How can I reset a dragged component to its original position with react-draggable? - reactjs

I try to implement a function in my app that allows the user to reset all the components that he dragged around to be reset to their original position.
I assume that this functionality exists in react-draggable because of this closed and released issue: "Allow reset of dragging position" ( However I did not find any hint in the documentation (
There was one question with the same content in stackoverflow, but it has been removed (
Thanks for your help :-)

The referenced issue on the GitHub references a commit. After taking a look at the changes made in this commit, I found a resetState callback added to the useDraggable hook. In another place in the commit, I found a change to the test file which shows usage of the hook.
function Consumer(props) {
const {
} = useDraggable(props);
const { style = defaultStyle } = props;
return (
{dragging && <span>Dragging to:</span>}
{delta.x}, {delta.y}
<button className='handle' ref={handleRef}>
<button onClick={resetState}>reset</button>
The hook returns a set of callbacks, including this callback, which can be used to reset the state of the draggable.

I wanted the component to reset back to its original position when the component was dropped.
Using hooks I monitored if the component was being dragged and when it was false reset the position otherwise it would be undefined.
export default function DraggableComponent(props: any) {
const {label} = props
const [isDragging, setIsDragging] = useState<boolean>(false)
const handleStart = (event: any, info: DraggableData) => {
const handleStop = (event: any, info: DraggableData) => {
return (
position={!isDragging? { x: 0, y: 0 } : undefined}

Simple approach would be:
creating a new component to wrap our functionality around the Draggable callbacks
reset position when onStop callback is triggered
import { useState } from 'react';
import Draggable, { DraggableData, DraggableEvent, DraggableProps } from 'react-draggable';
export function Drag({ children, onStop, }: Partial<DraggableProps>) {
const initial = { x: 0, y: 0 }
const [pos, setPos] = useState(initial)
function _onStop(e: DraggableEvent, data: DraggableData){
onStop?.(e, data)
return (
<Draggable position={pos} onStop={_onStop} {}>
export function App() {
return (
<Drag> Drag me </Drag>

Note that this answer does not work.
None of these approaches worked for me, but tobi2424's post on issue 214 of the Draggable repo did. Here's a minimal proof-of-concept:
import React from "react";
import Draggable from "react-draggable";
const DragComponent = () => {
// Updates the drag position parameter passed to Draggable
const [dragPosition, setDragPosition] = React.useState(null);
// Fires when the user stops dragging the element
const choiceHandler = () => {
setDragPosition({x: 0, y: 0});
return (
Drag me
export default DragComponent;
The code above works intermittently but not particularly well. As far as I can work out, react-draggable stores data about the position of the dragged element somewhere outside of React, in order to preserve the position of the element between component refreshes. I was unable to determine how to reset the position of the element on command and none of the other example code solves the problem for me.

You can do this in a very haphazard manner. There may be another way to set state more safely on this but I didn't look too deeply into it.
import React from 'react';
export default class 😊 extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.draggableEntity = React.createRef();
resetDraggable() {
try {
this.draggableEntity.current.state.x = 0;
this.draggableEntity.current.state.y = 0;
} catch (err) {
// Fail silently
render() {
return (
<img onClick={(e) => {this.resetDraggable()}}></img>

There happens to be another way! You can use it's exposed ref element to reset its offset. This can be achieved like so:
import React, {useRef, useCallback} from "react";
import Draggable from "react-draggable";
const DragComponent = () => {
// Updates the drag position parameter passed to Draggable
const [dragPosition, setDragPosition] = React.useState(null);
const draggerRef = useRef(null);
// Fires when the user stops dragging the element
const resetDrag = useCallback(() => {
setDragPosition({x: 0, y: 0});
draggerRef.current?.setState({ x: 0, y: 0 }); // This is what resets it!
}, [setDragPosition, draggerRef]);
return (
Drag me
export default DragComponent;


React Context is not working as expected: Unable to change the value of shared variable

I made a context to share the value of the variable "clicked" throughout my nextjs pages, it seems to give no errors but as you can see the variable's value remains FALSE even after the click event. It does not change to TRUE. This is my first time working with context, what am I doing wrong?
I'm using typescript
PS: After the onClick event the log's number shoots up by 3 or 4, is it being executed more than once, but how?
import { createContext, FC, useState } from "react";
export interface MyContext {
clicked: boolean;
changeClicked?: () => void;
const defaultState = {
clicked: false,
const ControlContext = createContext<MyContext>(defaultState);
export const ControlProvider: FC = ({ children }) => {
const [clicked, setClicked] = useState(defaultState.clicked);
const changeClicked = () => setClicked(!clicked);
return (
export default ControlContext;
import ControlContext from "../contexts/controlsContext";
export default function Model (props:any) {
const group = useRef<THREE.Mesh>(null!)
const {clicked, changeClicked } = useContext(ControlContext);
const handleClick = (e: MouseEvent) => {
useEffect(() => {
}, [clicked]);
useFrame((state, delta) => (group.current.rotation.y += 0.01));
const model = useGLTF("/scene.gltf ");
return (
<TransformControls enabled={clicked}>
scale={clicked ? 0.5 : 0.2}
<primitive object={model.scene}/>
import {ControlProvider} from '../contexts/controlsContext';
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
return (
<Component {...pageProps}
export default MyApp
You are not actually invoking the changeClicked callback.
React state updates are asynchronously processed, so you can't log the state being updated in the same callback scope as the enqueued update, it will only ever log the state value from the current render cycle, not what it will be in a subsequent render cycle.
You've listed the changeClicked callback as optional, so Typescript will warn you if you don't use a null-check before calling changeClicked.
const { clicked, changeClicked } = useContext(ControlContext);
onClick={(event) => {
changeClicked && changeClicked();
Or declare the changeClicked as required in call normally. You are already providing changeClicked as part of the default context value, and you don't conditionally include in in the provider, so there's no need for it to be optional.
export interface MyContext {
clicked: boolean,
changeClicked: () => void
const { clicked, changeClicked } = useContext(ControlContext);
onClick={(event) => {
Use an useEffect hook in to log any state updates.
const { clicked, changeClicked } = useContext(ControlContext);
useEffect(() => {
}, [clicked]);
After working with you and your sandbox it needed a few tweaks.
Wrapping the index.tsx JSX code with the ControlProvider provider component so there was a valid context value being provided to the app. The UI here had to be refactored into a React component so it could itself also consume the context value.
It seems there was some issue with the HTML canvas element, or the mesh element that was preventing the Modal component from maintaining a "solid" connection with the React context. It wasn't overtly clear what the issue was here, but passing the context values directly to the Modal component as props resolved the issue with the changeClicked callback becoming undefined.
A few things -
setClicked((prev) => !prev);
instead of
As it ensures it's not using stale state. Then you are also doing -
But it should be -
Lastly, you cannot console.log(clicked) straight after calling the set state function, it will be updated in the next render

React Context value gets updated, but component doesn't re-render

This Codesandbox only has mobile styles as of now
I currently have a list of items being rendered based on their status.
Goal: When the user clicks on a nav button inside the modal, it updates the status type in context. Another component called SuggestionList consumes the context via useContext and renders out the items that are set to the new status.
Problem: The value in context is definitely being updated, but the SuggestionList component consuming the context is not re-rendering with a new list of items based on the status from context.
This seems to be a common problem:
Does new React Context API trigger re-renders?
React Context api - Consumer Does Not re-render after context changed
Component not re rendering when value from useContext is updated
I've tried a lot of suggestions from different posts, but I just cannot figure out why my SuggestionList component is not re-rendering upon value change in context. I'm hoping someone can give me some insight.
import { useState, createContext } from 'react';
export const RenderTypeContext = createContext();
export const RenderTypeProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [type, setType] = useState('suggestion');
const renderControls = {
console.log(type); // logs out the new value, but does not cause a re-render in the SuggestionList component
return (
<RenderTypeContext.Provider value={renderControls}>
// SuggestionPage.jsx
export const SuggestionsPage = () => {
return (
<Header />
<FeedbackBar />
<SuggestionList />
// SuggestionList.jsx
import { RenderTypeContext } from '../../../../components/MobileModal/context';
export const SuggestionList = () => {
const retrievedRequests = useContext(RequestsContext);
const renderType = useContext(RenderTypeContext);
const { type } = renderType;
const renderedRequests = retrievedRequests.filter((req) => req.status === type);
return (
<main className={styles.container}>
{!renderedRequests.length && <EmptySuggestion />}
{renderedRequests.length && => (
<Suggestion request={request} key={request.title} />
// Button.jsx
import { RenderTypeContext } from './context';
export const Button = ({ handleClick, activeButton, index, title }) => {
const tabRef = useRef();
const renderType = useContext(RenderTypeContext);
const { setType } = renderType;
useEffect(() => {
if (index === 0) {
}, [index]);
return (
className={`${styles.buttons} ${
activeButton === index && styles.activeButton
onClick={() => {
ref={index === 0 ? tabRef : null}
After a good night's rest, I finally solved it. It's amazing what you can miss when you're tired.
I didn't realize that I was placing the same provider as a child of itself. Once I removed the child provider, which was nested within itself, and raised the "parent" provider up the tree a little bit, everything started working.
So the issue wasn't that the component consuming the context wasn't updating, it was that my placement of providers was conflicting with each other. I lost track of my component tree. Dumb mistake.
The moral of the story, being tired can make you not see solutions. Get rest.

react functional component with ag grid cannot call parent function via context

I am using ag-grid-react and ag-grid-community version 22.1.1. My app is written using functional components and hooks. I have a cellrenderer component that is attempting to call a handler within the parent component using the example found here. Is this a bug in ag-grid? I have been working on this application for over a year as I learn React, and this is my last major blocker so any help or a place to go to get that help would be greatly appreciated.
Cell Renderer Component
import React from 'react';
import Button from '../../button/button';
const RowButtonRenderer = props => {
const editClickHandler = (props) => {
let d =;
const deleteClickHandler = (props) => {
return (<span>
<Button classname={'rowbuttons'} onClick={() => { editClickHandler(props) }} caption={'Edit'} />
<Button classname={'rowbuttons'} onClick={() => { deleteClickHandler(props) }} caption={'Delete'} />
export default RowButtonRenderer;
Parent Component
function Checking() {
function foo(props) {
let toggle = displayModal
const context = {componentParent: (props) => foo(props)};
const gridOptions = (params) => {
if (params.node.rowIndex % 2 === 0) {
return { background: "#ACC0C6" };
const frameworkComponents = {
rowButtonRenderer: RowButtonRenderer,
return (
context = {context}
When clicking the edit button on a row, the debugger says that there is a function.
This error is received though:
You are passing the context object in this code section:
const context = {componentParent: (props) => foo(props)};
And in your cell renderer you call this{d});
While it should be this
Also you can assign your callback directly since it receives the same parameter and returns the same result (if any)
function foo(props) {
let toggle = displayModal
const context = {componentParent: foo};
You can also use this shorthand syntax from ES6 when assigning object property
function componentParent(props) {
let toggle = displayModal
const context = {componentParent};
Live Demo

ReactJS sending ref to global useContext state (Konva)

I am using useContext as a global state solution. I have a Store.jsx which contains my state, and a reducer.jsx which reduces. I am using Konva to create some shapes on an HTML5 Canvas. My goal is when I click on a shape I want to update my global state with a reference to what is active, and when I click again, to clear the reference.
My Full Code can be found here:
The problem is when I update the global state via the onClick event of a shape, its says that the reference is 'null', but when I console.log the reference in the onClick I can see the correct reference.
I think I am missing an important point to how useRef works.
This is how the flow appears in my head when I think about this:
I create a canvas, and I map an array of rectangle properties. This creates 4 rectangles. I use a wrapper component that returns a rectangle.
{, index) => {
return (
<RectWrapper key={index} rectangle={rectangle} index={index} />
Inside the RectWrapper, I create a reference, pass it to the ref prop of the Rect. In the onclick function, when I console log 'shapeRef' I see the refence ONLY when dispatch is commented out. If I uncomment dispatch then it shows as null, and if I console log the state, the reference is always null.
const RectWrapper = ({ rectangle, index }) => {
const shapeRef = React.useRef();
return (
x={rectangle.x + index * 100}
onClick={() => {
console.log("ShapeRef: ");
console.log(shapeRef); // This correctly identifies the rect only when dispatch is uncommented
type: "active_image",
payload: {
index: index,
reference: shapeRef
perhaps I am going about this to wrong way with hooks. I am just trying to keep a global state of whats been clicked on because components in another file would rely on this state.
The problem is happening because you are creating RectWrapper component as a functional component within your App component causing a new reference of the component to be created again and again and thus the reference is lost
Move your RectWrapper into a separate component declared outside of App component and pass on dispatch as a prop to it
import React, { useEffect, useContext, useState, Component } from "react";
import { Stage, Layer, Rect, Transformer } from "react-konva";
import { Context } from "./Store.jsx";
import "./styles.css";
const RectWrapper = ({ rectangle, index, dispatch }) => {
const shapeRef = React.useRef();
return (
x={rectangle.x + index * 100}
onClick={() => {
console.log("ShapeRef: ");
type: "active_image",
payload: {
index: index,
reference: shapeRef
export default function App() {
const [state, dispatch] = useContext(Context);
console.log("Global State:");
const rectArray = [
{ x: 10, y: 10 },
{ x: 10, y: 10 },
{ x: 10, y: 10 },
{ x: 10, y: 10 }
return (
<div className="App">
<Stage height={500} width={500}>
{, index) => {
return (
Working demo
I don't think you need to create a ref in RectWrapper, because onClick has one event parameter. And the ref of the element that was clicked can be found in the event:
onClick={(e) => {
const thisRef =;
console.log(thisRef );
Here is a working version without useRef:

UseEffect causes infinite loop with swipeable routes

I am using the library to set up some swipeable views in my React app.
I have a custom context that contains a dynamic list of views that need to be rendered as children of the swipeable router, and I have added two buttons for a 'next' and 'previous' view for desktop users.
Now I am stuck on how to get the next and previous item from the array of modules.
I thought to fix it with a custom context and custom hook, but when using that I am getting stuck in an infinite loop.
My custom hook:
import { useContext } from 'react';
import { RootContext } from '../context/root-context';
const useShow = () => {
const [state, setState] = useContext(RootContext);
const setModules = (modules) => {
setState((currentState) => ({
const setActiveModule = (currentModule) => {
// here is the magic. we get the currentModule, so we know which module is visible on the screen
// with this info, we can determine what the previous and next modules are
const index = state.modules.findIndex((module) => ===;
// if we are on first item, then there is no previous
let previous = index - 1;
if (previous < 0) {
previous = 0;
// if we are on last item, then there is no next
let next = index + 1;
if (next > state.modules.length - 1) {
next = state.modules.length - 1;
// update the state. this will trigger every component listening to the previous and next values
setState((currentState) => ({
previous: state.modules[previous].id,
next: state.modules[next].id,
return {
modules: state.modules,
previous: state.previous,
export default useShow;
My custom context:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
export const RootContext = React.createContext([{}, () => {}]);
export default (props) => {
const [state, setState] = useState({});
return (
<RootContext.Provider value={[state, setState]}>
and here the part where it goes wrong, in my Content.js
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import SwipeableRoutes from 'react-swipeable-routes';
import useShow from '../../hooks/useShow';
import NavButton from '../NavButton';
// for this demo we just have one single module component
// when we have real data, there will be a VoteModule and CommentModule at least
// there are 2 important object given to the props; module and match
// module comes from us, match comes from swipeable views library
const ModuleComponent = ({ module, match }) => {
// we need this function from the custom hook
const { setActiveModule } = useShow();
// if this view is active (match.type === 'full') then we tell the show hook that
useEffect(() => {
if (match.type === 'full') {
return (
<div style={{ height: 300, backgroundColor: module.title }}>{module.title}</div>
const Content = () => {
const { modules, previousModule, nextModule } = useShow();
// this is a safety measure, to make sure we don't start rendering stuff when there are no modules yet
if (!modules) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
// this determines which component needs to be rendered for each module
// when we have real data we will switch on module.type or something similar
const getComponentForModule = (module) => {
// this is needed to get both the module and match objects inside the component
// the module object is provided by us and the match object comes from swipeable routes
const ModuleComponentWithProps = (props) => (
<ModuleComponent module={module} {...props} />
return ModuleComponentWithProps;
// this renders all the modules
// because we return early if there are no modules, we can be sure that here the modules array is always existing
const renderModules = () => ( => (
return (
<div className="content">
<NavButton type="previous" to={previousModule} />
<NavButton type="next" to={nextModule} />
export default Content;
For sake of completion, also my NavButton.js :
import React from 'react';
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';
const NavButton = ({ type, to }) => {
const iconClassName = ['fa'];
if (type === 'next') {
} else {
return (
<div className="">
<NavLink className="nav-link-button" to={`/${to}`}>
<i className={iconClassName.join(' ')} />
export default NavButton;
In Content.js there is this part:
// if this view is active (match.type === 'full') then we tell the show hook that
useEffect(() => {
if (match.type === 'full') {
which is causing the infinite loop. If I comment out the setActiveModule call, then the infinite loop is gone, but of course then I also won't have the desired outcome.
I am sure I am doing something wrong in either the usage of useEffect and/or the custom hook I have created, but I just can't figure out what it is.
Any help is much appreciated
I think it's the problem with the way you are using the component in the Route.
Try using:
component={() => getComponentForModule(module)}
I have a feeling that it's because of your HOC.
Can you try
And get the module from the match object.
const ModuleComponent = ({ match }) => {
const {type, module} = match;
const { setActiveModule } = useShow();
useEffect(() => {
if (type === 'full') {
},[module, setActiveModule]);
match is an object and evaluated in the useEffect will always cause the code to be executed. Track match.type instead. Also you need to track the module there. If that's an object, you'll need to wrap it in a deep compare hook:
useEffect(() => {
if (match.type === 'full') {
},[match.type, module]);
