How to get headers from within Exchange object in the body object - apache-camel

I have headers i'm setting within a function and then saving the Exchange objects to a list.
newExchange.`in`.setHeader("aggregationCount", 3)
Im then trying to retrieve this header later on and I can see it, in the object its in the path of - How would I access this variable, I've tried (e.`in`.getHeader("aggregationCount") however this doesn't work. All i need to is to pass a variable/property through on the Exchange object, if there is other ways to do this, tell me and i can just use this instead.

Within the Camel route, you can simply use .header("HeaderName") to return the header value. In this case, something like:
Or if you need to use the value in a conditional:
To answer your other question, you could also use exchangeProperty to store and retrieve values.


Is there a way to use variables inside a Botkit dialog?

I'm trying to make a dialog which shows a dynamic carousel with botkit.
I want the items in this carousel to change according to data on a JSON, I already have a function which creates and updates an "attachmentJSON" variable in the correct format using the data from the original JSON, so it should look something like this:
dialog.ask({ "attachment": attachmentJSON }
The function that updates attachmentJSON is called by several different 'bot.hears' on runtime.
Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do?
I really doubt it's the best solution, but what I ended up doing is creating a function which overwrites the dialog using the updated JSON, and call this "updateConversation" function everytime I need it.
It works at the very least.

Intercepting Camel Endpoint Dynamically

I am trying to intercept an endpoint where the value of the URI matches some information in the exchange header.
Let say I have a field in the header called DatabaseName. I want to enforce that a specific route is only writing to the database specified in the header.
Can I do something like this?
I tried that but it does not seem to work. What are my options?
I was also thinking of doing something like:
But in this case, I am not sure if I can reference the URI of the intercepted node in the when expression.
You can intercept using a wildcard and combine that with when to do what you want, see details at:
The is a header on the Message with the key Exchange.INTERCEPTED_ENDPOINT (CamelInterceptedEndpoint) that has the endpoint uri that was intercepted. You can use that in the when to match the predicate. Something a like:
.when(simple("${header.CamelInterceptedEndpoint} == ${in.header.DatabaseName}"))
Use the recipientList instruction for this:

Can i get the filename like #[header:originalFilename] in a component in mule3

I use
after a file connector, and then write a component to deal with the gzip+base64 content.
How can i get the file name in the component?
Note that we introduced annotations in Mule 3 for doing runtime injection, this means you can specify how to invoke a component without needing transformers i.e.
public void save(#Payload String fileContents, #InboundHeaders("originalFilename") String originalFilename)
Does your component implement Callable? If not, do you want to keep your component Mule-unaware?
Based on your answers to these questions, different options exist:
With Callable, you get the headers in message.getProperty...
Without implementing Callable, you can access RequestContext to get the current Mule event and from there reach the message properties. But this makes your component Mule aware.
Otherwise, have your component's method take a second parameter (String originalFilename) and use a standard expression transformer to transform the payload in an array that contains: #payload, #[header:originalFilename]. This arrays will then be passed as arguments to your component's method.
with this expression you can get the original file name in the component.

Passing parameters to ->redirect() via $_GET

Hi I have this sentence
$g->addButton('')->set('NEW ACTIVITY')->js('click')->univ()->redirect('newactivity');
Is it possible to call the "redirect" method and passing parameters via $_GET ? so in the page "newactivity" I can ask for $_GET['something'] ?
Something like this
$g->addButton('')->set('NEW ACTIVITY')->js('click')->univ()->redirect('newactivity?id=1'); (this doesn't work)
$g->addButton('')->set('NEW ACTIVITY')->js('click')->univ()->redirect('newactivity','id=1');
What you need is to properly build destination URL.
using stickyGET will affect ALL the urls you are going to produce form this point on. So if you add 2 links, each of them would be passing ID.
stickyGET is better if you need to pass argument which was already passed through GET, such as
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CakePHP RequestHandler: setContent/renderAs/respondAs .. what?

Can someone please explain these functions:
It feels slightly redundant to have all three of them (as public methods anyway). If I want to respond to a request with a PDF file, does that mean I'd have to call all three functions? How should I use these in my controller?
They're all different. From the API Docs:
Sets the layout and template paths for the content type defined by $type.
I.e. more or less a shortcut for $this->layout = '...' and $this->render(...).
Sets the response header based on type map index name. If DEBUG is greater than 2, the header is not set.
Outputs header(...).
Adds/sets the Content-type(s) for the given name. This method allows content-types to be mapped to friendly aliases (or extensions), which allows RequestHandler to automatically respond to requests of that type in the startup method.
Doesn't actually do anything to the output, just allows you to add new types that are not defined by default.
For outputting a PDF (assuming you have it as a file already) you should actually use a Media View.
