.find_element_by_xpath("//h1[contains(text(),'About Us')]"), \
"Component {} not found on page".format(component)
webapp = WebApp()
my errors for step_def_web_element_handling
"resource": "/c:/Users/giris/OneDrive/Documents/pythonassignment/omni/features/steps/",
"owner": "python",
"code": "no-name-in-module",
"severity": 8,
"message": "No name 'then' in module 'behave'",
"source": "pylint",
"startLineNumber": 4,
"startColumn": 1,
"endLineNumber": 4,
"endColumn": 1
same for given, when
output when run using behave command
Using default path "./features" Trying base directory:
Feature: Omniwyse # features/feature_files_folder/omniwyse.feature:1
1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped 0 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 0
skipped 0 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined Took 0m0.000s
Desired output:
Using default path "./features" Trying base directory:
Feature: Omniwyse # features/feature_files_folder/omniwyse.feature:1
1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped 1 scenario passed, 0 failed, 0
skipped 3 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined Took 0m0.000s

In omniwyse.feature
Replace scenario outline with scenario


How to crawl over all the webpages in selenium?

I have written this code. I want to get all the data from all the pages and store them in a CSV file. But I don't know what to do next. I can do this in beautifulsoup but it's not the same in selenium and beautifulsoup combination
from selenium import webdriver
from import Options
from time import sleep
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import pandas
chrome_option = Options()
browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="D:/chromedriver.exe", chrome_options=chrome_option)
# list of data
names = []
license_num = []
types = []
contacts = []
links = []
def scrape(url):
html = browser.execute_script("return document.documentElement.outerHTML")
sel_soup = bs(html, "html.parser")
containers = sel_soup.find_all(class_ = "d-agent-card container_13WXz card_2AIgF")
for cont in containers:
# agent name
agent = cont.find("h4").text.strip()
# agent type
tp = cont.find("h5").text.strip()
# agent contact
contact = cont.find("button", {"class": "button_3pYtF icon-left_1xpTg secondary_KT7Sy link_-iSRx contactLink_BgG5h"})
if contact is not None:
elif contact is None:
# agent link
link = cont.find("div", {"class": "linksContainer_1-v7q"}).find("a")
if link is not None:
elif link is None:
# license
licns = cont.find("p", {"class": "license_33m8Z"}).text
for page in range(1, 27):
urls = f"{page}"
df = pandas.DataFrame({
"Agent Name": names,
"Agent Type" : types,
"Agent License Number": license_num,
"Agent contact Number": contacts,
"Agent URL": links
df.to_csv("data.csv", index=False)
With this I am only getting 596 rows of data. But I want to get 24x25+ 19 = 619 rows. Every page has 24 rows of data. I want to get them. But I am only getting the data of 23 pages maybe. now I am getting an error ...
{"QTM: JSEvent: TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined !! && !!JSON.parse("}

Warning: Invalid stream: "FormatError: Bad FCHECK in flate stream: 120, 239" on PDF response from springboot API after dropzone upload

I'm using dropzone to send files to a springboot api, which processes those files and returns a pdf response, which I want to display on my angular front-end. Everything works fine until time to display the pdf, when it renders a blank pdf (with the correct number of pages) along with the warnings in console:
Warning: Indexing all PDF objects pdf.worker.min.js:1
Warning: Invalid stream: "FormatError: Bad FCHECK in flate stream: 120, 239"
I know that the pdf itself is not corrupt, because when I make a get request to the API to retrieve the stored version of the same pdf, it is not corrupt and renders fine.
I have tried using TextEncoder:
let enc = new TextEncoder();
this.masterPdf = enc.encode(event[1])
using FileReader:
var reader = new FileReader();
  reader.onload = function() {
var arrayBuffer = this.result;
self.masterPdf = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);
self.masterShow = true;
var blob = new Blob([event[1]], {type:'application/pdf'});
and using StringToBytes:
let strToByteArr = stringToBytes(event[1]);
this.masterPdf = new Uint8Array(strToByteArr);
event in all of these cases is the response, here it is below (of course the pdf string is actually much longer):
0: File(1237) {upload: {…}, status: "success", accepted: true, processing: true, xhr: XMLHttpRequest, …}
1:"%PDF-1.7↵%����↵1 0 obj↵<</Type/Catalog/Pages 2 0 R/Lang(en-US) /StructTreeRoot 12 0 R/MarkInfo<</Marked true>>/Metadata 32 0 R/ViewerPreferences 33 0 R>>↵endobj↵2 0 obj↵<</Type/Pages/Count 2/Kids[ 3 0 R 9 0 R] >>↵endobj↵3 0 obj↵<</Type/Page/Parent 2 0 R/Resources<</Font<</F1 5 0 R>>/ExtGState<</GS7 7 0 R/GS8 8 0 R>>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<</Type/Group/S/Transparency/CS/DeviceRGB>>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>↵endobj↵4 0 obj↵<</Filter/FlateDecode/Length 3808>>↵stream
2: ProgressEvent {isTrusted: true, lengthComputable: true, loaded: 99282, total: 99282, type: "load", …}
I did check those particular bytes (120-239) in the valid file returned versus the invalid one, and they are different, but the invalid one just looked like normal numbers.
When requesting a PDF from an API, set the request's response type to 'blob'. The default type is application/json.
Once the file has been received, create a blob using the response's data then use the blob to create a url.
let blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'application/pdf'})
let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob)

context is unavailable in python behave

I am starting with Python behave and got stuck when trying to access context - it's not available. Here is my code:
Here is the Feature file:
Feature: Company staff inventory
Scenario: count company staff
Given a set of employees:
| name | dept |
| Paul | IT |
| Mary | IT |
| Pete | Dev |
When we count the number of employees in each department
Then we will find two people in IT
And we will find one employee in Dev
Here is the Steps file:
from behave import *
#given('a set of employees')
def step_impl(context):
assert context is True
#when('we count the number of employees in each department')
def step_impl(context):
context.res = dict()
for row in context.table:
for k, v in row:
if k not in context.res:
context.res[k] = 1
context.res[k] += 1
#then('we will find two people in IT')
def step_impl(context):
assert context.res['IT'] == 2
#then('we will find one employee in Dev')
def step_impl(context):
assert context.res['Dev'] == 1
Here's the Traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/kseniyab/Documents/broadsign_code/spikes/BDD_Gherkin/behave/src/py3behave/lib/python3.4/site-packages/behave/", line 1456, in run
File "/home/kseniyab/Documents/broadsign_code/spikes/BDD_Gherkin/behave/src/py3behave/lib/python3.4/site-packages/behave/", line 1903, in run
self.func(context, *args, **kwargs)
File "steps/", line 5, in step_impl
assert context is True
The context object is there. It is your assertion that is problematic:
assert context is True
fails because context is not True. The only thing that can satisfy x is True is where x has been set to True. context has not been set to True. It is an object. Note that testing whether context is True is not the same as testing whether if you were to write if context: the true branch would be taken or the false branch. The latter is equivalent to testing whether bool(context) is True.
There's no point in testing whether context is available. It is always there.

Python 3, extract info from file problems

And again, asking for help. But, before I start, here will be a lot of text, so please sorry for that.
I have about 500~ IP addresses with devices 2x categories in .xlsx book
I want:
telnet to device. Check device (by authentication prompt) type 1 or type 2.
If device is type 1 - get it firmware version in 2x partitions
write in excel file:
column 1 - IP address
column 2 - device type
column 3 - firmware version
column 4 - firmware version in reserve partition.
If type 2 - write in excel file:
column 1 - IP address
column 2 - device type
If device is down, or device type 3(unknown) - write in excel file:
column 1 - IP address
column 2 - result (EOF, TIMEOUT)
What I have done: I'm able to telnet to device, check device type, write in excel with 2 columns (in 1 column IP addresses, in 2 column is device type, or EOF/TIMEOUT results)
And, I'm writing full logs from session to files in format IP_ADDRESS.txt to future diagnosis.
What I can't understand to do? I can't understand how to get firmware version, and put it on 3,4 columns.
I can't understand how to work with current log session in real time, so I've decided to copy logs from main file (IP_ADDRESS.txt) to temp.txt to work with it.
I can't understand how to extract information I needed.
The file output example:
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
# #
# RADIUS authorization disabled #
# Enter local login/password #
# #
bt6000 login: admin
Please, fill controller information at first time (Ctrl+C to abort):
Controller information filling canceled.
^Cadmin#bt6000# firmware info
Active boot partition: 1
Partition 0 (reserved):
Firmware: Energomera-2.3.1
Version: 10117
Partition 1 (active):
Firmware: Energomera-2.3.1_01.04.15c
Version: 10404M
Kernel version: #2 Mon Mar 2 20:41:26 MSK 2015
Version: bt6000 10083
Part Number: BT6024
Updated: 27.04.2015 16:43:50
I need values - after "Energomera" words, like 2.3.1 for reserved partition, and 2.3.1_01.04.15c for active partition.
I've tried to work with string numbers and excract string, but there was not any kind of good result at all.
Full code of my script below.
import pexpect
import pxssh
import sys #hz module
import re #Parser module
import os #hz module
import getopt
import glob #hz module
import xlrd #Excel read module
import xlwt #Excel write module
import telnetlib #telnet module
import shutil
#open excel book
rb = xlrd.open_workbook('/samba/allaccess/Energomera_Eltek_list.xlsx')
#select work sheet
sheet = rb.sheet_by_name('IPs')
#rows number in sheet
num_rows = sheet.nrows
#cols number in sheet
num_cols = sheet.ncols
#creating massive with IP addresses inside
ip_addr_list = [sheet.row_values(rawnum)[0] for rawnum in range(sheet.nrows)]
#create excel workbook with write permissions (xlwt module)
wb = xlwt.Workbook()
#create sheet IP LIST with cell overwrite rights
ws = wb.add_sheet('IP LIST', cell_overwrite_ok=True)
#create counter
i = 0
#authorization details
port = "23" #telnet port
user = "admin" #telnet username
password = "12345" #telnet password
#firmware ask function
def fw_info():
print('asking for firmware')
px.sendline('firmware info')
#firmware update function
def fw_send():
print('sending firmware')
px.sendline('tftp server')
px.sendline('firmware download tftp firmware.ext2')
ws.write(i, 0, host)
ws.write(i, 1, 'Energomera')
#if eltek found - skip, write result in book
def eltek_found():
print(host, "is Eltek. Skipping")
ws.write(i, 0, host)
ws.write(i, 1, 'Eltek')
#if 23 port telnet conn. refused - skip, write result in book
def conn_refuse():
print(host, "connection refused")
ws.write(i, 0, host)
ws.write(i, 1, 'Connection refused')
#auth function
def auth():
print(host, "is up! Energomera found. Starting auth process")
#start working with ip addresses in ip_addr_list massive
for host in ip_addr_list:
#spawn pexpect connection
px = pexpect.spawn('telnet ' + host)
px.timeout = 35
#create log file with in IP.txt format (, for example)
fout = open('/samba/allaccess/Energomera_Eltek/{0}.txt'.format(host),"wb")
#push pexpect logfile_read output to log file
px.logfile_read = fout
index = px.expect (['bt6000', 'sername', 'refused'])
#if device tell us bt6000 - authorize
if index == 0:
index1 = px.expect(['#', 'lease'])
#if "#" - ask fw version immediatly
if index1 == 0:
print('seems to controller ID already set')
#if "Please" - press 2 times Ctrl+C, then ask fw version
elif index1 == 1:
print('trying control C controller ID')
#firmware update start (temporarily off)
# fw_send()
#Eltek found - func start
elif index == 1:
#Conn refused - func start
elif index == 2:
#print output to console (test purposes)
#Copy from current log file to temp.txt for editing
shutil.copy2('/samba/allaccess/Energomera_Eltek/{0}.txt'.format(host), '/home/bark/expect/temp.txt')
#EOF result - skip host, write result to excel
except pexpect.EOF:
print(host, "EOF")
ws.write(i, 0, host)
ws.write(i, 1, 'EOF')
#print output to console (test purposes)
#Timeout result - skip host, write result to excel
except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
print(host, "TIMEOUT")
ws.write(i, 0, host)
ws.write(i, 1, 'TIMEOUT')
#print output to console (test purposes)
#Copy from current log file to temp.txt for editing
shutil.copy2('/samba/allaccess/Energomera_Eltek/{0}.txt'.format(host), '/home/bark/expect/temp.txt')
#count +1 to correct output for Excel
i += 1
#workbook save'/samba/allaccess/Energomera_Eltek_result.xls')
Have you have any suggestions or ideas, guys, how I can do this?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You can use regular expressions
>>> import re
>>> str = """
... Trying
... Connected to
... Escape character is '^]'.
... ####################################
... # #
... # RADIUS authorization disabled #
... # Enter local login/password #
... # #
... ####################################
... bt6000 login: admin
... Password:
... Please, fill controller information at first time (Ctrl+C to abort):
... ^C
... Controller information filling canceled.
... ^Cadmin#bt6000# firmware info
... Active boot partition: 1
... Partition 0 (reserved):
... Firmware: Energomera-2.3.1
... Version: 10117
... Partition 1 (active):
... Firmware: Energomera-2.3.1_01.04.15c
... Version: 10404M
... Kernel version: #2 Mon Mar 2 20:41:26 MSK 2015
... STM32:
... Version: bt6000 10083
... Part Number: BT6024
... Updated: 27.04.2015 16:43:50
... admin#bt6000#
... """
>>> re.findall(r"Firmware:.*?([0-9].*)\s", str)
['2.3.1', '2.3.1_01.04.15c']
>>> reserved_firmware ="reserved.*\s*Firmware:.*?([0-9].*)\s", str).group(1)
>>> reserved_firmware
>>> active_firmware ="active.*\s*Firmware:.*?([0-9].*)\s", str).group(1)
>>> active_firmware

ExtJS 4.2.0 error: Layout run failed

I am using the Bryntum Scheduler v 2.2.5 with Exts JS 4.2.0
I have added the diagnostic tools and the console output is below.
I am using a Sch.panel.SchedulerTree.
Is this diagnostic telling me I need to set a width
for the SchedulerTree SchedulerGrid headercontainer columns?
==================== LAYOUT ====================
[E] Layout run failed
[E] ----------------- FAILURE -----------------
--schedulergridview-1036<tableview> - size: calculated/calculated
triggeredBy: count=1
headercontainer-1035.columnWidthsDone () dirty: false, setBy: ?
Cycles: 2, Flushes: 0, Calculates: 1 in 2 msec
Calculates by type:
tableview: 1 in 1 tries (1x) at 0 msec (avg 0 msec)
I added
schedulerConfig{ layout: 'auto'}
to my 'Sch.panel.SchedulerTree' and my 'Layout run failed' error is gone!
