Error in the sentence "unload" using Informix - database

I try to use this sentence "unload" in Informix but it doesn't work:
UNLOAD TO 'p7024cargaP.unl' select * from p7024carga;
[Error] Script lines: 1-4 --------------------------
A syntax error has occurred.
Script line 1, statement line 1, column 1
So maybe it is because I am using this sentence in Aqua Data Studio.
I have a Windows system in my pc. Can someone help me?

UNLOAD is not a command understood by the server. Some tools, notably DB-Access, recognize the syntax and use a more or less complex sequence of operations to declare a cursor for the SELECT statement and then open the cursor, fetch each row, and format the result, writing to the named file.
Your primary option is to use DB-Access to execute the statement. That is certainly the simplest.


Replace is not working for weird character

I use UPDATE a SET GR_P = REPLACE(GR_P,'','') FROM mytable a to replace things.
But replace function is not working for below charter:
In Query analyzer it works but when I used SSIS Execute SQL task or OLEDB Source then it is giving me error:
No Connection manager is specified.
In Toad against Oracle (since that's one of your tags), I issued this (pressing ALT-12 to get the female symbol) and got 191 as a result. note selecting it back using CHR(191) shows an upside-down question mark though.
select ascii('♀') from dual;
Given that, this worked but it's Oracle syntax, your mileage may vary.
UPDATE mytable SET GR_P = REPLACE(GR_P, CHR(191));
Note if it does not work, that symbol could be for another control character. You may need to use a regular expression to eliminate all characters not in a-zA-Z0-9, etc. I suspect you'll need to update your tags to get a more accurate answer.
Maybe this info will help anyway. Please post back what you find out.

Setting the identifier quote character in Linq2Db

I find it hard to imagine that this question hasn't been asked before, but I couldn't find it.
I would like to use Linq2Db for Sybase and I need to change the identifier quoting characters from [ and ] to " and ", which is what Sybase uses. Is there anyway to do this? I tried looking at the linq2db source code once and it appears that these characters are hard coded, but I'm not sure (I think it would be silly to hard code them). Using Linq2db as it comes always produces errors around the "[" when Sybase executes the queries.
This is Sybase ASE 12.5, and it does not like [];
Here are some sample queries and the error message:
set quoted_identifier on
select * from "client" where clnt_id=140
select * from [client] where clnt_id=140
the first query works, but the second gives:
Incorrect syntax near '['. [SQLCODE=102, SQLSTATE="42000", Server=testtrng_ss1, Severity Level=15, State=1, Transaction State=1, Line=3]

How to fix locale errors in RODBC (WAS: R CMD BATCH: "$ operator is invalid for atomic vectors" but not in Rstudio)

Maybe related: Stack overflow: Windoes does not support UTF-8
I have a script which I can source from Rstudio, but when I try to source it from Rgui.exe or try to BATCH CMD run, I get the following error in my Rout file:
Error in easy_clean$Sv_Karakter: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
The reason is that the database table I am quering have a latin charachter 'ø' in its name (se third line below). So the result of my query is this (as per str(easy)):
"1";"42000 102 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near '¸'."
"2";"[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect 'select *
from PrøveDeltager a
left outer join Aftaler b
ON b.Cpr = a.CPR
where a.slut >= '20140808'
AND a.slut <='20140818'
AND a.Branche = 'vvs'
AND a.SaleID is not null
AND a.CPR in (select x.CPRNR from Statistik x)
order by Sv_Karakter'"
In rstudio the query works.
Sys.getlocale('LC_CTYPE')returns Danish_Denmark.1252 in both R.gui and Rstudio - so I don't know how to fix this.
I did find this link to developer.r-project which discus windows locales (quite old though).
For now I have created a database view without the 'ø' - that view I can call without problems from R.
From sessionInfo I can say that:
Rstudio R is 64 bit, and R.exe is 32 bit.
Other than that, the only difference is this, for Rstudio:
loaded via a namespace (and not attached): 1 tools_3.1.0
Since I can't write my database credentials, I can't create a reproducible example. But here is the script.
Two ways I can imagine that would yield an error with that code: one is if this results in a single column:
In that case, the result would be a vector because of the default action of the "[" function to create atomic vectors from single column results. The attempts to extract that column would fail with that error. The other case of failure (but perhaps not that error) would be when there was no 'Sv_Karakter' column in the 'easy' dataframe.
Better efforts at documentation by offering str(easy) or dput(head(easy)) are needed.
Your query returned an error message and it was in the form of an R vector. So that explains the particular error. You now need to figure out how your db connection is getting messed up, as Andreas was saying.

What exactly does the T-SQL "LineNo" reserved word do?

I was writing a query against a table today on a SQL Server 2000 box, and while writing the query in Query Analyzer, to my surprise I noticed the word LineNo was converted to blue text.
It appears to be a reserved word according to MSDN documentation, but I can find no information on it, just speculation that it might be a legacy reserved word that doesn't do anything.
I have no problem escaping the field name, but I'm curious -- does anyone know what "LineNo" in T-SQL is actually used for?
OK, this is completely undocumented, and I had to figure it out via trial and error, but it sets the line number for error reporting. For example:
The above will give you an error message, indicating an error at line 27 (instead of 3, if you convert the LINENO line to a single line comment (e.g., by prefixing it with two hyphens) ):
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 27
Invalid object name 'NON_EXISTENT_TABLE'.
This is related to similar mechanisms in programming languages, such as the #line preprocessor directives in Visual C++ and Visual C# (which are documented, by the way).
How is this useful, you may ask? Well, one use of this it to help SQL code generators that generate code from some higher level (than SQL) language and/or perform macro expansion, tie generated code lines to user code lines.
P.S., It is not a good idea to rely on undocumented features, especially when dealing with a database.
Update: This explanation is still correct up to and including the current version of SQL Server, which at the time of this writing is SQL Server 2008 R2 Cumulative Update 5 (10.50.1753.0) .
Depending on where you use it, you can always use [LineNo]. For example:
select LnNo [LineNo] from OrderLines.

Script output to file when using SQL-Developer

I have a select query producing a big output and I want to execute it in sqldeveloper, and get all the results into a file.
Sql-developer does not allow a result bigger than 5000 lines, and I have 100 000 lines to fetch...
I know i could use SQL+, but let's assume I want to do this in sqldeveloper.
Instead of using Run Script (F5), use Run Statement (Ctrl+Enter). Run Statement fetches 50 records at a time and displays them as you scroll through the results...but you can save the entire output to a file by right-clicking over the results and selecting Export Data -> csv/html/etc.
I'm a newbie SQLDeveloper user, so if there is a better way please let me know.
This question is really old, but posting this so it might help someone with a similar issue.
You can store your query in a query.sql file and and run it as a script. Here is a sample query.sql:
spool "C:\path\query_result.txt";
select * from my_table;
spool off;
In oracle sql developer you can just run this script like this and you should be able to get the result in your query_result.txt file.
Yes you can increase the size of the Worksheet by change the setting Tool-->Preferences - >Database -> Worksheet -> Max rows to print in a script(depends on you).
Mike G answer will work if you only want the output of a single statement.
However, if you want the output of a whole sql script with several statements, SQL*Plus reports, and some other output formats, you can use the spool command the same way as it is used in SQL*Plus.
