How to extract whole userPrincipalNames of the user from AD? - active-directory

I create a user account with multiple UPNs in AD. How do we extract whole UPNs from AD?
For instance: sathishM#litwareinc.pri/; <UPN:: #litwareinc.pri |>
I would like to extract #litwareinc.pri and Thanks

That entire value (for example: sathishM#litwareinc.pri) is stored in the userPrincipalName attribute of the AD object. It is only AD Users and Computers that separates it.
If you want just the domain portion, then you will just need to split the string by the #. How you do that depends on how you plan on reading the object.


LDAP query to get list of members in an AD group

I checked a few posts asked the similar questions before, but none works for my case, not sure if something wrong on my side or it's the AD.
So I have security group at path:
CN=MigratedUsers,OU=Azure Groups,OU=Security Groups,OU=National Organization,DC=abc,DC=firm,AD
And in the MigratedUsers group, there is a member property with a few AD users in the group.
I am trying to get the list of users, so I can iterate through them.
So in my base location I specified:
OU=Azure Groups,OU=Security Groups,OU=National Organization,DC=abc,DC=firm
For the LDAP Filter I have:
(&(objectCategory=user)(memberOf=CN=MigratedUsers,OU=Azure Groups,OU=Security Groups,OU=National Organization,DC=abc,DC=firm))
The result returned 0 records.
I tried other combinations such as (&(objectCategory=group)(CN=MigratedUsers)), it doesn't work either.
So, could anyone point out to me if anything in my query is wrong or I need to start checking something else like AD settings etc.
Thank you.
Your first filter looks fine :
(&(objectCategory=user)(memberOf=CN=MigratedUsers,OU=Azure Groups,OU=Security Groups,OU=National Organization,DC=abc,DC=firm))
But the search base is not, (it's a group search base, while you want to retrieve user entries). The user base should look like this :
OU=Users,OU=National Organization,DC=abc,DC=firm
You're searching for users, but you set the base of the search to:
OU=Azure Groups,OU=Security Groups,OU=National Organization,DC=abc,DC=firm
That tells it to only return users that are in the Azure Groups OU. I'm guessing that there are no users in that OU. Set the base of the search to the root of the domain (e.g. DC=abc,DC=firm), or just don't set it at all, since that will be the default.
Your first filter is the correct one (which has the full DN of the group).

Azure AD Get Members using Logic apps

I want to get all group members in the Azure AD group. 5000 users are there. I'm only getting the 500 users using the Azure AD connector Get group members how can I do it in loop so that it will move to 101 to 200 users like that all the way. Any suggestions?
It is a bit more involved, but what you need to do is to get the raw response, azure ad connector is essentially a graph api call, so when you call that, it'll get some max amount of users, but also in the response, there will be a url in the #odata.nextLink field. this field contains the url to the next page of results. so in logic app or flow, you will have to first have a return list variable, create a loop that checks if the value of that while odata.nextlink is not null. then keep iterating and adding the results to the return list variable . until you reach the end, then return the return list variable.

LDAP query for Window AD

For authentication in Jitsi Meet, we would like to read out a Windows AD group with an ldap query. Unfortunately our ldap query does not work.
LDAP_BINDDN=CN=bind_user,OU=Administrative Accounts,OU=Benutzer,DC=domain,DC=local
LDAP_FILTER= (&(|objectclass=user))(|(memberof=CN=group,OU=Jitsi,OU=Sicherheit,OU=Gruppen,DC=domain,DC=local)
The error must be due to the filter, it works with the filter LDAP_FILTER = (sAMAccountName =% u).
Can you tell me what is wrong with our query.
A few things stand out to me:
The | in front of objectClass should not be there.
You have two closing parentheses after the objectClass condition, but the second one should be moved to the end of the whole query.
Oddly, objectClass=user will actually end up including other objects than just user accounts (like computer accounts). If you want to filter to only user objects, you have to use both (objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person). But that would only matter if you have other types of objects as members of that group.
Maybe this is just an error with pasting into the question, but there is a line break before (primaryGroupID=
I've never used Jitsi, but it may or may not like the space after LDAP_FILTER=. The other examples I see online don't show a space there.
It should look like this:
That means: find all user objects that are either members of that group, or have a primary group ID of 4989.

Active Directory: Map a domain user with a username from ForeignSecurityPrinciple group and check if user is part of another specific group

I have this problem: we try to authenticate a user against an Active Directory that uses ForeignSecurityPrinciple to map users from different domains.
We have several groups that are stored inside a single domain and users that are coming from different domains.
The problem we have here is that we cannot get the real user name from ForeignSecurityPrinciple.
We tried to use the guidelines from here:
but with no luck.
When we tried to edit the entry for group that had 3 members, we found this next to the member field:
CN = S-1-5-21-other numbers, CN=ForeignSecurityPrinciple; DC=DomainName, DC=local
Do you have other solutions for retrieving the username against Active Directory using ForeginSecurityPrinciple ?
Is there any recommendation for using that?
Thanks a lot in advance

LDAP nested group filter for microsoft AD

I would like to write a search filter which would help me retrieve all groups which a user is part of.
For instance:
Say I am retrieving entries for user A (which is part of group A). And group A may be part of group B and group D which in turn may be part of group E.
Now, my search filter should return me MemberOf attribute as all possible groups which user A is part of (in this specific case it is Group A, B, D, E).
Any pointers on how the search filter can look like?
This should do what you are asking about. It will return the FDN of each group the user is a memberOf, however, this queries the group, not the user.
As an example, to find all the groups that "CN=John Smith,DC=MyDomain,DC=NET" is a member of, set the base to the groups container DN; for example (OU=groupsOU,DC=MyDomain,DC=NET) and the scope to subtree, and use the following filter.
(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=(CN=John Smith,DC=MyDomain,DC=NET))
There is an attribute called tokenGroups in user object. It's a constructed attributes calculated by Active Directory on the runtime. It includes all the groups the user object belong to.
Make sure your domain has a Global Catalog and make sure the account that you are using Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group. Then, make sure tokenGroups is specified as one of the returned property. Do a base scope search on the user object.
You can use adfind.exe (joeware) to sort out this issue and to utilize standard ldap filters that are described here. For example:
Group nesting is specified to be like this:
(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=cn=Jim Smith,ou=West,dc=Domain,dc=com)
and if you use adfind, then it would look like this:
adfind -f "(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=cn=Jim Smith,ou=West,dc=Domain,dc=com)" samaccountname -list
If you want to have output other than samaccountname, for example displayname, or mail attribute, just add to the list. Also if you want to search multiple users, then you might want to have inputfile containing all users and some script to extract each lines to adfind for example.
