Everytimes i'm trying to run "npm start" in my vscode i'm getting this error in metro bundler
Couldn't start project on Android: Error running adb: No Android connected device found, and no emulators could be started automatically.
Please connect a device or create an emulator (https://docs.expo.io/workflow/android-studio-emulator).
Then follow the instructions here to enable USB debugging:
https://developer.android.com/studio/run/device.html#developer-device-options. If you are using Genymotion go to Settings -> ADB, select "Use custom Android SDK tools", and point it at your Android SDK directory."
and in android studio's log i'm getting this error
"Emulator: Warning: Quick Boot / Snapshots not supported on this machine. A CPU with EPT + UG features is currently needed. We will address this in a future release."
how to solve this issue? Thanks.
I am trying to automate iOS application using appium. I have done setting up in Xcode ( Performed clean, build and ran ) for the integration app to my real device and I observed the Integration app is installed into my real iphone 11 ( iOS version : 13.4) and then I checked for WebAgentRunner but it is not installed using xcode and later when I tried to connect to same real device using appium and trying to deploy my real app , I can install using appium but there are Error: Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure
I am getting error while deploying Oracle MAF application on android device. My error is mentioned in the image below:
I have already tried
adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb restart
But i am not getting the solution.
screenshot of error
This error seems to occur when Android SDK Platform Tools are updated to the latest version(Currently 27.0.1). Reverting to an older version will fix this.
I am currently on version 25.0.6. and am able to deploy to Android successfully.
I compiled react-native on Android v4.4.2 but the problems arised:
I tried to follow this solution, but I did not how to run on Command Prompt Windows 10:
$> cd myproject
$> react-native start > /dev/null 2>&1 &
$> curl "http://localhost:8081/index.android.bundle?platform=android" -o
> "android/app/src/main/assets/index.android.bundle
$> (cd android/ && ./gradlew assembleDebug)
I tried to compile the same way on Android V6.0. Then there was no problem at all.
How to make android V4.4.2 also can be use like Android v6.0 for my first react-native
project development?
That error means your React Native app can't fetch your JS files from your localhost. You'd usually just run react-native start to serve the JS files from your packager, but Android 4.4.x cannot connect to your localhost with the default adb reverse method.
The way I run on Android 4.4.x is to manually set the device to connect to my machine via Wi-Fi (Official guide here!).
Access the React Native dev menu by shaking your device or pressing the hardware menu button (can be done with Ctrl+M or Cmd+M in a simulator, IIRC)
Go to Dev Settings
Under the Debugging section, tap "Debug server host & port for device"
Enter your machine's IP address, as well as the port through which the React Native packager is serving, e.g. "" (make sure your device and your machine are on the same network!)
Reload through the dev menu again (or by pressing Ctrl+R or Cmd+R in a simulator, I think)
Try running this command
adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
I'm getting this following error after I ran my app on my own ios device.
No target specified for emulator. Deploying to iPhone-6 simulator
An error was encountered processing the command (domain=com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimError, code=159):
Invalid device state
An error was encountered processing the command (domain=com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimError, code=159):
Invalid device state
ENOENT, no such file or directory '/Users/cauealmeida/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/5C6DA43E-3993-4260-87EE-73FEB27DE181/system.log'
Error code 1 for command: ios-sim with args: launch,/Users/cauealmeida/Documents/jobs/dev/ionic-maptest/map-test/platforms/ios/build/emulator/map-test.app,--devicetypeid,com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-6,--stderr,/Users/cauealmeida/Documents/jobs/dev/ionic-maptest/map-test/platforms/ios/cordova/console.log,--stdout,/Users/cauealmeida/Documents/jobs/dev/ionic-maptest/map-test/platforms/ios/cordova/console.log,--exit
Error: /Users/cauealmeida/Documents/jobs/dev/ionic-maptest/map-test/platforms/ios/cordova/run: Command failed with exit code 2
I've tried with ionic emulate ios -cls from different projects and the same error is shown.
What am I missing?
Here are the steps you can use to correct this issue:
1) Empty the 'platforms' folder in your Ionic project
2) Re-run ionic platform add ios, ionic build ios, and ionic emulate ios without sudo
3) Still getting a permissions error, make sure all the files in your user's home folder actually belong to that user by running
sudo chown -R username /Users/username
We fixed this using the SO answer here, which was just to Reset Content and Settings in the Simulator menu.
You need to download ios simulator.
Go to xcode and download ios 9 or other simulator.
you also need to install ios-sim using your terminal.
sudo npm install -g ios-sim
also check and confirmed your device is connected properly.
connected device you see in xcode window
I am new to blackberry development and ran into this problem several times and cannot find a solution.
When I try to run an empty cascades project just with a simple HelloWorld label I get the following error
Deployment Failed: Info: Sending request: Install and Launch
Info: Action: Install and Launch
Info: Debug native: on
Info: File size: 190910
Info: Installing com.example.HelloWorld.testDev__HelloWorld7d1bfe91...
Info: Processing 190910 bytes
I'm using Momentics, VMware running BB10 Dev Alpha Sim and followed all the instructions here. http://developer.blackberry.com/cascades/documentation/getting_started/setting_up.html
I made sure my build config is set to Simulator-Debug and not even the example projects are able to run on the simulator.
Edit: I am not sure if this bit of info helps but when I try to run the application, the Progress hangs at 91% before the error dialog appears.
May be you are not setting the development Mode (like current Development Mode Simulator or Device) . I also getting the issue that Project Compile but not able to run on virtual Machine , today I sort the issue . check out the link http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Native-Development/BB10-Native-Cascades-SDK-not-connecting-to-Alpha-BB10-simulator/td-p/1719865/page/5