iOS debug error, debug certificate generation - codenameone

I am trying to build my ios app in debug to test it i couldn't find a debug certificate so i used a development cert.
I got this in the build
The provided provisioning profile and certificate do not match. Please ensure that the provisioning profile you provide was generated using the certificate that you provide.
To skip validation, you may add the ios.validateProvisioningProfile=false build hint
Here is my actual configuration of certificates
I couldn't find any documentation about it.
Thanks in advance

I'm assuming you made these manually and didn't use the certificate wizard to make them. The P12 certificate information is also embedded into the provisioning profile so if you use a provisioning profile that was generated with a different certificate it just won't work.
You can enable that build hint in the build hints section if you want compilation to continue but it will probably just take longer to fail and will give a more obtuse answer.
A solution would be to use the certificate wizard and redo your certificates.
If you did this manually then redo everything. There are many nuances to making a P12 file and it's possible one of those was missed.


Side loading certificate

How do I make the warning go away that my app is unsafe to install when side loading?
Do I have to create a certificate? This app is never intended to be released in the Windows Store. I read on MSDN that there is a test certificate shipped with every VS project, so not sure why this warning exists.
How do I make the warning go away that my app is unsafe to install when side loading?
I think there is no way to make it go away.
Do I have to create a certificate?
Yes, otherwise it will fail when you package your UWP apps. And if the certificate is not installed on your device, your app cannot be installed in sideload mode.
so not sure why this warning exists.
Because our test certificate is not a microsoft trusted certificate, certification is used for recognizing the developer of this app, for sideload, we only need a self-trusted certificate or a business uniform pfx.
Update: Where to choose the certificate:

Apple Developer and AppStore Cert Not genrated in codename one

Our app working fine for past 2 months on generation of .ipa and device specific builds. Last 2 days we are getting Developer Cert Not generated and Apple Cert Not generated. Could please help on this
I have created provisional certificates and downloads with specific devices I am getting files with .mobileprovision which are not accepted in IOS tabs.
Please look into and send me some resolutions for this
Please find Error log information at end of the file
FYI I suggest moving to the new certificate wizard that's within the Codename One Settings tool.
There seems to be an issue which may be temporary so it might work if you retry. If this is still happening let us know and we will seek a permanent fix for it.
As a workaround if the issue is still there you can login to your Apple developer account and revoke your certificates then re-run the certificate wizard. It should work as the process failure is during the revoke stage.
Notice that revoking certificates should have no affect on apps in production.

My website is not work on mobile devices. certificate error

I created web site and from computer it works. But we have problem on android google chrome. error
"Your connection is private" ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID.
any idea? please help.
Question is do yo have a SSL certificate on the website? If so how did you create it?
It probably wasn't created correctly. Check the date on your server that you created the certificate one. Remake the certificate and reassign it.
The error just means that the date on your SSL certificate isn't valid.
I used cerificate checker and got error:
The certificate is not trusted in all web browsers. You may need to install an Intermediate/chain certificate to link it to a trusted root certificate. Learn more about this error. You can fix this by following Comodo's Certificate Installation Instructions for your server platform (use these instructions for InstantSSL). Pay attention to the parts about Intermediate certificates.
So sysadmin have to fix installation.

what is the purpose of self certificate?

i have developed a winform application in VS 2010 using c#.
Created setup and now faced "publisher unknown" situation when starting the application.
Then came to know that need to sign the application with digital certificate. But i am so confused with creating the certificate. I saw that we can create self certificates using makecert,cert2spec tools.
While creating the certificate i got a link by googling that saying "If you use a test (self-created) certificate, the installation dialogs will display an "Unknown publisher" message".
So actually what is the purpose of self certificate creation.
Pls help me to understand ths. I am new to this topic and correct me if have done anything wrong.
Thank You.
There's quite a good explanation on this page:
You can create your own signing certificate with Visual Studio (check
out the Signing tab, and that button that says “Create Test
Certificate”) or using a program called MakeCert. When you do this,
the trust dialog says the publisher is unknown. If you purchase a
certificate, the trust dialog will list your company as the publisher.
The certificate vendor basically guarantees that you are who you say
you are.
My company (GoldMail) uses ClickOnce to deploy our application from a
content delivery network to our customers, The Public. We did not want
our deployment to say “Unknown Publisher”; we wanted it to say
“Published by: GoldMail”. This gives our customers a warm cozy feeling
when installing our application from the internet, and provides
reassurance that it is coming from our company and not from some guy
living in the frozen tundra hacking deployments for fun.
If your application is going to be deployed internally, you might
choose to forego the cost of a purchased certificate, because people
would know where the application was coming from even if it didn’t
specify that on the installation dialogs. You can also choose to
install the test certificate on each user’s machine, and the trust
dialog will then show the name on the certificate as if it were one
purchased from a vendor.
You also might want to use a test certificate if you are deploying
your application for specific customers who know you and know the
application is coming from you, like if you are writing shareware, or
creating an application for your friends and family to use to keep
track of what you want for your birthday and Christmas.
Well, a Self Signed Certificate is the root certificate by which you can create child certificates, and those child certificates are authenticated against the self sign certificate, being self signed means that it holds its private key by which it was created.
For instance, when you want to use a certificate on a web site and also you want to have it verified by an authentication issuer, you ask an issuer like verisign in order to get a certificate. So when a user enters your site by https it will recognise that you own a certificate, and the way to verify that the certificate corresponds to your organization is by checking it against verisign certificate.
You can create self-signed certificates to emulate the production environment, what you will be doing is faking verisigns responsibility.

Looking to build a WPF XBap with full trust, can a purchased certificate get past some of the security issues?

We are developing an application that needs to talk to some hardware (serial port) on the machine, and most of what we do is WPF and .net, so an xbap seems logical.
My concern is with the certifcates. I have seen a bunch of people showing how to create and self sign applications, but then the user is required to install that to their machine manual to trust the root. I am curious if we purchase an cert from say Verisign if that requirement will then go away?
I have no problem if there is a prompt requesting full trust, but I do not want my remote users dealing with installing certificates.
If you purchase a code signing certificate from a trusted authority then the users will not need to do anything with certificates.
If your certificate comes from a trusted authority, the users won't generally need to worry about it (where it becomes an issue is if you let your certificate lapse). If you're a member of Code Project, you can get a "cheap" certificate from one of their partners. More information here.
there is a solution here =D
XBAP full trust deployment
create your own certificate and deploy full trust. 0 cost. if you're looking something like secure layer cert, you may head on for free SSL
